14 research outputs found

    18F-FDG PET/CT impact on testicular tumours clinical management

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    PURPOSE: Testicular tumour is the most common malignancy in young men. The diagnostic work-up is mainly based on morphological imaging. The aim of our study was to evaluate the clinical impact of (18)F-FDG PET/CT in patients with testicular tumour. METHODS: We retrospectively evaluated all patients studied by (18)F-FDG PET/CT at our centre. Inclusion criteria were: pathological confirmation of testicular tumour, contrast-enhanced CT scan performed within a month of the PET/CT scan, and clinical/imaging follow-up performed at the Oncology Unit of our hospital. Overall, 56 patients were enrolled and 121 PET/CT scans were evaluated. (18)F-FDG PET/CT was performed following standard procedures and the results were compared with clinical, imaging and follow-up data. Clinicians were contacted to inquire whether the PET/CT scan influenced the patient's management. Answers were scored as follows: start/continue chemotherapy or radiotherapy, indication for surgery of secondary lesions, and clinical surveillance. RESULTS: On a scan basis, 51 seminoma and 70 nonseminoma (NS) cases were reviewed. Of the 121 cases. 32 were found to be true-positive, 74 true-negative, 8 false-positive and 6 false-negative by PET/CT. PET/CT showed good sensitivity and specificity for seminoma lesion detection (92% and 84%, respectively), but its sensitivity was lower for NS forms (sensitivity and specificity 77% and 95%, respectively). The PET/CT scan influenced the clinical management of 47 of 51 seminomas (in 6 chemotherapy was started/continued, in 3 radiotherapy was started/continued, in 2 surgery of secondary lesions was performed, and in 36 clinical surveillance was considered appropriate), and 59 of 70 NS (in 18 therapy/surgery was started/continued, and in 41 clinical surveillance was considered appropriate). CONCLUSION: Our preliminary data demonstrate the potential usefulness of PET/CT for the assessment of patients with testicular tumour. It provides valuable information for the clinical management, particularly for clinical surveillance, post-therapy assessment and when relapse is suspected

    Estrogenicity of essential oils is not required to relieve symptoms of urogenital atrophy in breast cancer survivors

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    Background Urogenital atrophy (UA) is a common treatment-limiting side effect of endocrine therapies. Topical estrogen is effective but systemic absorption may counter aromatase inhibitor efficacy. Numerous complementary approaches are marketed for use in UA without rigorous testing of their estrogenicity. We tested multiple essential oils in cancer cell growth and estrogen reporter assays in vitro and assessed clinical outcomes with the essential oil pessaries (EOPs) in breast cancer survivors with UA. Methods Effects on cell growth were tested in hormone-dependent (MCF-7) and -independent (MDA-MB-231) cell lines using the sulforhodamine-B assay. An estrogen response element (ERE) luciferase reporter assay was used to assess estrogenicity directly. Antifungal activity against two common pathogenic yeasts was assessed using standard microdilution methods. EOPs were offered to breast cancer survivors with symptomatic UA and the service evaluated using serial questionnaires. Results Two essential oils, Cymbopogon martinii and Pelargonium graveolens , demonstrated marked estrogenicity, stimulating ER+ cell growth and ERE-luciferase reporter activity to levels seen with premenopausal estradiol concentrations. Additional oils were screened for estrogenicity and Lavandula angustifolia and Chamaemelum nobile identified as non/minimally estrogenic. The antifungal activity of this combination of oils was confirmed. A second cohort of breast cancer survivors with UA received the second generation EOP with comparable improvement in symptom scores suggesting that estrogenicity may not be required for optimal therapy of UA. Conclusion Certain essential oils demonstrate profound estrogenicity and caution should be exercised before their use in breast cancer survivors. Our minimally estrogenic pessary will be formally tested in clinical trials

    Non solo a Milano: Arte, Cultura, Spettacolo, Tomo Primo

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    ARTOURGALLEY: A geo-economic model the place participatory marketing The local marketing with a participatory bottom-up logic begins with the active teaching of geography and applied aims recognition, cataloging, description and enhancement of our cultural heritag


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    Obiettivi: elaborare un modello di previsione della statura finale in pazienti pediatrici con deficit di GH trattati con somatropina ricombinante, valutando quali siano le variabili più importanti nel determinismo della statura finale. Metodi: 1043 pazienti trattati per deficit di GH (picco di GH <10 ng/dl a 2 test di stimolo) giunti ad altezza finale. Mediana età a inizio trattamento 11 (IQR 8.7/12.8) anni; mediana altezza a inizio trattamento -2.43 (IQR -2.80/-2.01) SDS; mediana altezza bersaglio -1.09 (IQR -1.63/-0.48) SDS; dose iniziale di somatropina mediana altezza finale -1.08 SDS (IQR -1.64/-0.50 SDS, vs altezza a inizio trattamento p <0.001, vs altezza bersaglio p=ns). Analisi statistica con metodica RELIMPO. Risultati: 2 modelli sono risultati migliori rispetto ad altri. Il primo modello (488 pazienti) ha testato l’effetto di genere, altezza bersaglio, età alla pubertà, altezza alla pubertà ed età a fine trattamento sull’altezza finale in cm con r-quadro di 87.2%. Le variabili più importanti nel determinismo dell’altezza finale sono risultate: altezza bersaglio (18.8%), altezza alla pubertà (16.3%) ed età a fine terapia (circa 35% considerando le variabili polinomiali). Il secondo modello ha valutato su 543 pazienti l’effetto di genere, durata della terapia, età a inizio terapia, altezza SDS alla pubertà, altezza bersaglio SDS e altezza dopo 12 mesi di terapia sull’altezza finale SDS con r-quadro di 59%. Altezza a 12 mesi di terapia e altezza SDS alla pubertà sono state le variabili più importanti nel determinismo dell’altezza finale SDS (rispettivamente 23% e 10%). Conclusioni: La metodica RELIMPO (Relative Importance of Regressors in Linear Models) estrae casualmente dal database i pazienti con dataset completo, elabora il modello di previsione e lo valida su altri pazienti estratti sempre casualmente. In questo modo abbiamo ottenuto 2 modelli di previsione staturale, il primo dell’altezza finale in cm e in SDS. La previsione della statura in cm è più precisa. Mostriamo per la prima volta un modello di previsione solo su dati italiani, con una casistica molto ampia e con un r-quadro elevato