811 research outputs found

    Alexander H\uf6bel, Luigi Longo, una vita partigiana (1900-1945)

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    La recensione analizza il volume di Alexander H\uf6bel, Luigi Longo, una vita partigiana (1900-1945)


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    Il diabete mellito (DM) è una malattia metabolica autogestita, in cui se l'individuo non è motivato o non è in grado di gestire regolarmente il proprio DM, i risultati medici e psicosociali saranno scarsi. Il DM è più di una condizione di salute fisica: ha impatti comportamentali, fisiologici, psicologici e sociali, e richiede alti livelli di motivazione per seguire le raccomandazioni cliniche e adottare comportamenti sani. A questo scopo, le linee guida dell'American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) hanno introdotto il costrutto di coping sano per identificare le strategie di coping per ridurre i sintomi di depressione, ansia, stress e disagio emotivo legato al diabete, migliorando anche il benessere degli adulti con DM. In questo contesto, i Virtual Coaches (VCs) sono diventati un importante risorsa nel supporto e nella gestione delle barriere comuni nel contesto dell'aderenza ai comportamenti sani tra gli adulti con DM. Tuttavia, pochi sono i VC specificamente sviluppati a fornire supporto psicosociale agli adulti con DM. L'obiettivo principale della presente tesi è stato, infatti, lo sviluppo di un VC per fornire supporto psicosociale agli adulti con DM di tipo 1 (T1DM) o DM di tipo 2 (T2DM). Più specificamente, questo VC mirava a motivare gli adulti con DM a ridurre sintomi di depressione, ansia, stress, il disagio emotivo legato al diabete, e a migliorare il loro benessere, incoraggiandoli ad acquisire e coltivare strategie di coping psicosociale sano. Queste abilità di coping facevano riferimento alle linee guida dell'AADE e quindi alla pratica della meditazione; in questo studio è stata, infatti, applicata la Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy. La presente tesi è articolata secondo tre studi. Lo studio 1 mirava a fornire prove meta-analitiche sull'efficacia degli interventi eHealth nel sostenere il benessere psicosociale e medico degli adulti con T1DM o T2DM. Lo studio 2 mirava a testare il prototipo del VC simulato, cioè Wizard of Oz (WOZ), attraverso la piattaforma di messaggistica WhatsApp per 6 settimane, con due sessioni a settimana. In particolare, questo studio ha indagato l'accettabilità preliminare e la User Experience (UX) del protocollo di intervento, che sarà incorporato nel futuro VC. Infatti, il metodo di progettazione è stato duplice. Da un lato, è stato applicato il metodo WOZ, in cui gli studenti di psicologia credevano di interagire con un VC; invece, stavano comunicando con un essere umano. Dall'altro lato, è stato utilizzato il modello Obesity-Related Behavioural Intervention Trials (ORBIT), in particolare le sue prime fasi, poiché favorisce un approccio iterativo. Lo studio 3, seguendo le fasi successive del modello ORBIT, mirava a valutare l'efficacia preliminare del VC, chiamato Motibot - abbreviazione di Motivational bot - sviluppato attraverso una combinazione di Natural Language Processing (NLU) e regole pre-strutturate. Un totale di 13 adulti italiani con DM (Mage = 30.08, SD = 10.61) hanno interagito con Motibot attraverso l'applicazione di messaggistica Telegram per 12 sessioni, in cui il paziente poteva pianificare l'appuntamento secondo le sue esigenze: ha interagito con Motibot una o due sessioni a settimana. Motibot è stato percepito come motivante, incoraggiante e capace di innescare un'auto-riflessione sulle proprie emozioni: gli utenti e i pazienti hanno riferito di aver avuto un'esperienza molto positiva con Motibot. Motibot può essere uno strumento utile per fornire supporto psicosociale agli adulti con DM; potrebbe essere prescritto dal diabetologo come misura preventiva per il benessere del paziente e/o quando il paziente presenta sintomi psicosociali lievi e moderati. L'approccio di design centrato sull'utente e il concetto di bidirezionalità tra fattori psicosociali e medici sono punti chiave nello sviluppo di un trattamento digitale personalizzato.Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a self-managed, metabolic disease, in which if the individual is unwilling, unmotivated, or unable to regularly self-manage their DM, the medical and psychosocial outcomes will be poor. Indeed, DM is more than a physical health condition: it has behavioural, physiological, psychological, and social impacts, and demands high levels of motivation in order to follow the clinical recommendations and adopt healthy behaviours. To this end, the American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) guidelines introduced the healthy coping construct to identify healthy coping strategies for reducing symptoms of depression, anxiety, stress, and diabetes-related emotional distress while also improving the well-being of adults with DM. Virtual Coaches (VCs) have recently become more prevalent in the support and management of common barriers in the context of adherence to healthy behaviours among adults with DM, in particular those regarding medical and physical behaviours. However, few VCs were found to be specifically aimed at providing psychosocial support to adults with DM. The main aim of the present thesis was, indeed, the development and implementation of a VC for the provision of psychosocial support to adults with Type 1 (T1DM) or Type 2 DM (T2DM). More specifically, this VC aimed at motivating adults with DM to reduce depression, anxiety, perceived stress symptoms, diabetes-related emotional distress, and improve their well-being, by encouraging them to acquire and cultivate psychosocial healthy coping strategies. These coping skills referred to the AADE guidelines and thus to practicing meditation; in this study, the Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy has been applied. The present thesis is articulated according to three studies. Study 1 aimed at providing meta-analytical evidence on the efficacy of eHealth interventions in supporting the psychosocial and medical well-being of adults with T1DM or T2DM. Study 2 aimed at testing the prototype of the simulated VC, namely Wizard of Oz (WOZ), via the WhatsApp messaging platform for 6-week, with two sessions per week. In particular, this study investigated the preliminary acceptability and the User Experience (UX) of the intervention protocol, which will be incorporated into the future VC. Indeed, the design method was two-fold. On the one hand, the WOZ method was applied, in which psychology students believed that they were interacting with a VC, instead they were communicating with a human being. On the other hand, the Obesity-Related Behavioural Intervention Trials (ORBIT) model was used, particularly its early phases, since it favours an iterative approach. Study 3, following the next phases of the ORBIT model, aimed at assessing the preliminary efficacy of the VC, called Motibot—the abbreviation for Motivational bot—developed through a combination of Natural Language Processing (NLU) and hand-crafted rules. A total of 13 Italian adults with DM (Mage = 30.08, SD = 10.61) interacted with Motibot through the Telegram messaging application for 12 sessions, in which the patient planned the appointment according to his/her needs: he/she interacted with Motibot one or two sessions per week. Therefore, Motibot was perceived as motivating, encouraging and able to trigger self-reflection on one’s own emotions: users and patients reported having a very positive experience with Motibot. Motibot, thus, can be a useful tool to provide psychosocial support to adults with DM; as such, it might be prescribed by the diabetologist as a preventive measure for the patient’s well-being and/or when the patient presents mild and moderate psychosocial symptoms. The user-centred design approach and the concept of bidirectionality between psychosocial and medical factors are key points in the development of a personalised treatment within the digital intervention

    Secure Strong Coordination

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    We consider a network of two nodes separated by a noisy channel, in which the source and its reconstruction have to be strongly coordinated, while simultaneously satisfying the strong secrecy condition with respect to an outside observer of the noisy channel. In the case of non-causal encoding and decoding, we propose a joint source-channel coding scheme for the secure strong coordination region. Furthermore, we provide a complete characterization of the secure strong coordination region when the decoder has to reliably reconstruct the source sequence and the legitimate channel is more capable than the channel of the eavesdropper

    Co-Design and Co-Production of Public Service. The Prevention of Childhood Obesity in Reggio Emilia, Italy

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    The paper illustrates an empirical research project concerning the co-creation process in Reggio Emilia’s public services and their efforts to reduce childhood obesity. The research is based on a participative evaluation research methodology. The project has been implemented within the framework of the CoSIE project, funded by the Horizon 2020 Research Program — Innovation Action. It has been led by the Local Health Unit (LHU) of Reggio Emilia, a mid-size town in north-eastern Italy, and Cup2000/Lepida, a public/private corporation delivering ICT for health service in the Emilia-Romagna Region. The empirical research has been conducted by the University of Bologna, using a mixed method multi-dimensional strategy and combining the Action-Research tradition with the approach of the Theory of Change . The theoretical framework reflects on the co-creation process, distinguishing between its different phases. In particular, it defines the co-production and the co-design phase, operationalising them with the concepts of System Integration and Social Integration. This linkage allows the analysis of the involvement of institutional stakeholders and final users in the co-creation process. Many factors including the actors’ identity, the participation modalities and the impact of each stakeholder on the service, contribute to the model of co-creation in “the shadow of institutions”, characterised by a low level of Social Integration and a high level of System Integration

    Parole che mobilitano. Il concetto di \u2018popolo\u2019 tra storia politica e semantica storica nel partito comunista italiano

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    La tesi prende le mosse dal presupposto metodologico che il linguaggio \ue8 parte imprescindibile del fare politica, in quanto non solo \u2018parola\u2019 ma anche \u2018azione\u2019, producendo cio\ue8 un effetto performativo sugli agenti collettivi e riflettendo un meccanismo di potere. Tra le parole della politica, quella di \u2018popolo\u2019 ha acquisito culturalmente nel discorso pubblico e politico contemporaneo nei paesi occidentali un peso politico e simbolico particolarmente rilevante, ben pi\uf9 di \u2018moltitudine\u2019, \u2018massa\u2019 o \u2018folla\u2019. Questo lavoro intende proporsi come contributo a quella parte della storiografia contemporanea attenta ai fenomeni linguistici, culturali e simbolici, indagando secondo una prospettiva interdisciplinare come si sia articolata discorsivamente la dialettica tra politica e popolo. La ricerca analizza come questa relazione sia stata costruita, normata e inserita entro binari regolamentativi nel discorso di uno dei maggiori partiti di massa occidentali del ventesimo secolo: il partito comunista italiano. Il primo capitolo, dopo un excursus storiografico su come il \u2018popolo\u2019 \ue8 diventato parte fondamentale del discorso politico occidentale, inquadra il concetto all\u2019interno dell\u2019universo simbolico comunista, internazionale, sovietico, italiano (1921-1942). L\u2019analisi dei testi di Gramsci e Togliatti dagli anni venti fino agli anni quaranta mostra come il concetto di \u2018popolo\u2019 si sia affiancato e abbia poi superato quello di \u2018classe\u2019, dialogando strettamente con i concetti di leadership e nazione. Il secondo capitolo, muovendo dalla svolta di Salerno (1943-1945), indaga la dinamica con cui il partito ha centrato tutto il suo discorso politico sul \u2018popolo\u2019, come insieme omogeneo nazionalmente connotato. Il terzo capitolo tratta i primi anni della ricostruzione fino alle prime elezioni politiche della repubblica italiana (1946-1948) e punta a mostrare come dietro la semantica \u2018totalizzante\u2019 del popolo si nascondessero fratture politiche e identitarie fin dall\u2019immediato dopoguerra e ben prima di quanto la storiografia ammetta. Il quarto capitolo, dedicato agli anni del centrismo e della guerra fredda (1949-1955), analizza alcuni plessi narrativi della politica del partito: la strategia della \u2018popolarizzazione\u2019, la politica culturale, il culto della personalit\ue0 e l\u2019esaltazione del mito sovietico, tutti paradigmaticamente connessi alla parola \u2018popolo\u2019. Il quinto capitolo, relativo agli anni del centro-sinistra fino all\u2019esplosione delle rivolte studentesche (1956-1967), studia come, nel contesto internazionale dei movimenti di liberazione nei paesi ex-coloniali, il concetto abbia avuto un ruolo centrale nelle strategie discorsive del partito, pur all\u2019interno di un trend di progressiva incapacit\ue0 di comprensione delle istanze della societ\ue0 civile. Nelle conclusioni si cerca di enucleare i principali plessi discorsivi legati al termine soprattutto negli anni settanta, gettando uno sguardo fino alla conclusione dell\u2019esperienza comunista (1968-1991). Il lavoro presenta due appendici, una iconografica, relativa all\u2019uso del tema \u2018popolo\u2019 nella propaganda del partito, e una lessicometrica, con tabelle di frequenze assolute e relative tratte da l\u2019Unit\ue0

    «Con assoluta sincerità» : il lavoro editoriale di Natalia Ginzburg (1943-1952)

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    «With absolute honesty»: this is how Natalia Ginzburg worked in her editorial job at the Einaudi publishing house. Through documents from the Einaudi Archives in Turin and the Archivio del Novecento (Sapienza University), this book traces Ginzburg's editorial work in the postwar period, when she had major editorial responsibility and coordinated the translation of Proust’s Recherche. The correspondences with authors and translators restore a new profile of the writer, bringing to light the relevance of her intervention in narrative series, such as “Coralli” and “Gettoni”; the interaction between the professions of writer, editor and translator, from which recurring elements of poetics emerge; and the issues involved in being the only woman to have a decision-making role in the Einaudi editorial staff of the time

    Therapists' clinical work between sessions: A preliminary study of the Post Session Therapist Questionnaire

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    Objective: In this paper, we present the development of a new self-report questionnaire to assess a characteristic of clinical work that has not been considered in the literature: the mental (affective and rational) work that therapists do between clinical sessions. The resulting instrument is the Post Session Therapist Questionnaire. Method: After consulting the literature and conducting in-depth discussions of the dimensions to be investigated, we generated 40 items through brainstorming. We had 16 experts carefully examine the questionnaire\u2019s content validity at various stages and thus obtained 38 pertinent, clear, and unambiguous items. The experts also provided positive evaluations of the questionnaire\u2019s instructions and response mode. We then carried out a pilot study with 27 clinicians, who filled out the questionnaire twice, referring to 100 patients in each case. To assess the structural validity of the new instrument, we conducted an exploratory factor analysis using the session (N = 200) as the unit of analysis. Result: Three factors substantially supported the theoretical dimensions that we conceptualized in the first stage of the research: We called the factors Positive Regard, Comprehension, and Diagnostic Effort. These dimensions have good internal consistency. Conclusion: The study\u2019s results suggest that these clinical dimensions are meaningful in the development of clinical processes, which encourages further study of the psychometric properties of the questionnaire, with larger samples, so as to consider these results in relationship to the outcomes of the following sessions

    The Efficacy of Digital Cognitive–Behavioral Interventions in Supporting the Psychological Adjustment and Sleep Quality of Pregnant Women with Sub-Clinical Symptoms: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    The present meta-analysis investigated the overall and differential efficacy of digital cognitive-behavioral therapies (CBTs) vs. third-generation CBTs deployed to pregnant women in reducing sub-clinical depression, anxiety, and stress symptoms while fostering sleep quality and quality of life. A PRISMA-guided systematic search was used, including randomized controlled trials (RCTs) evaluating the above-mentioned interventions. Data were pooled using either the mean difference (MD) or standardized MD (SMD). Sub-group analyses were carried out when appropriate. The primary outcomes were depression, anxiety, and stress symptoms, as well as sleep quality and quality of life. The interventions' acceptability was evaluated through the odds ratio (OR) of drop-out rates. Seven RCTs were included, comprising 1873 pregnant women. The results showed the interventions' efficacy in terms of reducing depression symptoms (SMD = -0.36, CI = 0.61, -0.11, k = 9) at the endpoint, although it was not maintained at follow-up during the postpartum period. The interventions' efficacy in terms of reducing anxiety symptoms (SMD = 1.96, CI = -2.72, -1.21, k = 3) at the endpoint was also significant, while having no effect on sleep quality. The interventions were well accepted (OR = 1.68; 95% CI = 0.84, 3.35; k = 7). Although no sound conclusions can be drawn concerning the joint or differential efficacy of the considered interventions, this study was useful in highlighting the need to develop evidence-based digital prevention programs for pregnant women with sub-clinical symptoms

    Failure in reflective functioning as a key factor in the association between problematic social networking sites use, attachment and childhood maltreatment: A network analysis approach on gender differences

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    Following a network analysis approach, the present study aims to explore the pattern of mutual relationships between failure in reflective functioning (RF) - defined as hypomentalization - problematic social networking sites use (PSNSU), attachment anxiety and avoidance, and childhood maltreatment among emerging adults, with a focus on gender differences. The study sample comprises N = 1,614 emerging adults (Mage = 23.84; SD = 3.21; 50% identified themselves as women) who completed online self-assessment measures. Results showed significantly greater PSNSU, hypomentalization, childhood emotional abuse, and both attachment avoidance and anxiety among women. Indeed, within the network analysis, performed separately for men and women, network-specific associative patterns were observed; yet also similarities have emerged. Within the women's network, differently from males, attachment avoidance connects, through attachment anxiety, to emotional abuse, mood modification related to PSNSU, and hypomentalization. Nonetheless, hypomentalization was central in both networks, functioning as a hub between attachment anxiety, the PSNSU cluster, and the childhood maltreatment cluster. These results shed light on the use of social network sites as a potential maladaptive emotion regulation strategy, particularly among women. In this regard, the role of RF should be considered as a key treatment target to reduce PSNSU and support the use of adaptive emotion regulation strategies
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