48 research outputs found

    Irrigation Management in Coastal Zones to Prevent Soil and Groundwater Salinization

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    Soil salinization is one of the most widespread soil degradation processes on earth and, worldwide, one billion hectares are affected, mainly in the arid–semiarid regions of Asia, Australia and South America [1]. In Europe, soil salinity has effects on one million hectares mainly in the Mediterranean countries [1]. There are two types of salinization: primary salinization caused by natural events such as sea spray or rock weathering or seepage [2] and secondary salinization that is caused by human activities such as irrigation with salty water, groundwater overexploitation and excessive drainage [1]. Along the Adriatic coast of the Po Plain, freshwater resources are becoming increasingly scarce, because of irrigation and other intense water use, salinization and long periods of drought [3]. Custodio [4] underlines that, especially in southern Europe, the irrigation practices and the water requirements to sustain the coastal tourism industry exhort a strong pressure on water resources. The impact of groundwater salinization in coastal areas affects both natural vegetation biodiversity and agricultural production, through soil salinization and reduction of freshwater availability for irrigation. Salinization is closely associated with the process of desertification, because salinity may have direct negative effects on crop yields by reducing the ability of plant roots to take up water [5]. The most common salinity effect is a general stunting of plant growth, but not all plants respond in the same way. Grain and corn may reduce their seed production without appreciably plant dimensions reduction

    Elite food between the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance. Some case studies from Latium

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    The study of plant and animal remains from archaeological sites provides important evidence about past human diets and habits: this includes species selection, food preparation, consumption and disposal practices. Furthermore, such information may also provide inferences about social status. Data from refuse disposal features identified in some elite contexts in central Italy – a high-status residence in Celleno Vecchio (Viterbo) and the Baglioni-Santacroce castle in Graffignano (Viterbo), both in northern Latium, as well as the Santi Quattro Coronati ecclesiastical complex in Rome – allow to explore, using archaeobotanical, archaeozoological and genetic data, some of the different ways in which people expressed wealth by means of food during a period between the late Middle Ages and Renaissance

    RIGED-RA project - Restoration and management of Coastal Dunes in the Northern Adriatic Coast, Ravenna Area - Italy

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    Coastal dunes play an important role in protecting the coastline. Unfortunately, in the last decades dunes have been removed or damaged by human activities. In the Emilia- Romagna region significant residual dune systems are found only along Ravenna and Ferrara coasts. In this context, the RIGED-RA project "Restoration and management of coastal dunes along the Ravenna coast" (2013-2016) has been launched with the aims to identify dynamics, erosion and vulnerability of Northern Adriatic coast and associated residual dunes, and to define intervention strategies for dune protection and restoration. The methodology is based on a multidisciplinary approach that integrates the expertise of several researchers and investigates all aspects (biotic and abiotic), which drive the dune-beach system. All datasets were integrated to identify test sites for applying dune restoration. The intervention finished in April 2016; evolution and restoration efficiency will be assessed

    BEACHMED-e/ Intereg III C: La gestion strat\ue9gique de la d\ue9fense des littoraux pour un d\ue9veloppement soutenable des zones c\uf4ti\ue8res de la M\ue9diterran\ue9e (code 3S0155R) MESURE 3.4. I sistemi di difesa naturali: il potenziale delle dune e delle praterie di Posidonia per la difesa dei litorali (POSIDuNE- Interactions de Posidonia Oceanica et Sable avec l\u2019Environnement des Dunes Naturelles) BMe-3S0155R-3.4- Chef de file:Istituto Centrale per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica Applicata al Mare - ICRAM : SOTTOPROGETTO CIRSA "Sito Pilota: Foce del Torrente Bevano (Ravenna)"

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    Parmi les syst\ue8mes de dunes de la Province de Ravenna, la zone de l\u2019embouchure du Torrent Bevano a \ue9t\ue9 choisie comme un site pilote pour la r\ue9alisation d\u2019un \ue9tude qui concerne les relations entre le nappe phr\ue9atique situ\ue9e dessous des dunes et le ph\ue9nom\ue8ne de l\u2019intrusion du coin salin. En plus l\u2019on a pr\ue9vu une exp\ue9rimentation r\ue9alis\ue9e au moyen de la ri-v\ue9g\ue9tation d\u2019une portion de dune de r\ue9cent formation (en induisant la mise en place de la dune gr\ue2ce a la r\ue9alisation de \uabfascinata frangivento\ubb. La zone dans laquelle l\u2019y a le syst\ue8me de dunes en bon \ue9tat de conservation c\u2019est int\ue9gr\ue9e dans le Parc R\ue9gional du Delta du Po, c\u2019est consid\ue9r\ue9 Site d\u2019Importance Communautaire (SIC), Zone a Protection Sp\ue9ciale (ZPS) et Reserve Naturelle Sp\ue9ciale Nationale (D.M. 5/6/79). Les m\ue9andres fluviales abandonn\ue9s qui se trouvent ici, sono des zones caract\ue9ris\ue9es par une haute biodiversit\ue9 et la barre sableuse, qui c\u2019est d\ue9velopp\ue9e des ann\ue9es \u201980 jusqu'\ue0 ce jour, a cr\ue9e un habitat dynamique tr\ue8s int\ue9ressant o\uf9 l\u2019on peut comparer diff\ue9rentes \ue9tapes \ue9volutives des syst\ue8mes de dunes, ici caract\ue9ris\ue9es par un gradient inverse Nord-Sud. Dans les zones o\uf9 l\u2019on peut v\ue9rifier qu\u2019il y a un fort transport le long de la c\uf4te, le d\ue9veloppement des nouvelles dunes va suivre une s\ue9quence spatiale li\ue9e au gradient de l\u2019apport s\ue9dimentaire (Psuty, 1988). Dans la situation de l\u2019embouchure du Bevano l\u2019on peut observer une hauteur d\ue9croissant du Sud vers le Nord, c'est-\ue0-dire une phase de consolidation de la portion inferieur de la barre et une phase dynamique de la portion sup\ue9rieur


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    Gli acquiferi costieri della Regione Emilia Romagna (Italia) sono contaminati da acqua salata. Mediante questo studio ci proponiamo di raccogliere tutte le informazioni necessarie per costruire ed utilizzare dei modelli idrologici, che simulino i processi responsabili per l\u2019intrusione d\u2019acqua salata. Una volta che i modelli siano in grado di simulare con successo la situazione attuale, essi saranno utilizzati per predire scenari futuri che includano le conseguenze dei cambiamenti climatici, l\u2019incremento del livello marino, nonch\ue9 il cambiamento della distribuzione delle precipitazioni e delle aree evaporative. Questo tipo di studi \ue8 gi\ue0 stato applicato in regioni simili, quali per esempio i delta del Reno e della Mosella nei Paesi Bassi e il delta del Nilo in Egitto. L\u2019obiettivo finale di questo progetto \ue8 lo sviluppo di un sistema di supporto decisionale (DSS), che aiuti gli amministratori locali nella gestione degli acquiferi costieri. Diversi studi su quest\u2019argomento sono gi\ue0 stati compiuti al dipartimento di scienze ambientali dell\u2019universit\ue0 di Bologna e serviranno come base per la costruzione dei modelli matematici e concettuali. Questi studi hanno avuto luogo nelle zone umide di Punte Alberete, di Ancona-Bellocchio, nelle Pinete di San Vitale e Classe e sono stati mirati alla caratterizzazione degli acquiferi freatici dolci lungo la costa. Molta enfasi, finora, \ue8 stata posta sulle propriet\ue0 idrogeologiche del suolo, la posizione dei corpi d\u2019acqua dolce e salata nonch\ue9 i livelli piezometrici. Il supporto finanziario che noi chiediamo all\u2019universit\ue0 di Bologna \ue8 mirato a integrare i dati esistenti con nuove informazioni di natura idrogeologica, geochimica, geopedologica e biologica al fine di avviare la modellizzazione matematica. La costruzione e l\u2019avvio di un complesso modello idrologico in una zona costiera \ue8 un processo che richiede una notevole quantit\ue0 di tempo e per questo motivo abbiamo bisogno dell\u2019aiuto dell\u2019universit\ue0 nella fase di start-up. Una volta che i modelli avranno raggiunto un\u2019iniziale fase operativa, ci aspettiamo di ricevere altri fondi da enti pubblici e privati interessati alla gestione delle acque con i quali abbiamo gi\ue0 delle convenzioni in corso. Dall\u2019integrazione delle conoscenze idrogeologiche, geochimiche e geopedeologiche con il cambiamento biologico dei biomarkers, sia in situ che in laboratorio, otterremo un\u2019idea molto pi\uf9 precisa sull\u2019influenza che l\u2019intrusione di acqua salata ha sull\u2019ecosistema. Queste conoscenze insieme ai risultati dei modelli quantitativi possono essere utilizzate per lo sviluppo di strumenti atti ad aiutare enti ed autorit\ue0 quali i comuni, le regioni, le autorit\ue0 di bacino e i consorzi di bonifica nella scelta di strategie di gestione ottimale delle acque costiere. Tutta questa conoscenza sar\ue0 integrata in un sistema di supporto decisionale (DSS) che sar\ue0 applicato per determinare, ad esempio, quanta acqua possa essere estratta da pozzi costieri senza danneggiare l\u2019integrit\ue0 dell\u2019acquifero freatico o come altra applicazione pu\uf2 essere utilizzato per calcolare quanta acqua i consorzi di bonifica possano far defluire a mare senza limitare la capacit\ue0 di ricarica degli acquiferi. I ricercatori principali coinvolti nello studio, sono tutti collegati a vario titolo con il dipartimento di scienze ambientali a Ravenna, ed hanno un\u2019ottima esperienza nel loro campo nonch\ue9 provate capacit\ue0 nel condurre e portare a termine progetti di ricerca integrata: Giovanni Gabbianelli nel campo della geomorfologia costiera, Marco Antonellini nel campo dell\u2019idrogeologia, Elena Fabbri nel campo del biomonitoraggio, Andrea Contin come esperto di sistemi informatici intelligenti e di supporto decisionale, Alessandro Buscaroli come geopedologo e Enrico Dinelli come geochimico. Tutte queste persone hanno condotto ricerche nelle proposte aree campione e quindi hanno una dettagliata conoscenza di tutte le problematiche connesse. Oltre a queste persone, esiste un gruppo di promettenti..

    Curvature analysis as a tool for subsidence-related risk zones identification in the city of Tuzla (BiH)

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    Shallow Miocene salt deposits located below the city of Tuzla (BiH) have been exploited during the last 60 years by means of wells extracting salt-saturated groundwater brines. The massive extraction activities have led to severe subsidence accommodated by collapse and strain localization. Surface topography and geomorphology have been influenced and modified by several faults and fractures. A series of sequential topographical survey data collected during the last 50 years have been used to obtain the total subsidence envelope surface. In order to analyze the salt dissolution-related morphological development of the Tuzla topography and to identify the location of faults and fractures in the deformed area, we applied curvature analysis to the subsidence surface by means of two different analytical methods: the directional, two-dimensional curvature and the analytic Gaussian curvature. The comparison of the curvature maps with those of surface fractures visible in the area shows a good spatial agreement between the directional curvature and fracture intensity, whereas the subsurface normal faults are more evident in the Gaussian curvature maps

    GIS-based assessment of risk due to salt mining activities in the city of Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

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    Ground subsidence triggered by salt mining from deposits located beneath the city of Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) is one of the major dangers acting on a very densely urbanized area since 1950, when the salt deposit exploitation by means of boreholes began. As demonstrated in this paper, subsidence induced several hazard factors such as severe ground deformations, the arising of deep and superficial fractures and a very fast water table rise, connected with the brine extraction, now affecting several districts. The above mentioned factors have been quantified by the use of geomatic methodologies, including field surveys and analysis of geographical data. In order to estimate the historical sinking rates, authors processed the large (and never before processed) amount of topographical data collected during two periods; from 1956 to 1991, and from 1992 to 2003, with only poor data collected. Afterward, traditional surveys were completely and definitively stopped. The analysis reveals a cumulative subsidence as high as 12 m during the whole period, causing damage to buildings and infrastructures within an area that includes a large portion of the historical town, at present almost entirely destroyed. Modern sinking rates have been monitored with static GPS whereas the presence of superficial fractures monitored with kinematic GPS. Factors related to the presence of deep fractures and water table rise have been evaluated by curvature analysis techniques and piezometric data respectively. Finally, hazard factors have been combined in a risk map using the GIS (Geographical Information System) map algebra capabilities and a simple multicriteria decision analysis (MDA). In order to do that, a vulnerability map has been derived on the basis of information reported on a couple of recently sensed high resolution satellite imageries. The final risk, arisen from the combination of single hazard factors and vulnerability map, highlights critical scenarios and unsuspected threatening that are under consideration by the local decision makers and urban planners. In particular, as highlighted in the final risk map, the present-day water table rise, triggered by the decrease in brine pumping, is seriously posing a threat to a portion of the city which is not the most involved in ground deformations

    Methane-derived authigenic carbonates (mdac) in northern-central Adriatic Sea.

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    In the Adriatic Sea, carbonate patches are known since about two centuries and, during the last two decades, many samples have been recovered and studied. In some cases, observation suggested that the occurrence of these carbonates was in the proximity of gas emission in the seafloor. Notwithstanding some descriptions of the biogenic calcareous components, the possible correlation between methane leakage and carbonate precipitation in the Adriatic Sea, never reached a clear definition. The aim of this study is, then, to describe and characterize the occurrence of Methane-Derived Authigenic Carbonates (MDAC) in the Bonaccia site, located in the Northern-Central Adriatic Sea, by means of the investigation of their relationship with different gas seeps and gas-related structures. In order to achieve our goal, we firstly analysed the texture of different samples of the concretions, to define the spatial relationships between clastic components and authigenic carbonate cements. We have carried out thin sections observation and SEM-EDAX microscopy analysis in order to describe structures and textures of the samples, highlighting spatial relationships between clasts (mainly rapresented by quartz, plagioclase and foraminiferal skeletons) and authigenic carbonate cements, represented by euhedral to sub-euhedral crystals of dolomite, calcite and aragonite. This analysis has been coupled with the study of the mineralogical composition, performed with X-Ray diffractometry, which allowed to determine the different carbonate phases (aragonite, calcite, protodolomite, dolomite). Furthermore, bulk sample stable isotopic composition of carbon yielded δ13C values as low as -29,5 ‰ VPDB, suggesting methane as the main carbon source. SEM microscopy analysis also revealed typical microbial fabrics, such as “peloids”, “pyrite”, “microbial filaments” and structures referable to bacterial cells; besides “nanograins”, we have observed cauliflower structures and aragonite batons, all with dimension ranging from 300 nm to 2µm, in tight spatial connection with cements. Mineralogy, isotopic composition and microscopy evidences suggest MDAC cements, surrounding clasts, and microbially-mediated precipitation of carbonate mineralogical phases. We infer that this precipitation can be ascribed to both Anaerobic Oxidation of Metane (AOM)/Sulphate Reduction (SR) processes in the Sulphate-Methane Transition Zone (SMTZ), operated by a consortium of Archea and Sulphate Reducing Bacteria (SRB) at the seafloor, or in the first few tens of cm of modern sediments. In anoxic/disoxic condition, these processes produce bicarbonate and an increase of pore water alkalinity, promoting the precipitation of carbonates. We analysed Chirp sub bottom and multichannel seismic profiles in order to ascertain if the occurrence of MDAC were in correspondence of different gas-seeps and gas-related morphologies. Gas-related structures (i.e. pockmarks, mounds and depressions) were largely described in this area of the Adriatic Sea. The interpretation of the seismic profiles allowed to locate these structures in correspondence of gas leakage from pools of the Bonaccia gas field. It can be documented that methane in shallow sedimentary layers, of Pleistocene age, is likely supplied from a deeper source, deformed by compressive structure and reverse faults

    The Influence of Three-dimensional Dune Topography on Salt Water Intrusion in Marina Romea, Italy: A Numerical Modeling Study Using LIDAR Data.

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    The paper presents a 3-D variable density model of an area about 400m by 500 m including the beach, dunes and part of the Pine forest north east of the tourist town Marina Romea along the Adriatic Coast, Northern Italy. The 3D topography, derived from LIDAR data of the area is imported into this model, to test the hypothesis that the interruption of the dune belt for the construction of bathing establishments on the beach has enhanced saltwater intrusion into the unconfined aquifer underneath the Pine fores