139 research outputs found

    Emotional textual analysis

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    Emotional Textual Analysis (ETA) analyzes the symbolic level of texts as a part of applied research and interventions. The method is based on the study of the association of dense words, words that convey most of the emotional components of texts. In this approach, language is thought of as an organizer of the relationship between the individual contributor of the text and his or her context, rather than as a detector of the individual’s emotions. A case example shows the use of ETA, with the assistance of specific software, in analyzing the interviews of the inhabitants of a city suburb with respect to their expectations of fulfillment and development in relation to perceived local opportunities

    Storia dell'idea d'Europa

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    The "History of the idea of \u200b\u200bEurope" by Federico Chabod represents a historical summary at the highest level that shows the very substance of the idea of \u200b\u200bEurope, much more historical than geographical

    I cattolici italiani dal non expedit al governo del paese

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    Agostino Gemelli, the founder of the Catholic University of Sacred Heart, contrasted Sturzo in the foundation of Partito Popolare but later De Gasperi helped him to understand the religious motivations of democratic Catholicism and favored the convergence of the professors of his niversity in the Christian Democratic Party


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    Enrico Bartoletti wrote a private diary that is very interesting as a source for historical researches on Council Vatican I


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    Prefazione al volume dedicato ai cattolici italiani e la Cina dal 1949 al 199

    La Chiesa e l'Oriente: il disegno missionario di Pio IX e il Seminario Lombardo per le missioni estere

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    Pius IX, known for his conflict with the Italian State, went on an extensive missionary plan, initiated by Pope Gregory XVI, with special attention to Far and Near East

    Nuove forme di santit\ue0 in epoca contemporanea

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    How the Catholic Church determines who is saint: it responds to an ideal of holiness that changes according to different times and had many transformations in contemporary period, highlighted by Council Vatican II

    Religioni e fondamentalismi

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    The term fundamentalism, often used in a generic way, indicates a specific contemporary phenomenon, different from the religious conservatism, traditionalism and integrism. It has to be considered in its specific historical elements
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