5 research outputs found

    Analysis of Stigma in Relation to Behaviour and Attitudes towards Mental Health as Influenced by Social Desirability in Nursing Students

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    The training undergraduate nursing students receive, both in terms of theoretical input and clinical practice, may help to instil a less stigmatising perception of mental health. To analyse the perceived evolution of attitudes and expected behaviours, a longitudinal repeated measures study was conducted in a population of student nurses during their undergraduate mental health education. The Mental Illness: Clinicians’ Attitudes Scale, a Scale for measuring attitudes to the mentally ill among future Health workers, and the Reported and Intended Behaviour Scale were completed. A mixed linear model was used to assess the effect of each factor in the questionnaires before and after the various stages of the students’ training in mental health. The overall effect of each factor was assessed by testing the interaction between factor and group, both with and without adjustment with the Social Desirability Scale. The results showed that the clinical practice stage, due to the proximity to care for people with mental health problems, improves attitudes and behaviours towards mental health in students who have not had mental health problems, and also in younger students. In conclusion, integrated, holistic training during the period of clinical practice was associated with positive changes in the attitudes and intended behaviour

    The attitudes of mental health nurses that support a positive therapeutic relationship: the perspective of people diagnosed with BPD

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    Introduction: the therapeutic relationship between mental health nurses and people diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD) is essential to successful treatment, and nurses' attitudes are a key component of this relationship. Some nurses develop positive therapeutic relationships with people diagnosed with BPD, while others have negative emotional reactions which in turn limit their ability to develop a positive therapeutic relationship. There is a gap in the literature with respect how people diagnosed with BPD perceive the attitudes of mental health nurses that foster a positive therapeutic relationship. Aim: to describe how people diagnosed with BPD who have experienced an improvement perceive the role of the attitudes of mental health nurses in building a positive therapeutic relationship. Method: qualitative descriptive design with 12 interviews; thematic content analysis. Results: participants identified five attitudes of mental health nurses as contributing to a positive therapeutic relationship: confidence in their ability to recover, non-judgement, humour, availability and humanity. Discussion: nurses' attitudes are key to the therapeutic relationship. It may be possible for nurses to improve their attitudes toward patients diagnosed with BPD through self-reflection. Implications for Practice: mental health nurses should incorporate methods that explore attitudes and attitudinal development of the workforce

    Anàlisi de les actituds estigmatitzants en els estudiants universitaris d’infermeria envers les persones amb problemes de salut mental

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    Els estudiants universitaris de ciències de la salut poden generar actituds estigmatitzants, en el moment de prestar l’atenció i cura a les persones que amb un problema de salut mental. L’objectiu principal va ser analitzar les actituds dels estudiants universitaris d’infermeria respecte la salut mental, durant el període d’aprenentatge en l’assignatura de Cures Infermeres en Salut Mental. Es va dur a terme un estudi longitudinal i prospectiu de mesures repetides. Els principals resultats reflecteixen una reducció de les actituds estigmatitzants i un favorable comportament esperat a mesura que avança la formació en salut mental. Respecte la desitjabilitat social, únicament es va mostrar troballes significatives en el període previ a l’inici del període formatiu en salut mental, on destacaven trets més restrictius i estigmatitzants . Cal considerar la formació específica en salut mental com a factor de canvi envers actituds més positives i de proximitat.Los estudiantes universitarios de ciencias de la salud pueden generar actitudes estigmatizantes, en el momento de prestar la atención y cuidado a las personas que con un problema de salud mental. El objetivo principal fue analizar las actitudes de los estudiantes universitarios de enfermería respecto a la salud mental, durante el período de aprendizaje en la asignatura de Cuidados Enfermeros en Salud Mental. Se realizó un estudio longitudinal y prospectivo de medidas repetidas. Los principales resultados reflejan una reducción de las actitudes estigmatizantes y un favorable comportamiento esperado a medida que avanza la formación en salud mental. Respecto a la deseabilidad social, únicamente se mostró hallazgos significativos en el período previo al inicio del período formativo en salud mental, donde destacaban rasgos más restrictivos y estigmatizantes. Es necesario considerar la formación específica en salud mental como factor de cambio hacia actitudes más positivas y de proximidad.University health science students can generate stigmatising attitudes when providing attention and care to people with a mental health problem. The main objective was to analyse the attitudes of university nursing students towards mental health during their learning period in the subject of Mental Health Nursing Care. A longitudinal, prospective, repeated measures study was conducted. The main results reflect a reduction in stigmatising attitudes and a favourable expected behaviour as mental health training progresses. With regard to social desirability, significant findings were only shown in the period prior to the start of the training period in mental health, where more restrictive and stigmatising traits stood out. It is necessary to consider specific training in mental health as a factor of change towards more positive attitudes and proximity