37 research outputs found

    ¿Quién se casa con quién? Homogamia educativa en las parejas de Montevideo y Zona Metropolitana

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    The word ‘homogamy ' derives of Latin, ‘homo ' that means equally and ‘gamy ' refers to the union in marriage. In such a sense, the general objective of the present document is to analyze the structure of marriage in Montevideo and Metropolitan Area. Specifically it is looked for to respond to the question: who does marry with who?, and then to identify the main variables that impact on the probability about to find homogeneous couples.

    What Emigration Leaves Behind: The Situation of Emigrants and their Families in Ecuador

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    This study seeks to identify, measure and analyze possible discriminatory behaviors in southern Ecuador. There are three main findings. First, emigration is perceived as a social problem. Second, emigrant families are seen as economically “irrational” because they are not perceived to be investing remittances in productive and sustainable activities; emigrants are additionally portrayed as “irresponsible” because they leave their families in search of better living conditions. Third, emigrants’ children are perceived as doing worse in school than their peers and as living outside the society at large. Observed discrimination follows a cultural pattern: persons closer to the dominant culture are proportionately more to discriminate against emigrants and their families, and women show more discriminatory attitudes than men.

    Quality of Life in Montevideo

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    This paper analyzes various dimensions of the quality of life in Montevideo. The paper finds that satisfaction with various public goods and services at the neighborhood level play a minor role in the overall reported well-being of individuals and in the satisfaction of life domains, such as leisure, social life, family, health, housing, neighborhood economic situation and work. This is in spite the fact that there are significant disparities in a wide range of indicators among those living in different areas of the city. The results further suggest that differences in overall happiness and in domain satisfaction are mostly due to differences in individual outcomes like education, health, labor situation and housing quality.

    Are there differences between perception of corruption at public and private sector? A multi-country analysis

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    If we accept that the concept of corruption is influenced by culture and personal values then, we should ask: 1) what are the individual characteristics that shape corruption perception? 2) how important is the incidence of the country of residence in determining it? and 3) is there a relationship between private and public perception of corruption? The database is the 2007 GALLUP Public Opinion Survey; our dataset includes 78 countries and more than 57,000 observations and we estimated probit models. Our main conclusions are that some individual characteristics shape corruption perception (gender, age, marital status, the number of children, religion and religiosity). Moreover, country characteristics also matters. In particular, we find that Gross Domestic Product per capita and inequality play a relevant role. Finally, we also find that perception of corruption at public sector is highly correlated with perception of corruption at private sector.corruption, microeconomic behavior, cross-country comparative research.

    Quality of life in Montevideo

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    Se analizan diversas dimensiones de la calidad de vida de la población de Montevideo, estimando el nivel de satisfacción en cuanto al ocio, vida social, familia, salud, situación eonómica, trabajo, vivienda y barrio. Se utilizan datos de la encuesta de hogares de 2006 y de una encuesta propia aplicada tres áreas metropolitanas

    El Tiempo en el Hogar: Parejas Desparejas

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    This paper analyzes use of the time of the couples into the household. The principals conclusions are that the sex of the one interviewed is the variable that conditions the quantity of hours that she/he dedicates to the tasks into the household. The women dedicate on the average 30 weekly hours to these tasks, while the men dedicate approximately the half approximately in the case in that the couple's members work outside of the home. Men dedication to those tasks household diminishes when increasing the age. When the opportunity cost of the domestic working hours of the women increases, they diminish its dedication to the household. In the case of the men this variable is not significant to explain the amount of domestic tasks. The presence of children smaller than 4 years old in the household increases the time that the men dedicate to the domestic tasks.

    Tolerancia: mapa de las reservas mundiales Un estudio comparado desde la opinión pública

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    This papers aims at dimensioning the level of tolerance and its determinants. For doing so, we construct maps that describe world reserves of tolerance and we consider four basic dimensions: ethnic, religion, homosexuality and lesbianism and immigrants. Keeping in mind that individual perception of tolerance level is influenced by the combination of social factors and personal characteristics; we aim at assessing what are the significant personal attributes that shape tolerant behavior and whether country effects matter. Moreover, we examine whether it is possible to find some typologies of countries. Our dataset is the GALLUP Poll (2007) that includes a large and heterogeneous set of countries (approximately 200). Findings indicate that the probability of being tolerant at the micro-level towards ethnic or religious minorities or immigrants is relatively high while it goes down in the case of homosexuals and lesbians. Moreover, we find that some personal characteristics and environmental factors have a significant impact on the probability of being tolerant. However, it is clear that tolerance is a complex phenomenon whose further research will require a historical perspective.tolerance, microeconomic behavior, cross-country research, GALLUP

    Calidad de Vida, tiempo libre y actividad física de los uruguayos: Presentación de resultados empíricos

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    This paper presents descriptive data about Uruguayan’s quality of life and spare time. The data is divided depending on sex, education, age and living place of the target people of this study. Four of five interviewed people reported feeling quite happy or very happy. However, degree of satisfaction with several dimensions of their lives and with the spare time is not homogeneous along the socio-demographic variables analyzed.quality of life, spare time, well-being, happiness.

    La Responsabilidad Social Empresarial en Uruguay. La visión desde la opinión pública.

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    The aim of this paper is to present the results of the Survey: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) which was carried out by the Department of Economics (FCSUDELAR) in 2006 to respondents older than 17 years. This survey is part of a Project on CSR funded by the Sectoral Commission for Scientific Research (CSIC) and the Christian Association of Business Managers (ACDE). The main purpose of this survey was to know the level of information and awareness regarding the issue of CSR, as well as images, attitudes and views of respondents when they answered.Corporate Social Responsibility, Public opinion

    La responsabilidad social empresarial en uruguay: una visión comparada desde la ciudadanía y desde las empresas

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es describir el comportamiento de las empresas uruguayas y laopinión de los ciudadanos sobre la responsabilidad social empresarial (RSE). Para ello seutilizaron datos de las encuestas aplicadas a la opinión pública y las empresas sobre RSE. Eltrabajo presenta un análisis descriptivo comparado de los principales resultados de dichasencuestas con el objetivo de aportar al conocimiento de un tema en el que existen pocosantecedentes de investigación académica en Uruguay. El análisis de los datos muestra uncierto grado de conocimiento de la población sobre el tema de RSE. Se destaca que los ciudadanostienen una opinión más favorable en cuanto al desempeño de las empresas que elde las propias empresas. Además, existe un cierto balance entre las acciones empresarialesen RSE y la valoración de la opinión pública de aquellas áreas consideradas importante