6 research outputs found

    Mitigation of and adaptation to UHI phenomena : the Padua case study

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    Elaborating solutions to counteract UHI effects can represents a relevant challenge for spatial planning and urban design. A specific experimentation has been developed on the city of Padua, analysing different scenarios of urban warming and using specific monitoring tools (Lidar/aerial survey) to define a DIM (Digital Surface Models) providing local situation in terms of green quality and extension, solar incidence/radiation, sky view factors, building materials. This chapter reconstruct the methodology followed during the survey and the elaboration of specific solutions to counteract UHI accordingly different scenarios

    Inflammatory bowel diseases and human reproduction: A comprehensive evidence-based review

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    To evaluate the effects of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) on human reproduction, we reviewed the current literature using a systematic search for published studies (articles and/or abstracts) without limits for English language. We searched on Medline (through PubMed), the Institute for Scientific Information, the Web of Science and the websites for the registration of controlled trials (http://controlled-trials.com/). Bibliographies of retrieved articles, books, expert opinion review articles and reviewed bibliographies from subject experts were manually searched. Titles and abstracts were screened initially, and potential relevant articles were identified and reviewed. Whenever possible, data were analyzed by comparing IBD patients vs healthy controls, and patients with active IBDs vs those with disease in remission. The effects of IBDs on female fertility, fertility in infertile couples, pregnancy and male infertility were examined separately. Patients with IBDs in remission have normal fertility. At the moment, there is no established guideline for the preservation of fertility in women with IBD undergoing surgery. Further data are needed regarding guidelines for the management of these patients. Data regarding IBDs and infertility are currently completely lacking. Considering the prevalence of intestinal pathology in young adults of childbearing age, this field is of great scientific and clinical interest, opening up important future perspectives. Another important and as yet unexplored point is the response to treatments for infertility in patients with IBDs. In particular, the question is whether the reproductive outcomes (clinical and biological) can be influenced by the IBD of one of the partners. The goals for successful reproductive outcomes in IBD population are correct counseling and disease remission. IBDs significantly affect several reproductive aspects of human (female, male, couple) reproduction. Further data are needed to develop guidelines for the clinical management of subjects of reproductive age with IBDs. © 2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved

    I casi selezionati

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    Il capitolo raccoglie 13 schede di casi rappresentativi dei conflitti schedati ed analizzati. Sono casi di conflittualità scelti perché rappresentativi di alcune tipologie di conflitti individuate e definite a partire dai casi raccolti. Esse sono: Conflitti ambientali legati a usi “industriali” e produttivi del suolo (Ampliamento di cave in più comuni dell’area Berica; Inquinamento del fiume Fratta; Cementifici in area Parco Colli Euganei e la connessa Violazione del Piano Ambientale dei Colli Euganei; Costruzione di diversi impianti a biomasse nel Veneto Orientale), Conflitti legati a usi del territorio (Crocerismo in Laguna a Venezia), Casi di conflitto urbani-stico, legati a trasformazioni di aree verdi e fragili (Motorcity a Vigasio e Trevenzuolo; Realizzazione di una darsena per 700 posti barca a Porto Caleri), Conflitti legati a progetti di nuove infrastrutture (Interramento dell’elettrodotto, Idrovia e Camionabile sull’idrovia nel tratto tra Padova e Venezia; Diga sul Piave a Falzè di Piave; Traforo di Santa Augusta a Vittorio Veneto), e infine Conflitti legati a destinazioni di piano e trasformazioni territoriali (Espansione urbana in aree destinate a verde pubblico a Padova; Costruzione di macello e cartiera a Barcon di Vedelago; GRA di Padova, Autostrada Orte-Mestre e Camionabile sull’Idrovia Padova-mare)

    Mitigazione e adattamento ai fenomeni di UHI: il caso studio di Padova

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    Il capitolo illustra la sperimentazione condotta e finalizzata a cogliere il legame tra clima locale, struttura urbana e formazione dell’effetto isola di calore, con l’obiettivo di orientare nel prossimo futuro, mediante linee di indirizzo, gli interventi sul territorio. E' stata qindi individuata una porzione dell’area metropolitana della città di Padova, come ambito di sperimentazione analitico-progettuale, con l’intenzione di applicare successivamente i risultati di tale sperimentazione al resto dell’area centrale veneta. Spesso le cause che generano le isole di calore urbane sono dei fattori puntuali (come ad esempio grandi super!ci pavimentate) relazionati direttamente con fattori sistemici estesi (come la dispersione notturna del calore assorbito dai tessuti urbani periferici, o l’inquinamento prodotto dalle aree produttive sempre in periferia). Questa pluralità di cause obbliga a studiare l’isola di calore a diversi livelli, sia orizzontale che verticale

    Neogene-Quaternary Mediterranean calcareous nannofossil biozonation and biochronology: A review

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    The present study focuses on calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the last 23 Myr in the Mediterranean region and is intended as a review paper in which an updated zonation is presented. This includes the improvements in biostratigraphic classification achieved in the last decades. The proposed biozonal scheme incorporates the biochronologic data derived from the integration of biostratigraphically useful events with radiometric datings, magnetostratigraphy and astronomically tuned cyclostratigraphy. This biochronology directly derives by previous compilations and includes improved data and ages derived from recent studies based on high resolution quantitative analysis of nannofossil assemblages. The presented zonal scheme consists of 21 biozones and 35 subzones spanning the last 23 Myr, named according to the well-established code-system MNN (Mediterranean Nannofossil Neogene) for the Miocene and Pliocene time interval and MNQ (Mediterranean Nannofossil Quaternary) for the Pleistocene and Holocene. In addition, a revision of the nannofossil biostratigraphy at the Oligocene/Miocene transition is given, with the introduction of Zone MNP26 (Mediterranean Nannofossil Paleogene), as a result of the different age assigned to the Oligocene/Miocene chronostratigraphic boundary. This zonation provides a significant bio-chronostratigraphic resolution of about 0.5 Myr, corresponding to a degree of precision functional for dating sedimentary successions and, therefore, useful for geological studies (e.g. geological mapping, temporal scanning of geological phasis). The biostratigraphic resolution can be furtherly improved through integration with the analogous scheme recently established for planktonic foraminifers

    A management system for randomized clinical trials: A novel way to supply medication.

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    BackgroundRandomized controlled clinical trials require management effort, involving huge organizational, economic and informatics investments. Information technology offers opportunities to approach clinical trial methodology in new ways. However, there are only a few reports of computerized data and drug management systems.ObjectiveThis paper describes a novel software created specifically for the management of a randomized trial of diet and metformin in people with metabolic syndrome (the Me.Me.Me. trial).MethodsMe.Me.Me. is an ongoing phase III randomized controlled trial in healthy people with metabolic syndrome to test the hypothesis that comprehensive lifestyle changes and/or metformin can prevent age-related chronic non-communicable diseases. To manage all the phases of the trial, we created a software which is a state pattern machine, user friendly, web-based, able to maintain the correct balance between randomization groups, and structured in various levels of security in order to guarantee the participant's privacy and compliance with the study protocol. The software achieves budget savings: drug management is not based on patients' packs, but on the actual need for drugs according to each participant's "state", with strict guidelines for the handling and supply of medication.ResultsThe trial is ongoing and recruitment will close on August 31, 2018. To date, 11737 bottles of metformin/placebo have been dispensed to 1054 randomized participants, with drug savings of 29.5%.ConclusionsA software which takes into account the "state" of participant might be a powerful resource for developing and managing clinical trials, helping avoid poor treatment allocation, and wastage of drugs and money.Me.me.me. trialEUDRACT no. 2012-005427-32. ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02960711