24 research outputs found

    Nutraceutical-based integrative medicine: adopting a mediterranean diet pyramid for attaining healthy ageing in veterans with disabilities

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    Veterans with disability represent a big burden worldwide and often require long-term rehabilitation. Unhealthy dietary and lifestyle habits, including smoke and alcohol abuse, are common in veterans. In the context of integrative medicine approaches, the "complementary and alternative medicine" has been suggested for the management of chronic diseases. However, the potential risk of interaction between herbal products, dietary supplements and drugs must be considered in veterans. The Mediterranean diet has been suggested as a natural, non-pharmacological nutraceutical for healthy ageing. Although there is a broad consensus on the positive effect of plant foods consumption, the presence of glucosinolates, flavonoids and furanocoumarins in some plant foods and beverages must be taken into consideration owing to their potential interfering with drugs metabolism and bioavailability. Albeit seasonality could ensure the maintenance of the single dose of phytochemical below that at which adverse effects in some individuals genetically predisposed or unpleasant drug interactions in diseased subjects can occur, a personalized nutrition is recommended in veterans who are in treatment for comorbidities. Furthermore, sports practice can lead veterans with motor disabilities and mental impairments to excel in some disciplines, giving rise to the phenomenon of the Paralympics and the development of "recreational therapy". Moreover, outdoor lifestyle, through vitamin D synthesis, and conviviality, improving socialization, could account for the Mediterranean lifestyle health benefits. In this work we propose for veterans a Mediterranean Pyramid, which could be the basis for integrative medicine for veterans with disabilities, patient-centered approaches and interprofessional (including physical medicine and rehabilitation clinicians, pharmacists and nutritionists) interventions

    A Dietary Assessment Training Course Path: The Italian IV SCAI Study on Children Food Consumption

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    The eating patterns in a population can be estimated through dietary surveys in which open-ended assessment methods, such as diaries and interviews, or semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaires are administered. A harmonized dietary survey methodology, together with a standardized operational procedure, in conducting the study is crucial to ensure the comparability of the results and the accuracy of information, thus reducing uncertainty and increasing the reliability of the results. Dietary patterns (i) include several target variables (foods, energy and nutrients, other food components), (ii) require several explanatory variables (age, gender, anthropometric measurements, socio-cultural and economic characteristics, lifestyle, preferences, attitudes, beliefs, organization of food-related activities, etc.), and (iii) have impacts in several domains: imbalance diets; acute and chronic exposures affect health, specifically non-communicable diseases; and then sanitary expenditure. On the other hand, food demand has impacts on the food system: production, distribution, and food services system; food wastes and other wastes generated by food-related activities of the households (e.g., packaging disposal) have consequences on the “health of the planet” which in turn can have effects on human health. Harmonization and standardization of measurement methods and procedures in such a complex context require an ad hoc structured information system made by databases (food nomenclatures, portion sizes, food atlas, recipes) and methodological tools (quantification methods, food coding systems, assessment of nutritional status, data processing to extrapolate what we consider validated dietary data). Establishing a community of professionals specialized in dietary data management could lead to build a surveillance system for monitoring eating habits in the short term, thus reducing costs, and to arrange a training re-training system. Creating and maintaining the dietary data managers community is challenging but possible. In this context, the cooperation between the CREA Research Centre for Food and Nutrition and the Italian National Health Institute (ISS) promoted and supported by the Italian Ministry of Health may represent a model of best practice that can ensure a continuous training for the professional community carrying out a nutritional study

    Breakfast habits and factors influencing food choices at breakfast in relation to socio-demographic and family factors among European adolescents. The HELENA Study §

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    A B S T R A C T Breakfast consumption has been shown to be an important indicator of a healthy lifestyle. Little is known however about factors influencing breakfast consumption and food choices at breakfast in adolescents. The aim of the present study was therefore to describe breakfast habits, and factors influencing food choices at breakfast within the framework of the EU-funded HELENA Study, in 3528 adolescents from ten European cities. Additionally, socio-demographic differences in breakfast habits and in influencing factors were investigated. Half of the adolescents (and fewer girls than boys) indicated being regular breakfast consumers. Girls with mothers with a high level of education, boys from 'traditional' families and boys who perceived low family affluence were positively associated with breakfast consumption. Boys whose parents gave encouragement and girls whose peers ate healthily were more likely to be regular breakfast consumers. 'Hunger', 'taste', 'health concerns' and 'parents or guardian' were the most important influences on the adolescents' food choices at breakfast. Adolescents from southern Europe and girls reported to be more influenced by personal and socio-environmental factors. Sociodemographic differences, in particular regional and gender differences, need to be considered in discussions surrounding the development of nutritional intervention programs intended for adolescents.

    Adherence to the Mediterranean diet, orthorexia and use of supplements in a population of university students practicing sports

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    A varied and balanced diet is the basis of a healthy life. The classic Mediterranean diet guarantees positive effects on health. In recent years, especially within the sports environment, orthorexia has spread, a psychological obsession often based on stereotyped or incorrect nutritional beliefs, which implies concern and fixation on healthy eating. The aim of this observational study was to evaluate adherence to the Mediterranean diet, prevalence of orthorexia nervosa, perception of body image, and use/abuse of supplements in relation to the indications on the label, in a population of Italian university students practicing sports. The sample is made up of students from La Sapienza University of Rome. Data was collected through standardized questionnaires. 29% of the sample (58% M and 42% F) has showed a low adherence to the Mediterranean diet, while 68% and 3% presented a medium and high adherence, respectively. 79% of subjects had orthorexic symptoms, 68% of the sample presented no risk of eating disorders, 29% had low risk, while only 3% presented a high risk. 37,5% of the men and 25% of the women used supplements, and 33,3% of the women used them for food allergies to nickel. The categories of supplements most used, by both men and women, are sports and vitamin supplements. Food supplement was not necessarily considered as a "healthy" product by subjects with orthorexic symptoms, and 80% of these used it as a dietary supplement respecting the information on the label. The high prevalence of orthorexia nervosa in university students who practice sports suggests further investigating this phenomenon

    Effects of High Consumption of Vegetables on Clinical, Immunological, and Antioxidant Markers in Subjects at Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases

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    High intakes of vegetables have been associated with a lower incidence of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). However, the effect of vegetables on immune function and antioxidant status in human studies have provided contrasting results. In the present study, after a week of run-in period, 38 subjects at risk of CVD were randomly assigned to one of the following 4-week interventions: low vegetable consumption (800 g of vegetables/week) or high vegetable consumption (4200 g of vegetables/week). Vegetables included carrots, topinambur (Jerusalem artichoke, Helianthus tuberosus), tomatoes, red cabbage, and sweet peppers. Blood and salivary samples were collected before and after intervention periods. In addition to clinical, immunological, and antioxidant markers, leukocyte and lymphocyte expression of the gut-homing β7 integrin was evaluated. No significant changes were detected in clinical, immunological, and antioxidant markers in biological samples, except for an increase in white blood cell count for the low vegetable consumption group (p<0.05). The study provides additional evidence about the uncertainty of providing a clear evidence for vegetables in modulating markers of immune function and antioxidant status. Further studies are needed in order to unravel the mechanism of effect of vegetable consumption in cardiovascular prevention

    Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, mediterranean diet, and bone health in coeliac disease patients: a pilot Study

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    Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) has been proposed as a bone loss index in postmenopausal women and as a marker of inflammation in coeliac patients. The aims of this work were to evaluate the effect of gluten-free diet (GFD) on NLR retrospectively and study the relationship between NLR and Mediterranean diet adherence and selected food groups (fruits, vegetables, red meat, potatoes, and unrefined and refined cereals). Adult individuals (n = 50), who had been on a strict GFD by at least 6 months, were recruited. The degree of adherence to the Mediterranean diet was calculated with two different scores: the Mediterranean Diet Score (MDS-14), assessed through the validated 14-item questionnaire of the PREDIMED study, and the MEDScore (Score-55) proposed by Panagiotakos. The latter includes the consumption of unrefined cereals (UC). High percentages of osteopenia and osteoporosis were found within the recruited subjects, who furnished the reports of bone mineral density (BMD), in particular in postmenopausal (Post-M) women. Recent NLR was higher in subjects with osteoporosis compared to osteopenia and normal BMD. However, retrospective analysis showed both increase and decrease in NLR after GFD, with no significant differences between Marsh grade, anemia, and BMD status. Moreover, premenopausal previous pregnancy (Pre-MPP) and Post-M had higher NLR at diagnosis compared to Men and premenopausal (Pre-M), but higher differences were observed in recent NLR between Pre-MPP and Men only. Chocolate consumption was associated with lower recent NLR, whereas the latter was correlated with Score-55, but not with MDS-14. Moreover, refined cereal consumption was correlated with recent NLR. Although large prospective studies are needed in order to clarify the relationship between UC and NLR in coeliac patients, in this pilot study, we have investigated for the first time the relationship between NLR, dietary habit, and osteoporosis in coeliac disease