292 research outputs found

    Local field enhancement: comparing self-similar and dimer nanoantennas

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    We study the local field enhancement properties of self-similar nanolenses and compare the obtained results with the performance of standard dimer nanoantennas. We report that, despite the additional structural complexity, self-similar nanolenses are unable to provide significant improvements over the field enhancement performance of standard plasmonic dimers

    Chiral Surface Waves for Enhanced Circular Dichroism

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    We present a novel chiral sensing platform that combines a one-dimensional photonic crystal design with a birefringent surface defect. The platform sustains simultaneous transverse electric and transverse magnetic surface modes, which are exploited to generate chiral surface waves. The present design provides homogeneous and superchiral fields of both handednesses over arbitrarily large areas in a wide spectral range, resulting in the enhancement of the circular dichroism signal by two orders of magnitude, thus paving the road toward the successful combination of surface-enhanced spectroscopies and electromagnetic superchirality.Comment: Added references. Corrected typos. Included new design for broadband chiral surface wave

    Photoinduced inverse spin Hall effect in Pt/Ge(001) at room temperature

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    We performed photoinduced inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE) measurements on a Pt/Ge(001) junction at room temperature. The spin-oriented electrons, photogenerated at the direct gap of Ge using circularly polarized light, provide a net spin current which yields an electromotive field E_ISHE in the Pt layer. Such a signal is clearly detected at room temperature despite the strong {\Gamma} to L scattering which electrons undergo in the Ge conduction band. The ISHE signal dependence on the exciting photon energy is in good agreement with the electron spin polarization expected for optical orientation at the direct gap of Ge

    Identità nazionali e identità europea alla luce del diritto romano e della tradizione romanistica

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    In questo studio è affrontato il problema del rapporto fra identità comune europea e identità nazionali dal punto di vista dello storico del diritto. L’identità giuridica comune si fonda sul diritto romano, la cui applicazione venne estesa dalla constitutio antoniniana a tutti i sudditi dell’impero nel 212 d.C., sebbene già in precedenza si fosse evidenziata un’ampia romanizzazione giuridica. Poi, la compilazione giustinianea tramandò il diritto romano alle epoche successive e i suoi contenuti vennero utilizzati per le codificazioni moderne. Sul piano contenutistico, però, i profili di identità nazionale si sono accentuati a causa delle leggi speciali e la normazione dell’Unione europea ha dato origine a regole che sono espressione di una nuova identità comune, svincolata dalla tradizione romanistica. In ogni caso, l’identità comune si rapporta, più che ai contenuti, alla scienza del diritto, che è il principale retaggio dell’esperienza giuridica romana, sebbene i caratteri dei sistemi giuridici contemporanei siano in parte diversi. La normazione europea impone al giurista nuovi compiti, legati alle esigenze di unificazione e di armonizzazione dei sistemi giuridici, che possono essere assolti solo con la consapevolezza della commune tradizione giuridica. Essa è indispensabile sia per la costruzione di una nuova sistematica, comprensiva dei contenuti nazionali ed europei, sia per agevolare la comprensione di concetti moderni che affondano le loro radici nel diritto romano e per fondare istituti che, sebbene non previsti legislativamente in modo espresso, rientrano nella nostra tradizione giuridica. È venuto, pertanto, il momento, per gli storici del diritto e per i giuristi positivi, di unire le forze allo scopo di agevolare l’armonizzazione dei sistemi giuridici nazionali

    Photoinhibition of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in State 1 and State 2: damages to the photosynthetic apparatus under linear and cyclic electron flow.

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    The relationship between state transitions and photoinhibition has been studied in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cells. In State 2, photosystem II activity was more inhibited by light than in State 1. In State 2, however, the D1 subunit was not degraded, whereas a substantial degradation was observed in State 1. These results suggest that photoinhibition occurs via the generation of an intermediate state in which photosystem II is inactive but the D1 protein is still intact. The accumulation of this state is enhanced in State 2, because in this State only cyclic photosynthetic electron transport is active, whereas there is no electron flow between photosystem II and the cytochrome b(6)f complex (Finazzi, G., Furia, A., Barbagallo, R. P., and Forti, G. (1999) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1413, 117-129). The activity of photosystem I and of cytochrome b(6)f as well as the coupling of thylakoid membranes was not affected by illumination under the same conditions. This allows repairing the damages to photosystem II thanks to cell capacity to maintain a high rate of ATP synthesis (via photosystem I-driven cyclic electron flow). This capacity might represent an important physiological tool in protecting the photosynthetic apparatus from excess of light as well as from other a-biotic stress conditions

    Mid-Infrared Plasmonic Platform based on Heavily Doped Epitaxial Ge-on-Si: Retrieving the Optical Constants of Thin Ge Epilayers

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    The n-type Ge-on-Si epitaxial material platform enables a novel paradigm for plasmonics in the mid-infrared, prompting the future development of lab-on-a-chip and subwavelength vibrational spectroscopic sensors. In order to exploit this material, through proper electrodynamic design, it is mandatory to retrieve the dielectric constants of the thin Ge epilayers with high precision due to the difference from bulk Ge crystals. Here we discuss the procedure we have employed to extract the real and imaginary part of the dielectric constants from normal incidence reflectance measurements, by combining the standard multilayer fitting procedure based on the Drude model with Kramers-Kronig transformations of absolute reflectance data in the zero-transmission range of the thin film.Comment: Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz), 2014 39th International Conference o