6 research outputs found


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    Tridax procumbens é uma espécie botânica comumente conhecida por suas propriedades medicinais atribuídas à presença de constituintes químicos específicos que possuem propriedades terapêuticas e profiláticas contra diversas doenças, incluindo a ação antitumoral. Com base nessa hipótese, foi conduzida a prospecção fitoquímica preliminar dos óleos voláteis das inflorescências de T. procumbens com o propósito de se investigar a atividade antitumoral por meio da técnica de inibição da formação de tumores em discos de batata pela bactéria Rhizobium radiobacter ATCC 4720. Amostras vegetais das inflorescências de T. procumbens foram coletadas para extração dos óleos voláteis por arraste a vapor utilizando a técnica de hidrodestilação por Clevenger. A prospecção fitoquímica foi realizada utilizando a técnica de marcha analítica com o material pulverizado da inflorescência de T. procumbens. A caracterização química foi realizada utilizando cromatografia gasosa acoplada a espectrometria de massas. A atividade antitumoral foi avaliada em discos de batata pela observação da inibição da formação de tumores por R. radiobacter, nesse teste foram avaliadas diferentes diluições do óleo (125, 250, 500, 1000 e 2000 µg.mL-1). A prospecção fitoquímica revelou a presença de flavonoides, cumarinas, heterosídeos cardioativos, esteroides e saponinas. Nas análises do óleo volátil foram identificados 26 compostos químicos, sendo o decano 2,4,6-trimetil o composto majoritário. A atividade antitumoral apresentou resultados significativos a partir da menor concentração testada, com uma inibição de 63,8% na formação de tumores nos discos de batata. Portanto, verificamos que o óleo volátil de T. procumbens apresentou potencial antitumoral de maneira dose dependente, com inibição significativa da formação de tumores no ensaio com discos de batata. &nbsp

    Development and Validation Dissolution Analytical Method of Nimesulide beta-Cyclodextrin 400 mg Tablet

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    The nimesulide (N-(4-nitro-2-phenoxyphenyl)methanesulfonamide) belongs to the class of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs and category II of the biopharmaceutical classification, The complexation of nimesulide with b-cyclodextrin is a pharmacological strategy to increase the solubility of the drug The objective of this study was to develop and validate an analytical methodology for dissolving the nimesulide beta-cyclodextrin 400 mg tablet and meets the guidelines of ANVISA for drug registration purposes. Once developed, the dissolution methodology was validated according to the RE of parameters no.  899/2003. In the development of the method it was noted that the duration of the dissolution test was 60 minutes, the volume and the most suitable dissolution medium was 900 mL of aqueous solution of sodium lauryl sulfate 1% (w/ v). It was also noted that rotation of 100 rpm and the paddle apparatus was the most appropriate to evaluate the dissolution of the drug. Spectrophotometric methodology was used to quantify the percentage of dissolved drug. The wavelength was 390 nm using the quantification. The validation of the methodology, system suitability parameters, specificity/selectivity, linearity, precision, accuracy and robustness were satisfactory and proved that the developed dissolution methodology was duly executed. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v8i5.82

    Development and Validation Dissolution Analytical Method of Nimesulide beta-Cyclodextrin 400 mg Tablet

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    The nimesulide (N-(4-nitro-2-phenoxyphenyl)methanesulfonamide) belongs to the class of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs and category II of the biopharmaceutical classification, The complexation of nimesulide with b-cyclodextrin is a pharmacological strategy to increase the solubility of the drug The objective of this study was to develop and validate an analytical methodology for dissolving the nimesulide beta-cyclodextrin 400 mg tablet and meets the guidelines of ANVISA for drug registration purposes. Once developed, the dissolution methodology was validated according to the RE of parameters no.  899/2003. In the development of the method it was noted that the duration of the dissolution test was 60 minutes, the volume and the most suitable dissolution medium was 900 mL of aqueous solution of sodium lauryl sulfate 1% (w/ v). It was also noted that rotation of 100 rpm and the paddle apparatus was the most appropriate to evaluate the dissolution of the drug. Spectrophotometric methodology was used to quantify the percentage of dissolved drug. The wavelength was 390 nm using the quantification. The validation of the methodology, system suitability parameters, specificity/selectivity, linearity, precision, accuracy and robustness were satisfactory and proved that the developed dissolution methodology was duly executed. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v8i5.82

    Perfil Químico do Óleo Volátil das Folhas de Erythroxylum deciduum A. St.-Hil. (Erythroxylaceae), Coletadas em Goiânia, Goiás

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    The Erythroxylum (Erythroxylaceae) genus has about 130 species, which can be found in forest environments and cerrado. Studies with Erythroxylum species led to the isolation of secondary metabolites such as flavonóides, alkaloids, tannins, terpenes and phenylpropanoids that exhibit anti-oxidant activity, anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory activity among others to be operated with pharmaceutical purposes. In order to contribute to the chemical elucidation of Erythroxylum genus, this research aimed to evaluate the composition of the essential oil from the leaves of E. deciduum A. St.-Hil. The botanical material was collected in the peri-urban area of the city of Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil, it was identified and had a voucher specimen deposited in the Herbarium of the State University of Goiás. The essential oil extraction was performed by hydrodistillation adapted by Clevenger. The essential oil chemical composition was determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/ MS). The species studied showed as major components: himachalol (3.49%), sandaracopimarinal (4.87%), ethyl 8cedren-13-ol (5.65%) and ternina (6.37%) whose description on the literature, points to the antimicrobial and allelopathic activity. Thus, These volatile components may be viable in obtaining bioproducts or as prototypes in the synthesis of compounds of pharmacotherapeutic, food and agricultural interest.O gênero Erythroxylum (Erythroxylaceae) possui cerca de 130 espécies, as quais podem ser encontradas em ambientes florestais e de cerrado sensu stricto. Estudos realizados com as espécies do gênero Erythroxylum levaram ao isolamento de metabólitos secundários como flavonóides, alcalóides, taninos, terpenos e fenilpropanóides que apresentam atividades antioxidantes, anticancerígenas, atividade anti-inflamatória, dentre outras, a serem exploradas com propósitos farmacêuticos. No intuito de contribuir para a elucidação química do gênero Erythroxylum, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a composição química do óleo volátil das folhas de E. deciduum A. St.-Hil. O material botânico foi coletado na região periurbana do município de Goiânia, Goiás, Brasil, foi identificado e teve uma exsicata depositada no Herbário da Universidade Estadual de Goiás. A extração do óleo volátil foi realizada através de hidrodestilação por Clevenger adaptado. A composição química do óleo volátil foi determinada por cromatografia gasosa acoplada à espectrometria de massas (CG/EM). A espécie em estudo apresentou como componentes majoritários: himachalol (3,49%), sandaracopimarinal (4,87%), acetato de 8-cedren-13-ol (5,65%) e ternina (6,37%) cuja descrição na literatura aponta para a atividade antimicrobiana e alelopática. Estes constituintes voláteis podem ser viáveis na obtenção de bioprodutos ou como protótipos na síntese de compostos de interesse farmacoterapêutico, alimentício e agronômico


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    In the title compound, C18H18O3, a dihydrocoumarin synthesized via a microwave-assisted hydroarylation reaction, the 4-methoxyphenyl ring is inclined to the mean plane of the coumarin moiety by 78.21 (9)°. The pyran ring has a screw-boat conformation and its mean plane is inclined to the fused benzene ring by 13.88 (11)°. In the crystal, molecules are linked via C—H...O hydrogen bonds, forming ribbons along the b-axis direction. The ribbons are linked via C—H...π interactions, forming slabs parallel to the ab plane