10 research outputs found

    3-Tesla MR spectroscopy in patients subjected to bone marrow transplantation: clinical correlations.

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    PURPOSE: This study evaluated the usefulness of 3-Tesla magnetic resonance (MR) spectroscopy in patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) undergoing bone marrow transplantation (BMT). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twelve NHL patients who were candidates for BMT underwent three MR examinations of the lumbosacral spine: before ablative therapy for BMT, 15±4 days and 54±24 days after BMT. The MR study was supplemented by spectroscopic analysis. The lipid content was calculated and expressed as a percentage of lipid signal intensity relative to total signal intensity [fat fraction (FF)]. RESULTS: In the first MR study, the FF was 62.5±7%, in the second it was 70.75±5% and in the third it was 75±1%. We observed a statistically significant difference between FF values calculated at the various MR studies (p=0.02) and between red blood cell count (p=0.017), platelet count (p=0.003) and haematocrit (p<0.001) at the three MR studies. FF had a statistically significant correlation with the number of circulating platelets (p<0.01) CONCLUSIONS: MR spectroscopy of the bone marrow of NHL patients undergoing BMT is noninvasive and highly sensitive for characterising and monitoring bone marrow after BMT

    Type-specific inflammatory responses of vascular cells activated by interaction with virgin and aged microplastics

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    Microplastics (MPs) are recognized as a major environmental problem due to their ubiquitous presence in ecosystems and bioaccumulation in food chains. Not only humans are continuously exposed to these pollutants through ingestion and inhalation, but recent findings suggest they may trigger vascular inflammation and potentially worsen the clinical conditions of cardiovascular patients. Here we combine headspace analysis by needle trap microextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-NTME-GC-MS) and biological assays to evaluate the effects of polystyrene, high- and low-density polyethylene MPs on phenotype, metabolic activity, and pro-inflammatory status of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells (VSMCs) the most prominent cells in vascular walls. Virgin and artificially aged MPs (4 weeks at 40 °C and 750 W/m2 simulated solar irradiation) were comparatively tested at 1 mg/mL to simulate a realistic exposure scenario. Our results clearly show the activation of oxidative stress and inflammatory processes when VSMCs were cultured with aged polymers, with significant overexpression of IL-6 and TNF-α. In addition, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), including pentane, acrolein, propanal, and hexanal as the main components, were released by VSMCs into the headspace. Type-specific VOC response profiles were induced on vascular cells from different MPs

    Rescue Stenting Using Neuroform Atlas Stent During Coiling Protrusion for Ruptured Intracranial Aneurysms

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    - BACKGROUND: Endovascular coiling is generally considered as an effective treatment option for ruptured intracranial aneurysms. Increasing operator experience and quality of tools determined an improvement of endovascular cerebral aneurysms’ treatment. However, procedure-related complications still occur. The purpose of this study is to report a series of rescue stenting procedures with the Neuroform Atlas (NA) opencell stent, for intraprocedural complications during coil embolization in patients with ruptured intracranial aneurysms. - METHODS: Between April 2016 and January 2018, 12 consecutive coil protrusions that occurred during ruptured aneurysms’ embolizations were rescued using NA stenting together with tirofiban therapy. Follow-up was performed with initial magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) at 1 month and then MRA plus standard digital subtraction angiography at 11e13 months after the procedure. - RESULTS: Technical success was achieved in 100% of patients. No NA stent delivery/deployment complication occurred. Initial MRA showed complete occlusion of the aneurysm, with evidence of blood flow into parent vessels in 12 out of 12 cases. At 11e13 months, MRA and digital subtraction angiography showed 10 complete occlusion cases and 1 partial occlusion case. At 2 months, 1 death occurred due to subarachnoid hemorrhage. -CONCLUSIONS: The open-cell NA stent represents a rescue option for coil protrusion during endovascular treatment of ruptured intracranial aneurysms allowing regular restoration of blood flow and minimizing thromboembolic events

    Multi dynamic extraction: An innovative method to obtain a standardized chemically and biologically reproducible polyphenol extract from poplar-type propolis to be used for its anti-infective properties

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    Antimicrobial activity is a well-known property of propolis, making it a candidate for antimicrobial surfaces in biomedical devices. Nevertheless, large-scale use of propolis as an anti-infective agent is limited by the heterogeneity of its chemical composition and consequent variation in antimicrobial activity. The aim of this study was to demonstrate that the multi dynamic extraction (M.E.D.) method produces standardized polyphenolic mixtures from poplar-type propolis, with reproducible chemical composition and anti-microbial activity, independently from the chemical composition of the starting raw propolis. Three raw propolis samples, from Europe, America, and Asia, were analyzed for their polyphenol chemical composition by means of HPLC-UV and then combined to obtain three mixtures of propolis, which werme submitted to the M.E.D. extraction method. The chemical composition and the antimicrobial activity of M.E.D. propolis against bacteria and fungi were determined. The three M.E.D. propolis showed similar chemical compositions and antimicrobial activities, exhibiting no relevant differences against antibiotic-susceptible and antibiotic-resistant strains. The batch-to-batch reproducibility of propolis extracts obtained with the M.E.D. method encourages the design of drugs alternative to traditional antibiotics and the development of anti-infective surface-modified biomaterials

    Percutaneous Computed Tomography-Guided Lung Biopsies using a Virtual Navigation Guidance: Our Experience

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    Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of a virtual CT-guided navigation system (Sirio- MASMEC Biomed) in performing lung biopsies, with greater attention to lesions smaller than 1 cm, compared to the traditional procedure. Methods: This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of our Institute. Two hundred patients were prospectively selected. Of these, 100 were subjected to percutaneous procedure with the use of Sirio and 100 to traditional CT-guided percutaneous procedure. The two methods were compared in terms of absorbed dose, procedure time, complications, and number of non-diagnostic specimens (diagnostic success). Results: Sirio has shown a significant reduction in the absorbed dose and procedure times (p&lt;0.05), with a lower incidence of complications compared to the traditional procedure. Sirio has also allowed to carry out biopsies of lesions’ diameter !10 mm, obtaining fewer non diagnostic specimens thus resulting more effective in terms of diagnostic success. Conclusions: The use of Sirio in sampling biopsy showed a statistically significant reduction in terms of performed scans and procedural time with lower incidence of post-procedural complications compared to the traditional percutaneous procedure, especially for lesions !10mm. The best diagnostic result, the reduction of the dose absorbed and procedural complications makes the procedures more reliable, safety and less invasive. In addition, the reduction of execution time will increase the number of daily interventional procedures improving clinical management

    Sharing real-world experiences to optimize the management of olaparib toxicities: a practical guidance from an Italian expert panel

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    Olaparib is the first poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitor approved as maintenance therapy of recurrent ovarian cancer (OC) patients with a BRCA mutation. To achieve the maximum clinical benefit, adherence to olaparib must be persistent. However, in clinical practice, this is challenged by the frequent suboptimal management of toxicities. In view of the expanding use of olaparib also in Italy, physicians must learn how to adequately and promptly manage drug toxicities not to unnecessarily interrupt or reduce the dose. The experts agreed that nausea,vomiting, anemia, and fatigue are the most frequent events experienced by OC patients on olaparib, and that these toxicities usually develop early during treatment, are mainly of grade 1–2 and transient and can be managed with simple non-pharmacological interventions. By sharing their real-world experiences, the panel prepared, for each toxicity, an algorithm organized by grade and besides the procedures indicated in the local label, included supportive care interventions based also on nutritional and lifestyle modifications and psycho-oncology consultation. Moreover, in view of the tablet entry into the Italian market, the full and reduced dosages of capsules and tablets were compared. This practical guidance is intended to be a tool to support especially less-experienced physicians in the management of these complex patients, with the aim to help preventing the worsening of patients’ conditions and the unnecessary interruption/reduction of olaparib dosage, which may jeopardize treatment efficacy

    Free radicals and antioxidants at a glance using EPR spectroscopy

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    The delicate balance between the advantageous and detrimental effects of free radicals is one of the important aspects of human (patho)physiology. The controlled production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species has an essential role in the regulation of various signaling switches. On the other hand, imbalanced generation of radicals is highly correlated with the pathogenesis of many diseases which require the application of selected antioxidants to regain the homeostasis. In the era of growing interest for redox processes, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy is arguably the best-suited technique for such research due to its ability to provide a unique insight into the world of free radicals and antioxidants. Herein, I present the principles of EPR spectroscopy and the applications of this method in assessing: (i) the oxidative status of biological systems, using endogenous long-lived free radicals (ascorbyl radical (Asc(center dot)), tocopheroxyl radical (TO center dot), melanin) as markers; (ii) the production of short-lived radicals (hydroxyl radical (OH center dot), superoxide radical anion (O-2(-)), sulfur-and carbon-centered radicals), which are implicated in both, oxidative stress and redox signaling; (iii) the metabolism of nitric oxide (NO center dot); (iv) the antioxidative properties of various drugs, compounds, and natural products; (v) other redox-relevant parameter. Besides giving a comprehensive survey of up-to-date literature, I also provide illustrative examples in sufficient detail to provide a means to exploit the potential of EPR in biochemical/physiological/medical research. The emphasis is on the features and characteristics (both positive and negative) relevant for EPR application in clinical sciences. My aim is to encourage fellow colleagues interested in free radicals and antioxidants to expand their base knowledge or methods used in their laboratories with data acquired by EPR or some of the EPR techniques outlined in this review, in order to boost up the exciting area of redox science