18 research outputs found

    Incidencia y características epidemiológicas de casos positivos del virus de papiloma humano en usuarias de la Unidad Comunitaria de Salud Familiar Especializada San Miguel año 2019

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    RESUMEN: La infección por el virus del papiloma humano (VPH) ha sido identificada como el principal factor de riesgo del cáncer de cérvix. La hipótesis sobre una posible relación entre el virus del papiloma humano y el desarrollo del cáncer de cuello uterino fue postulada en el año 1976 por el Prof. Dr. Harald zur Hausen. Con el fin de demostrar su hipótesis, el Dr. zur Hausen examinó y, ulteriormente, demostró la presencia de ADN del virus del papiloma humano en las células cancerígenas ubicadas en el cuello uterino. Los genotipos del VPH que afectan las mucosas se clasifican como de bajo y alto riesgo. Los genotipos de alto riesgo se asocian con cáncer cervicouterino (CaCu), vulvar, vaginal. La infección por el VPH es sexualmente transmitida, por lo tanto, es prevenible, y puede ser curable. El Objetivo de esta investigación es documentar la incidencia y características epidemiológicas de casos positivos de Virus de Papiloma Humano en usuarias de la Unidad de Salud Familiar Especializada San Miguel. Metodología: Se trata de un estudio con enfoque descriptivo y transversal donde se evaluaron a 75 usuarias diagnosticadas con VPH positivo tras la toma de VPH care desde Enero a Agosto de 2019 y que previo a su referencia a colposcopia se les distribuyo un cuestionario en el cual se encontraron los principales resultados: De 338 pruebas de VPH care realizadas desde Enero a Agosto de 2019: 75 usuarias resultaron positivo así mismo se evaluó que la presencia de antecedentes sexuales de riesgo donde el inicio de relaciones sexuales a temprana edad, las múltiples parejas sexuales, el uso nulo o intermitente de preservativos y el de poseer una infección vaginal o ITS propician la transmisión de VPH; y entre los factores sociodemográficos se encontraron que la mayoría de usuarias se encontraban entre los 30 – 39 años, eran solteras o acompañadas, residían en la zona urbana, cursaron educación básica o bachillerato y eran amas de casa. Por lo que el equipo recomienda continuar realizando la prueba de VPH care, incrementar su cobertura y a su vez capacitar a más personal de salud para la toma de prueba como método de tamizaje que producirá un mayor beneficio en la detección precoz de cáncer cérvico uterino en la población femenina salvadoreña. ABSTRACT: Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection has been identified as the main risk factor for cervical cancer. The hypothesis about a possible relationship between the human papilloma virus and the development of cervical cancer was postulated in 1976 by Prof. Dr. Harald zur Hausen. In order to prove his hypothesis, Dr. zur Hausen examined and subsequently demonstrated the presence of human papillomavirus DNA in cancer cells located in the cervix. HPV genotypes that affect the mucosa are classified as low-risk and high-risk. High-risk genotypes are associated with cervical, vulvar, and vaginal cancer. HPV infection is sexually transmitted, therefore it is preventable and may be curable. The objective of this research is to document the incidence and epidemiological characteristics of positive cases of Human Papilloma Virus in users of the San Miguel Specialized Family Health Unit. Methodology: This is a study with a descriptive and cross-sectional approach where 75 users diagnosed with positive HPV were evaluated after taking HPV care from January to August 2019 and prior to their referral to colposcopy, a questionnaire was distributed to them in which the main results were found: Of 338 HPV care tests carried out from January to August 2019: 75 users were positive, likewise it was evaluated that the presence of risky sexual history where the beginning of sexual relations at an early age, the multiple sexual partners , the null or intermittent use of condoms and having a vaginal infection or STI favor the transmission of HPV; and among the sociodemographic factors, it was found that the majority of users were between 30 and 39 years old, were single or accompanied, lived in urban areas, attended basic education or high school, and were housewives. Therefore, the team recommends continuing to carry out the HPV care test, increasing its coverage and, in turn, training more health personnel to take the test as a screening method that will produce a greater benefit in the early detection of cervical cancer in the Salvadoran female populatio

    Therapeutic potential of the novel hybrid molecule JM-20 against focal cortical ischemia in rats

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    Context: Despite the great mortality and morbidity of stroke, treatment options remain limited. We previously showed that JM-20, a novel synthetic molecule, possessed a strong neuroprotective effect in rats subjected to transient middle cerebral artery occlusion. However, to verify the robustness of the pre-clinical neuroprotective effects of JM-20 to get good prognosis in the translation to the clinic, it is necessary to use other experimental models of brain ischemia. Aims: To evaluate the neuroprotective effects of JM-20 following the onset of permanent focal cerebral ischemia induced in rats by thermocoagulation of blood into pial blood vessels of cerebral cortices. Methods: Ischemic lesion was induced by thermocoagulation of blood into pial blood vessels of primary motor and somatosensory cortices. Behavioral performance was evaluated by the cylinder testing for a period of 2, 3 and 7 days after surgery, and was followed by histopathological study in brain cortex stained with hematoxylin- eosin. Results: Ischemic injury resulted in impaired function of the forelimb evidenced by high asymmetry punctuation, and caused histopathological alterations indicative of tissue damage at cerebral cortex. JM-20 treatment (4 and 8 mg/kg) significantly decreased asymmetry scores and histological alterations with a marked preservation of cortical neurons. Conclusions: The effects of permanent brain ischemia were strongly attenuated by JM-20 administration, which expands and improves the current preclinical data of JM-20 as neuroprotector against cerebral ischemia, and strongly support the examination of its translation to the clinic to treat acute ischemic stroke

    ASSERT trial – How to assess the safety and efficacy of a high frequency rTMS in postpartum depression ? A multicenter, double blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial

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    Background: Postpartum Depression affects a considerable number of women worldwide. This condition inflicts severe consequences to mother and child health. Thus far, available treatments have low response and high relapse rates. We designed this trial to evaluate a safe and more efficacious innovative therapy. Aims To report a feasible and ethical study design to assess the safety and efficacy of a high frequency repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation 10 Hz (rTMS) compared to sham rTMS in women with moderate to severe Post-Partum Depression using standard treatment (sertraline). To conduct an ancillary, exploratory, randomized, active controlled, double blind study with a hypothesis to assess the safety and efficacy of 10 Hz rTMS compared to sertraline. Methods: A multicenter, parallel arm, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind design to assess safety and efficacy of 10 Hz rTMS compared to sham. An ancillary study will be conducted with parallel arm, randomized, active controlled and double dummy design to assess safety and efficacy of 10 Hz rTMS compared to sertraline

    Gasto público y ciclo económico en la provincia de Buenos Aires

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    El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en analizar el gasto público de la provincia de Buenos Aires durante la última década, a fin de determinar si ha sido procíclico, contracíclico o acíclico. El resultado obtenido ha sido que la política de gastos bonaerense está positivamente correlacionada con el Producto Bruto Provincial, por lo que hemos de concluir que ésta presenta un comportamiento procíclico. Teniendo en cuenta que Buenos Aires constituye el principal distrito de la República Argentina y los efectos negativos de la prociclicidad sobre la economía real, este resultado sería relevante para la toma de decisiones de política económica.The aim of this paper is to analyze public spending in the province of Buenos Aires during the last decade, to determine if its behavior has been procyclical, countercyclical or acyclical. Our main result is that the Buenos Aires’ expenditure policy is positively correlated with the Gross Regional Product, so we conclude it presents a procyclical behavior. Taking into consideration that Buenos Aires is the main district of Argentina and that the procyclicality has perverse effects on the real economy, this result is relevant in the process of decision making.Facultad de Ciencias Económica

    Detección de proteínas de adhesión a fibronectina y colágeno presentes en Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola

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    Como parte de los estudios encaminados a la obtención de una formulación vacunal por subunidades contra la leptospirosis humana, se describe la purificación y caracterización de las proteínas de unión a fibronectina y a colágeno en Leptospira interrogans. Las proteínas de la membrana externa fueron extraídas mediante la solubilización con Tritón X-114 y se aplicaron en una columna de afinidad de IgG AntiBSA-Sepharose 2B CL, para eliminar la BSA, contaminante principal del medio de cultivo en que crece el microorganismo. La muestra libre de BSA (no fijado) se aplicó a una columna de afinidad de fibronectina Sepharose 4B-CNBr, que permitió la separación y detección de una fracción que contenía una proteína de unión a fibronectina presente en la cepa 87 de Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola, cuyo peso molecular fue estimado en 40 kDa. La proteína aislada demostró ser antigénica y conservada en los serovares Canicola, Copenhageni y Mozdok, en el ensayo de inmunodetección utilizado en este estudio (Dot blot). Para ello se utilizaron sueros específicos obtenidos en ratas infectadas experimentalmente con cada serovar y una mezcla de sueros de humanos convalecientes de leptospirosis. Las proteínas de membrana externa solubilizadas con Tritón X-114, libres de BSA, fueron aplicadas también a una columna de afinidad colágeno-Sepharosa 4B-CNBr, que permitió la purificación de una proteína de unión a colágeno con un peso molecular de aproximadamente 25 kDa, la cual resultó ser antigénica frente a sueros de humanos convalecientes de la enfermedad. Ambas proteínas seleccionadas (40 kD y 25 kD) podrían ser evaluadas como posibles inmunógenos en futuros estudios encaminados a la obtención de nuevos antígenos vacunales

    Performance of ICDAS e-learning program in teaching graduate students on the detection of occlusal caries

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    ABSTRACT Objective: The aim was evaluate the validity and reproducibility of the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS) in detecting occlusal caries among graduate students after training using the e-learning program. Methods: A sample of forty-two primary teeth with different ranges of occlusal caries was selected. All teeth were mounted on a wax support and standardized photographs (EOS Rebel XTI, Canon, NY, USA) of the occlusal surfaces were taken. An experienced researcher randomly selected one specific site on the occlusal surface of each tooth to be examined later. Fifteen graduate students with no previous experience in the ICDAS scores completed the ICDAS e-learning program in Portuguese. After the training, visual examination of the occlusal surfaces was taken twice, independently, with a two-week interval. After visual examination, the teeth were longitudinally sectioned 1mm away from the previously selected occlusal site. The teeth were fixed on a wax support and photographed. Histological analysis was performed from these photographs by an experienced researcher to evaluate the depth of demineralization. Results: The Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) inter-examiner values among all participants varied from 0.54 to 0.96 and intra-examiner ICC reproducibility of the examiners ranges from 0.61 to 0.85, showing good to excellent reproducibility. For detection of enamel and dentine lesions (D1), ICDAS obtained sensitivity 0.835 and specificity 0.756. For dentine lesions (D3), the method revealed an increase in sensitivity but specificity was similar to D1. Conclusion: ICDAS e-learning training program was efficient for the training of caries lesions detection among graduate students

    ASSERT trial – How to assess the safety and efficacy of a high frequency rTMS in postpartum depression ? A multicenter, double blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial

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    Background: Postpartum Depression affects a considerable number of women worldwide. This condition inflicts severe consequences to mother and child health. Thus far, available treatments have low response and high relapse rates. We designed this trial to evaluate a safe and more efficacious innovative therapy. Aims: To report a feasible and ethical study design to assess the safety and efficacy of a high frequency repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation 10 Hz (rTMS) compared to sham rTMS in women with moderate to severe Post-Partum Depression using standard treatment (sertraline). To conduct an ancillary, exploratory, randomized, active controlled, double blind study with a hypothesis to assess the safety and efficacy of 10 Hz rTMS compared to sertraline. Methods: A multicenter, parallel arm, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind design to assess safety and efficacy of 10 Hz rTMS compared to sham. An ancillary study will be conducted with parallel arm, randomized, active controlled and double dummy design to assess safety and efficacy of 10 Hz rTMS compared to sertraline