1,396 research outputs found

    Existence of Spinorial States in Pure Loop Quantum Gravity

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    We demonstrate the existence of spinorial states in a theory of canonical quantum gravity without matter. This should be regarded as evidence towards the conjecture that bound states with particle properties appear in association with spatial regions of non-trivial topology. In asymptotically trivial general relativity the momentum constraint generates only a subgroup of the spatial diffeomorphisms. The remaining diffeomorphisms give rise to the mapping class group, which acts as a symmetry group on the phase space. This action induces a unitary representation on the loop state space of the Ashtekar formalism. Certain elements of the diffeomorphism group can be regarded as asymptotic rotations of space relative to its surroundings. We construct states that transform non-trivially under a 2Ď€2\pi-rotation: gravitational quantum states with fractional spin.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures. Changes made to section 2 and Lemma

    Symplectic Cuts and Projection Quantization

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    The recently proposed projection quantization, which is a method to quantize particular subspaces of systems with known quantum theory, is shown to yield a genuine quantization in several cases. This may be inferred from exact results established within symplectic cutting.Comment: 12 pages, v2: additional examples and a new reference to related wor

    Refined Algebraic Quantization in the oscillator representation of SL(2,R)

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    We investigate Refined Algebraic Quantization (RAQ) with group averaging in a constrained Hamiltonian system with unreduced phase space T^*R^4 and gauge group SL(2,R). The reduced phase space M is connected and contains four mutually disconnected `regular' sectors with topology R x S^1, but these sectors are connected to each other through an exceptional set where M is not a manifold and where M has non-Hausdorff topology. The RAQ physical Hilbert space H_{phys} decomposes as H_{phys} = (direct sum of) H_i, where the four subspaces H_i naturally correspond to the four regular sectors of M. The RAQ observable algebra A_{obs}, represented on H_{phys}, contains natural subalgebras represented on each H_i. The group averaging takes place in the oscillator representation of SL(2,R) on L^2(R^{2,2}), and ensuring convergence requires a subtle choice for the test state space: the classical analogue of this choice is to excise from M the exceptional set while nevertheless retaining information about the connections between the regular sectors. A quantum theory with the Hilbert space H_{phys} and a finitely-generated observable subalgebra of A_{obs} is recovered through both Ashtekar's Algebraic Quantization and Isham's group theoretic quantization.Comment: 30 pages, REVTeX v3.1 with amsfonts. (v4: Published version.

    On Doppler tracking in cosmological spacetimes

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    We give a rigorous derivation of the general-relativistic formula for the two-way Doppler tracking of a spacecraft in Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker and in McVittie spacetimes. The leading order corrections of the so-determined acceleration to the Newtonian acceleration are due to special-relativistic effects and cosmological expansion. The latter, although linear in the Hubble constant, is negligible in typical applications within the Solar System.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure. Journal versio

    Hawking radiation from decoherence

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    It is argued that the thermal nature of Hawking radiation arises solely due to decoherence. Thereby any information-loss paradox is avoided because for closed systems pure states remain pure. The discussion is performed for a massless scalar field in the background of a Schwarzschild black hole, but the arguments should hold in general. The result is also compared to and contrasted with the situation in inflationary cosmology.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in Class. Quantum Gra

    Group averaging in the (p,q) oscillator representation of SL(2,R)

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    We investigate refined algebraic quantisation with group averaging in a finite-dimensional constrained Hamiltonian system that provides a simplified model of general relativity. The classical theory has gauge group SL(2,R) and a distinguished o(p,q) observable algebra. The gauge group of the quantum theory is the double cover of SL(2,R), and its representation on the auxiliary Hilbert space is isomorphic to the (p,q) oscillator representation. When p>1, q>1 and p+q == 0 (mod 2), we obtain a physical Hilbert space with a nontrivial representation of the o(p,q) quantum observable algebra. For p=q=1, the system provides the first example known to us where group averaging converges to an indefinite sesquilinear form.Comment: 34 pages. LaTeX with amsfonts, amsmath, amssymb. (References added; minor typos corrected.

    Effect of phase noise on useful quantum correlations in Bose Josephson junctions

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    In a two-mode Bose Josephson junction the dynamics induced by a sudden quench of the tunnel amplitude leads to the periodic formation of entangled states. For instance, squeezed states are formed at short times and macroscopic superpositions of phase states at later times. The two modes of the junction can be viewed as the two arms of an interferometer; use of entangled states allows to perform atom interferometry beyond the classical limit. Decoherence due to the presence of noise degrades the quantum correlations between the atoms, thus reducing phase sensitivity of the interferometer. We consider the noise induced by stochastic fluctuations of the energies of the two modes of the junction. We analyze its effect on squeezed states and macroscopic superpositions and study quantitatively the amount of quantum correlations which can be used to enhance the phase sensitivity with respect to the classical limit. To this aim we compute the squeezing parameter and the quantum Fisher information during the quenched dynamics. For moderate noise intensities we show that these useful quantum correlations increase on time scales beyond the squeezing regime. This suggests multicomponent superpositions as interesting candidates for high-precision atom interferometry

    Noise in Bose Josephson junctions: Decoherence and phase relaxation

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    Squeezed states and macroscopic superpositions of coherent states have been predicted to be generated dynamically in Bose Josephson junctions. We solve exactly the quantum dynamics of such a junction in the presence of a classical noise coupled to the population-imbalance number operator (phase noise), accounting for, for example, the experimentally relevant fluctuations of the magnetic field. We calculate the correction to the decay of the visibility induced by the noise in the non-Markovian regime. Furthermore, we predict that such a noise induces an anomalous rate of decoherence among the components of the macroscopic superpositions, which is independent of the total number of atoms, leading to potential interferometric applications.Comment: Fig 2 added; version accepted for publicatio

    Multiple primary malignancies of the liver and the colon: a complex diagnostic and decisional process with a final unanswered question

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    We herein present the case of a 78-year-old man with an incidental finding of a solid hepatic mass without symptoms and only a laparotomic cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis in the past surgical history. A colonoscopy, a magnetic resonance imaging scan, a positron emission tomography scan, and a computed tomography scan completed the preoperative workup: a neoplastic lesion 4.3 × 3 cm in size was diagnosed at segments IV and V, associated with a neoplastic involvement of the splenic flexure without signs of colonic occlusion. After colonic resection, a frozen section on a granulomatous-like tissue at gastric border suggested a diagnosis of an adenocarcinoma of bilio-pancreatic type, changing the surgical strategy to include gastric resection and hepatic pedicle node dissection. The discussion turns around the idea that a final diagnosis of colon cancer with regional nodal involvement (pT3N1) and metastatic gallbladder cancer with multiple peritoneal seedings cannot be excluded
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