115 research outputs found


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    This article discusses preliminary findings of a study on the transposition of the legal concept of genocide into 131 national jurisdictions. The specificities of this transposition into national criminal systems, as well as those related to the international legal definition of genocide, are described in the first part. The communicative situations in which the concept of genocide has been transposed are then examined in order to show their scope and breadth, and to which extent they contribute to the transformation of the concept of genocide. Trends related to the object of transformation in the definition and their effect on meaning are subsequently outlined. The findings point to a situation where, despite having been the object of multiple consensus at the international level, the concept of genocide has been transformed by the vast array of domestic legal languages and legal systems into which it has been transposed and thereby reinforce the relation between the configuration of the language and law, and the difficulty of translation.ArtykuƂ przybliĆŒa wstępne badania nad przeniesieniem prawnej koncepcji ludobĂłjstwa na 113 jurysdykcji. W pierwszej częƛci uwzględnia się uwarunkowania tego przeniesienia w systemach karnych jak i powiązaƄ z międzynarodową definicją prawną ludobĂłjstwa. Przeanalizowano sytuacje komunikacyjne, w ktĂłrych uwypukliƂ się koncept ludobĂłjstwa by ukazać ich zakres i rozlegƂoƛć jak i okreƛlić, w jakim stopniu przyczyniƂy się one do przeformuƂowania koncepcji ludobĂłjstwa. Ustalenia wskazują na sytuację, w ktĂłrej pomimo ludobĂłjstwa na szczeblu międzynarodowym koncepcja ludobĂłjstwa zostaƂa przeksztaƂcona przez wachlarz krajowych językĂłw prawnych i systemĂłw prawnych, do ktĂłrych zostaƂa transponowana, a tym samym wzmocniƂa relację między konfiguracją języka i prawa a trudnoƛcią tƂumaczenia

    ThĂ©ophile Gautier, ƒuvres poĂ©tiques complĂštes

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    Comme le constate dans l’introduction M. Brix, dix-neuviĂ©miste confirmĂ©, que Nerval a conduit Ă  Gautier, ce volume comble une Ă©tonnante lacune : il n’existait plus en effet d’édition disponible des PoĂ©sies complĂštes de Gautier, depuis l’épuisement de l’édition Jasinski, parue en 1932 et rĂ©imprimĂ©e en 1970. Le premier intĂ©rĂȘt de ce volume est donc de rendre de nouveau accessible l’ensemble de l’Ɠuvre poĂ©tique de Gautier, en y incluant, pour la premiĂšre fois, les Ɠuvres libertines qu’avait lais..

    Adolphe Thiers, critique d’art, Salons de 1822 et de 1824, Ă©dition prĂ©sentĂ©e et annotĂ©e par Marie-Claude Chaudonneret

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    Si l’on excepte un article, dĂ©jĂ  de Marie-Claude Chaudonneret, dans le numĂ©ro de la Revue des Sciences morales et politiques consacrĂ© Ă  Thiers collectionneur et amateur d’art en 1998, la critique d’art de Thiers a rarement suscitĂ© l’attention de la critique. On n’en a guĂšre retenu, grĂące Ă  Baudelaire, Ă  ThĂ©ophile Silvestre et Ă  quelques autres, que la prophĂ©tie qui, dĂšs le Salon de 1822, promettait Ă  Delacroix «l’avenir d’un grand peintre». C’est donc une heureuse initiative que d’avoir rĂ©Ă©di..

    Adolphe Thiers, critique d’art, Salons de 1822 et de 1824

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    Si l’on excepte un article, dĂ©jĂ  de M.-C. Chaudonneret, dans le numĂ©ro de la « Revue des Sciences morales et politiques » consacrĂ© Ă  Thiers collectionneur et amateur d’art en 1998, sa critique d’art a peu attirĂ© l’attention des chercheurs. On n’en a guĂšre retenu – grĂące Ă  Baudelaire, ThĂ©ophile Silvestre et quelques autres – que la prophĂ©tie promettant dĂšs 1822 Ă  Delacroix « l’avenir d’un grand peintre ». C’est donc une trĂšs heureuse initiative d’avoir rĂ©Ă©ditĂ© les deux Salons que le jeune avoc..

    Participation in sports-related extracurricular activities: a strategy that enhances school engagement

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    This article outlines a strategy that we, as high school teachers, used in the academic year 2012-2013 to improve a student’s school engagement. Extracurricular activities such as sports have proven useful (among other strategies) to counter school disengagement, specifically in enhancing positive social relations among the teachers and students involved. The authors present an approach implemented in partnership with the students, and discuss the consequences of this strategy for the students and the desired improvements. Finally, we emphasize the importance of peer involvement, teachers’ collaboration, and the teachers’ willingness to inspire and empower change.Cet article porte sur une stratĂ©gie que nous avons mise de l’avant Ă  titre de praticiens afin de susciter l’engagement d’un Ă©lĂšve Ă  l’école pendant l’annĂ©e scolaire 2012-2013. Le recours Ă  une activitĂ© parascolaire axĂ©e sur le sport pour favoriser l’engagement de l’élĂšve s’est avĂ©rĂ© en partie efficace pour contrer ce phĂ©nomĂšne, notamment en suscitant la qualitĂ© des liens sociaux entre tous les acteurs impliquĂ©s. Les auteurs prĂ©sentent la stratĂ©gie Ă©laborĂ©e en partenariat avec l’élĂšve, les retombĂ©es de celle-ci et les amĂ©liorations souhaitĂ©es. Finalement, ils soulignent l’importance de l’implication des pairs, de la collaboration entre les enseignants, et de la capacitĂ© des praticiens Ă  inspirer et Ă  susciter du changement chez les Ă©lĂšves

    Nonverbal expression of empathy in healthy human populations : a scoping review protocol

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    The present scoping review aims to understand the extent and type of evidence related to the nonverbal expression of empathy (and empathic concern) in healthy human (or human-like) empathizers across contexts

    Green Edge ice camp campaigns : understanding the processes controlling the under-ice Arctic phytoplankton spring bloom

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    The Green Edge initiative was developed to investigate the processes controlling the primary productivity and fate of organic matter produced during the Arctic phytoplankton spring bloom (PSB) and to determine its role in the ecosystem. Two field campaigns were conducted in 2015 and 2016 at an ice camp located on landfast sea ice southeast of Qikiqtarjuaq Island in Baffin Bay (67.4797∘ N, 63.7895∘ W). During both expeditions, a large suite of physical, chemical and biological variables was measured beneath a consolidated sea-ice cover from the surface to the bottom (at 360 m depth) to better understand the factors driving the PSB. Key variables, such as conservative temperature, absolute salinity, radiance, irradiance, nutrient concentrations, chlorophyll a concentration, bacteria, phytoplankton and zooplankton abundance and taxonomy, and carbon stocks and fluxes were routinely measured at the ice camp. Meteorological and snow-relevant variables were also monitored. Here, we present the results of a joint effort to tidy and standardize the collected datasets, which will facilitate their reuse in other Arctic studies

    Effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor and angiotensin receptor blocker initiation on organ support-free days in patients hospitalized with COVID-19

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    IMPORTANCE Overactivation of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) may contribute to poor clinical outcomes in patients with COVID-19. Objective To determine whether angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor or angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) initiation improves outcomes in patients hospitalized for COVID-19. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS In an ongoing, adaptive platform randomized clinical trial, 721 critically ill and 58 non–critically ill hospitalized adults were randomized to receive an RAS inhibitor or control between March 16, 2021, and February 25, 2022, at 69 sites in 7 countries (final follow-up on June 1, 2022). INTERVENTIONS Patients were randomized to receive open-label initiation of an ACE inhibitor (n = 257), ARB (n = 248), ARB in combination with DMX-200 (a chemokine receptor-2 inhibitor; n = 10), or no RAS inhibitor (control; n = 264) for up to 10 days. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES The primary outcome was organ support–free days, a composite of hospital survival and days alive without cardiovascular or respiratory organ support through 21 days. The primary analysis was a bayesian cumulative logistic model. Odds ratios (ORs) greater than 1 represent improved outcomes. RESULTS On February 25, 2022, enrollment was discontinued due to safety concerns. Among 679 critically ill patients with available primary outcome data, the median age was 56 years and 239 participants (35.2%) were women. Median (IQR) organ support–free days among critically ill patients was 10 (–1 to 16) in the ACE inhibitor group (n = 231), 8 (–1 to 17) in the ARB group (n = 217), and 12 (0 to 17) in the control group (n = 231) (median adjusted odds ratios of 0.77 [95% bayesian credible interval, 0.58-1.06] for improvement for ACE inhibitor and 0.76 [95% credible interval, 0.56-1.05] for ARB compared with control). The posterior probabilities that ACE inhibitors and ARBs worsened organ support–free days compared with control were 94.9% and 95.4%, respectively. Hospital survival occurred in 166 of 231 critically ill participants (71.9%) in the ACE inhibitor group, 152 of 217 (70.0%) in the ARB group, and 182 of 231 (78.8%) in the control group (posterior probabilities that ACE inhibitor and ARB worsened hospital survival compared with control were 95.3% and 98.1%, respectively). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE In this trial, among critically ill adults with COVID-19, initiation of an ACE inhibitor or ARB did not improve, and likely worsened, clinical outcomes. TRIAL REGISTRATION ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT0273570

    Françoise Court-Pérez, Gautier, un romantique ironique. Sur l'esprit de Gautier

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    Girard Marie-HélÚne. Françoise Court-Pérez, Gautier, un romantique ironique. Sur l'esprit de Gautier. In: Romantisme, 2001, n°113. L'Antiquité. pp. 140-142
