802 research outputs found

    Linking NAMEA and Input output for 'consumption vs. production perspective' analyses.

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    We integrate input output and NAMEA tables for Spain and Italy in 1995, 2000 and 2005, in order to address the hot policy issue of sustainable consumption and production. A comparison of a production and consumption perspective may have relevant policy implications. We deal with the domestic technology assumption and primarily the aggregation bias that may result when calculating indirect emission using different sector aggregation in the analyses (e.g. 16, 32, 50). Extended Input output analysis provides analyses of the emissions embodied in domestic consumption and domestic production by considering the structure of intermediate inputs and environmental efficiency in each production sector. Our empirical findings show that different sectoral aggregation significantly biases the amount of emissions both for the consumption and the production perspective, though differently in the two countries. Italy surprisingly show consumption/production ratios around or lower than one, but in line with some major work at EU level. Our results thus suggest that special attention must be paid when interpreting the EE-IOA of country estimated amounts of embodied emissions, both in domestic final demand and those directly associated with the production sectors when the sectoral aggregation level has a low definition as considered in some recent similar studies.NAMEA, extended input output, sustainable consumption and production, aggregation bias, final demand

    Linking NAMEA and Input output for 'consumption vs. production perspective' analyses

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    We integrate input output and NAMEA tables for Spain and Italy in 1995, 2000 and 2005, in order to address the hot policy issue of sustainable consumption and production. A comparison of a production and consumption perspective may have relevant policy implications. We deal with the domestic technology assumption and primarily the aggregation bias that may result when calculating indirect emission using different sector aggregation in the analyses (e.g. 16, 32, 50). Extended Input output analysis provides analyses of the emissions embodied in domestic consumption and domestic production by considering the structure of intermediate inputs and environmental efficiency in each production sector. Our empirical findings show that different sectoral aggregation significantly biases the amount of emissions both for the consumption and the production perspective, though differently in the two countries. Italy surprisingly show consumption/production ratios around or lower than one, but in line with some major work at EU level. Our results thus suggest that special attention must be paid when interpreting the EE-IOA of country estimated amounts of embodied emissions, both in domestic final demand and those directly associated with the production sectors when the sectoral aggregation level has a low definition as considered in some recent similar studies.NAMEA; extended input output; sustainable consumption and production; aggregation bias; final demand

    Education, Reputation or Network? Evidence from Italy on Migrant Workers Employability

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    The strong adverse selection that immigrants face in hosting labour markets may induce them to adopt some behaviours or signals to modify employers’ beliefs. Relevant mechanisms for reaching this purpose are personal reputation; exploiting ethnic networks deeply-rooted in the hosting country; and high educational levels used as an indirect signal of productivity. On this last point, the immigrant status needs a stronger signal compared to that necessary for a local worker, and this may lead the immigrant to accept job qualifications which are lower than those achievable through the embodied educational level. This could explain the over education problem that characterizes many countries, Italy included. The aim of the paper is to investigate whether the above mentioned mechanisms are adopted by immigrants in Italy, a crucial country for EU immigration flows, and if they are useful in increasing immigrants’ likelihood of employment. The empirical analysis has been conducted using the dataset from a national Labour Force Survey which provides information on 6,860 documented immigrants. We estimate a logit model for immigrants’ likelihood of being employed, focusing on the above mentioned mechanisms: reputation, ethnic networks and educational level. Moreover we concentrate on the interaction effects of the mechanisms and investigate whether one of them wins on the others. Results show that each of the three mechanisms is statistically and economically significant and exerts positive influence: all factors contribute to increasing the immigrant’s probability of being employed. Anyway, a high level of education increases the probability of being employed more than the belonging to ethnic networks deeply-rooted in Italy. The specific embodied capital of workers matter relatively more. This is relevant for labour public policies in this specific realm since the human capital lever is a possible direct target of various public policies and private human capital investments.Educational Qualifications, Migrant Networks, Immigrant Employability, Reputation, Segmented Labour Markets

    Misura e valutazione dell'esposizione della popolazione ai campi magnetici generati da elettrodotti aerei a doppia terna

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    La valutazione dell\u2019esposizione ai campi magnetici generati da elettrodotti MT in doppia terna a partire da misure di campo effettuate in loco viene qui condotta estrapolando i valori misurati ai valori di corrente di riferimento secondo una metodologia di calcolo innovativa semplice e pratica. La metodologia \ue8 di validit\ue0 generale, potenzialmente applicabile anche a linee a doppia terna AT e AAT

    The Effect of Insulation Characteristics on Thermal Instability in HVDC Extruded Cables

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    This paper aims at studying the effect of cable characteristics on the thermal instability of 320 kV and 500 kV Cross-Linked Polyethylene XLPE-insulated high voltage direct-current (HVDC) cables buried in soil for different values of the applied voltages, by the means of sensitivity analysis of the insulation losses to the electrical conductivity coefficients of temperature and electric field, a and b. It also finds the value of dielectric loss coefficient bd for DC cables, which allows an analytical calculation of the temperature rise as a function of insulation losses and thermal resistances. A Matlab code is used to iteratively solve Maxwell’s equations and find the electric field distribution, the insulation losses and the temperature rise inside the insulation due to insulation losses of the cable subjected to load cycles according to CIGRÉ Technical Brochure 496. Thermal stability diagrams are found to study the thermal instability and its relationship with the cable ampacity. The results show high dependency of the thermal stability on the electrical conductivity of cable insulating material, as expressed via the conductivity coefficients of temperature and electric field. The effect of insulation thickness on both the insulation losses and the thermal stability is also investigated

    Calcolo del campo magnetico generato da cavi elicordati per la distribuzione dell'energia elettrica

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    none3ALMA DL–Rapporti di ricerca; versione elettronica disponibile in AMS Acta, il deposito istituzionale per la ricerca dell'Università di Bologna, alla pagina https://amsacta.cib.unibo.it/2614/Questo rapporto interno tratta il campo di induzione magnetica generato da una terna di conduttori avvolti ad elica percorsi da corrente trifase. Le formulazioni esatta ed approssimata di letteratura sono state usate come punto di partenza di un’analisi parametrica di tipo euristico che porta ad una formula innovativa semplificata per il calcolo del campo totale d’induzione magnetica. Tale formula approssimata calcola il campo di induzione magnetica B in funzione della distanza dall’asse dell’elica utilizzando come parametri il passo dell’elica ed il raggio dell’elica.noneE. Kandia; M. Landini; G. MazzantiE. Kandia; M. Landini; G. Mazzant

    Proposte per una revisione del finanziamento e dell’offerta dei servizi odontoiatrici in Italia. L’intervento pubblico e i fondi integrativi.

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    Le cure odontoiatriche sono una componente di rilievo in un servizio sanitario ispirato al principio della globalità assistenziale. Tuttavia, i volumi di prestazioni odontoiatriche erogate dal servizio sanitario sono relativamente modesti e il 90% della spesa odontoiatrica privata è costituita da pagamenti diretti interamente a carico dei pazienti. Vi sono quindi problemi di disuguaglianza nell’accesso alle cure odontoiatriche. Dal lato dell’offerta le strutture sono parcellizzate con prevalenza di studi con pochi professionisti. L’entrata di nuovi soggetti imprenditoriali dall’estero e il fenomeno del turismo odontoiatrico sembrano introdurre incentivi a ridurre la frammentazione e ad adottare nuovi modelli organizzativi. La ricerca intende approfondire le possibilità di un’estensione dell’accesso alle cure odontoiatriche favorendo una riorganizzazione della domanda, modificando la regolamentazione dell’offerta e incentivando i meccanismi di finanziamento integrativi alle disponibilità del servizio sanitario pubblico. Infine, vengono analizzati diversi modelli di fondi integrativi aperti e la loro efficacia nell’ampliare il grado di copertura complessivo del rischio odontoiatrico.assistenza odontoiatrica; fondi integrativi; Lea odontoiatrici; fondi aperti; incentivi fiscali
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