13 research outputs found
Sistema Integrato Multicentrico di Indicatori. Rapporto 2005. Provincia di Potenza
The SIMI (Integrated System of Indicators multicenter) Project contributes to the development of an integrated management of informative data streams related to drug addicted persons. This report analyzes the phenomenon of addiction on the territory of Potenza province through a description of the network services that provide care and rehabilitation of those addicted. Besides the characteristics of users of local services for addictions, has been developed the analysis of the subjects reported to the prefectures for use of illegal drugs and any action taken. Standard methods of estimation were also applied to quantify the proportion of users of substances that do not relate to services and to identify certain characteristics.Il Progetto SIMI (Sistema Integrato Multicentrico di Indicatori) intende contribuire allo sviluppo di una gestione integrata e sinergica dei flussi informativi relativi ai consumatori di sostanze stupefacenti afferenti alle diverse amministrazioni dello Stato. In linea con quanto proposto dall\u27Osservatorio europeo di Lisbona, per la descrizione e analisi del fenomeno connesso all\u27uso/abuso di sostanze, risulta di fondamentale importanza la possibilit? di ottenere informazioni esaustive e comparabili sulle persone che usano e/o abusano di sostanze psicotrope. Il presente rapporto analizza il fenomeno delle dipendenze sul territorio della provincia di Potenza attraverso la descrizione della rete dei servizi preposti alla cura e riabilitazione dei soggetti tossicodipendenti. Accanto alle caratteristiche degli utenti dei servizi territoriali per le dipendenze, ? stata sviluppata l\u27analisi dei soggetti segnalati alle Prefetture per uso di sostanze illegali e degli eventuali provvedimenti adottati. Sono state inoltre applicate metodologie standard di stima per quantificare la quota parte di utilizzatori di sostanze che non afferiscono ai servizi e per identificarne alcune caratteristiche
Problematiche idrauliche legate ai cambiamenti climatici ed agli incendi
I cambiamenti climatici ormai molto dibattuti e studiati cominciano a manifestarsi in maniera più concreta e tangibile anche in territori non di frontiera, riguardandoci sempre più da vicino. Vengono analizzati in questo lavoro due casi studio connessi a realtà che si sono interfacciate, seppur in maniere diversa, con questa nuova e predetta variabilità climatica. Il primo, localizzato nel Comune di Rosignano, mira ad indagare gli effetti che i cambiamenti climatici possono avere sul rischio idrogeologico e sull'erosione della costa all'interno del territorio comunale, con l’obiettivo di sviluppare una strategia condivisa per rendere il territorio più sicuro. Il secondo caso studio analizza l’impatto sul territorio generato dal grave incendio verificatosi nell'area del Monte Serra nel Settembre 2018, stimando il possibile incremento dell’erosione dei versanti attraverso il metodo RUSLE e quello delle portate liquide defluenti nella rete idrografica, a seguito delle condizioni idrologiche fortemente variate dall'evento. Si prendono in esame in seguito anche una molteplicità di misure di adattamento per contenere il fenomeno erosivo, riportandone specifiche costruttive ed effettiva efficienza, cercando inoltre tramite rilievi speditivi di analizzare in maniera qualitativa l’efficienza delle opere di difesa installate a seguito dell’incendio
Crowned dens syndrome
Introduction Microcrystalline deposition in peri-odontoid articular structures is mainly responsible for acute or chronic cervical pain and is known as “crowned dens syndrome”.Materials and methods We described two cases of acute cervical pain associated with onset of fever and peripheral acute monoarthritis. Cervical computed tomography (CT) scan showed linear calcification of the retrodens ligament and calcium pyrophosphate dehydrate (CPPD) crystals were found in synovial fluid of inflamed joints. Both patients were treated with anti-inflammatory drugs and colchicine.Discussion Calcium depositions around the odontoid process of the axis can be occasionally detected by radiological studies. They are frequently asymptomatic but sometimes can be associated with severe neurological abnormalities, fever and acute neck pain. CPPD crystals are usually deposited in joints and bursae but occasionally can disrupt these anatomical confines and deposit in periarticular tissues, sometimes forming large masses confused with tumours.Conclusions Acute onset of cervical neck pain associated with elevation of inflammatory indicators and/or signs of cervical myelopathy should suggest CT scans searching for microcrystal depositions in the peryodonthoid tissue. Differential diagnosis of fever of unknown origin (FUO) should include crowned dens syndrome specially in the elderly after exclusion of several endocrine or metabolic disorders, infection diseases (meningitis), arthritis (psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis) and tumours (chordoma, meningioma, osteoblastoma).</p
Groundwater Modeling with Process-Based and Data-Driven Approaches in the Context of Climate Change
In the context of climate change, the correct management of groundwater, which is strategic for meeting water needs, becomes essential. Groundwater modeling is particularly crucial for the sustainable and efficient management of groundwater. This manuscript provides different types of modeling according to data availability and features of three porous aquifer systems in Italy (Empoli, Magra, and Brenta systems). The models calibrated on robust time series enabled the performing of forecast simulations capable of representing the quantitative and qualitative response to expected climate regimes. For the Empoli aquifer, the process-based models highlighted the system’s ability to mitigate the effects of dry climate conditions thanks to its storage capability. The data-driven models concerning the Brenta foothill aquifer pointed out the high sensitivity of the system to climate extremes, thus suggesting the need for specific water management actions. The integrated data-driven/process-based approach developed for the Magra Valley aquifer remarked that the water quantity and quality effects are tied to certain boundary conditions over dry climate periods. This work shows that, for groundwater modeling, the choice of the suitable approach is mandatory, and it mainly depends on the specific aquifer features that result in different ways to be sensitive to climate. This manuscript also provides a novel outcome involving the integrated approach wherein it is a very efficient tool for forecasting modeling when boundary conditions, which significantly affect the behavior of such systems, are subjected to evolve under expected climate scenarios
An integrated methodology to define Protection Zones for groundwaterbased drinking water sources: an example from the Tuscany Region, Italy
Water is an essential economic and social resource. It is also finite and vulnerable. For Europe, this generally accepted understanding has been translated into the European and National Directive (2000/60/EC, D.Lgs. 152/2006). This law has led to an increased awareness of the role of the resource and its importance in the socioeconomic, cultural, and political realms. To protect this resource, safeguard zones for drinking water sources must be delineated. In Italy, a drinking water source such as a well or spring is to be protected by means of a three-level safeguard zone: an absolute safety zone close to the source, a respect zone depending on groundwater travel time, and a Protection Zone. The aim of this paper is to describe an integrated methodology used to define the Protection Zone. The work, developed within the framework of a project of the Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources (IGG-CNR) and funded by the Tuscany Region Administration through “Consorzio Lamma”, focused on the delineation of the Protection Zones for several abstraction points located throughout the regional territory. The proposed methodology for protecting drinking water sources described in this paper integrates geological, hydrogeological, and hydrogeochemical methodologies. The approach includes a definition of the hydrostratigraphy of the aquifer systems, estimates of the water volume, and the quantification of inflows and outflows, as well their interrelationships. By means of this integrated methodology, fifteen Protection Zones were defined; each of these zones was divided in two areas according to their relative importance to supplying a drinking water source. The Protection Zones were further validated by means of hydrogeological and isotopic budget calculations
Risk of fractures and bone abnormalities in postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) are at high risk for fractures. However, the relationship between diabetes and osteoporosis is not yet completely understood. Many factors such as type of diabetes, type of population and co-morbidities may influence the type and severity of bone abnormalities in these patients.
The aim of this study was to evaluate which factors may explain the risk of fractures in a homogeneous population of postmenopausal women with type 2 DM.
Twenty-one consecutive postmenopausal women with type 2 DM were enrolled. Serum and urinary markers of bone metabolism as well as the biochemical markers of glucose homeostasis and diabetes severity were evaluated. Bone mineral density and prevalence of vertebral fractures were evaluated by using MOC DXA and spine radiography, respectively.
The measurement of 25-hydroxyvitamin D serum levels revealed a condition of deficiency in 67% and insufficiency in 28% of patients. Vertebral and femoral neck T-scores were -1.1±1.1 and -0.8±1.0, respectively, while Z-scores were 0.1±1.1 and 0.1±0.9, respectively. Twenty-four % of patients showed ≥1 vertebral fractures. There was a direct correlation between occurrence of fractures and PTH levels (p<0.05), and an inverse correlation between fractures and deficiency of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (p<0.05).
In conclusion, although bone mineral density is comparable with that of age-matched normal subjects, patients with type 2 DM have an increased risk of fracture which appears to be associated with vitamin D deficiency and secondary increase of PT
Risk of fractures and bone abnormalities in postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) are at high risk for fractures. However, the relationship between diabetes and osteoporosis is not yet completely understood. Many factors such as type of diabetes, type of population and co-morbidities may influence the type and severity of bone abnormalities in these patients