20 research outputs found

    Tree occurrences at genus level

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    Datasets for tree occurrences at genus level. The file is presented in comma separated values (.csv) with 4 columns indicating: 1) and 2) Coordinates in a ETRS89-LAEA reference coordinate system (EPSG:3015), representing the centroid of the INSPIRE compliant 1 km ×1 km European grid (X, Y) 3) The country where the forest plot was sampled (COUNTRY) 4) The name of the genus sampled (GENUS NAME

    Occurrences location shapefile

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    Individual species occurrences represented as point shapefiles

    Extent of occurrences (EOOs)

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    Shapefiles representing the extent of occurrence (EOO) of each species having at least three occurrences as alpha shapes (concave hulls), with an alpha level of 6 degrees (see main text for further details)

    User manual for static NOS software

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    The manual provides detailed instructions to use the Python NOS package, and the Windows executable program

    Marine Arctic food-web

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    Sample food web for the NOS software suite. Data from: Kortsch, S. et al. 2015. Climate change alters the structure of arctic marine food webs due to poleward shifts of boreal generalists. Proc. R. Soc. B 282: 20151546

    NOS python package

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    The file includes an implementation of NOS in Python programming language. Detailed instructions about how to use the package are provided in the NOS user manual. The Executable version of NOS for Windows available for download at http://nos.alwaysdata.net, and a NOS R package is available for download from CRAN https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=no

    Marine Boreal food-web

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    Sample food web for the NOS software suite. Data from: Kortsch, S. et al. 2015. Climate change alters the structure of arctic marine food webs due to poleward shifts of boreal generalists. Proc. R. Soc. B 282: 20151546

    Relationship between fish species extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO).

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    <p>Both variables are logarithmically transformed (A: freshwater dataset; B: marine dataset).</p

    Frequency distribution plots of both maximum latitudinal (A and B) and longitudinal (C and D) ranges for freshwater (A and C) and marine (B and D) fishes.

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    <p>Frequency distribution plots of both maximum latitudinal (A and B) and longitudinal (C and D) ranges for freshwater (A and C) and marine (B and D) fishes.</p

    Canonical loadings for the first two dimensions of CANCORs for freshwater and marine fish species.

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    <p>CANCORs were conducted accounting for phylogenetic non indepence. AOO: area of occupancy (number of 1×1° grid cells from which a species was recorded); EOO: extent of occurrence (latitudinal range longitudinal range); K: growth rate; L: maximum length; T: trophic level; Ym: age at first maturity; Y: life span; W: frequency of occurrence. D1: Dimension 1, D2: Dimension 2.</p