2 research outputs found

    Fluctuations in export productivity over the last century from sediments of a southern Chilean fjord (44°S)

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    Author Posting. © The Authors, 2005. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B. V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 65 (2005): 587-600, doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2005.07.005.Here we present the first reconstruction of changes in surface primary production during the last century from the Puyuhuapi fjord in southern Chile, using a variety of parameters (diatoms, biogenic silica, total organic carbon, chlorins, and proteins) as productivity proxies. Two sediment cores from the head and the center of the fjord were analyzed and compared to gain insights on past changes in productivity in these two different depositional environments. Higher sedimentation rates found at the head of the fjord result from the combination of a shallower water column and a restricted circulation by the occurrence of a sill. Additionally, sediment mixing depths estimated from 210Pb data suggest that suboxic conditions may dominate the bottom water and the sediment-water interface in this location. Productivity of the Puyuhuapi fjord during the last century was characterized by a constant increase from the late 19th century to the early 1980s, then decreased until the late-1990s, and then rose again to present-day values. The influence of rainfall on productivity was most noticeable during periods of low rainfall, which coincided with decreased overall productivity within the Puyuhuapi fjord. Simultaneous variations in productivity and rainfall in the study area suggest that marine productivity could respond to atmospheric-oceanic interactions at a local scale. At a regional scale, marine productivity of the area may be related to other large-scale processes such as the El Niño Southern Oscillation.We are grateful to the Ministerio de Hacienda de Chile (Chilean Ministry of Treasury) and the National Oceanographic Committee (CONA) for financial support to carry out the Cimar-7 Fiordo Program (Grant C7F 01-10 to Silvio Pantoja), the FONDAP-COPAS Center, and Grant 200.031.085-1 (UdeC) for financial support. SepĂșlveda was funded by a scholarship from the Graduate School of the University of ConcepciĂłn and by the FONDAP-COPAS Center. Additional support was given by FundaciĂłn Andes through the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution/University of ConcepciĂłn agreement

    Gaia Early Data Release 3: Structure and properties of the Magellanic Clouds

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    We compare the Gaia DR2 and Gaia EDR3 performances in the study of the Magellanic Clouds and show the clear improvements in precision and accuracy in the new release. We also show that the systematics still present in the data make the determination of the 3D geometry of the LMC a difficult endeavour; this is at the very limit of the usefulness of the Gaia EDR3 astrometry, but it may become feasible with the use of additional external data. We derive radial and tangential velocity maps and global profiles for the LMC for the several subsamples we defined. To our knowledge, this is the first time that the two planar components of the ordered and random motions are derived for multiple stellar evolutionary phases in a galactic disc outside the Milky Way, showing the differences between younger and older phases. We also analyse the spatial structure and motions in the central region, the bar, and the disc, providing new insights into features and kinematics. Finally, we show that the Gaia EDR3 data allows clearly resolving the Magellanic Bridge, and we trace the density and velocity flow of the stars from the SMC towards the LMC not only globally, but also separately for young and evolved populations. This allows us to confirm an evolved population in the Bridge that is slightly shift from the younger population. Additionally, we were able to study the outskirts of both Magellanic Clouds, in which we detected some well-known features and indications of new ones