2 research outputs found
Análise crÃtica da PolÃtica Federal e Estadual de Legislação dos Recursos HÃdricos em Goiás: Um estudo de caso / Critical Analysis of Federal and State Water Resources Legislation Policy in Goiás: A Case Study
A interferência antrópica no meio ambiente tem afetado o clima e, como consequência, interferindo na distribuição dos recursos hÃdricos nas diferentes regiões do planeta Terra. As polÃticas públicas de planejamento e gestão das águas são, então, documentos balizadores para o uso destas. Nesse sentido, o presente artigo traz uma breve discussão acerca da legislação sobre o uso dos recursos hÃdricos e sua aplicação prática nas análises metodológicas utilizadas para concessão de outorgas no Estado de Goiás, discutindo e analisando as legislações Federais e Estaduais e sua legislação complementar. A concessão de outorgas no Estado de Goiás tem se mostrado deficiente quanto ao seu banco de dados para determinar a vazão mÃnima com 95% de garantia de tempo de manutenção de fluxo o que atrapalha o planejamento e gerenciamento do sistema produtivo e impacta nos ecossistemas aquáticos
Performance of table tomato plants with irrigation shifts associated with rooting agent doses
This study aimed to evaluate the development and production of table tomato plants, cultivar BSDS0005, in a protected environment, using different irrigation schedules and doses of the rooting agent Raizal®. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at the Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Morrinhos from June to October 2021. The design was randomized blocks with three replications arranged in a split-plot scheme, with three irrigation shifts (1, 2, and 3 days) in the plots and five doses of Raizal® rooting agent (0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 g plant-1) in the sub-plots. 14.5 L pots of soil were used, arranged in double rows, 0.4 m between pots, 0.45 m between single rows, and 1.15 m between double rows. A drip irrigation system was used, with 2 L h-1 self-compensating emitters. Irrigation was managed by replenishing 100% of the crop evapotranspiration in each irrigation shift. The results show that the Raizal® was efficient at a dose of 10 g plant-1, with better performance in flower abortion rate and yield. The two-day irrigation shift showed better performance in terms of root dry mass (18.14 g root-1), flower abortion rate (57.41%), yield, and water use efficiency (0.077 m3 kg-1 of fruit).This study aimed to evaluate the development and production of table tomato plants, cultivar BSDS0005, in a protected environment, using different irrigation schedules and doses of the rooting agent Raizal®. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at the Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Morrinhos from June to October 2021. The design was randomized blocks with three replications arranged in a split-plot scheme, with three irrigation shifts (1, 2, and 3 days) in the plots and five doses of Raizal® rooting agent (0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 g plant-1) in the sub-plots. 14.5 L pots of soil were used, arranged in double rows, 0.4 m between pots, 0.45 m between single rows, and 1.15 m between double rows. A drip irrigation system was used, with 2 L h-1 self-compensating emitters. Irrigation was managed by replenishing 100% of the crop evapotranspiration in each irrigation shift. The results show that the Raizal® was efficient at a dose of 10 g plant-1, with better performance in flower abortion rate and yield. The two-day irrigation shift showed better performance in terms of root dry mass (18.14 g root-1), flower abortion rate (57.41%), yield, and water use efficiency (0.077 m3 kg-1 of fruit)