13 research outputs found

    Pharmacokinetics of dexmedetomidine combined with methadone following oral-transmucosal and intramuscular administration in dogs

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    Oral-transmucosal (OTM) drug delivery refers to noninvasive and painless administration of medical preparations through any oral cavity membrane to achieve systemic effects (Sattar et al., 2014). Regarding sedative drugs, OTM administration is very attractive in veterinary medicine, especially for patients difficult to inject and restrain (Messenger et al., 2016). This study aims to compare the pharmacokinetics of dexmedetomidine after OTM and intramuscular (IM) administration combined with methadone. After obtaining Ethical Committee approval and owner’s written consent, eight dogs, were administered with dexmedetomidine (10 mg/kg) and methadone (0.4 mg/kg) by OTM and other 4 dogs by IM route. Blood samples were collected at prefixed times up to four hours. Dexmedetomidine was quantified by a validated HPLC-MS method. On dexmedetomidine concentrations, a pharmacokinetic analysis was carried out with a noncompartmental approach (Phoenix WinNonlin® 7.0, Pharsight, Cary, NC). Mean ± SD terminal half-lives of dexmedetomidine were 187.42 ± 109.66 and 94.78 ± 34.08 min after OTM and IM administration, respectively. Maximum serum (Cmax) concentrations were 0.83 ± 0.32 and 9.09 ± 2.46 ng/mL for OTM and IM administration, respectively. Time to maximum concentration (Tmax) were 44.38 ± 32.16 and 21.25±11.39 min by OTM and IM administration, respectively. Area under the curve from 0 to the last measured concentration (AUClast) were 103.75 ± 30.23 and 614.87 ± 77.15 min*ng/mL for OTM and IM administration, respectively. Cmax, Tmax and AUClast values by OTM route demonstrate a lower and delayed absorption of the drug compared to IM. To complete the study, the pharmacokinetic analysis of methadone is foreseen, so as a clinical trial to compare the clinical effects of the combination of dexmedetomidine and methadone by OTM and IM administration and to establish an effective dosage of oral-transumucosal route in dogs for this association

    Angiostrongylus vasorum in a Red Panda (Ailurus fulgens): Clinical Diagnostic Trial and Treatment Protocol

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    Purpose: The literature refers that Angiostrongylus vasorum should always be considered in the differential diagnosis of respiratory diseases in captive red panda (Ailurus fulgens) from endemic areas, and the importance of undertaking a careful diagnostic process and timely medical treatment are crucial when the disease is suspected. The authors think that the description of this clinical case can help other colleagues in the deworming, clinical and anesthesiologic management of infected subjects. Methods: A red panda was referred to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the University of Milan in Lodi, due to a diagnosis of A. vasorum formulated in May 2015. The diagnosis was made after the detection of both first-stage larvae by Baermann technique and antigens by serological rapid in-clinic assay. In addition, haemochromocytometric and blood chemistry tests, echocardiography and a CT examination were carried out. Results: The subject was successfully treated by oral administration of milbemycin oxime and praziquantel (Milbemax, Novartis, Italy), respectively, at the weekly dose of 12.5 mg/subject and 125 mg/subject for three consecutive weeks, alternated with 20 days of suspension. Treatment continued with the same scheme until clinical examination carried out in Lodi in December 2018. Conclusion: The follow-up of the described clinical case demonstrates how appropriate management of the infection and the subsequent prophylaxis can correctly eliminate the parasite, thus avoiding the spread of the nematode and the onset of severe and lethal lung forms as described in the literature

    Infestazione da Angiostrongylus vasorum nel panda rosso (Ailurus fulgens): review della letteratura e presentazione di un caso clinico = Angiostrongylus vasorum infestation in the red panda (Ailurus fulgens): review of the literature and presentation of a case report

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    L\u2019infestazione da Angiostrongylus vasorum nel panda rosso (Ailurus fulgens) determina una polmonite parassitaria ad andamento cronico potenzialmente letale. Gli Autori presentano una revisione della letteratura e un caso clinico. Un panda rosso \ue8 stato riferito all\u2019Ospedale Veterinario dell\u2019Universit\ue0 degli Studi di Milano a Lodi con una diagnosi di infestazione da A. vasorum che era stata formulata a maggio del 2015, non appena trasferito in un parco faunistico del Nord Italia. La diagnosi \ue8 stata emessa sulla base del riscontro di larve di prima et\ue0 (L1) nelle feci con tecnica di Baermann e della presenza dell\u2019antigene tramite tecnica di immunomigrazione eseguita presso un laboratorio di riferimento. Il soggetto \ue8 stato successivamente trattato con successo mediante somministrazione per via orale di milbemicina ossima e praziquantel rispettivamente alla dose settimanale di 12,5 mg/soggetto e 125 mg/soggetto per 3 settimane consecutive alternate a 20 giorni di sospensione. Il trattamento \ue8 continuato con lo stesso schema fino al controllo eseguito a Lodi a dicembre 2018. Grazie alla tecnica del rinforzo positivo e dell\u2019animal training, l\u2019animale ha assunto il farmaco regolarmente e direttamente dalle mani del Keeper nascosto in acini d\u2019uva, alimento molto gradito dai panda rossi. Non \ue8 stato riscontrato alcun effetto collaterale

    Elogio del Palinsesto

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    A quarant’anni dal dirompente incendio che distrusse il Tempio-Chiesa che si erge sull’altura acropolica del Rione Terra a Pozzuoli , la Regione Campania ha bandito un concorso internazionale di progettazione (articolato in due fasi) per affrontare il difficile tema del “Recupero e restauro del Tempio-Duomo di Pozzuoli”. La giuria, presieduta da Cesare de Seta, ha assegnato il primo premio al gruppo guidato da Marco Dezzi Bardeschi , docente di restauro di chiara fama. Del gruppo, significativamente composto da figure di diversa provenienza disciplinare, fanno parte tra gli altri anche Renato De Fusco, Alessandro Castagnaro e vari giovani professionisti associati nell’equipe “Gnosis Architettura” fondata da Francesco Buonfantino.“Elogio del palinsesto” è il motto emblematicamente prescelto da tale gruppo per contrassegnare l’intenzione progettuale di coniare “una nuova scrittura atta ad inserirsi senza violenza né cancellazioni tra le righe tracciate, per accrescere il valore testimoniale ed emotivo del Tempio-Duomo”.Alessandro Castagnaro nella seconda fase del concorso, quella esecutiva, ha partecipato nel ruolo di consulente storico architettonico

    Clinical pharmacokinetics of a dexmedetomidine–methadone combination in dogs undergoing routine anaesthesia after buccal or intramuscular administration

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    This study aimed to define the pharmacokinetic profiles of dexmedetomidine and methadone administered simultaneously in dogs by either an oral transmucosal route or intramuscular route and to determine the bioavailability of the oral transmucosal administration relative to the intramuscular one of both drugs, so as the applicability of this administration route in dogs. Twelve client\u2010owned dogs, scheduled for diagnostic procedures, were treated with a combination of dexmedetomidine hydrochloride (10 \u3bcg/kg) and methadone hydrochloride (0.4 mg/kg) through an oral transmucosal route or intramuscularly. Oral transmucosal administration caused ptyalism in most subjects, and intramuscular administration caused transient peripheral vasoconstriction. The results showed reduced and delayed absorption of both dexmedetomidine and methadone when administered through an oral transmucosal route, with median (range) Cmax values of 0.82 (0.42\u20131.49) ng/ml and 13.22 (2.80\u201352.30) ng/ml, respectively. The relative bioavailability was low: 16.34% (dexmedetomidine) and 15.5% (methadone). Intramuscular administration resulted in a more efficient absorption profile, with AUC and Cmax values for both drugs approximately 10 times higher. Dexmedetomidine and methadone administered simultaneously by an oral transmucosal route using injectable formulations were not well absorbed through the oral mucosa. Nevertheless, additional studies on these drugs combination using alternative administration routes are recommended

    Abbecedario minimo per il restauro, oggi. Parte terza (G-I)

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    L'articolo corrisponde ad una parte (quella riferibile alle voci da G ad I) della raccolta di voci e termini essenziali riferiti all'ambito del restauro, della conservazione e della rappresentazione, pubblicata in 10 puntate sui numeri da 72 ad 81 della rivista

    Dexmedetomidine and ketamine simultaneous administration in tigers (Panthera tigris) : pharmacokinetics and clinical effects

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    Background The study determines the pharmacokinetic profiles of dexmedetomidine (DEX), ketamine (KET) and its active metabolite, norketamine (NORKET), after simultaneous administration. Moreover, the study evaluates the sedative effects of this protocol, its influence on the main physiological variables and the occurrence of adverse effects. Methods Eighteen captive tigers were initially administered with a mixture of DEX (10\u2009\ub5g/kg) and KET (2\u2009mg/kg) by remote intramuscular injection. In case of individual and specific needs, the protocol was modified and tigers could receive general anaesthesia, propofol or additional doses of DEX and KET. Results Based on the immobilisation protocol, nine animals were assigned to the standard protocol group and the other nine to the non-standard protocol group. Higher area under the first moment curve (AUMC0-last) and longer mean residence time (MRT0-last) (P<0.05) were observed in the non-standard protocol group for DEX, KET and NORKET, and higher area under the concentration-time curve from administration to the last measurable concentration (AUC0-last) only for KET. The KET metabolisation rate was similar (P=0.296) between groups. No differences between groups were detected in terms of stages of sedation and recoveries. All physiological variables remained within normality ranges during the whole observation period. During the hospitalisation period, no severe adverse reactions and signs of resedation were observed. Conclusion The simultaneous administration of 10\u2009\ub5g/kg of DEX and 2\u2009mg/kg of KET can be considered an effective protocol for chemical immobilisation of captive tigers, along with dosage adjusments or when other drugs are needed

    Dexmedetomidine and ketamine simultaneous administration in tigers (Panthera tigris): Pharmacokinetics and clinical effects

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    Background The study determines the pharmacokinetic profiles of dexmedetomidine (DEX), ketamine (KET) and its active metabolite, norketamine (NORKET), after simultaneous administration. Moreover, the study evaluates the sedative effects of this protocol, its influence on the main physiological variables and the occurrence of adverse effects. Methods Eighteen captive tigers were initially administered with a mixture of DEX (10 ÎĽg/kg) and KET (2 mg/kg) by remote intramuscular injection. In case of individual and specific needs, the protocol was modified and tigers could receive general anaesthesia, propofol or additional doses of DEX and KET. Results Based on the immobilisation protocol, nine animals were assigned to the standard protocol group and the other nine to the non-standard protocol group. Higher area under the first moment curve (AUMC 0-last) and longer mean residence time (MRT 0-last) (P<0.05) were observed in the non-standard protocol group for DEX, KET and NORKET, and higher area under the concentration-time curve from administration to the last measurable concentration (AUC 0-last) only for KET. The KET metabolisation rate was similar (P=0.296) between groups. No differences between groups were detected in terms of stages of sedation and recoveries. All physiological variables remained within normality ranges during the whole observation period. During the hospitalisation period, no severe adverse reactions and signs of resedation were observed. Conclusion The simultaneous administration of 10 ÎĽg/kg of DEX and 2 mg/kg of KET can be considered an effective protocol for chemical immobilisation of captive tigers, along with dosage adjusments or when other drugs are needed