17 research outputs found

    Influence of Lactobacillus kefiri on Intestinal Microbiota and Fecal IgA Content of Healthy Dogs

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    The increasing incidence of gastrointestinal tract pathologies in dogs and the worrisome topic of antibiotic resistance have raised the need to look for new therapeutic frontiers. Of these, the use of probiotics represents a potential therapeutic alternative. Lactobacillus kefiri (Lk) is a species of Lactobacillus isolated from kefir. Previous studies have demonstrated that its administration in mice downregulates the expression of proinflammatory mediators and increases anti-inflammatory molecules in the gut immune system. It also regulates intestinal homeostasis, incrementing immunoglobulin A (IgA) secretion. Since Lk has never been studied as a single probiotic in dogs, the aim of this study was to evaluate the safety of Lk in dogs, and its effect on IgA secretion and on intestinal microbiota composition. Ten healthy dogs without a history of gastrointestinal diseases were included. The dogs received Lk at a dose of 107 live microorganisms orally, once daily for 30 days. The fecal samples were tested before administration, in the middle, at the end, and 30 days after discontinuation. The IgA secretion concentration and the microbiota composition were evaluated on the fecal samples. The results in this study suggested that Lk did not influence the concentration of IgA, nor significant changes of the intestinal microbiota were observed during and after the treatment. Therefore, additional studies are needed to investigate if a higher daily dosage of Lk can influence the intestinal homeostasis of dogs

    Biosafety in surgical pathology in the era of SARS-Cov2 pandemia. A statement of the Italian Society of Surgical Pathology and Cytology

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    Surgical pathology units face chemical and biological risks. While chemical risks have been intensely evaluated since the formalin ban, less attention has been drown to biological risks. The actual epidemiologic situation due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemia has raised a series of questions, which need to be addressed as soon as possible. We have to pursue two lines of action: on one hand we must immediately adopt urgent measures to reduce the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection of laboratory personnel, and on the other hand, we must address crucial technical and organizational aspects of biological risk reduction, preserving as much as possible the quality of tissue and cell samples. The evaluation of biological risk is an analytical process which involves different steps: a) characterization of the hazard (also known as risk assessment) and b) definition of a risk reduction strategy (also known as risk mitigation) 1. Risk assessment implies a) the identification of the intrinsic biologic characteristics of the infectious agent, and b) the identification of the laboratory procedures related to the agent. The intrinsic biologic characteristics of infectious agents are classified in 4 risk groups (RG) by the laboratory biosafety manual of the WHO 2. The RG range from level 1 (RG1) which includes microorganisms that are unlikely to cause human or animal disease, to level 4 (RG4) which includes pathogens which cause serious diseases, that can be readily transmitted from one individual to another, and for which effective treatment and preventive measures are not usually available. Risk mitigation includes the definition of the appropriate a) level of biosafety of the laboratory, b) type of personal protection equipment (PPE), c) type of infrastructure and equipment, and d) education of involved personnel. Laboratory biosafety is graded in 4 levels (BSL-1 to BSL-4) as exhaustively described in the laboratory biosafety manual of the WHO 2, and these levels are usually also defined by law (in Italy by the D. Lgs. 81/2008). BSL are a series of protections, which include individual safeguards designed to protect laboratory personnel, as well as the surrounding environment and community. The biosafety level required in laboratories derives from the characterization of the risk, and is not automatically derived from the risk group to which the pathogenic agent belongs. It is obvious that the biosafety level for a laboratory which cultivates a RG3 agent, will be higher than the level needed for a laboratory which performs diagnostic tests on inactivated biomaterials on the same agent. Specific checklists, derived from the WHO laboratory biosafety manual, which in Italy are also defined by the National Institute of Labor Safety Insurance (Istituto Nazionale Assicurazione Infortuni sul Lavoro) in its 6th Fascicle published in 2010 3 are necessary to verify the compliance of a given laboratory with the required biosafety level

    The Simons Observatory Large Aperture Telescope Receiver

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    The Simons Observatory (SO) Large Aperture Telescope Receiver (LATR) will be coupled to the Large Aperture Telescope located at an elevation of 5,200 m on Cerro Toco in Chile. The resulting instrument will produce arcminute-resolution millimeter-wave maps of half the sky with unprecedented precision. The LATR is the largest cryogenic millimeter-wave camera built to date with a diameter of 2.4 m and a length of 2.6 m. It cools 1200 kg of material to 4 K and 200 kg to 100 mk, the operating temperature of the bolometric detectors with bands centered around 27, 39, 93, 145, 225, and 280 GHz. Ultimately, the LATR will accommodate 13 40 cm diameter optics tubes, each with three detector wafers and a total of 62,000 detectors. The LATR design must simultaneously maintain the optical alignment of the system, control stray light, provide cryogenic isolation, limit thermal gradients, and minimize the time to cool the system from room temperature to 100 mK. The interplay between these competing factors poses unique challenges. We discuss the trade studies involved with the design, the final optimization, the construction, and ultimate performance of the system

    A template of atmospheric O2 circularly polarized emission for cosmic microwave background experiments

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    International audienceWe compute the circularly polarized signal from atmospheric molecular oxygen. The polarization of O2 rotational lines is caused by the Zeeman effect in the Earth's magnetic field. We evaluate the circularly polarized emission for various sites suitable for cosmic microwave background (CMB) measurements: the South Pole and Dome C (Antarctica), Atacama (Chile) and Testa Grigia (Italy). We present and discuss an analysis of the polarized signal within the framework of future CMB polarization experiments. We find a typical circularly polarized signal (V Stokes parameter) of ˜50-300 muK at 90 GHz looking at the zenith. Among the sites, Atacama shows a lower polarized signal at the zenith. We present maps of this signal for the various sites and we show typical elevation and azimuth scans. We find that Dome C presents the lowest gradient in polarized temperature: ˜0.3 muK deg-1 at 90 GHz. We also study the frequency bands of observation: around nu~= 100 GHz and nu~= 160 GHz, we find the best conditions because the polarized signal vanishes. Finally, we evaluate the accuracy of the templates and the signal variability in relation to our knowledge of and the variability of the Earth's magnetic field and atmospheric parameters

    Il sistema tetto, manuale di progettazione

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    La copertura di un edificio può articolarsi in innumerevoli modi, assumendo configurazioni che impossibile immaginare nella loro completezza. Il volume fornisce una serie di indicazioni progettuali per la costruzione di tetti a falde con dettagli costruttivi delle diverse parti della copertura, informazioni per il tracciamenti del tetto, del progetto in funzione delle sollecitazioni atmosferiche e della struttura portante