344 research outputs found

    Supersymmetry in Thermo Field Dynamics

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    By considering the enlarged thermal system including the heat bath, it is shown that this system has supersymmetry which is not broken at finite temperature. The super algebra is constructed and the Hamiltonian is expressed as the anti-commutator of two kinds of super charges. With this Hamiltonian and the thermal vacuum 0(β)>\mid 0(\beta)>, this supersymmetry is found to be preserved.Comment: 12 pages, Latex fil

    Hirudo medicinalis as alternative model for in vivo and in vitro studies on nanomaterials toxicity.

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    Due to the steady increase of production and use of engineered nanomaterials (NMs), intentional or unintentional discharges into the environment may occur. Since it is critical to develop new methods to fully understand NMs bioaccumulation and cytotoxicity, a reliable model in which analyze NMs effects both in vivo and in vitro is more than ever necessary. Here we propose the leech, Hirudo medicinalis, as alternative animal model to study multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) effects by means of an extended study that includes in vivo and in vitro treatments. First, MWCNTs were dispersed in leeches\u2019 water to mimic a possible environmental exposure. In a second assay, a MWCNTs-supplemented biomatrix was injected in leeches\u2019 body wall. Thirdly, leeches macrophages were isolated and cultured to analyze their responses after MWCNTs in vitro treatment. Our results show that water dispersed MWCNTs evoke in the leech body wall a strong inflammatory response, involving mainly monocyte-macrophages cells. Ultrastructural analysis of MWCNTs-supplemented biomatrix revealed that in leech macrophages MWCNTs are internalized both in an active (phagocytosis) and a passive manner (membrane piercing). Finally, MWCNTs in vitro treatment cause the decrease of cell proliferation rate and the increase of ROS production and of the apoptotic rate. Our combined experimental approaches, not only attest the ability of MWCNTs in inducing a potent inflammatory response, but also confirm Hirudo medicinalis as a good alternative model that can be successfully used to study, both in vivo and in vitro, the possible harmful effects of any nanomaterial

    Yang-Mills theory from non-critical string

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    The correspondence of the non-critical string theory and the Yang-Mills theory is examined according to the recent Polyakov's proposal, and two possible solutions of the bulk equations are addressed near the fixed points of the pure Yang-Mills theory: (i) One solution asymptotically approaches to the AdS space at the ultraviolet limit where the conformally invariant field theory is realized. (ii) The second one approaches to the flat space in both the infrared and the ultraviolet limits. The area law of the Wilson-loop and the asymptotic freedom with logarithmic behaviour are seen in the respective limit.Comment: 17 pages, no figure, Late

    Amyloid and allorecognition in the colonial ascidian Botryllus schlosseri.

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    Allorecognition, i.e., the ability of intraspecific nonself recognition is widely distributed among colonial, sessile marine organisms in the form of colony specificity. In the cosmopolitan compound ascidian Botryllus schlosseri, colony specificity is controlled by a highly polymorphic Fu/HC locus: two colonies sharing at least one alleleat the Fu/HC locus can fuse into a chimeric colony; if no alleles are shared, a typical inflammatory reaction occurs, with the recruitment of a specific hemocyte type, the cytotoxic morula cells (MCs), inside the tips of the ampullae (the blind termini ofthe tunic vasculature) extending towards the alien colony, their extravasation in the tunic and their final degranulation. As a consequence of allorecognition, necrotic, melanic spots (points of rejection; PORs) form along the contact border, due to the release, by MCs, of their granular content, mainly represented by quinones, polyphenols and the enzyme phenoloxidase (PO), upon the perception of the allogeneic humoral factors diffusing from the alien colony through the partially fused tunics. It is remarkable that the deposition of melanin and the cell death is confined to the immediate outside of the ampullar tips, suggesting that the diffusion of PO and the products of its activity are, in some way, prevented in order to limit cytotoxicity to the immediate neighbourhood of the contact region. In this context, we looked for factors released by MCs that could limit the spreading of cytotoxicity and melanisation. We found that MCs share with vertebrate melanocytes similar packaging of melanin precursors, entrapped in a 3Dscaffold of amyloid fibrils. They contribute to form the electron dense content of MC granules that, after stimulation, flake off and is released in the surrounding medium. Released amyloid fibrils limit the diffusion of the produced melanin. The search for genes and factor controlling both melanogenesis and amyloidogenesis, revealed an evolutionary conserved machinery involved in the processes and an unexpected cross talk between the two Botryllus immunocyte types, i.e., phagocytes and MCs. Furthermore, this work confirms the physiological role of amyloid in tunicate immunity

    Non-conformal examples of AdS/CFT

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    Asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes with Poincare invariance along the boundary can describe, via the AdS/CFT correspondence, either relevant deformations of a conformal field theory or non-conformal vacuum states. I consider examples of both types constructed in the framework of five-dimensional gauged supergravity. I explain the proof and motivation of a gravitational ``c-theorem'' which is independent of dimension. I show how one class of examples can be elevated to ten-dimensional geometries involving distributions of parallel D3-branes. For these cases some peculiar properties of two-point functions emerge, and I close with speculations on their physical origin.Comment: 16 pages, two figures, latex. Strings '99 tal

    BPS equations in N=2, D=5 supergravity with hypermultiplets

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    With the general aim to classify BPS solutions in N=2, D=5 supergravities interacting with an arbitrary number of vector, tensor and hypermultiplets, here we begin considering the most general electrostatic, spherical-symmetric BPS solutions in the presence of hypermultiplet couplings. We discuss the properties of the BPS equations and the restrictions imposed by their integrability conditions. We exhibit explicit solutions for the case of static BPS black-holes coupled to one (the so called universal) hypermultiplet.Comment: 20 pages, v3 some corrections performed; we thank A.Van Proeyen for the pointing ou

    The Three Dimensional Dual of 4D Chirality

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    Chiral gauge theories can be defined in four-dimensional Anti de Sitter space, but AdS boundary conditions explicitly break the chiral symmetry in a specific, well defined manner, which in turns results in an anomalous Ward identity. When the 4D theory admits a dual description in terms of a 3D CFT, the 3D dual of the broken chiral symmetry is a certain double-trace deformation of the CFT, which produces the same anomalous chiral Ward identities that obtains in the 4D bulk theory.Comment: 10 pages, small misprints corrected, reference [16] updated. Version to appear in JHE

    Functional amyloid formation in LPS activated cells from invertebrates to vertebrates

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    LPS stimulation provokes serious cellular stress with an increase of cytoplasmic reactive oxygen species (ROS). We have investigated, among the different cellular defenses, amyloidogenesis as common physiological response to attenuate oxidative stress. Optical and electron microscopic observations of the following LPS activated cell lines [insect (larval hemocytes, IPLB-LdFB and Drosophila Schneider\u2019s S2 cells); mouse (NIH3T3 embryonic fibroblasts); Human (Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVEC), neutrophils, and mesenchymal stem cells] reveal that, all are characterized by irregular profiles, cytoplasmic empty vacuoles or by cisternae containing fibrillar material. The compartmentalized fibrillar material shows staining properties typical of amyloid fibrils. LPS activation leads to ROS generation, resulting in pH acidification. Stimulated cells show pink cytoplasm in May-Gr\ufcnwald Giemsa differential staining, giving a gross indication of a lower intracellular pH. Moreover the activation of amyloidogenesis is also linked with an extensive production of ACTH and \u3b1-MSH in all cultured cell types. We suggest that amyloidogenesis is a common, physiological cellular response to weak ROS, starting when other anti-stress cellular systems failed to restore homeostasis. The morphological evidence and/or functional characterization of synthesized amyloid fibrils could be an early indicator of oxidative stress that may lead to a general inflammatory process

    Renormalization Group Flows from Five-Dimensional Supergravity

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    The use of gauged N=8{\cal N} = 8 supergravity as a tool in studying the AdS/CFT correspondence for N=4{\cal N} = 4 Yang-Mills theory is reviewed. The supergravity potential implies a non-trivial, supersymmetric IR fixed point, and the flow to this fixed point is described in terms of a supergravity kink. The results agree perfectly with earlier, independent field theory results. A supergravity inspired cc-function, and corresponding cc-theorem is discussed for general flows, and the simplified form for supersymmetric flows is also given. Flows along the Coulomb branch of the Yang-Mills theory are also described from the five-dimensional perspective.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures; Latex, ioplppt.sty, iopl12.sty, epsf.sty. Contribution to Strings `9

    Beta-functions in Yang-Mills Theory from Non-critical String

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    The renormalization group equations of the Yang-Mills theory are examined in the non-critical string theory according to the framework of the holography. Under a simple ansatz for the tachyon, we could find several interesting solutions which are classified by the value of the tachyon potential at the vacuum. We show two typical, asymptotic-free solutions which are different in their infrared behaviors. For both types of solutions, we could obtain quark-confinement potential from the Wilson-loop. The stability of the tachyon and the ZigZag symmetry are also discussed for these solutions.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure