811 research outputs found

    Fluorescent protein-mediated colour polymorphism in reef corals: multicopy genes extend the adaptation/acclimatization potential to variable light environments

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    The genomic framework that enables corals to adjust to unfavourable conditions is crucial for coral reef survival in a rapidly changing climate. We have explored the striking intraspecific variability in the expression of coral pigments from the green fluorescent protein (GFP) family to elucidate the genomic basis for the plasticity of stress responses among reef corals. We show that multicopy genes can greatly increase the dynamic range over which corals can modulate transcript levels in response to the light environment. Using the red fluorescent protein amilFP597 in the coral Acropora millepora as a model, we demonstrate that its expression increases with light intensity, but both the minimal and maximal gene transcript levels vary markedly among colour morphs. The pigment concentration in the tissue of different morphs is strongly correlated with the number of gene copies with a particular promoter type. These findings indicate that colour polymorphism in reef corals can be caused by the environmentally regulated expression of multicopy genes. High-level expression of amilFP597 is correlated with reduced photodamage of zooxanthellae under acute light stress, supporting a photoprotective function of this pigment. The cluster of light-regulated pigment genes can enable corals to invest either in expensive high-level pigmentation, offering benefits under light stress, or to rely on low tissue pigment concentrations and use the conserved resources for other purposes, which is preferable in less light-exposed environments. The genomic framework described here allows corals to pursue different strategies to succeed in habitats with highly variable light stress levels. In summary, our results suggest that the intraspecific plasticity of reef corals’ stress responses is larger than previously thought

    Galactic Archaeology with TESS: Prospects for Testing the Star Formation History in the Solar Neighbourhood

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    A period of quenching between the formation of the thick and thin disks of the Milky Way has been recently proposed to explain the observed age-[{\alpha}/Fe] distribution of stars in the solar neighbourhood. However, robust constraints on stellar ages are currently available for only a limited number of stars. The all-sky survey TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) will observe the brightest stars in the sky and thus can be used to investigate the age distributions of stars in these components of the Galaxy via asteroseismology, where previously this has been difficult using other techniques. The aim of this preliminary study was to determine whether TESS will be able to provide evidence for quenching periods during the star formation history of the Milky Way. Using a population synthesis code, we produced populations based on various stellar formation history models and limited the analysis to red-giant-branch stars. We investigated the mass-Galactic-disk-height distributions, where stellar mass was used as an age proxy, to test for whether periods of quenching can be observed by TESS. We found that even with the addition of 15% noise to the inferred masses, it will be possible for TESS to find evidence for/against quenching periods suggested in the literature (e.g. between 7 and 9 Gyr ago), therefore providing stringent constraints on the formation and evolution of the Milky Way.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, proceedings of "Seismology of the Sun and the Distant Stars 2016", Mario J. P. F. G. Monteiro, Margarida S. Cunha, Joao Miguel T. Ferreira editor

    The importance of organic phosphorus sources, transfers and impacts across the agricultural continuum

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    This thesis investigates the risks posed by organic phosphorus (P) from agriculture to river and stream chemical water quality and the ecology. Organic P compounds have received limited attention in past research, due to the agronomic focus on inorganic P and the analytical challenges of quantifying organic P in environmental matrices. Through laboratory and field experiments, this thesis aimed to: (i) characterise organic P within fresh and stored livestock slurry; (ii) quantify organic P export within overland flow and leachate from grasslands, including following livestock slurry application; and (iii) determine the benthic microbial responses to organic P compounds in rivers and streams. Finally, a coupled terrestrial-aquatic modelling approach was developed to quantify the impact of diffuse agricultural P mitigation measures on river water quality. The organic P pool in fresh livestock slurry was substantial and dominated by monoesters, including glycerophosphates, other labile monoesters (e.g. ATP) and inositol-6-phosphates. Storage drove significant changes in the chemical and physical fractionation of P within slurry. Organic P was observed in overland flow and leachate from grassland soil. Significant increases in organic P concentrations within leachate followed slurry application, predominantly in the form of glycerophosphates and inositol-6-phosphates. Within streams, heterotrophic responses to glycerophosphates and inositol-6-phosphate were observed, although these varied depending on background stream P concentrations. However, under certain stream conditions, inhibitory effects of organic P on the autotrophic community were observed. Modelling the efficacy of agricultural P mitigation suggested a best-case scenario in which annual river total P loads decreased by 7.5%, yet this increased to 19.4-25.1% when wastewater effluent was addressed alongside agricultural sources of P. The outcomes of this thesis present an opportunity to develop an organic P focus to the P transfer continuum, alongside highlighting a range of future research priorities related to organic P in the environment

    Physical and biological controls on fine sediment transport and storage in rivers

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    Excess fine sediment, comprising particles <2 mm in diameter, is a major cause of ecological degradation in rivers. The erosion of fine sediment from terrestrial or aquatic sources, its delivery to the river, and its storage and transport in the fluvial environment are controlled by a complex interplay of physical, biological and anthropogenic factors. Whilst the physical controls exerted on fine sediment dynamics are relatively well-documented, the role of biological processes and their interactions with hydraulic and physico-chemical phenomena has been largely overlooked. The activities of biota, from primary producers to predators, exert strong controls on fine sediment deposition, infiltration and resuspension. For example, extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) associated with biofilms increase deposition and decrease resuspension. In lower energy rivers, aquatic macrophyte growth and senescence are intimately linked to sediment retention and loss, whereas riparian trees are dominant ecosystem engineers in high energy systems. Fish and invertebrates also have profound effects on fine sediment dynamics through activities that drive both particle deposition and erosion depending on species composition and abiotic conditions. The functional traits of species present will determine not only these biotic effects but also the responses of river ecosystems to excess fine sediment. We discuss which traits are involved and put them into context with spatial processes that occur throughout the river network. Whilst strides towards better understanding of the impacts of excess fine sediment have been made, further progress to identify the most effective management approaches is urgently required through close communication between authorities and scientists

    Polyelectrolyte Multilayering on a Charged Planar Surface

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    The adsorption of highly \textit{oppositely} charged flexible polyelectrolytes (PEs) on a charged planar substrate is investigated by means of Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. We study in detail the equilibrium structure of the first few PE layers. The influence of the chain length and of a (extra) non-electrostatic short range attraction between the polycations and the negatively charged substrate is considered. We show that the stability as well as the microstructure of the PE layers are especially sensitive to the strength of this latter interaction. Qualitative agreement is reached with some recent experiments.Comment: 28 pages; 11 (main) Figs - Revtex4 - Higher resolution Figs can be obtained upon request. To appear in Macromolecule