26 research outputs found

    Relação entre a condição corporal na época do parto, a diminuição de espessura de toucinho e de peso corporal durante a lactação e o intervalo desmama-cio em fêmeas suínas

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    The main objectives of this study were to verify the relationship among body condition at parturition, decrease of backfat thickness and weight during the lactation and the interval from weaning to oestrus of sows. It was performed with 10 gilts and 10 fifth, sixth and seventh parity Camborough sows. The average breeding age and weight of the gilts were respectively 231 days and 149.5 kg. During lactation all females were fed a wet diet (3.34 Mcal/kg, 17% CP), ad libitum. The average daily food consumption was 5.233 for gilts and 5.721 kg for multiparous sows. Ultrasonic measurements of backfat at the P2 site were recorded on day 6 before and days 2, 7, 14, 21 and 25 after parturition. Body weight was recorded on the same dates, except the day before parturition. Sows were divided into 2 groups according to their backfat thickness 6 days before parturition. Sows with a backfat thickness of 16 mm or less were assigned to the L-group, while those with a backfat thickness more than 16 mm were assigned to the H-group. After weaning, the interval from weaning to oestrus was recorded. The percentage of total weight loss during lactation was slightly higher (not significant) in the H-group (-4.26%) than in the L-group (-2.64%). The percentage of backfat thickness decreased in both groups from 6 days before parturition until day 25 of lactation, but the decrease was highest in the H-group (p < 0.03). The weaning-oestrus interval did not differ significantly between the 2 groups. In conclusion: there was no correlation between percentage of weight loss (total) and weaning to oestrus interval, or percentage of backfat thickness loss (total or by periods) and weaning-oestrus interval, or percentage of weight loss (total or by periods) and percentage of backfat thickness loss (total or by periods). On the other hand, there was a significant positive correlation between weaning-oestrus interval and percentage of weight loss during the third week of lactation.Este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a relação entre a condição corporal na época do parto, a diminuição da espessura de toucinho e de peso corporal durante a lactação e o intervalo desmama-cio em fêmeas suínas. Vinte porcas Camborough, sendo 10 marrãs e 10 porcas adultas com a ordem de parto variando entre o 5º, 6º e 7º partos, foram divididas em dois grupos experimentais seis dias antes do parto previsto. A média de idade e de peso das marrãs por ocasião da cobertura foi de 231 dias e 149,5 kg, respectivamente. Durante a lactação, os animais foram alimentados com ração lactação molhada, à vontade (3,34 Mcal/kg e 17% PB). O consumo médio de ração foi de 5,233 kg para as marrãs e de 5,721 kg para as porcas. O grupo-H constituído de 11 fêmeas com espessura de toucinho sobre o ponto P2 superior a 16 mm, e o grupo-L de 9 fêmeas com espessura de toucinho igual ou inferior a 16 mm. As mensurações de espessura do toucinho sobre o ponto P2 foram feitas 6 dias antes do parto e 2, 7, 14, 21 e 25 dias após o parto. O peso corporal foi mensurado nas mesmas datas, com exceção da data antes do parto. Foi observado o intervalo desmama-cio de cada animal. A porcentagem de perda de peso durante a lactação foi ligeiramente maior (não-significativa) no grupo-H (-4,26%) do que no grupo-L (-2,64%). A porcentagem total de espessura de toucinho diminuiu nos dois grupos, entretanto foi maior no grupo-H (p < 0,03). O intervalo desmama-cio não diferiu entre os dois grupos. Não se observou correlação entre a porcentagem total de diminuição de peso e o intervalo desmama-cio, ou entre a porcentagem de diminuição de espessura de toucinho (total e por períodos) e o intervalo desmama-cio, ou entre a porcentagem de diminuição de peso (total e por períodos) e a porcentagem de diminuição de espessura de toucinho (total e por períodos) Entretanto, existiu correlação positiva entre o intervalo desmama-cio e a porcentagem de diminuição de peso na terceira semana de lactação

    Prevalência, intensidade de infecção e variação estacional de helmintos em bovinos no Estado do Piauí

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    An epidemiological study of gastro-intestinal helminths of crossbred Zebu calves was carried out in Campo Maior, PI, Brazil, from August 1977 to August 1979. Monthly data of faecal egg counts (EPG), coproculture and necropsies were obtained from 25 calves aging 9 to 12 months and 25 calves aging 20 to 24 months, naturally infected. The parasite helminths identified were Cooperia punctata, C. pectinata, C. curticei, Haemonchus contortus, H. similis, Oesophagostomum radiatum, Trichostrongylus axei, T. colubriformis, Trichuris discolor, Bunostomum phiebotomum, Capillaria bovis, Strongyloides papillosus, Moniezia benedeni, Setaria cervi, Paramphistomum spp. and Dictyo-caulus viviparus. The helminths having higher intensity and frequency averages were, respectively: C punctata (6,655 and 98%) C. pectinata (2,581 and 74%), H. contortus (1,341 and 90%), H. Similis (952 and 94%), T. axei (2,123 and 88%),and O. radiatum (315 and 94%). EPG data indicated increased levels of infection by Strongyloidea rainy season. Larvae of Haemonchus sp. were the most numerous, but individuals of the genus Cooperia predominated in the adult population. Necropsy findings showed that the calves were parasited by helminths year around.  No período de agosto de 1977 a agosto de 1979, estudou-se a epidemiologia das helmintoses em 50 bovinos azebuados criados extensivamente no município de Campo Maior, PI, através do exame de ovos por grama de fezes (OPG), coprocultura e necropsias mensais em animais infectados naturalmente, sendo 25 com idade de 9 a 12 meses e 25 com 20 a 24 meses. Os helmintos identificados foram: Cooperia punctata, C. pectinata, C. curticel, Haemonchus consortus, H. similis, Oesophagostomum radiatum, Trichostrongylus axel, T. colubriformis, Trichuris discolor, Bunostomum phlebotomum, Capillaria bovis, Strongyloides papillosus, Moniezia benedeni, Setaria cervi, Paramphis-tomum spp. e Dictyocaulus viviparus. Os helmintos que ocorreram, em média, com maior intensidade e frequência foram, respectivamente: C. punctata (6.655 e 98%), C. pectinata (2.581 e 74%), H. contortus (1.341 e 90%), H. similis: (952 e 94%), T. axei (2.123 e 88%) e O. radiatum (315 e 94%). Os dados de OPG indicaram aumento do nível de infecção por Strongyloidea durante a estação chuvosa. Nas coproculturas, predominaram larvas infectantes de Haemonchus spp. entretanto, no total de helmintos adultos recuperados, o gênero Cooperia foi o mais prevalente. Os dados de necropsias revelaram que os bovinos são parasitados por helmintos durante o ano todo

    Evaluation of semen characteristics in Corriedale rams under controlled and natural photoperiod and temperature conditions

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    O experimento foi realizado na Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, em Porto Alegre, no período de 12 de março de 1981 a 01 de março de 1982. Procedeu-se à avaliação da produção de sêmen em dois grupos de quatro carneiros da raça Corriedale, submetidos a tratamentos distintos, a saber: Grupo A (tratado) - mantido em regime diário de 8 horas de luz x 16 horas de escuridão e à temperatura de 19,3 ± 4,2°C Grupo T (testemunha) - mantido em regime natural de luz e temperatura. Durante o experimento, os dois grupos foram submetidos ao mesmo regime alimentar, constituído de pastagem nativa, feno de alfafa (1kg/animal/dia) e aveia em grão (0,8 kg/animal/dia). O grupo mantido no regime especial de luminosidade e temperatura apresentou produção de sêmen superior ao grupo testemunha, mostrando diferença estatística (P < 0,05) para as seguintes características: volume, concentração espermática, motilidade, vitalidade e anormalidades espermáticas. A concentração de frutose seminal não diferiu entre os grupos, enquanto maior concentração de ácido cítrico do plasma seminal foi encontrada no grupo T (P < 0,05). A maioria das características do sêmen apresentou diferença estatística entre as estações do ano (P < 0,05), sendo verificados efeitos estacionais mais marcantes no grupo testemunha.Semen production was evaluated during one year in two groups of four Corriedale rams each: Group A (treated), submitted to 8 hr light: 16 hr darkness per day, at temperature of 18,3 ± 4,2°C; Group T (control), kept under natural conditions. The two groups were fed with the same nutritional regime: native pasture, hay alfalfa (1 kg/animal/day) and oat grains (0,8 kg/animal/ day). The treated group showed superior semen production in relation to the control group, with statistical difference (P < 0,05) for the following characteristics: volume, spermatic concentration, motility, vitality and spermatic abnormalities. The seminal fructose concentration did not show difference between the groups, but a higher concentration of citric acid in the seminal plasma was found in the group T (P < 0,05). The majority of seminal characteristics analyzed showed statistical difference among seasons of the year (P < 0,05), being the seasonal effects more striking over the control group

    Connexin43 promotes exocytosis of damaged lysosomes through actin remodelling

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    A robust and efficient cellular response to lysosomal membrane damage prevents leakage from the lysosome lumen into the cytoplasm. This response is understood to happen through either lysosomal membrane repair or lysophagy. Here we report exocytosis as a third response mechanism to lysosomal damage, which is further potentiated when membrane repair or lysosomal degradation mechanisms are impaired. We show that Connexin43 (Cx43), a protein canonically associated with gap junctions, is recruited from the plasma membrane to damaged lysosomes, promoting their secretion and accelerating cell recovery. The effects of Cx43 on lysosome exocytosis are mediated by a reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton that increases plasma membrane fluidity and decreases cell stiffness. Furthermore, we demonstrate that Cx43 interacts with the actin nucleator Arp2, the activity of which was shown to be necessary for Cx43-mediated actin rearrangement and lysosomal exocytosis following damage. These results define a novel mechanism of lysosomal quality control whereby Cx43-mediated actin remodelling potentiates the secretion of damaged lysosomes

    Entre a poeira e o silêncio: sobre exposições e construções da memória no Museu do Ceará (1932-1997)

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    This article discusses some manners to construct the meanings of the past into Museu do Ceará's exhibitions between 1932 and 1997. Based on issues of Social History of Memory, the meanings of dust and silence are highlighted in a way that the past is configured in the space of the exhibitions. The artifacts are treated taking into account underlying values and expectations that guide, in certain circumstances, connections and separations between past and present

    Os primórdios da organização do espaço territorial e da vila cearense: algumas notas

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    This paper presents, in outline, the action taken by economic agents, representatives of the Church and the Portuguese State in organizing the space of the Captaincy of Ceará in the eighteenth century. The Portuguese State founded towns in strategic locations for better capitalization of the cattle breeder economy, where first settled sesmeiros and the Church. There was no reason or justification of geopolitical nature that demanded technical and financial investments by the Portuguese in the full adequacy of the local conditions to Portuguese urban guidelines. In the face of the late occupation, the article also discusses the late cartographic representation as expressing the lack of interests of the Portuguese administration in relation to a fuller understanding of the region