210 research outputs found

    Consent to Targeted Advertising

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    Targeted advertising in digital markets involves multiple actors collecting, exchanging, and processing personal data for the purpose of capturing users’ attention in online environments. This ecosystem has given rise to considerable adverse effects on individuals and society, resulting from mass surveillance, the manipulation of choices and opinions, and the spread of addictive or fake messages. Against this background, this article critically discusses the regulation of consent in online targeted advertising. To this end, we review EU laws and proposals and consider the extent to which a requirement of informed consent may provide effective consumer protection. On the basis of such an analysis, we make suggestions for possible avenues that may be pursued

    How to measure food loss and waste? A Material Flow Analysis application

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to measure food loss and waste by material flow analysis (MFA) tool. Applying this methodology, the authors estimate wastage-related losses and discuss opportunities for more circular and sustainable practices in the Italian potato industry. Design/methodology/approach – MFA is applied to two specific typologies as follows: ready-to-eat (chips) and dried potato products produced in Italy. The analysis refers to the year 2017 as the complete dataset useful for this study includes measurements until this year. A bottom-up and top-down mixed approach is applied, and functional unit refers to 1 t of potatoes consumed as final product. Findings – MFA is applied to quantify and qualify material balance associated with 1 t of potatoes consumed as final product. In Italy, in 2017, more than 22,000 t of fresh tubers were lost, including 3,500–4,800 t of starch, equivalent to 52,800–72,600 GJs. Moreover, fewer than 23,000 t of skins and scraps were produced within industrial plants, not available for food but suitable for animal feed (dry skins are an excellent carbohydrates source in cattle and poultry feed), starch industry and bioenergy production (biogas and/or bioethanol). Originality/value – This research is one of the few studies proposing MFA methodology as a tool to measure food waste. This analysis shows its utility in terms of food waste quality/quantity evaluation, supporting both company management and policymakers

    Algorithmic fairness through group parities? The case of COMPAS-SAPMOC

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    Machine learning classifiers are increasingly used to inform, or even make, decisions significantly affecting human lives. Fairness concerns have spawned a number of contributions aimed at both identifying and addressing unfairness in algorithmic decision-making. This paper critically discusses the adoption of group-parity criteria (e.g., demographic parity, equality of opportunity, treatment equality) as fairness standards. To this end, we evaluate the use of machine learning methods relative to different steps of the decision-making process: assigning a predictive score, linking a classification to the score, and adopting decisions based on the classification. Throughout our inquiry we use the COMPAS system, complemented by a radical simplification of it (our SAPMOC I and SAPMOC II models), as our running examples. Through these examples, we show how a system that is equally accurate for different groups may fail to comply with group-parity standards, owing to different base rates in the population. We discuss the general properties of the statistics determining the satisfaction of group-parity criteria and levels of accuracy. Using the distinction between scoring, classifying, and deciding, we argue that equalisation of classifications/decisions between groups can be achieved thorough group-dependent thresholding. We discuss contexts in which this approach may be meaningful and useful in pursuing policy objectives. We claim that the implementation of group-parity standards should be left to competent human decision-makers, under appropriate scrutiny, since it involves discretionary value-based political choices. Accordingly, predictive systems should be designed in such a way that relevant policy goals can be transparently implemented. Our paper presents three main contributions: (1) it addresses a complex predictive system through the lens of simplified toy models; (2) it argues for selective policy interventions on the different steps of automated decision-making; (3) it points to the limited significance of statistical notions of fairness to achieve social goals

    The Environmental Performance of Glass and PET Mineral Water Bottles in Italy

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    Worldwide the environmental weight of the packaging has overtaken the threshold, both due to the waste and the emissions generated. This issue stimulated the European Union (EU) to provide for a stringent regulation to tackle this burden. Particularly, the consumption of mineral water packed is very significant, as regards the use of plastic bottles, especially in the small size, which stresses the need for a boosted management of packaging by the governments, industries, and consumers (Botto et al. in Environ Sci Policy 14:388–395, 2011). Over the years, the EU has shown increasing consumption of mineral water-packed, and Italy, with 222 L per capita is the first European consumer country and the third worldwide. This chapter investigated the glass and Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) packaging to analyse their environmental impact and undertake a comparison among them (Vellini and Savioli in Energy 34:2137–2143, 2009). Particularly the research provides a twofold analysis. Firstly, it assesses the impacts of 1 kg of hollow glass through the Life Cycle Assessment methodology (Schmitz et al. in Energy Policy 39:142–155, 2011;Vinci et al. in Trends in beverage packaging 16:105–133, 2019;) and makes a comparison with a 1 kg of PET ( Marathe KV, Chavan K, Nakhate P (2017) Lifecycle Assessment (LCA) of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Bottles—Indian Perspective. http://www.in-beverage.org/lca-pet/ICT Final Report on% 20LCA of PET Bottles_for P ACE_01_01_2018.pdf. Accessed 2 March 2021). Secondly, the Greenhouse gas emissions of still water bottled based on the current Italian consumption is evaluated using the Carbon Footprint methodology, to highlight which among the glass and PET mineral water bottles have the better environmental performance (Kouloumpis et al. in Sci Total Environ 727, 2020). Finally, according to the European 2030–2050 climate and energy framework, an improved eco-friendly performance scenario based on post-consumption options for both materials, was investigated regarding the Italian mineral water bottles consumption

    No More Trade-Offs. GPT and Fully Informative Privacy Policies

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    The paper reports the results of an experiment aimed at testing to what extent ChatGPT 3.5 and 4 is able to answer questions regarding privacy policies designed in the new format that we propose. In a world of human-only interpreters, there was a trade-off between comprehensiveness and comprehensibility of privacy policies, leading to the actual policies not containing enough information for users to learn anything meaningful. Having shown that GPT performs relatively well with the new format, we provide experimental evidence supporting our policy suggestion, namely that the law should require fully comprehensive privacy policies, even if this means they become less concise

    Defeasible Systems in Legal Reasoning: A Comparative Assessment

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    Different formalisms for defeasible reasoning have been used to represent legal knowledge and to reason with it. In this work, we provide an overview of the following logic-based approaches to defeasible reasoning: Defeasible Logic, Answer Set Programming, ABA+, ASPIC+, and DeLP. We compare features of these approaches from three perspectives: the logical model (knowledge representation), the method (computational mechanisms), and the technology (available software). On this basis, we identify and apply criteria for assessing their suitability for legal applications. We discuss the different approaches through a legal running example

    A genetic approach to the Ethical Knob

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    As Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are entering shared roads, the challenge of designing and implementing a completely autonomous vehicle is still open. Aside from technological issues regarding how to manage the complexity of the environment, AVs raise difficult legal issues and ethical dilemmas, especially in unavoidable accident scenarios. In this context, a vast speculation depicting moral dilemmas has developed in recent years. A new perspective was proposed: an “Ethical Knob” (EK), enabling passengers to ethically customise their AVs, namely, to choose between different settings corresponding to different moral approaches or principles. In this contribution we explore how an AV can automatically learn to determine the value of its “Ethical Knob” in order to achieve a trade-off between the ethical preferences of passengers and social values, learning from experienced instances of collision. To this end, we propose a novel approach based on a genetic algorithm to optimize a population of neural networks. We report a detailed description of simulation experiments as well as possible applications.Francesca Lagioia, Andrea Loreggia and Giovanni Sartor have been supported by the H2020 ERC Project “CompuLaw” (G.A. 833647)


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    Il benessere e la sostenibilità di una regione si raggiungono anche attraverso l’utilizzo corretto delle risorse naturali a disposizione, tra le quali quella idrica. Attualmente, l’agricoltura consuma il 70% delle risorse idriche mondiali. L'obiettivo generale del presente lavoro è fornire alcune indicazioni per la previsione di scenari razionali e sostenibili della risorsa idrica in agricoltura, partendo da un’applicazione per l’area regionale pugliese ed analizzando i consumi associati ad alcune colture tradizionali. Attraverso la metodologia della Water Footprint, teorizzata da Hoeckstra et al. nel 2011, è stato calcolato l’impatto idrico associato all’olivo, al pomodoro e all’uva. Successivamente, attraverso una mappatura della risorsa acqua, invece, è stata condotta una quantificazione delle disponibilità idriche e dei volumi erogati dai consorzi di bonifica responsabili dell’approvvigionamento del 30% delle aziende agricole pugliesi. Questo studio presenta alcuni spunti per la progettazione futura di modelli innovativi di utilizzo razionale della risorsa idrica, è replicabile e permette di fornire alcune indicazioni a supporto delle policy e delle azioni che i decisori pubblici e i differenti stakeholder della filiera agricola devono assumere al fine di condurre l’agricoltura pugliese verso una completa sostenibilità e circolarità

    Unsupervised Factor Extraction from Pretrial Detention Decisions by Italian and Brazilian Supreme Courts

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    Pretrial detention is a debated and controversial measure since it is an exception to the principle of the presumption of innocence. To determine whether and to what extent legal systems make exces- sive use of pretrial detention, an empirical analysis of judicial practice is needed. The paper presents some preliminary results of experimental re- search aimed at identifying the relevant factors on the basis of which Ital- ian and Brazilian Supreme Courts impose the measure. To analyze and extract the relevant predictive-features, we rely on unsupervised learn- ing approaches, in particular association and clustering methods. As a result, we found common factors between the two legal systems in terms of crime, location, grounds for appeal, and judge’s reasoning

    Sustainable options for paints through a life cycle assessment method

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    In recent years, the paint industry has addressed the development of products, technologies, and packaging to build conditions to improve environmental performance in accordance to the circular economy goals. For these reasons, a life cycle thinking approach allows for the understanding of the most important steps for pursuing closed-loop strategies and related goals. This paper provides a twofold analysis: first, a comparison of two paints, characterised by different chemical compositions, has been carried out according to the current production cycle (baseline scenario); second, for each product, two additional and alternative scenarios have been hypothesised. These scenarios focus on the use of waste paint blended with virgin paint, and the use of a high rate of recycled inputs of packaging materials. The aim is first to assess the environmental impacts of the life cycles of the paints and identify feasible measures to reduce these impacts. The second aim is to choose the better option between scenarios, according to a circular economy approach. The results highlight that the production and supply of raw materials have the greatest impact on both paints, for all impact indicators. Consequently the use of waste paint reduces environmental impacts by roughly 48%, on average. Furthermore, the packaging options allow us to determine that the use of 50% recycled polypropylene had a better environmental performance than 100% recycled aluminium, although the contribution of packaging is negligible in the total impact indicators. Confirming the results, the sensitivity analysis on the waste paint use has been undertaken
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