58 research outputs found

    Un aporte de la sociología a la temática ambiental: de la mirada sociológica a la mirada socioambiental

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    Este ensayo invita a la actualización de los conceptos que hoy se abordan desde la Escuela Socioambiental Española para la comprensión sistémica-compleja de las diversas relaciones entre el medio ambiente y la sociedad. Se recrea así un desplazamiento contextual de las principales orientaciones teóricas del campo de desplazamiento propuesto. Por último, se arroja al debate y la crítica académica tres problemas de investigación que la mirada socioambiental debe tener en cuenta para lograr ampliar las miradas estrictamente biologicistas y antropocentristas que han dominado el campo de la gestión ambiental. Los problemas propuestos son pues los socio-psíquicos, los ambiental-societales y el problema social- conservacional, todos ellos producto de los nuevos estilos de vida y concepciones del mundo que ha creado lo contemporáneo. ABSTRACTThis article updates the necessary concepts to understand in a complex and systematic way the relationships between natural environment and society. Besides, some indispensable investigation problems are proposed to extend the perspective that environmental management has usually had.Este ensayo invita a la actualización de los conceptos que hoy se abordan desde la Escuela Socioambiental Española para la comprensión sistémica-compleja de las diversas relaciones entre el medio ambiente y la sociedad. Se recrea así un desplazamiento contextual de las principales orientaciones teóricas del campo de desplazamiento propuesto. Por último, se arroja al debate y la crítica académica tres problemas de investigación que la mirada socioambiental debe tener en cuenta para lograr ampliar las miradas estrictamente biologicistas y antropocentristas que han dominado el campo de la gestión ambiental. Los problemas propuestos son pues los socio-psíquicos, los ambiental-societales y el problema social- conservacional, todos ellos producto de los nuevos estilos de vida y concepciones del mundo que ha creado lo contemporáneo. ABSTRACTThis article updates the necessary concepts to understand in a complex and systematic way the relationships between natural environment and society. Besides, some indispensable investigation problems are proposed to extend the perspective that environmental management has usually had

    Renovación urbana: nuevas formas de control sistémico

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    Dispositivos arquitectónicos, como la renovación urbana, que posicionan a la ciudad en una nueva división interurbana del trabajo y le dan un nuevo sentido (sueño político de las élites que dirigen losr riturales económicos, jurídicos y   religiosos) son también una nueva forma de control sistémico: de dispositivos de vigilancia computacional en los centros de comercio, ocio, trabajo, estudio y movilización de los flujos económicos simbólicos. La renovación urbana produce nuevos agentes sociales estandarizados en el manejo de su información social (vestido, lenguaje, sueños) al igual que desplaza a subempleados, homosexuales, farmacófilos, de sus antiguas zonas de construcción de significado (familias, grupos edificaciones). Las élites monopolizan así los centros y las formas de abastecimiento de sentido y crean una nueva violencia y desplazamiento de grupos humanos dentro de las mismas ciudades.ABSTRACTArchitectal instruments as urban renovation that build cities for work and give a new sense -to economic elits- are too the latest control for market places, entertainment, work, study and other economic flows. Urban renovation gives birth to new standars as dreams, slang, and indumentaries. At the same time makes to disappear sub-employee, homosexuals, junkies from their family ties. This way elits take over metropolies and markets to create new violence and make to fall apart human concentrations inside the cities.Dispositivos arquitectónicos, como la renovación urbana, que posicionan a la ciudad en una nueva división interurbana del trabajo y le dan un nuevo sentido (sueño político de las élites que dirigen losr riturales económicos, jurídicos y   religiosos) son también una nueva forma de control sistémico: de dispositivos de vigilancia computacional en los centros de comercio, ocio, trabajo, estudio y movilización de los flujos económicos simbólicos. La renovación urbana produce nuevos agentes sociales estandarizados en el manejo de su información social (vestido, lenguaje, sueños) al igual que desplaza a subempleados, homosexuales, farmacófilos, de sus antiguas zonas de construcción de significado (familias, grupos edificaciones). Las élites monopolizan así los centros y las formas de abastecimiento de sentido y crean una nueva violencia y desplazamiento de grupos humanos dentro de las mismas ciudades.ABSTRACTArchitectal instruments as urban renovation that build cities for work and give a new sense -to economic elits- are too the latest control for market places, entertainment, work, study and other economic flows. Urban renovation gives birth to new standars as dreams, slang, and indumentaries. At the same time makes to disappear sub-employee, homosexuals, junkies from their family ties. This way elits take over metropolies and markets to create new violence and make to fall apart human concentrations inside the cities

    Educación en la complejidad y crisis ambiental global

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    En este ensayo hablaremos de dos problemas de conocimiento en los que estamos empeñados a enfrentar todos aquellos que consideramos la educación como objeto central primario en la búsqueda de nuevos valores y nuevos sentidos de patria. Estos problemas son, primero, el del sueño político de avanzar hacia una educación completa, intercultural negociada y enmarcada en el reconocimiento y aprehensión de los procesos complejos de la vida y, segundo, el abordaje conceptual de la gravedad de la crisis ecológica tal como se presenta en la actualidad, como destrucción de recursos no renovables y creación de residuos no reciclables, y que debe su aparición a un determinado tipo de cultura... íntimamente unida al sistema vigente de producción y consumo (J. Ballesteros y P. Adán. 1997).ABSTRACTIn this essay we will talk about two knowledge problems that have to make something with all the people who consider education as a primary central object in the search of new values as well as new senses of native country. These problems are at first the politician dream of pushing forward to a complete intercultural education traded and remarked in recognition of such complex processes of life and second, an understanding concept of the seriousness of actual ecological crisis represented by destruction of no renewable resources and the creation of no recyclable products that due its existence by a determined type of culture which is related to the actual production and consumption system. (J. Ballesteros and P. Adan. 1997).En este ensayo hablaremos de dos problemas de conocimiento en los que estamos empeñados a enfrentar todos aquellos que consideramos la educación como objeto central primario en la búsqueda de nuevos valores y nuevos sentidos de patria. Estos problemas son, primero, el del sueño político de avanzar hacia una educación completa, intercultural negociada y enmarcada en el reconocimiento y aprehensión de los procesos complejos de la vida y, segundo, el abordaje conceptual de la gravedad de la crisis ecológica tal como se presenta en la actualidad, como destrucción de recursos no renovables y creación de residuos no reciclables, y que debe su aparición a un determinado tipo de cultura... íntimamente unida al sistema vigente de producción y consumo (J. Ballesteros y P. Adán. 1997).ABSTRACTIn this essay we will talk about two knowledge problems that have to make something with all the people who consider education as a primary central object in the search of new values as well as new senses of native country. These problems are at first the politician dream of pushing forward to a complete intercultural education traded and remarked in recognition of such complex processes of life and second, an understanding concept of the seriousness of actual ecological crisis represented by destruction of no renewable resources and the creation of no recyclable products that due its existence by a determined type of culture which is related to the actual production and consumption system. (J. Ballesteros and P. Adan. 1997)

    Aplicación del modelo de sistemas de producción y medios de vida a un caso rural del departamento de Risaralda

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    El artículo presente es el producto de la aplicación de la metodología de medios de vida, resultado del cálculo de los indicadores que configuran los capitales humano, social, financiero, físico y natural a través de la medición de los recursos del predio y de los productores en una explotación con características agroecológicas ubicada en el Departamento de Risaralda, Colombia. Se pretende así aportar a la actualización del conocimiento y a la generación de modelos para futuras aplicaciones de la metodología y a la apertura de la crítica que desde la interdisciplina pueda resultar del enfoque. El estudio se enmarca en la maestría en Sociedades Rurales de la Universidad de Caldas, escenarios de elaboración de la reflexión producto de una investigación en proceso.ABSTRACTThis article is the product of the application of the Livelihoods methodology, which is the result of calculating the indicators that make up the human, social, financial, physical and environmental capitals, by measuring land and producers’ resources in an agroecological exploration located in the department of Risaralda, Colombia. This perspective hopes to contribute to the update of the knowledge in this field, and to the creation of new models of this methodology that could be applied later on; as well as opening the approach to criticism from different interdisciplinary positions. The study is located within the frameworkof the Rural Societies Master's program at the Universidad de Caldas, the setting of reflections that are the product of an ongoing research.El artículo presente es el producto de la aplicación de la metodología de medios de vida, resultado del cálculo de los indicadores que configuran los capitales humano, social, financiero, físico y natural a través de la medición de los recursos del predio y de los productores en una explotación con características agroecológicas ubicada en el Departamento de Risaralda, Colombia. Se pretende así aportar a la actualización del conocimiento y a la generación de modelos para futuras aplicaciones de la metodología y a la apertura de la crítica que desde la interdisciplina pueda resultar del enfoque. El estudio se enmarca en la maestría en Sociedades Rurales de la Universidad de Caldas, escenarios de elaboración de la reflexión producto de una investigación en proceso.ABSTRACTThis article is the product of the application of the Livelihoods methodology, which is the result of calculating the indicators that make up the human, social, financial, physical and environmental capitals, by measuring land and producers’ resources in an agroecological exploration located in the department of Risaralda, Colombia. This perspective hopes to contribute to the update of the knowledge in this field, and to the creation of new models of this methodology that could be applied later on; as well as opening the approach to criticism from different interdisciplinary positions. The study is located within the frameworkof the Rural Societies Master's program at the Universidad de Caldas, the setting of reflections that are the product of an ongoing research

    Abnormal anal cytology risk in women with known genital squamous intraepithelial lesion

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the risk of abnormal anal cytology in women with known genital squamous intraepithelial lesion. This study evaluated 200 women with and without genital squamous intraepithelial lesion who were recruited for anal Pap smears. Women who had abnormal results on equally or over atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance were classified as having abnormal anal cytology. A multiple logistic regression analysis (stepwise) was performed to identify the risk for developing abnormal anal cytology. Data were analyzed using the SPSS 20.0 program. The average age was 41.09 (±12.64). Of the total participants, 75.5% did not practice anal sex, 91% did not have HPV-infected partners, 92% did not have any anal pathology, and 68.5% did not have anal bleeding. More than half (57.5%) had genital SIL and a significant number developed abnormal anal cytology: 13% in the total sample and 17.4% in women with genital SIL. A significant association was observed between genital squamous intraepithelial lesion and anal squamous intraepithelial lesion (PR = 2.46; p = 0.03). In the logistic regression model, women having genital intraepithelial lesion were more likely to have abnormal anal Pap smear (aPR = 2.81; p = 0.02). This report shows that women with genital squamous intraepithelial lesion must be more closely screened for anal cancer.20329429

    The Prevalence of Urogenital Infections in Pregnant Women Experiencing Preterm and Full-Term Labor

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    Urogenital infections are extremely prevalent during pregnancy and are an important cause of premature labor. However, the prevalence of urogenital infections during childbirth is not well known. Objective. Identify urogenital infections present at the beginning of labor in both full-term and preterm pregnancies. Study Design. Ninety-four women were admitted to the inpatient maternity clinic of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). In total, 49 women in preterm labor and 45 women in full-term labor were included in the study, and samples of urinary, vaginal, and perianal material were collected for microbiological analysis. Results. The prevalences of general infections in the preterm labor group and the full-term labor group were 49.0% and 53.3% (P = 0.8300), respectively. Urogenital infections in the preterm and full-term labor groups included urinary tract infection in 36.7% and 22.2% of women, vaginal candidiasis in 20.4% and 28.9% of women, bacterial vaginosis in 34.7% and 28.9% of women, and group B streptococcus in 6.1% and 15.6% of women, respectively. Conclusions. Urogenital infections were prevalent in women in preterm labor and full-term labor; however, significant differences between the groups were not observed

    Genital ulcers in women: clinical, microbiologic and histopathologic characteristics

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    Female genital ulcer is a disease that affects a large number of women, and its etiologic diagnosis can be difficult. The disease may increase the risk of acquiring HIV. Genital ulcer may be present in sexually transmitted diseases (STD) - syphilis, chancroid, genital herpes, donovanosis, lymphogranuloma venereum and other non-STD disorders (NSTD) - Behçet's syndrome, pemphigus, Crohn's disease, erosive lichen planus and others. This study evaluated the clinical-histopathologic-microbiologic characteristics of female genital ulcers. A cross-sectional descriptive prospective study was conducted during a six-month period to investigate the first 53 women without a definitive diagnosis, seeking medical care for genital ulcers at a genital infections outpatient facility in a university hospital. A detailed and specific history was taken, followed by a dermatologic and gynecologic examination. In addition to collecting material from the lesions for microbiologic study, a biopsy of the ulcer was performed for histopathologic investigation. The average age of the patients was 32.7 years, 56.6% had junior high school education and higher education. The most frequent etiology was herpetic lesion, followed by auto-immune ulcers. At the time of their first consultation, around 60% of the women were using inadequate medication that was inconsistent with the final diagnosis. Histologic diagnosis was conclusive in only 26.4% of the patients (14/53). Cure was obtained in 99% of the cases after proper therapy. The female genital ulcers studied were equally distributed between sexually transmitted and non-sexually transmitted causes. Herpes was the most frequent type of genital ulcer, affecting women indiscriminately, mostly between the ages of 20 and 40 years. The etiologic diagnosis of herpetic ulcers is difficult to make even when various diagnostic methods are applied. It is imperative that NSTD should be included in the differential diagnoses of female genital ulcers. The histopathologic exam is not a diagnostic tool in the majority of cases and should not be considered the gold standard test, being of little value in cases of NSTD and STD ulcers.25426

    Vaginal lipidomics of women with vulvovaginal candidiasis and cytolytic vaginosis: a non-targeted LC-MS pilot study

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    sem informaçãoTo characterize the lipid profile in vaginal discharge of women with vulvovaginal candidiasis, cytolytic vaginosis, or no vaginal infection or dysbiosis. Design. Cross-sectional study. Setting. Genital Infections Ambulatory, Department of Tocogynecology,138sem informaçãosem informaçãosem informaçãoThe supervision of the laboratory studies by Gustavo Henrique Bueno Duarte at Thomson Mass Spectrometry Laboratory–Campinas State Universit