153 research outputs found

    Space radiation resistant transparent polymeric materials

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    A literature search in the field of ultraviolet and charged particle irradiation of polymers was utilized in an experimental program aimed at the development of radiation stable materials for space applications. The rationale utilized for material selection and the synthesis, characterization and testing performed on several selected materials is described. Among the materials tested for ultraviolet stability in vacuum were: polyethyleneoxide, polyvinylnaphthalene, and the amino resin synthesized by the condensation of o-hydroxybenzoguanamine with formaldehyde. Particularly interesting was the radiation behavior of poly(ethyleneoxide), irradiation did not cause degradation of optical properties but rather an improvement in transparency as indicated by a decrease in solar absorptance with increasing exposure time

    Investigation of space radiation effects in polymeric film-forming materials

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    The literature search in the field of ultraviolet radiation effects that was conducted during the previous program, Contract No. NAS1-12549, has been expanded to include the effects of charged particle radiation and high energy electromagnetic radiation. The literature from 1958 to 1969 was searched manually, while the literature from 1969 to present was searched by using a computerized keyword system. The information generated from this search was utilized for the design of an experimental program aimed at the development of materials with improved resistance to the vacuum-radiation environment of space. Preliminary irradiation experiments were performed which indicate that the approaches and criteria employed are very promising and may provide a solution to the challenging problem of polymer stability to combined ultraviolet/high energy radiation

    Fundamental investigation of ultraviolet radiation effects in polymeric film-forming materials

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    A literature search from 1958 to present was conducted on the effect of ultraviolet radiation on polymeric materials, with particular emphasis on vacuum photolysis, mechanisms of degradation, and energy transfer phenomena. The literature from 1958 to 1968 was searched manually, while the literature from 1968 to present was searched by using a computerized keyword system. The primary objective was to provide the necessary background information for the design of new or modified materials with improved stability to the vacuum-radiation environment of space

    The revised aeromagnetic anomaly map of Italy

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    This paper presents the revised aeromagnetic anomaly map of Italy and its surrounding seas, projected at reference altitude of 2500 m and geomagnetic epoch 1979.0. The magnetic data set used for the map compilation is composed of the total intensity field data acquired partly during the aeromagnetic surveys performed by the Italian National Oil Company (Agip - Direzione Esplorazione Idrocarburi) between 1971 and 1980, and during the new surveys committed by the Geophysical Corporate Services of Eni Spa - Exploration & Production Division in the years 2001-2002. In both campaigns the recorded data were very dense and uniformly distributed over the examined area. A detailed re-processing of this data set and a re-organization into a new digital database were carried out. The re-processing was done using modern adequate techniques, obtaining a remarkable exploitation of the data information content. The result is a colour shaded relief map that shows on a large scale many of the structural lineaments of the Italian area. The inclusion of a larger number of data and the subtraction of an appropriate magnetic reference field are the main reasons of an enhancement in the anomaly definition. This new map replaces the previous Agip version, and aims to become the reference aeromagnetic cartography of the Italian area. We think this work will be useful both for researchers interested in large scale tectonic studies, and for anyone interested in the investigation of smaller scale structures, such as volcanic complexes or infra-sedimentary magnetic bodies, as well as for mining research

    Hematology, plasma biochemistry, and hormonal analysis of captive Louisiana pine snakes (Pituophis ruthveni): effects of intrinsic factors and analytical methodology

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    Blood analyte data are useful in health assessments and management of reptiles. There is a knowledge gap for blood analyte data of the endangered Louisiana pine snake (LPS; Pituophis ruthveni). The objectives of this study were to provide baseline hematology, plasma biochemical, and hormone data of captive LPS, to compare the data in juvenile and adult snakes and in adult snakes by sex, and to investigate methodological differences in hormone (serum vs. plasma) and protein analyses (total solids versus total protein). Blood samples from apparently healthy captive LPS were analyzed for hematology and plasma biochemistry (n = 11) and plasma and serum hormone analyses (n = 9). Packed cell volume (PCV) and absolute heterophils were significantly higher in adult compared with juvenile LPS, while PCV, white blood cell count, and absolute lymphocytes were higher in adult males compared with adult females. Significantly higher plasma concentrations were found in adults compared with juveniles for calcium, total protein, total solids, albumin, globulins, and bile acids. No significant differences were observed in 17β-estradiol measured in serum and plasma when comparing adults and juveniles and for 17β-estradiol in adult males and females. Plasma concentrations of 17β-estradiol were significantly lower than in serum. Serum testosterone in two adult males was 8.33 and 35.53 nmol/L, respectively, while it was undetectable in females and juveniles (n = 5). This study is the first to provide baseline information on blood analytes in endangered LPS, which will be useful for individual animals in managed care and as baseline for future population-level assessments

    The revised aeromagnetic anomaly map of Italy and its surrounding seas

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    In a cooperation project with Eni Spa Exploration & Production Division, actually owner of the aeromagnetic data, we have updated the original Agip map, through the re-processing of the original data set. These data in fact show a very high potentiality, because of the care applied during their acquisition, their remarkable density and the homogeneous and uniform distribution over the covered areas

    Acetabular retroversion: Diagnosis and treatment

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    Acetabular retroversion (AR) consists of a malorientation of the acetabulum in the sagittal plane. AR is associated with changes in load transmission across the hip, being a risk factor for early osteoarthrosis. The pathophysiological basis of AR is an anterior acetabular hyper-coverage and an overall pelvic rotation.The delay or the non-diagnosis of AR could have an impact in the overall management of femoroacetabular impingement (FAI). AR is a subtype of (focal) pincer deformity.The objective of this review was to clarify the pathophysiological, diagnosis and treatment fundaments inherent to AR, using a current literature review.Radiographic evaluation is paramount in AR: the cross-over, the posterior wall and ischial spine signs are classic radiographic signs of AR. However, computed tomography (CT) evaluation permits a three-dimensional characterization of the deformity, being more reliable in its recognition.Acetabular rim trimming (ART) and periacetabular osteotomy (PAO) are the best described surgical options for the treatment of AR.The clinical outcomes of both techniques are dependent on the correct characterization of existing lesions and adequate selection of patients. Cite this article: EFORT Open Rev 2018;3:595-603. DOI: 10.1302/2058-5241.3.180015

    Evidenze di lineamenti strutturali da dati aeromagnetici mediante tecniche di filtraggio direzionale

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    In questo lavoro vengono presentati i risultati derivanti da analisi dei dati della nuova Carta Aeromagnetica d’Italia (Eni Exploration & Production division e Cunispe, 2002) relativi all’area del Tirreno centrale mediante le tecniche di filtraggio direzionale. L’area in analisi comprende la regione del Tirreno centrale in particolare la fascia geografica del 41° parallelo. Lungo questo parallelo sono allineate diverse strutture geologiche come, seamount, faglie profonde e le strutture vulcaniche dell’area campana......
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