15 research outputs found

    Digital design of minimally invasive endodontic access cavity

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    New minimally invasive endodontic cavities have been described and proposed to preserve dentin (and enamel) through strategic access, including point endodontic access cavity (PEAC). There is no consensus to what extent PEAC contributes to tooth's resistance to fracture, because there is no agreement on how PEAC should be performed. The purpose of the present study is to describe and classify four different types of PEACs and to examine if a dynamic navigation system /DNS) could allow planning and precisely executing these cavities in vitro. Forty TrueTooth TM Replica # 3-001 models, were randomly divided into four identical groups of ten and scanned using a cone bean computed tomography (OP-Maxio 300, Instrumentarium-Kavo, Finland). Then, four different access cavities were planned and performed by using DNS (Navident dynamic navigation system, ClaroNav, Toronto, ON, Canada). For each tooth, a different PEAC was designed to obtain endodontic access to the main mesio-buccal canal (MB1), resulting in a different location of the entry point on the occlusal surface of the tooth. Precision was evaluated by comparing deviation in the inclinations between the planned and real cavity. Data were recorded and statistically analyzed. DNS allowed preparation of minimally invasive "straight line" cavities, with some differences in the accuracy

    A survey on perceived COVID-19 risk in dentistry and the possible use of rapid tests

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    Aim: The present study was conducted to assess the perceived risk of COVID-19 transmission in dental professionals (DPs), that include dentists and dental auxiliary staffs, and whether rapid tests should be a recommended tool to constrain the transmission of the COVID-19, and who should be bearing their cost (governments, dentists, or patients) through an online survey. Materials and methods: A sample size of n = 700 was recruited in the study. The study included DPs from all over the world. A randomized selection of samples was done through dental groups present on social networks. An online survey was conducted in April 2020, using the Google Form software to provide questions and collect and elaborate answers. Data were analyzed using the statistical software STATA and presented in terms of percentages. Results: About 78% of the study participants perceived a very high risk of COVID-19 contamination in dental settings. Nearly 80% of the study participants were willing to be subjected to rapid tests and the same could be performed on patients visiting their dental clinics, which could prevent the spread of the disease. About 55% of the participants had reported that additional costs for the rapid tests should be borne by the governments. Conclusion: The results of the present survey report that DPs do not feel safe and perceive a high risk of COVID-19 contagion and prevention of the disease could be done by performing rapid tests on dentists, dental staff, and patients visiting the dental clinics irrespective of age and gender of the participants. Significance: Since all the dentists and allied staff have perceived increased risk for COVID-19 transmission, it is important that preventive measures are implemented through rapid test kits at the earliest

    In vitro evaluation of antibacterial properties and smear layer removal/sealer penetration of a novel silver-citrate root canal irrigant

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    This study aimed at evaluating the efficacy of a novel silver-citrate root canal irrigation solution (BioAKT) on smear layer removal, sealer penetration after root canal instrumentation and antibacterial activity. Single-root teeth were endodontically treated, sealed with an epoxi-amine resin sealer and irrigated using: Group I: 5.25% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl). Group II: silver-citrate solution (BioAKT). Group III: phosphate buffer solution (PBS). Group IV: 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). Smear layer removal and silver deposition at the coronal, middle and apical portion of each canal were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Sealer penetration into dentinal tubules at coronal, middle and apical portion was assessed through dye-assisted confocal microscopy (CSM). Both SEM and CSM micrographs were evaluated by two examiners (\u3ba = 0.86), who were blind to the irrigation regimens. scores were given according to the degree of penetration of the sealer. Data analysis included Pearson's x2 and Sidak's multiple comparisons. Dentin discs were polished and sterilized. Enterococcus faecalis biofilms were grown using a continuous-flow bioreactor under anaerobic conditions for 72 h. Specimens were irrigated with the tested solutions, and bacterial viability was assessed using a tetrazolium salt assay (MTT). Statistical analysis included one-way ANOVA and Student's post-hoc t-test (p<0.05). BioAKT and EDTA were the most efficient solutions both in removing the smear layer and allowing sealer penetration. However, at the apical portion BioAKT performed significantly better compared to EDTA both in smear layer removal and sealer penetration (p<0.05). BioAKT and NaOCl showed comparable antibacterial effect (p = 0.53). In conclusion, BioAKT represents a suitable smear layer removal agent, which allows for reliable sealer penetration at the apical portion of the root canal system and offers significant antibacterial properties

    Reduction of an in vitro Intraradicular Multispecies Biofilm Using Two Rotary Instrumentation Sequences

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    Abstract Objective The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect per se of two shaping and cleaning techniques on the reduction of an in vitro multispecies biofilm. Materials and Methods A total of 39 freshly extracted monoradicular teeth for periodontal reason were decoronated. Roots were sectioned longitudinally. After autoclaving, a specific stressed biofilm was grown on the root halves that were subsequently reassembled in a silicone index. Two treatments (n = 9 each)—RaCe (Schottlander; Letchworth Garden City, United Kingdom) and ProTaper Gold ( PTG; Dentsply Maillefer, Baillagues, Switzerland)—were tested; three noninstrumented samples served as a control group and three were rinsed with saline. Posttreatment samples were taken at three different levels of the root. Colony-forming units were counted after incubations. Additionally, three treatments (n = 5 each)—RaCe, PTG, and saline only—were evaluated under a confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM). Statistical Analysis Statistical analysis was conducted using Tukey’s test and analysis of variance to evaluate the post-instrumentation bioburden. Results Both instrumentations were able to reduce the biofilm; however, differences were not present between them (p &gt; 0.05). CLSM showed biofilm killing and disruption through mechanical shaping alone. Conclusions Intraradicular biofilm is reduced with mechanical shaping. There was no difference between RaCe and PTG systems in biofilm reduction despite differences in design, file sequence, and rotational speed.</jats:p

    Print and try technique: 3D-printing of teeth with complex anatomy a novel endodontic approach

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    The purpose of this report is to evaluate the applicability of a novel Print and Try technique in the presence of aberrant endodontic anatomies and to achieve a predictable treatment with improved outcome. According to guidelines, cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is recommended in the presence of complex anatomies. The volumes were utilized to produce a stereo lithographic (STL) file, from which a 3D-plastic tooth model including a hollow root canal system was obtained. The 3D-patient-specific model facilitates the treatment planning and the trial of therapeutic approaches. Using a transparent material, all the treatment steps could be directly visualized. Subsequently, endodontic therapy could be performed in vivo with reduced operating time and with a better overview. Clinicians benefit from the Print and Try technique when facing a complicated root canal system with reduced stress and higher chances of success. In aberrant endodontic anatomies, the use of a transparent 3D plastic model, derived from the CBCT dicom, provides an exact preview of clinical challenges that will be met intra-operatively. A patient centered tailored approach to shaping, cleaning, and filling strategies can be applied

    Precision of dynamic navigation to perform endodontic ultraconservative access cavities: a preliminary in vitro analysis

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    Introduction: Ultraconservative access cavities (UCACs) have been proposed to reduce crown weakening, but there is no consensus about their design and size and about their advantages and disadvantages, which are also related to how differently they are performed. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the possible use of a novel Dynamic Navigation System (DNS) in planning and executing UCACs and its precision in vitro, compared with a manual approach (MA) without any guide. Methods: Twenty radiopaque, artificial teeth replicas were randomly divided into 2 identical groups and scanned using cone-beam computed tomography. In the first group (MA) MB1 canal orifice was reached, starting from the central part of the molar occlusal surface, using a micro endodontic bur. In the second group, DNS allowed to plan and execute a more direct, straight-line truss access. After cavity preparation, teeth were scanned again, and cone-beam computed tomography images were compared. Data were statistically analyzed with analysis of variance test. Results: Significant differences (P &lt;.05) were found in the tested parameters between the 2 groups. The DNS group was significantly more precise, showing smaller mean values in the angulation (4.8°) and in the maximum distance from the ideal position (0.34 mm), when compared with MA group (mean values, 21.2° and 0.88 mm, respectively). Conclusions: Hence, we may conclude that the use of DNS increased the benefits of UCACs by minimizing the potential risk of iatrogenic weakening of critical portions of the crown and reducing negative influences to shaping procedures