3,430 research outputs found

    Kajian Empirikal Idealism Beragama sebagai Konten Budaya dalam Jargon Nilai Pancasila

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    Multiculturalism and pluralism of Indonesian society are shown by their uniquecommunity structure, because they vary in various ways. The influence of Indonesian society\u27splurality based on religion, race and ethnicity can be divided into positive and negative influences.Idioms that must be more remembered and used as policy bases should be based on the conceptof Unity in Diversity. It means, even if one is in one unit, it must not be forgotten, that in fact thisnation is different in one plurality. Thus, diversity is a color in life, and these colors will beharmonious, beautiful if there is an awareness to always create and like harmony in life throughbeautiful unity which is realized through integrase. Negative influence, the emergence of excessiveprimordialism (primordialism) which colors social interaction so that disintegration or socialconflict arises. The cause of conflict between religious communities due to a lack of solidarityand tolerance in dealing with existing differences. As explained in the previous discussion. Andhow to deal with it by fostering an open attitude between the differences that exist but must stillhold fast to each other\u27s faith and beliefs

    Weak phase information from the color suppressed B_d^0 -> D^{*0} K^{*0} modes

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    The decay channels Bd0→D∗0K∗0B_d^0 \to D^{*0} K^{*0} are investigated for extracting weak CKMCKM phase information. These channels are described by color-suppressed tree diagrams only and are free from penguin contributions. The branching ratios for these channels are found to be ∼O\sim \cal O (10−5−10−6)(10^{-5} - 10^{-6}) which can be measured at the currently running BB factories. The method presented here may be well-suited to determine the phase γ\gamma.Comment: 11 pages, revised extensively, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Continuum robots and underactuated grasping

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    We discuss the capabilities of continuum (continuous backbone) robot structures in the performance of under-actuated grasping. Continuum robots offer the potential of robust grasps over a wide variety of object classes, due to their ability to adapt their shape to interact with the environment via non-local continuum contact conditions. Furthermore, this capability can be achieved with simple, low degree of freedom hardware. However, there are practical issues which currently limit the application of continuum robots to grasping. We discuss these issues and illustrate via an experimental continuum grasping case study. <br><br> <i>This paper was presented at the IFToMM/ASME International Workshop on Underactuated Grasping (UG2010), 19 August 2010, Montréal, Canada.</i&gt

    Pengaruh Promosi dan Citra Merek terhadap Keputusan Pembelian

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    Tingginya persaingan antar Perusahaan saat ini mengharuskan setiap Perusahaan untuk terus berinovasi dan kreatif dalam menyusun strategi pemasarannya. Salah satu program pemasaran yang efektif dalam mengkomunikasikan produknya adalah melalui program promosi dan citra merek yang positif dibenak konsumen agar dapat membantu konsumen dalam pembuatan keputusan pembeliannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh promosi yang dilakukan dan citra merek Perusahaan terhadap keputusan pembelian mobil jenis MPV merek Toyota di Kota Denpasar. Purposive sampling adalah teknik sampling yang digunakan dengan responden berjumlah 120 orang dan regresi linear berganda merupakan teknik analisis data yang digunakan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa, promosi iklan dan citra merek berpengaruh positif signifikan secara parsial dan simultan terhadap keputusan pembelian mobil jenis MPV merek Toyota di Kota Denpasar

    Pelestarian Bahasa, Aksara, dan Sastra Bali melalui Pengoptimalan Tripusat Pendidikan

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    The existence of language, akasara, and literature Bali has a position and a very important function, namely as a pillar of the nation's cultural development. Along with the development of globalization, its presence is experiencing a dynamic, such as the decrease in the use of language Bali in quantity and quality. It is increasingly threatening kelestraiannya, whereas language, literacy and regional literature has an important role in building character or national identity. Therefore, it is important to efforts to preserve the language, script and literature tripusat Bali through optimization of education, the family environment, school, and community. Family environment is an environment is first and foremost for a child. The school environment is a second environment for children to socialize and interact. Community environment is also very important take on the role especially Pakraman and community leaders. In the preservation of language, literacy, and literary Bali can not be separated from a variety of challenges

    Intervensi Keluarga dalam Pranata Agama dalam Konteks Peradaban Hindu

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    The family is a place where early citizens are conditioned and prepared for future roles in the adult world. The magnitude of the influence of the role of family and society in education to promote education and civilization, especially if the establishment of good communication between family, school, and community to form students who are well educated from the attitude, behavior, and religion to change the civilization that is more well directed. The support of parents in teaching the ordinances of harmonious relationships in the family, the environment and God through prayer on the application of religious institutions. This has an impact on the formation of a child character who has a strong social perspective principle through the planting of religious content is strong


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    The effects of dietary pyridoxine levels (0, 5, 15. and 25mg/100g diet) on growth andvitamin 86 profile of' juvenile Penaeus japonicus (0.69 + 0.03g; mean + sd) wereinvestigated during 8 weeks of f'eeding experiments


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    Education and communication in learning are two things that cannot be separated.Communication learning is inseparable from education and communication communication ingeneral. Education is a communication event that has the same framework, namely the existenceofrelationsbetweenhumans.Thisrelationshipcontainselementsofmutualneed.Basicneedsinhumanlifeareinterconnectedandinteractwithfellowhumans.Communicationisaveryimportanthumanlink.Incarryingoutaneducationalprogram,theactivityofdisseminating,conveyingideasandintentionstostudentsisveryimportant.Pre-instructionalStage,InstructionalStage,Stageofassessmentandfollow-up(evaluation).Theprocessofcommunicationinconveyingagoalismorethanjustchannelingthoughtsorideasandintentionsorallyorinwriting.Keywords: Educational Communication, Professional Learning, Learning Qualit
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