12 research outputs found

    Artificial diet adjustments for brazilian strain of Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari, 1867) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

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    A modified artificial diet based on the “Cenibroca diet” used in Colombia for mass rearing of Hypothenemus hampei, was compared with the natural diet presently used to rear this insect. The modified diet was cheaper than Portilla’s diet and did not affect insect fitness, developmental time, viability or sex ratio.

    Factores de competitividad empresarial del sector textil de la ciudad de Pereira

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    El presente artículo es una revisión bibliográfica acerca de los factores de competitividad empresarial en el sector textil en la ciudad de Pereira, cuyos objetivos fueron determinar los factores de competitividad empresarial, identificar los factores competitivos en el sector textil de la ciudad de Pereira y establecer la competitividad empresarial del sector. Así mismo la metodología se realizo en tres fases: lectura/comprensión de los documentos bibliográficos; análisis de la información recopilada; síntesis de la información seleccionada y redacción del artículo. Además, la realización del articulo permite concluir que: la competitividad empresarial del sector textil, depende del factor innovador y el instrumento tecnología para sostenerse en el circulo competitivo; la competencia a generado la necesidad y obligación de la internacionalización como requisito para ser competitivo; la competitividad en el sector textil de la ciudad de Pereira aborda nuevas estrategias clúster como ventaja competitiva, permitiendo esto la asociatividad de instituciones y empresas en búsqueda de lograr la competitividad común; además resaltando la participación del sector textil en la ciudad de Pereira, el cual se caracteriza por su importante rol en el desarrollo económico de la región lo que implica un mayor énfasis en la creación de estrategias diferenciales para este sector empresarial.The present article is a bibliographic review about the factors of business competitiveness in the textile sector of the city of Pereira whose objectives where to determine the factors of business competitiveness, identify the competitive factors in the textile sectors of the city of Pereira and establish the business competitiveness of the sector. Likewise, the methodology whose carried out in three phases: reading/understanding of bibliographic documents; analysis of the information collected; synthesis of the selected information and writing of the article. In addition, the realization of the article let us to conclude that: the business competitiveness of the textile sector depends on the innovative factor and the technological instrument to sustain itself in the competitive circle; competition has generated the need and obligation of internationalization as a requirement to be competitive; the competitiveness in the textile sector of the city of Pereira tackles new cluster strategies as competitive advantages, allowing these the associativity of institution and companies in search of achieving competitiveness; also highlighting the participation of the textile sector in the city of Pereira which implies a greater emphasis on the creation of differential strategies for this business sector

    Acercamiento a la identificación de la tipología de busto de mujeres del Valle de Aburrá para desarrollo de indumentaria

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    Identifying the type of bust - shape, size - should be one of the priorities of the women’s underwear market, in order to propose products more in line with the real needs of its consumers. This makes sense since the main problem for users is the difficulty of finding bra sizes in the market that fit their physical characteristics.  Therefore, wearing a bra that does not fit their size and does not have the capacity to accommodate the volume of their bust can even cause health problems.   Traditionally, for the construction of the bra and the determination of the most appropriate size and cup, the relationship between submammary contour and bust contour is taken into account, leaving aside the volume of the breast. Based on the above, a 3D anthropometric study was carried out with 46 women from the Aburrá Valley of the department of Antioquia, which allowed an approach to the bust typology, allowing to recognize that there is no direct relationship between the total bust and the size of the cup offered in the market.Identificar la tipología de busto (forma, tamaño) debe ser una de las prioridades del mercado de ropa interior femenina, a fin de proponer productos más acordes a las necesidades reales de sus consumidoras. Esto tiene sentido, en tanto, la principal problemática para las usuarias, es la dificultad de encontrar en el mercado tallas de sostén que se ajusten a sus características físicas.  De forma qué, usar un sujetador, brasier o sostén que no sea de su talla, ni tenga la capacidad para el volumen de su busto, puede llegar incluso a ocasionar problemas de salud.   Tradicionalmente, para la construcción del sostén y la determinación de la talla y la copa más adecuada se tiene en cuenta la relación entre contorno submamario y contorno de busto, dejando de lado el volumen de la mama. Con base en lo anterior, se realizó un estudio antropométrico 3D con 46 mujeres del Valle de Aburrá del departamento de Antioquia, el cual permitió un acercamiento a la tipología de busto, permitiendo reconocer que no existe una relación directa entre el busto total y el tamaño de la copa ofrecido en el mercado.&nbsp

    Medio ambiente, sociedad, ética, auditoría y educación. La Investigación Contable en UNIMINUTO Virtual y a Distancia: Contexto y Oportunidades.

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    En los últimos años la educación a distancia ha mostrado ser capaz de reducir la brecha de inequidad social, de capacitar personas en lugares remotos, de brindar la posibilidad a la comunidad discapacitada y de permitirle a quienes no cuentan con suficientes recursos económicos acceder a la educación superior, la presente investigación da cuenta de los aspectos clave asociados a la decisión de matricularse en el programa de Contaduría Pública en la modalidad distancia tradicional. Se realizó un análisis de las narrativas basado en los resultados de un instrumento aplicado a 150 estudiantes. Para el análisis de datos se empleó la herramienta SenseMaker®. Los resultados evidencian aspectos personales, sociales y culturales que posicionan la oferta de educación en la modalidad a distancia como la institución que permite resignificar la vida de las persona

    Medio ambiente, sociedad, ética, auditoría y educación. La Investigación Contable en UNIMINUTO Virtual y a Distancia: Contexto y Oportunidades.

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    En los últimos años la educación a distancia ha mostrado ser capaz de reducir la brecha de inequidad social, de capacitar personas en lugares remotos, de brindar la posibilidad a la comunidad discapacitada y de permitirle a quienes no cuentan con suficientes recursos económicos acceder a la educación superior, la presente investigación da cuenta de los aspectos clave asociados a la decisión de matricularse en el programa de Contaduría Pública en la modalidad distancia tradicional. Se realizó un análisis de las narrativas basado en los resultados de un instrumento aplicado a 150 estudiantes. Para el análisis de datos se empleó la herramienta SenseMaker®. Los resultados evidencian aspectos personales, sociales y culturales que posicionan la oferta de educación en la modalidad a distancia como la institución que permite resignificar la vida de las persona

    Zoning for Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari, 1867) and Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Mèneville, 1842), coffee pests in Brazil and Colombia, based on their thermal requirements

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    A cafeicultura representa uma das atividades agrícolas de maior importância para o Brasil e para a Colômbia e ultimamente tem sido impactada negativamente, devido às condições climáticas desfavoráveis com desvios da normalidade da precipitação pluviométrica e de altas temperaturas do segundo semestre do 2015 no caso do Brasil e na Colômbia, na safra 2015-2016, foi altamente impactada pelos efeitos do evento climático El Niño que aumentou os níveis de infestação da brocado- café e com a seca prolongada, que tem afetado a qualidade do grão. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo estabelecer o zoneamento de Hypothenemus hampei e Leucoptera coffeella, pragas no cafeeiro em Brasil e na Colômbia, com base nas suas exigências térmicas. Os resultados obtidos para H. hampei, mostraram que a praga se desenvolve na faixa térmica de 15 a 32°C; a 25°C foram observados os maiores valores de taxa liquida de reprodução (Ro) e da razão finita de aumento (λ); sendo que Ro foi maior nesta temperatura, pois, a cada geração a população de H. hampei aumentou 127,8 vezes. O estudo das exigências térmicas de H. hampei indicaram que o limite térmico de desenvolvimento ou temperatura base (Tb) é de 13°C e a constante térmica (K) de 312 GD. Com a determinação das exigências térmicas de H. hampei e mediante a utilização de um Sistema de Informação Geográfica, foi possível obter mapas de distribuição do desenvolvimento deste inseto para o estado de São Paulo no Brasil e para a região produtora de café na Colômbia. Assim, para o estado de São Paulo, podem ocorrer de 4,56 a 9,25 gerações/ano, levando-se em consideração as exigências térmicas desta praga. A maior incidência da praga deve coincidir com o aumento da temperatura e com a disponibilidade de frutos de café aptos a serem infestados. Para a Colômbia, o número de gerações/ano pode ser de 5,85 a 13,55; sendo que 93% da cafeicultura deste pais, pode apresentar a broca-do-café o ano todo. O bicho-mineiro do cafeeiro, L. coffeella, se desenvolve na faixa térmica de 15 a 32°C; a 28°C foram observados os maiores valores de taxa liquida de reprodução (Ro) e da razão finita de aumento (λ); o valor de Ro foi visivelmente maior nesta temperatura, pois, a cada geração a população de L. coffeella aumentou 22,23 vezes. O estudo das exigências térmicas de L. coffeella, mostrou que o limite térmico de desenvolvimento ou temperatura base (Tb) é de 13°C e a constante térmica (K) de 259 GD. Com a determinação, em condições de laboratório, das exigências térmicas de L. coffeella e mediante a utilização de um Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG), foi possível obter mapas de distribuição do desenvolvimento deste inseto para o estado de São Paulo no Brasil. Assim, podem ocorrer de 5,12 a 14,17 gerações/ano, levando-se em consideração as exigências térmicas desta praga. Os dados obtidos no presente trabalho poderão auxiliar na estimativa do número de gerações mensais e anuais para o fortalecimento dos programas de manejo integrado destes insetos.Coffee culture is one of the main agriculture activities for Brazil and Colombia, with recently negative impacts due to unfavorable climatic conditions as the result of subnormal rain period and increased temperatures during the second half of 2015. In both the mentioned countries, 2015 -2016 yields has been affected by the dry climatic effect of the \"el Niño\" phenomena favoring the coffee berry borer infestation and the the grain quality decrease. The present research aimed to establish the climatic zoning for Hypothenemus hampei and Leucoptera coffeella based on their thermal requirements. Results showed for H. hampei developed into the thermal range between 15 and 32°C; at 25°C were observed the higher liquid net reproduction rate (Ro) and increase finite rate (λ), being the Ro 127,8 times. Thermal requirements estimated for H. hampei showed the temperature threshold (Tt) as 13°C and the thermal constant (K) as 312 DD. Estimation of the thermal requirements for H. hampei in laboratory and with the use of Geographic Information System tool (GIS), were obtained insect lifetime distribution maps at the Sao Paulo state and the coffee production region at Colombia. In this way, at Sao Paulo state 4,56 to 9,25 generations/year can be obtained. Higher pest incidence should be coincident with both temperature increases and coffee fruit availability to be infested. At the Colombian coffee crop region, 5,85 to 13,55 generations/year can be obtained between 18 to 24°C temperature range, with that 93% of the coffee crop can be infested with the coffee berry borer whole of the year. The leaf miner L. coffeella, develops at thermal requirements between 15 to 32°C, being the 28°C temperature with the higher net reproduction rate (Ro) and increase finite rate (λ ); showing a population increase per generation of 22,23 times. Thermal requirements for L. coffeella showed the temperature threshold (Tt) is 13°C and the thermal constant (K) of 259 DD. Using the before mentioned variables in laboratory and using the Geographic Information System tool, insect lifetime distribution maps were obtained at the Sao Paulo state in Brazil. 5,12 to 14,17 generations/ year can occur. Data obtained could contribute in the monthly and yearly generation pest generations determination for the integrated pest management programs of these pests

    Monitoring of fruit flies (Diptera, Tephritidae, Anastrepha) from nine municipalities of the state of the Valle del Cauca, Colombia.

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    Neste estudo, são discutidas as moscas-das-frutas coletadas nos monitoramentos realizados pelo Instituto Colombiano Agropecuário (ICA), em nove municípios do estado do Valle del Cauca (Andalucia, Caicedonia, La Unión, Restrepo, Roldanillo, Sevilla, Toro, Tulúa e Zarzal), em diversas culturas (goiaba, mamão, café, laranja, pitahaya, etc.). Este estudo teve por objetivos: (1) identificar as espécies de Anastrepha e (2) analisar as populações das espécies mais freqüentes e numerosas. As moscas foram coletadas em armadilhas plásticas ou de vidro tipo McPhail com atrativo alimentar (proteína hidrolisada) por dois anos (janeiro de 2004 a dezembro de 2005). Nos nove municípios, foram capturadas 1.794 fêmeas de Anastrepha, sendo identificadas dez espécies: Anastrepha distincta Greene, 1934, A. grandis (Macquart, 1845), A. pallidipennis Greene, 1934, A. fraterculus (Wied., 1830), A. obliqua (Macquart, 1835), A. leptozona Hendel, 1914, A. mucronota Stone, 1942, A. serpentina (Wied., 1830), A. manihoti Lima, 1934 e A. striata Schiner, 1868. Anastrepha fraterculus foi a espécie mais freqüente (49% do total das capturas), seguida por A. striata (39,5%) e A. obliqua (7%). As sete espécies restantes, em conjunto representaram apenas 4,5% do total capturado. Anastrepha striata e A. obliqua foram coletadas nos nove municípios. Anastrepha striata foi a mais numerosa nos pomares comerciais de goiaba. Anastrepha fraterculus foi coletada em cinco municípios, mas 90% dos seus exemplares foram coletados em Sevilla e nenhum exemplar foi coletado em Roldanillo, La Unión e Toro. Esses municípios fazem parte da área selecionada para o estabelecimento do systems approach, visando à exportação de mamão aos EUA, por apresentarem áreas de baixa prevalência de A. fraterculus. Em Sevilla, foi coletado o maior número de espécies, sendo três coletadas apenas nos locais amostrados nesse município (A. distincta, A. manihoti e A. serpentina). Anastrepha leptozona e A. pallidipennis foram coletadas apenas em Toro.This work was based on fruit flies collected during the monitoring conducted by the Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario (ICA) in nine municipalities of the Valle del Cauca province (Andalucia, Caicedonia, La Union, Restrepo, Roldanillo, Sevilla, Toro, Tulua, and Zarzal), on several crops (guava, papaya, coffee, orange, pitahaya, among others). This study had the following objectives: 1) to identify the species of Anastrepha, and 2) to analyze the populations of the most frequent and abundant species. The fruit flies were collected in plastic or glass McPhail type traps with feeding attractant (protein hydrolysate) during two years (from January, 2004 to December, 2005). In the nine municipalities, 1,794 females of Anastrepha of the following species were captured: Anastrepha distincta Greene, 1934, A. grandis (Macquart, 1845), A. pallidipennis Greene, 1934, A. fraterculus (Wied., 1830), A. obliqua (Macquart, 1835), A. leptozona Hendel, 1914, A. mucronota Stone, 1942, A. serpentina (Wied., 1830), A. manihoti Lima, 1934 and A. striata Schiner, 1868. Anastrepha fraterculus was the most frequent species captured (49% of the total captures), followed by A. striata (39.5%) and A. obliqua (7%). The other seven species accounted only for 4.5% of the total captures. Anastrepha striata and Anastrepha obliqua were captured in all nine municipalities Anastrepha striata was the most abundant on guava crops. Anastrepha fraterculus was collected in five municipalities, but 90% of the specimens were captured in Sevilla and none in Roldanillo, La Union or Toro. The former municipalities are part of the area selected to establish a systems approach under which papaya will be exported to the USA, since they bear areas of low prevalence for A. fraterculus. The highest number of species was captured in Sevilla, three were collected only in sites sampled in this municipality (A. distincta, A. manihoti, and A. serpentina). Anastrepha leptozona and A. pallidipennis were captured only in Toro

    Demographic, clinical, and microbial aspects of chronic and aggressive periodontitis in Colombia: A multicenter study

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    The microbial profile of periodontal disease varies among different human populations. This study evaluated the demographic, clinical, and microbiologic aspects of periodontitis in a multigeographic sample in Colombia. Three hundred twenty-five patients with chronic periodontitis (CP), 158 patients with aggressive periodontitis (AgP), and 137 healthy-gingivitis controls from five regions of the country were studied. Clinical, microbial, and sociodemographic data were collected. Microbiologic identification was performed using polymerase chain reaction 16S rRNA gene on pooled subgingival samples, and the presence of Gram-negative enteric rods was evaluated by culture. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were conducted. Porphyromonas gingivalis occurred in 71.5% of individuals with periodontitis, Tannerella forsythensis occurred in 58.5%, Campylobacter rectus occurred in 57.5%, Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans occurred in 23.6%, and enteric rods occurred in 34.5%. P. gingivalis was more common in CP and AgP than controls. A. actinomycetemcomitans was increased in AgP compared to controls and patients with CP. T. forsythensis, C. rectus, and Eikenella corrodens had a low presence in the West Pacific and Central regions, and enteric rods were increased in the Central region (P <0.05). Other sociodemographic factors were not associated with these microorganisms. Geographic regions do not influence the microbiota, but the microbiota may vary by geographic region. P. gingivalis, T. forsythensis, and C. rectus are the most prevalent periodontophatic microorganisms in Colombia. A. actinomycetemcomitans was more common in AgP, and a large percentage of the population studied had enteric rods in the subgingival plaque

    Divulgación Científica No. 5

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    En los países iberoamericanos, así como en otras regiones del mundo, existe una discusión permanente sobre el deterioro el medioambiente. Las instituciones de educación superior contamos con una vasta producción bibliográfica que queremos compartir con todos los interesados y con la sociedad. Por esa razón, la Asociación de Editoriales Universitarias de América Latina y el Caribe (Eulac)* dando continuidad a nuestro proyecto de editoriales universitarias Enlazadas, presentamos este año la propuesta Enlazadas por el medioambiente, que abordará esta inquietud desde diversos ejes en el marco de las ferias del libro más importantes del mundo.In Ibero-American countries, as well as in other regions of the world, there is a permanent discussion about the deterioration of the environment. Higher education institutions have a vast bibliographic production that we want to share with all interested parties and with society. For this reason, the Association of University Presses of Latin America and the Caribbean (Eulac)*, giving continuity to our project of Enlazadas university presses, we present this year the proposal Enlazadas for the environment, which will address this concern from various axes within the framework of the most important book fairs in the world