56 research outputs found

    Measurement of the earthshine polarization in the B, V, R, and I band as function of phase

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    The characterization of the polarimetric properties of the planet Earth is important for the interpretation of expected observations and the planning of future instruments. We present a multi-wavelengths and multi-phase set of benchmark values for the polarization signal of the integrated light from the planet Earth derived from new polarimetric observations of the earthshine back-scattered from the Moon's dark side. Using a new, specially designed wide field polarimeter we measured the fractional polarization of the earthshine in the B, V, R and I filters for Earth phase angles alpha between 30{\deg} and 110{\deg}. The phase dependence of the earthshine polarization is fitted by a function p x sin(alpha)^2. To determine the polarization of the planet Earth we correct our earthshine measurements by a polarization efficiency function for the lunar surface derived from measurements of lunar samples from the literature. The polarization of the earthshine decreases towards longer wavelengths and is about a factor 1.3 lower for the higher albedo highlands. For mare regions the measured maximum polarization is about 13 % at quadrature in the B band. The resulting fractional polarizations for Earth are 24.6 % for the B band, 19.1 % for the V band, 13.5 % for the R band, and 8.3 % for the I band. Together with literature values for the spectral reflectivity of Earth we obtain a contrast between the polarized flux of the Earth and the (total) flux of the Sun with an uncertainty of less than 20 % and we find that the best phase to detect an Earth twin is around an Earth phase alpha=65{\deg}. The polarimetric models of Earth-like planets from Stam (2008) are in qualitative agreement with our results but there are also significant differences which might guide more detailed computations.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Disentangling Morphology, Star Formation, Stellar Mass, and Environment in Galaxy Evolution

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    We present a study of the spectroscopic and photometric properties of galaxies in six nearby clusters. We perform a partial correlation analysis on our dataset to investigate whether the correlation between star formation rates in galaxies and their environment is merely another aspect of correlations of morphology, stellar mass, or mean stellar age with environment, or whether star formation rates vary independently of these other correlations. We find a residual correlation of ongoing star formation with environment, indicating that even galaxies with similar morphologies, stellar masses, and mean stellar ages have lower star formation rates in denser environments. Thus, the current star formation gradient in clusters is not just another aspect of the morphology-density, stellar mass-density, or mean stellar age-density relations. Furthermore, the star formation gradient cannot be solely the result of initial conditions, but must partly be due to subsequent evolution through a mechanism (or mechanisms) sensitive to environment. Our results constitute a true ``smoking gun'' pointing to the effect of environment on the later evolution of galaxies.Comment: 31 pages, including 5 figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    Spatial variations of the SrI 4607\AA scattering polarization signals at subgranular scale observed with ZIMPOL at GREGOR telescope

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    Sr I 4607\AA spectral line shows one of the strongest scattering polarization signals in the visible solar spectrum. The amplitudes of these signals are expected to vary at granular spatial scales. This variation can be due to changes in the magnetic field intensity and orientation (Hanle effect) as well as due to spatial and temporal variations in the plasma properties. Measuring the spatial variation of such polarization signal would allow us to study the properties of the magnetic fields at subgranular region. But, the observations are challenging since both high spatial resolution and high spectropolarimetric sensitivity are required at the same time. To the aim of measuring these spatial variations at granular scale, we carried out a spectro-polarimetric measurement with the Zurich IMaging POLarimeter (ZIMPOL), at the GREGOR solar telescope at different limb distances on solar disk. Our results show a spatial variation of scattering linear polarization signals in Sr I 4607\AA line at the granular scale at every μ\mu, starting from 0.2 to 0.8. The correlation between the polarization signal amplitude and the continuum intensity imply statistically that the scattering polarization is higher at the granular regions than in the intergranular lanes.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Proceeding of Third Meeting of the Italian Solar and Heliospheric Community, OCTOBER 28-31, 2018 - TURI

    Signatures of Interstellar-Intracluster Medium Interactions: Spiral Galaxy Rotation Curves in Abell 2029

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    We investigate the rich cluster Abell 2029 (z~0.08) using optical imaging and long-slit spectral observations of 52 disk galaxies distributed throughout the cluster field. No strong emission-line galaxies are present within ~400 kpc of the cluster center, a region largely dominated by the similarly-shaped X-ray and low surface brightness optical envelopes centered on the giant cD galaxy. However, two-thirds of the galaxies observed outside the cluster core exhibit line emission. H-alpha rotation curves of 14 cluster members are used in conjunction with a deep I band image to study the environmental dependence of the Tully-Fisher relation. The Tully-Fisher zero-point of Abell 2029 matches that of clusters at lower redshifts, although we do observe a relatively larger scatter about the Tully-Fisher relation. We do not observe any systematic variation in the data with projected distance to the cluster center: we see no environmental dependence of Tully-Fisher residuals, R-I color, H-alpha equivalent width, and the shape and extent of the rotation curves.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables; to appear in the August 2000 Astronomical Journa

    A method of incorporating general relativity in electromagnetic particle-in-cell code

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    An algorithm is presented that incorporates the tensor form of Maxwell's equations in a general relativistic electromagnetic particle-in-cell code. The code simplifies to Schwartzschild space-time for a non-spinning central mass. The particle advance routine uses a fourth-order Runge-Kutta algorithm to integrate the four-velocity form of Lorentz force. The current density is calculated using the curved space-time of the metric.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    Wide-Field Chandra X-Ray Observations of AGN in Abell 85 & Abell 754

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    To better understand the mechanism or mechanisms that lead to AGN activity today, we measure the X-ray AGN fraction in a new sample of nearby clusters and examine how it varies with galaxy properties, projected cluster-centric radius, and cluster velocity dispersion. We present new wide-field Chandra X-ray Observatory observations of Abell 85, Abell 754 and the background cluster Abell 89B out to their virial radii. Out of seventeen X-ray sources associated with galaxies in these clusters, we classify seven as X-ray AGN with L_{X,B} > 10^{41} erg/s. Only two of these would be classified as AGN based on their optical spectra. We combine these observations with archival data to create a sample of X-ray AGN from six z < 0.08 clusters and find that 3.4+1.1/-0.8% of M_R 10^{41} erg/s. We find that more X-ray AGN are detected in more luminous galaxies and attribute this to larger spheriods in more luminous galaxies and increased sensitivity to lower Eddington-rate accretion from black holes in those spheroids. At a given X-ray luminosity limit, more massive black holes can be accreting less efficiently, yet still be detected. If interactions between galaxies are the principal drivers of AGN activity, then the AGN fraction should be higher in lower velocity dispersion clusters and the outskirts of clusters. However, the tendency of the most massive and early-type galaxies to lie in the centers of the richest clusters could dilute such trends. While we find no variation in the AGN fraction with projected cluster-centric radius, we do find that the AGN fraction increases significantly from 2.6+1.0/-0.8% in rich clusters to 10.0+6.2/-4.3% in those with lower velocity dispersions.Comment: Accepted by Astrophysical Journal, 17 pages using emulateapj.cls, 10 B & W Figures (degraded): Full resolution paper available at http://www.astronomy.ohio-state.edu/~sivakoff/AGN/XAGN_A85_A754.pd

    Observations on spatial variations of the Sr~{\sc i} 4607~\AA~scattering polarization signals at different limb distances with ZIMPOL

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    The Sr~{\sc i} 4607~\AA\ spectral line shows one of the strongest scattering polarization signals in the visible solar spectrum. The amplitude of this polarization signal is expected to vary at granular spatial scales, due to the combined action of the Hanle effect and the local anisotropy of the radiation field. Observing these variations would be of great interest because it would provide precious information on the small-scale activity of the solar photosphere. At present, few detections of such spatial variations have been reported. This is due to the difficulty of these measurements, which require combining high spatial (∼\sim 0.1"), spectral (≤\leq 20 m\AA), and temporal resolution (< 1 min) with increased polarimetric sensitivity (∼\sim 10−^-4^4). Aims. We aim to detect spatial variations at granular scales of the scattering polarization peak of the Sr~{\sc i} 4607~\AA\ line at different limb distances, and to study the correlation with the continuum intensity. Methods.Using the Zurich IMaging POLarimeter (ZIMPOL) system mounted at the GREGOR telescope and spectrograph in Tenerife, Spain, we carried out spectro-polarimetric measurements to obtain the four Stokes parameters in the Sr~{\sc i} line at different limb distances, from μ=0.2\mu=0.2 to μ=0.8\mu=0.8, on the solar disk. Results.Spatial variations of the scattering polarization signal in the Sr~{\sc i} 4607~\AA\ line, with a spatial resolution of about 0.66", are clearly observed at every μ\mu. The spatial scale of these variations is comparable to the granular size. A statistical analysis reveals that the linear scattering polarization amplitude in this Sr~{\sc i} spectral line is positively correlated with the intensity in the continuum, corresponding to the granules, at every μ\mu.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&
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