381 research outputs found

    Density of States FFA analysis of SU(3) lattice gauge theory at a finite density of color sources

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    We present a Density of States calculation with the Functional Fit Approach (DoS FFA) in SU(3) lattice gauge theory with a finite density of static color sources. The DoS FFA uses a parameterized density of states and determines the parameters of the density by fitting data from restricted Monte Carlo simulations with an analytically known function. We discuss the implementation of DoS FFA and the results for a qualitative picture of the phase diagram in a model which is a further step towards implementing DoS FFA in full QCD. We determine the curvature κ\kappa in the μ\mu-TT phase diagram and find a value close to the results published for full QCD.Comment: One figure added, as well as comments on: Monte Carlo simulation, discretization effects, volume dependence, density integral. Final version to appear in Phys. Lett.

    New techniques and results for worldline simulations of lattice field theories

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    We use the complex ϕ4\phi^4 field at finite density as a model system for developing further techniques based on worldline formulations of lattice field theories. More specifically we: 1) Discuss new variants of the worm algorithm for updating the ϕ4\phi^4 theory and related systems with site weights. 2) Explore the possibility of canonical simulations in the worldline formulation. 3) Study the connection of 2-particle condensation at low temperature to scattering parameters of the theory.Comment: Contribution to Lattice 201

    Developing and testing the density of states FFA method in the SU(3) spin model

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    The Density of States Functional Fit Approach (DoS FFA) is a recently proposed modern density of states technique suitable for calculations in lattice field theories with a complex action problem. In this article we present an exploratory implementation of DoS FFA for the SU(3) spin system at finite chemical potential μ\mu - an effective theory for the Polyakov loop. This model has a complex action problem similar to the one of QCD but also allows for a dual simulation in terms of worldlines where the complex action problem is solved. Thus we can compare the DoS FFA results to the reference data from the dual simulation and assess the performance of the new approach. We find that the method reproduces the observables from the dual simulation for a large range of μ\mu values, including also phase transitions, illustrating that DoS FFA is an interesting approach for exploring phase diagrams of lattice field theories with a complex action problem.Comment: Plot, reference and comments added. Final version to appear in Nucl. Phys.

    As áreas naturais protegidas e a responsabilidade social e ambiental das empresas: o caso do Mosaico da Mata Atlântica Central Fluminense e do Comperj

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    The article thinks about the pressures that defy the “protected areas” in order to sustain their politics of conservation in the case that the territory had been chose for setting an enormous industrial complex. We refer to the construction of the Complexo Petroquímico do Rio de Janeiro (Comperj) by the Petrobras Company at a very short distance from the Mosaico da Mata Atlântica Central Fluminense - MMACF (a whole of 22 protected areas) and, particularly, from the Apa de Guapimirím,that is the last original haven of the mangrove system of the Guanabara Bay. It is reasonable to preview that the protected areas will suffer strong environmental and social impacts. We wont to make evident that the social and environmental responsibility flaunted by Petrobras is not preventive, in the sense of planning the actions anticipating their consequences and conceiving its project in order to avoid risks. Its social and environmental responsibility bases on attitudes that only aim at the containment of the principal predicted problems and at the compensation for the caused damages

    Protected areas and social and enviromental responsibility of enterprises: the case of the Mosaico da Mata Atlântica Central Fluminense and the Comperj (Petrochimical complex of Rio de Janeiro)

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    Queremos refletir sobre as tensões que as Unidades de Conservarão (UCs) enfrentam para sustentar suapolítica de conservação em um o território que acaba sendo escolhido para a implantação de um grandescomplexo industrial. Referimos-nos à construção do Complexo Petroquímico do Rio de Janeiro (Comperj)da Petrobras, a ser localizado muito próximo do Mosaico da Mata Atlântica Central Fluminense (MMACF)e, mais particularmente, da Área de Proteção Ambiental (Apa) de Guapimirím. Apesar dos ConselhosGestores das respectivas áreas, prevendo impactos ambientais e sociais muito fortes, ter se manifestadocontrários à localização escolhida pela empresa, procedeu-se ao licenciamento prévio dessa grande obra.Buscamos mostrar como o lema da responsabilidade social e ambiental da empresa que responde peloprojeto não se realizam na prevenção e na precaução, no sentido de planejar as intervenções no sentido deevitar os problemas previstos. A responsabilidade social e ambiental funda-se em atitudes que priorizamos interesses da empresa, tornando-a disponível somente para limitar os problemas previstos e compensarou reparar os danos causados.The article thinks about the pressures that defy the “protected areas” in order to sustain their politics ofconservation in the case that the territory had been chose for setting an enormous industrial complex. Werefer to the construction of the Complexo Petroquímico do Rio de Janeiro (Comperj) by the PetrobrasCompany at a very short distance from the Mosaico da Mata Atlântica Central Fluminense - MMACF (awhole of 22 protected areas) and, particularly, from the Apa de Guapimirím,that is the last original havenof the mangrove system of the Guanabara Bay. It is reasonable to preview that the protected areas willsuffer strong environmental and social impacts. We wont to make evident that the social and environmentalresponsibility flaunted by Petrobras is not preventive, in the sense of planning the actions anticipatingtheir consequences and conceiving its project in order to avoid risks. Its social and environmentalresponsibility bases on attitudes that only aim at the containment of the principal predicted problems andat the compensation for the caused damages

    A racionalidade, a cultura e o espirito empresarial

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    The essay deals with the connection among the notionsrationality, interest, values, and culture. In the weberian sociology,rationality is associated to the modern capitalism and to the“entrepreneurial spirit”. Other authors (Off, Hirschman, Veblen,Simmel, Elster) discussed how difficult is to joint the modern and therational. Their analyses lead to some questions, which are relevant tothe study of firm issues. Firstly, the development of the capitalismreally imposed and universalized the economic rationality, but it didmake this process neither homogeneous, nor independent from the culture influence. Secondly, values affect the economic rationalitycreating norms and rules, those orient actions and initiatives in orderto maintain the patrimony and have profits. It is possible to speak about“firm culture” that leads to consider the firm’s cultural regulationsforms. Such regulations are inherited from a long industrial historyand have to be understood because they produce systematic effects.The “entrepreneurial spirit”, as the capitalistic rationality expression,can be enriched by larger dimensions including values and practicescoming from different cultural environments, such as family, community,political and social organizations. In conclusion, firms cannot be seenon the only organizational optic, because they are part of a regionaland social culture and they are linked to professional cultures andtheir organizations. In addition, firms are able to affect differentdimensions of the social life, setting-up links and exchanges withinstitutions, groups, and communities.L’ article porte sur le lien entre les notions de rationalité,d’intérêt, de valeurs et de culture. Dans la sociologie weberienne, larationalité est associée au capitalisme moderne et à l’“espritd’entrepreneur”. D’autres auteurs (Off, Hirschman, Veblen, Simmel,Elster) traitent de la difficulté de réunir le moderne et le rationnel.Leurs analyses conduisent à certaines questions incontournables pourl’étude de la firme. Tout d’abord, le développement du capitalisme aimposé et universalisé la rationalité économique, mais il n’a pas renduce processus homogène ni indépendant de l’influence de la culture.Ensuite, les valeurs affectent la rationalité économique en créant desnormes et des règles, qui orientent les actions et les initiatives dans lebut de garantir le patrimoine et les profits. Il est possible de parler de“culture de la firme”, ce qui conduit à prendre en considération lesformes de régulation culturelle de la firme. De telles régulationsproviennent d’une histoire industrielle longue et doivent être comprisescar elles produisent des effets systématiques. L’“esprit entrepreneurial”,comme expression de la rationalité capitaliste, peut être enrichi par deplus vastes dimensions qui incluent les valeurs et les pratiques provenantde différents environnements culturels, comme la famille, lacommunauté, les organisations politiques et sociales. En conclusion,les firmes ne peuvent être saisies uniquement sous l’angleorganisationnel, car elles font partie d’une culture régionale et socialeet tissent des liens avec les cultures professionnelles et leurs organisations. En outre, les firmes peuvent affecter différentes dimensions dela vie sociale, en établissant des liens et des échanges avec lesinstitutions, les groupes et les communautésO artigo busca a articulação das noções deracionalidade, interesse, valores e cultura. Na sociologiaweberiana, a racionalidade é associada ao capitalismo modernoe ao “espírito empresarial”. Outros autores (Off, Hirschman,Veblen, Simmel, Elster) têm discutido quão difícil é a realizaçãodo encontro entre o “moderno” e o “racional”. Destas análises,é possível apontar duas questões relevantes para o estudo daproblemática empresarial. A primeira é que o desenvolvimentodo capitalismo tem, de fato, imposto e universalizado aracionalidade econômica, porém não a tornou nem homogêneanem independente da influencia da cultura. A segunda dizrespeito à influência dos valores sobre a racionalidadeeconômico-empresarial, formulando normas e regras que dãofundamento e orientam as ações e iniciativas para a manutençãodo patrimônio e para a realização do lucro. Pode-se então falarde “cultura de empresa” que leva a refletir sobre um conjuntode formas de regulação cultural das empresas, formas que sãoherdadas de uma longa história industrial e que devem serponderadas por produzirem efeitos sistemáticos. Com isso, o“espirito empresarial”, como expressão da racionalidadecapitalista, pode ser enriquecido por dimensões que incluemum conjunto de práticas e valores fundados em referênciasadvindas de diferentes ambientes, familiar, territorial, políticoe social. Conclui-se que as empresas não podem ser vistas exclusivamentesob a ótica organizacional, já que estas sãoinseridas em uma cultura de uma sociedade, de uma região, dastradições e organizações profissionais. Também, as empresasconseguem ter influências sobre diversas dimensões da vidasocial, estabelecendo elos e trocas com as instituições, grupose comunidades

    Cross-Linked Hyaluronan Derivatives in the Delivery of Phycocyanin

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    An easy and viable crosslinking technology, based on the “click-chemistry” reaction copper(I)-catalyzed azide-alkyne 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition (click-crosslinking), was applied to graft copolymers of medium molecular weight (i.e., 270 kDa) hyaluronic acid (HA) grafted with ferulic acid (FA) residues bearing clickable propargyl groups, as well as caffeic acid derivatives bearing azidoterminated oligo(ethylene glycol) side chains. The obtained crosslinked materials were characterized from the point of view of their structure and aggregation liability to form hydrogels in a water environment. The most promising materials showed interesting loading capability regarding the antioxidant agent phycocyanin (PC). Two novel materials complexes (namely HA(270)-FA-TEGECCL- 20/PC and HA(270)-FA-HEGEC-CL-20/PC) were obtained with a drug-to-material ratio of 1:2 (w/w). Zeta potential measurements of the new complexes (−1.23 mV for HA(270)-FA-TEGECCL- 20/PC and −1.73 mV for HA(270)-FA-HEGEC-CL-20/PC) showed alterations compared to the zeta potential values of the materials on their own, suggesting the achievement of drug–material interactions. According to the in vitro dissolution studies carried out in different conditions, novel drug delivery systems (DDSs) were obtained with a variety of characteristics depending on the desired route of administration and, consequently, on the pH of the surrounding environment, thanks to the complexation of phycocyanin with these two new crosslinked materials. Both complexes showed excellent potential for providing a controlled/prolonged release of the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). They also increased the amount of drug that reach the target location, enabling pH-dependent release. Importantly, as demonstrated by the DPPH free radical scavenging assay, the complexation process, involving freezing and freeze-drying, showed no adverse effects on the antioxidant activity of phycocyanin. This activity was preserved in the two novel materials and followed a concentration-dependent pattern similar to pure PC