6,777 research outputs found

    Open problems in nuclear density functional theory

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    This note describes five subjects of some interest for the density functional theory in nuclear physics. These are, respectively, i) the need for concave functionals, ii) the nature of the Kohn-Sham potential for the radial density theory, iii) a proper implementation of a density functional for an "intrinsic" rotational density, iv) the possible existence of a potential driving the square root of the density, and v) the existence of many models where a density functional can be explicitly constructed.Comment: 10 page

    Entanglement and localization of wavefunctions

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    We review recent works that relate entanglement of random vectors to their localization properties. In particular, the linear entropy is related by a simple expression to the inverse participation ratio, while next orders of the entropy of entanglement contain information about e.g. the multifractal exponents. Numerical simulations show that these results can account for the entanglement present in wavefunctions of physical systems.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop 'Recent Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics and Complex System Physics', Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 200

    Intermediate statistics in quantum maps

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    We present a one-parameter family of quantum maps whose spectral statistics are of the same intermediate type as observed in polygonal quantum billiards. Our central result is the evaluation of the spectral two-point correlation form factor at small argument, which in turn yields the asymptotic level compressibility for macroscopic correlation lengths

    Ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)N epilayers versus antiferromagnetic GaMn3_3N clusters

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    Mn-doped wurtzite GaN epilayers have been grown by nitrogen plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. Correlated SIMS, structural and magnetic measurements show that the incorporation of Mn strongly depends on the conditions of the growth. Hysteresis loops which persist at high temperature do not appear to be correlated to the presence of Mn. Samples with up to 2% Mn are purely substitutional Ga1x_{1-x}Mnx_xN epilayers, and exhibit paramagnetic properties. At higher Mn contents, precipitates are formed which are identified as GaMn3_3N clusters by x-ray diffraction and absorption: this induces a decrease of the paramagnetic magnetisation. Samples co-doped with enough Mg exhibit a new feature: a ferromagnetic component is observed up to Tc175T_c\sim175 K, which cannot be related to superparamagnetism of unresolved magnetic precipitates.Comment: Revised versio

    Retrieving Nuclear Information from Protons Propagating through A Thick Target

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    The multiple scattering of high-energy particles in a thick target is fromulated in an impact parameter representation. A formalism similar but not identical to that of Moliere is obtained. We show that calculations of particle beam broadening due to multiple Coulomb scattering alone can be given in closed form. The focus of this study is on whether or not the broadening of the Coulomb angular distribution prevents the retrieval of nuclear-interaction information from mesauring the angular distributions of charged partiles scattered from a thick target. For this purpose, we study multiple scatterings with both the nuclear and Coulomb interactions included and we do not make a small-angle expansion. Condition for retrieving nuclear infomration from high-energy protons propagating through a block of material are obtained.Comment: 29 pages, 13 figure

    The Accretion of Lyman Alplha Clouds onto Gas-Rech Protogalaxies; A Scenario for the Formation of Globular Star Clusters

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    A satisfactory theory for the formation of globular star clusters (GCs) has long been elusive, perhaps because their true progenitors had not yet been guessed. In this paper I propose a causal relationship between the strongly decreasing densities of Lyman alpha (LyA) clouds at high redshift and the formation of GCs - namely that GCs were created by the accretion of LyA clouds onto protogalaxies. I describe a scenario which involves an inherently stable and orderly cycling of compression and cooling in the central cores of clouds during the extended period of dissipation in the outer regins of gas-rich proto galaxies, culminating in a burst of efficient star formation. I demonstrate that the comoving density of GCs is comparable to that of LyA clouds at high redshift, that the energetic requirements for compression to core GC densities can be met, and that the time-scale for cooling is within obvious limits imposed by dynamical stability. This dissipative process requires there to be a large column of dissipated gas about the attractor in order to form GCs. In addition, the energy requirements for compression requires attractor masses greater than that capable of sustaining circular velocities of ~40 km/s. If this scenario is supported by numerical simulations, then by implication, the GCs were formed at modest redshifts of z~1-3. This knowledge could help to break the degeneracy between lookback time and redshift. The model is consistent with a picture of hierarchical galaxy growth over time scales of many billions of years.Comment: 7 pages. Accepted, 10 June 1999 Astrophysical Journa

    Galaxies on the Blue Edge

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    We have successfully constructed a catalog of HI-rich galaxies selected from the Minnesota Automated Plate Scanner Catalog of the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey (POSS I) based solely on optical criteria. We identify HI-rich candidates by selecting the bluest galaxies at a given apparent magnitude, those galaxies on the "blue edge" of POSS I color-magnitude parameter space. Subsequent 21-cm observations on the upgraded Arecibo 305m dish detected over 50% of the observed candidates. The detected galaxies are HI-rich with HI masses comparable to "normal" high surface brightness disk galaxies and they have gas mass-to-light ratios ranging from 0.1 to 4.8 (in solar units). Comparison of our candidate galaxies with known low surface brightness galaxies (hereafter LSBs) shows that they exhibit similar optical and HI properties to that population. We also show that previously identified LSBs, including several LSBs with red B-V colors, preferentially occupy the "blue edge" of POSS I color-magnitude parameter space. Their presence on the "blue edge" appears to be a selection effect due to differing plate limits in the two POSS I bandpasses. This suggests the POSS I is a good filter for separating galaxies on the higher surface brightness end of the LSB population from the general population of galaxies in the night sky.Comment: 56 pages, 19 figures, to be published in the Astronomical Journal (July 1, 2002

    Optical and radio observations of a sample of 52 powerful ultra-steep spectrum radio sources

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    We present the results of radio (VLA) and optical (ESO/La Silla) imaging of a sample of 52 radio sources having an ultra-steep radio spectrum with α\alpha mostly steeper than -1.1 at decimetre wavelengths (median α=1.22\alpha=-1.22). Radio-optical overlays are presented to an astrometric accuracy of ~1\arcsec. For 41 of the sources, radio spectral indices are newly determined using unpublished observations made with the 100-m Effelsberg radio telescope. For 14 of the sources identified with relatively brighter optical counterparts, spectroscopic observations were also carried out at La Silla and their redshifts are found to lie in the range 0.4 to 2.6. These observations have revealed three distant clusters of galaxies with redshifts of 0.55, 0.75 and 0.79, and we suggest that, together with an ultra-steep radio spectrum and relaxed radio morphology, the presence of a LINER spectrum in the optical can be used as a powerful indicator of rich clusters of galaxies. Additional candidates of this type in our sample are pointed out. Also, sources exhibiting particularly interesting radio-optical morphological relationships are highlighted. We further note the presence of six sources in our sample for which the optical counterpart (either detected or undetected) is fainter than R24R\sim 24 and the radio extent is small (<10\arcsec). These ultra-steep spectrum radio sources are good signposts for discovering massive galaxies out to very large redshifts

    Physical Sources of Scatter in the Tully-Fisher Relation

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    We analyze residuals from the Tully-Fisher relation for the emission-line galaxies in the Nearby Field Galaxy Survey, a broadly representative survey designed to fairly sample the variety of galaxy morphologies and environments in the local universe. For spirals brighter than M_R^i=-18, we find strong correlations between Tully-Fisher residuals and both B-R color and EW(Halpha). The extremes of the correlations are populated by Sa galaxies, which show consistently red colors, and spirals with morphological peculiarities, which are often blue. If we apply an EW(Halpha)-dependent or B-R color-dependent correction term to the Tully-Fisher relation, the scatter in the relation no longer increases from R to B to U but instead drops to a nearly constant level close to the scatter we expect from measurement errors. We argue that these results probably reflect correlated offsets in luminosity and color as a function of star formation history. Broadening the sample in morphology and luminosity, we find that most non-spirals brighter than M_R^i=-18 follow the same correlations as do spirals, albeit with greater scatter. However, the color and EW(Halpha) correlations do not apply to galaxies fainter than M_R^i=-18 or to emission-line S0 galaxies with anomalous gas kinematics. For the dwarf galaxy population, the parameters controlling Tully-Fisher residuals are instead related to the degree of recent disturbance: overluminous dwarfs have higher rotation curve asymmetries, brighter U-band effective surface brightnesses, and shorter gas consumption timescales than their underluminous counterparts. As a result, sample selection strongly affects the measured faint-end slope of the Tully-Fisher relation. Passively evolving, rotationally supported galaxies display a break toward steeper slope at low luminosities.Comment: 58 pages including 21 figures, AJ, accepte