233 research outputs found

    Discussion of “Laboratory and field calibration of the Diviner 2000 probe in two types of soil” by J. Haberland, PhD, R. Galvez, C. Kremer, PhD, and C. Carter.

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    The authors deal with the quite interesting and actual problem of Diviner 2000 capacitance probe calibration and present some field and laboratory data obtained on two different layers (0-0.26 cm and 0.26-0.50 cm) of the same soil profile, characterized by different textural class. The importance of site-specific calibration of sensors used to monitor soil or plant water status assumes a particular relevance in semi-arid environments where the application of precision irrigation represents an appropriate management strategy aimed to achieve high values of water use efficiency (Cammalleri et al., 2013). Moreover in clay soils, physical properties are strongly influenced by soil water content (Provenzano et al., 2013), so that the correct measurement of this variable plays a key role to increasing crop yield and preserving water. However, these discussers would focus on some significant points to be corrected in the manuscript and some others that AA. should have been specified in the methodology and considered in the final discussion, as following specified, for the benefit of potential readers. The need to install adequately the access tube, aimed to ensure the contact between the tube and the surrounding soil, is not only to avoid preferential flow of water down the walls of the tube, as considered in the paper, but also to reduce air gap around the tube and to avoid rough measurements of scaled frequency, used to estimate soil water contents, whose values depend on the mutual proportion of soil, water and air in the soil volume investigated by the sensor. With reference to the second part of eq. (2) it is necessary to precise that the function w(SF) correctly results

    Farm scale application of EMI and FDR sensors to measuring and mapping soil water content

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    Soil water content (SWC) controls most water exchange processes within and between the soil-plants-atmosphere continuum and can therefore be considered as a practical variable for irrigation farmer choices. A better knowledge of spatial SWC patterns could improve farmer’s awareness about critical crop water status conditions and enhance their capacity to characterize their behavior at the field or farm scale. However, accurate soil moisture measurement across spatial and temporal scales is still a challenging task and, specifically at intermediate spatial (0.1–100 ha) and temporal (minutes to days) scales, a data gap remains that limits our understanding over reliability of the SWC spatial measurements and its practical applicability in irrigation scheduling. In this work we compare the integrated EM38 (Geonics Ltd. Canada) response, collected at different sensor positions above ground to that obtained by integrating the depth profile of volumetric SWC measured with Diviner 2000 (Sentek) in conjunction with the depth response function of the EM38 when operated in both horizontal and vertical dipole configurations. On a 1.0-ha Olive grove site in Sicliy (Italy), 200 data points were collected before and after irrigation or precipitation events following a systematic sampling grid with focused measurements around the tree. Inside two different zone of the field, characterized from different soil physical properties, two Diviner 2000 access tube (1.2 m) were installed and used for the EM38 calibration. After calibration, the work aimed to propose the combined use of the FDR and EMI sensors to measuring and mapping root zone soil water content. We found strong correlations (R2 = 0.66) between Diviner 2000 SWC averaged to a depth of 1.2 m and ECa from an EM38 held in the vertical mode above the soil surface. The site-specific relationship between FDR-based SWC and ECa was linear for the purposes of estimating SWC over the explored range of ECa monitored at field levels. Volumetric SWC changes in the root zone were observed by differencing the maps, where differences in the observed ECa are primarily the result of changes in soil water status. As with the data showed in the research, more structured patterns occur after wetting event, indicating the presence of subsurface flow or root water uptake paths. A vision for the future at hydrological watershed scale is to combine EMI measurements with FDR-based sensor networks, the last with the scope to constrain calibration of the EMI measurements

    Assessment of a calibration procedure to estimate soil water content with Sentek Diviner 2000 capacitance probe

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    In irrigated systems, soil water content is a major factor determining plant growth. Irrigation scheduling criteria are often related to measurements of soil water content or matric potential. Strategies to manage irrigation can be used to optimize irrigation water use or to maximize crop yield and/or quality, in order to increase the net return for the farmer. Of course, whatever criterion is adopted to schedule irrigation and in particular when crop water stress conditions are considered, the accurate monitoring of the water content in the soil profile, could allow to verify the exact irrigation timing, defined according to the crop response to water stress. Currently many methods are available for determining soil water content on a volume basis (m3m-3) or a tension basis (MPa), as described by Robinson (2008). Recently, distributed fiber optic temperature measurement, has been assessed as a new technique for indirect and precise estimation of soil water contents. Over the past decade Frequency Domain Reflectometry (FDR) probes, allowing to measure the apparent dielectric constant of the soil (K), indirectly related to the volumetric water content (θv), have been improved, due to the good potentiality of capacitance based sensors to in situ measurements of soil water content. However, due to the high variability of K with soil minerals and dry plants tissues, it necessary to proceed to a specific calibration of the sensor for each soil (Baumhardt et al., 2000), even to take into account the effect of soil temperature, bulk density and water salinity (Al Ain et al., 2009). . According to Paltineanu and Starr (1997), the precision of the calibration equation, obtained with in situ measurements, mainly depends on the errors related to the sampling of the soil volume investigated by the sensor, that must be done accurately. For swelling/shrinking soils, the changes of soil bulk volume with water content cause modifications in the geometry of some if not all the soil pores, affecting the bulk density/water content relationship (Allbrook, 1992). Field experiments in shrinking-swelling clay soils evidenced that soil water content can be affect by errors of 20-30% if the soil shrinkage curve is not considered (Fares et al., 2004). The main objective of the paper was to propose a practical calibration procedure for FDR sensor using minilysimeter containing undisturbed soil, allowing to take in to account the possible variations of the bulk density with the soil water content. Moreover, the possibility of using disturbed soil samples for determining the sensor calibration curve was also investigated, in order to simplify the proposed methodology. Experiments were carried out on three different soil, two of which containing a percentage of clay higher than 40%, in order to compare the specific calibration curves with that suggested by the manufactures. The investigation showed how for swelling/shrinkage soils it is necessary the knowledge of the actual soil bulk density and also that using disturbed soil sample is not possible to consider the effects of the soil shrinkage consequent to the soil water content reductions

    Adapting FAO-56 Spreadsheet Program to estimate olive orchard transpiration fluxes under soil water stress condition

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    In the Mediterranean environment, where the period of crops growth does not coincide with the rainy season, the crop is subject to water stress periods that may be amplified with improper irrigation management. Agro-hydrological models can be considered an economic and simple tool to optimize irrigation water use, mainly when water represents a limiting factor for crop production. In the last two decades, agro-hydrological physically based models have been developed to simulate mass and energy exchange processes in the soil-plant-atmosphere system (Feddes et al., 1978; Bastiaanssen et al., 2007). Unfortunately these models, although very reliable, as a consequence of the high number of required variables and the complex computational analysis, cannot often be used. Therefore, simplified agro-hydrological models may represent an useful and simple tool for practical irrigation scheduling. The main objective of the work is to assess, for an olive orchard, the suitability of FAO-56 spreadsheet agrohydrological model to estimate a long time series of field transpiration, soil water content and crop water stress dynamic. A modification of the spreadsheet is suggested in order to adapt the simulations to a crop tolerant to water stress. In particular, by implementing a new crop water stress function, actual transpiration fluxes and an ecophysiological stress indicator, i. e. the relative transpiration, are computed in order to evaluate a plant-based irrigation scheduling parameter. Validation of the proposed amendment is carried out by means of measured sap fluxes, measured on different plants and up-scaled to plot level. Spatial and temporal variability of soil water contents in the plot was measured, at several depths, using the Diviner 2000 capacitance probe (Sentek Environmental Technologies, 2000) and TDR-100 (Campbell scientific, Inc.) system. The detailed measurements of soil water content, allowed to explore the high spatial variability of soil water content due to the combined effect of the punctual irrigation and the non-uniform root density distribution. A further validation of the plant-based irrigation-timing indicator will be carried out by considering another ecophysiological stress variable like the predawn leaf water potential. Accuracy of the model output was assessed using the Mean Absolute Difference, the Root Mean Square Difference and the efficiency index of Nash and Sutcliffe. Experimental data, recorded during three years of field observation, allowed, with a great level of detail, to investigate on the dynamic of water fluxes from the soil to atmosphere as well as to validate the proposed amendment of the FAO-56 spreadsheet. The modified model simulated with a satisfactory approximation the measured values of average soil water content in the root zone, with error of estimation equal to about 2.0%. These differences can be considered acceptable for practical applications taking into account the intrinsic variability of the data especially in the soil moisture point measurements. An error less than 1 mm was calculated in the daily transpiration estimation. A good performance was observed in the estimation of the cumulate transpiration fluxes

    Assessing HYDRUS-2D model to estimate soil water contents and olive tree transpiration fluxes under different water distribution systems

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    In Mediterranean countries characterized by limited water resources for agricultural and societal sectors, irrigation management plays a major role to improve water use efficiency at farm scale, mainly where irrigation systems are correctly designed to guarantee a suitable application efficiency and the uniform water distribution throughout the field. In the last two decades, physically-based agro-hydrological models have been developed to simulate mass and energy exchange processes in the soil-plant-atmosphere (SPA) system. Mechanistic models like HYDRUS 2D/3D (Šimunek et al., 2011) have been proposed to simulate all the components of water balance, including actual crop transpiration fluxes estimated according to a soil potential-dependent sink term. Even though the suitability of these models to simulate the temporal dynamics of soil and crop water status has been reported in the literature for different horticultural crops, a few researches have been considering arboreal crops where the higher gradients of root water uptake are the combination between the localized irrigation supply and the three dimensional root system distribution. The main objective of the paper was to assess the performance of HYDRUS-2D model to evaluate soil water contents and transpiration fluxes of an olive orchard irrigated with two different water distribution systems. Experiments were carried out in Castelvetrano (Sicily) during irrigation seasons 2011 and 2012, in a commercial farm specialized in the production of table olives (Olea europaea L., var. Nocellara del Belice), representing the typical variety of the surrounding area. During the first season, irrigation water was provided by a single lateral placed along the plant row with four emitters per plant (ordinary irrigation), whereas during the second season a grid of emitters laid on the soil was installed in order to irrigate the whole soil surface around the selected trees. The model performance was assessed based on the comparison between measured and simulated soil water content and actual transpiration fluxes, under the hypothesis to neglect the contribute of the tree capacitance. Moreover, two different crop water stress functions and in particular the linear model proposed by Feddes et al. (1978) and the S-shape model suggested by van Genuchten et al. (1987), were considered. The result of the study evidenced that for the investigated crop and under the examined conditions, HYDRUS- 2D model reproduces fairly well the dynamic of soil water contents at different distances from the emitters (RMSE<0.09 cm3 cm−3) and actual crop transpiration fluxes (RMSE<0.11 mm d−1), whose estimations can be slightly improved by assuming a S-shape crop water stress function

    Application of EMI and FDR sensors to assess the fraction of transpirable soil water over an olive grove

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    Accurate soil water status measurements across spatial and temporal scales are still a challenging task, specifically at intermediate spatial (0.1-10 ha) and temporal (minutes to days) scales. Consequently, a gap in knowledge limits our understanding of the reliability of the spatial measurements and its practical applicability in agricultural water management. This paper compares the cumulative EM38 (Geonics Ltd., Mississauga, ON, Canada) response collected by placing the sensor above ground with the corresponding soil water content obtained by integrating the values measured with an FDR (frequency domain reflectometry) sensor. In two field areas, characterized by different soil clay content, two Diviner 2000 access tubes (1.2 m) were installed and used to quantify the dimensionless fraction of transpirable soil water (FTSW). After the calibration, the work proposes the combined use of the FDR and electromagnetic induction (EMI) sensors to measure and map FTSW. A strong correlation (R2= 0.86) between FTSW and EM38 bulk electrical conductivity was found. As a result, field changes of FTSW are due to the variability of soil water content and soil texture. As with the data acquired in the field, more structured patterns occurred after a wetting event, indicating the presence of subsurface flow or root water uptake paths. After assessing the relationship between the soil and crop water status, the FTSW domain includes a critical value, estimated around 0.38, below which a strong reduction of relative transpiration can be recognized

    Kainic acid-induced seizures modulate Akt (SER473) phosphorylation in the hippocampus of dopamine D2 receptor knockout mice.

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    Dopamine D2 receptor (D2R) signalling has been shown to modulate seizure-induced hippocampal cell death. D2R knockout (D2R-/-) mice are more susceptible to kainic acid (KA)-induced excitotoxicity, displaying cell death in the CA3 subfield of the hippocampus at KA doses not damaging in wild-type (WT) animals. Absence of D2R signalling in the hippocampus leads to activation (dephosphorylation) of glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK-3β) after KA (20 mg/kg), which is not associated with a change in the phosphorylation of the GSK-3β regulator Akt at the canonical threonine 308 residue. In the present study, we investigated alternative pathways responsible for the activation of GSK-3β in the hippocampus of the D2R-/- mice 24 h following KA-induced seizures. Here, we show that phosphorylation of Akt occurs at serine 473 (Ser473) in the CA3 region of WT but not D2R-/- mice following KA. Moreover, the CA1 subregion, which does not undergo neurodegeneration in either WT or D2R-/- mice, displays a strong induction of Akt (Ser473) phosphorylation after KA. Additionally, the vulnerability in the CA3 is not associated with changes to p38MAPK and Dishevelled activation, and β-catenin does not appear to be a downstream target of the GSK-3β. Thus, we propose that GSK-3β phosphorylation-mediated hippocampal cell survival may depend on Akt (Ser473) phosphorylation; loss of D2R-mediated signalling in the CA3 region of D2R-/- mice leads to reduced Akt (Ser473) phosphorylation rendering neurons more vulnerable to apoptosis. Further investigation is required to fully elucidate the GSK-3β targets involved in D2R-dependent response to excitotoxicity

    Improvement of FAO-56 Model to Estimate Transpiration Fluxes of Drought Tolerant Crops under Soil Water Deficit: Application for Olive Groves

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    [EN] Agro-hydrological models are considered an economic and simple tool for quantifying crop water requirements. In the last two decades, agro-hydrological physically based models have been developed to simulate mass and energy exchange processes in the soil-plant-atmosphere system. Although very reliable, because of the high number of required variables, simplified models have been proposed to quantify crop water consumes. The main aim of this paper is to propose an amendment of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations FAO-56 spreadsheet program to introduce a more realistic shape of the stress function, valid for mature olive orchards (Olea europaea L.). The modified model is successively validated by means of the comparison between measured and simulated soil water contents and actual transpiration fluxes. These outputs are finally compared with those obtained with the original version of the model. Experiments also allowed assessing the ability of simulated crop water stress coefficients to explain the actual water stress conditions evaluated on the basis of measured relative transpirations and midday stem water potentials. The results show that the modified model significantly improves the estimation of actual crop transpiration fluxes and soil water contents under soil water deficit conditions, according to the RMSEs associated with the revised model, resulting in significantly higher than the corresponding values obtained with the original version. (C) 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.Rallo, G.; Baiamonte, G.; Manzano Juarez, J.; Provenzano, G. (2014). Improvement of FAO-56 Model to Estimate Transpiration Fluxes of Drought Tolerant Crops under Soil Water Deficit: Application for Olive Groves. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 140(9):1-8. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000693S18140

    Modelli di bilancio agro-idrologico per la previsione dello stress idrico di colture arboree mediterranee

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    Il contributo si propone di dimostrare come l‟uso della modellistica agro-idrologica possa consentire una corretta previsione delle dinamiche di stress idrico di due importanti colture arboree Mediterranee (olivo e agrume), caratterizzate da una diversa risposta eco-fisiologica a condizioni di deficit idrico del suolo. In particolare viene analizzata in dettaglio la tematica della modellizzazione della risposta eco-fisiologica delle due colture e viene affrontata la questione relativa all‟implementazione delle funzioni di stress all‟interno dei modelli di bilancio agro-idrologico di tipo a serbatoio, in modo da simulare l‟effettivo stato idrico della pianta. Con riferimento alle colture esaminate, è nello specifico approfondita la schematizzazione della funzione di stress attraverso l‟analisi di lunghe serie di dati acquisiti nel corso di sperimentazione in campo, relative allo stato idrico del suolo (contenuti idrici volumetrici) e della pianta (potenziali idrici xilematici e flussi traspirativi). È infine discussa l‟applicabilità del modello semplificato descritto nel quaderno FAO n. 56 (Allen et al., 1998) per la predizione delle dinamiche di stress idrico delle colture ed è approfondita l‟importanza che riveste una specifica schematizzazione della funzione di stress idrico nel miglioramento delle performance del modello.The contribute aims to demonstrate how agro-hydrological models are able to predict the water stress dynamics of two important Mediterranean arboreal crops, i.e. olive and citrus, characterized by different eco-physiological water stress response to soil water deficit conditions. In particular, the topic related to the crop water stress function and its implementation into agro-hydrological bucket models is analyzed in order to improve the estimations of actual crop water status. With reference to the examined crops, the proposed schematization of the water stress functions is based on long time series of field measurements of soil (volumetric water contents) and plant (xylem water potentials and transpiration fluxes) water status. The applicability of the bucket model proposed by FAO (Allen et al., 1998) to predict the crop water stress dynamics is also discussed in order to emphasize the importance of a specific schematization of the stress function to improve the model's performance

    Evaluating the performance of reference evapotranspiration equations with scintillometer measurements under Mediterranean climate and effects on olive grove actual evapotranspiration estimated with FAO-56 water balance model

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    The concept of reference potranspiration is widely used to support water resource management in agriculture and for irrigation scheduling, especially under arid and semi-arid conditions. The Penman-Monteith standardized formulations, as suggested by ASCE and FAO-56 papers, are generally applied for accurate estimations of ETo, at hourly and daily scale. When detailed meteorological information are not available, several alternative and simplified equations, using a limited number of variables, have been proposed (Blaney-Criddle, HargreavesSamani, Turc, Makkinen and Pristley-Taylor). In this paper, scintillometer measurements collected for six month in 2005, on an experimental plot under “reference” conditions, were used to validate different ETo equations at hourly and daily scale. Experimental plot is located in a typical agricultural Mediterranean environment (Sicily, Italy), where olive groves is the dominant crop. As proved by other researches, the comparison confirmed the best agreement between estimated and measured fluxes corresponds to FAO-56 Penman-Monteith standardized equation, that was characterized by both the lowest average error and the minimum bias. However, the analysis also evidenced a quite good performance of Pristley-Taylor equation, that can be considered as a valid alternative to the more sophisticated PenmanMonteith method. The different ETo series, obtained by the considered simplified equations, were then used as input in the FAO-56 water balance model, in order to evaluate, for olive groves, the errors on estimated actual evapotranspiration ET. To this aim soil and crop model input parameters were settled by considering previous experimental researches already used to calibrate and validate the FAO-56 water balance model on olive groves, for the same study area. Also in this case, assuming as the true values of ET those obtained using the water balance coupled with Penman- Monteith ETo input values, the Priestley-Taylor equation, requiring a limited number of input meteorological data, was characterized by the best performance if compared to the other equations used to evaluate ETo. Under environments conditions similar to those considered therefore, according to the good performance associated to the Priestley-Tailor approach, FAO-56 model can allow realistic estimation of ET, even in absence of a full meteorological dataset