558 research outputs found

    Resonating color state and emergent chromodynamics in the kagome antiferromagnet

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    We argue that the spin-wave breakdown in the Heisenberg kagome antiferromagnet signals an instability of the ground state and leads, through an emergent local constraint, to a quantum dynamics described by a gauge theory similar to that of chromodynamics. For integer spins, we show that the quantum fluctuations of the gauge modes select the sqrt(3)xsqrt(3) Neel state with an on-site moment renormalized by color resonances. We find non-magnetic low-energy excitations that may be responsible for a deconfinement "transition" at experimentally accessible temperatures which we estimate.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, v2: printable figs, v3: publ. versio

    Signatures of a gearwheel quantum spin liquid in a spin-12\frac{1}{2} pyrochlore molybdate Heisenberg antiferromagnet

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    We theoretically investigate the low-temperature phase of the recently synthesized Lu2_2Mo2_2O5_5N2_2 material, an extraordinarily rare realization of a S=1/2S=1/2 three-dimensional pyrochlore Heisenberg antiferromagnet in which Mo5+^{5+} are the S=1/2S=1/2 magnetic species. Despite a Curie-Weiss temperature (ΘCW\Theta_{\rm CW}) of 121(1)-121(1) K, experiments have found no signature of magnetic ordering oror spin freezing down to T0.5T^*\approx0.5 K. Using density functional theory, we find that the compound is well described by a Heisenberg model with exchange parameters up to third nearest neighbors. The analysis of this model via the pseudofermion functional renormalization group method reveals paramagnetic behavior down to a temperature of at least T=ΘCW/100T=|\Theta_{\rm CW}|/100, in agreement with the experimental findings hinting at a possible three-dimensional quantum spin liquid. The spin susceptibility profile in reciprocal space shows momentum-dependent features forming a "gearwheel" pattern, characterizing what may be viewed as a molten version of a chiral noncoplanar incommensurate spiral order under the action of quantum fluctuations. Our calculated reciprocal space susceptibility maps provide benchmarks for future neutron scattering experiments on single crystals of Lu2_2Mo2_2O5_5N2_2.Comment: Published version. Main paper (6 pages, 3 figures) + Supplemental Material (4 pages, 3 figures, 1 table

    Ydj1 governs fungal morphogenesis and stress response, and facilitates mitochondrial protein import via Mas1 and Mas2

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    We thank Zhen-Yuan Lin for help in the preparation of the AP-MS samples, and Cathy Collins for technical assistance. MDL is supported by a Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowship (Wellcome Trust 096072), LEC is supported by a Canada Research Chair in Microbial Genomics and Infectious Disease and by Cana-dian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Grants MOP-119520 and MOP-86452. OK is supported by National Insti-tutes of Health grant 5R01GM108975. A-CG is supported by a CIHR Foundation Grant (FDN143301), Genome Cana-da Genomics Innovation Network (GIN) Node and Tech-nical Development Grants, and a Canada Research Chair in Functional Proteomics. J-PL was supported by a TD Bank Health Research Fellowship at the Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute and by a Scholarship for the Next Gen-eration of Scientists from the Cancer Research Society. JLX is supported by a CIHR – Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship. The funding agencies had no role in the study design, data collection and inter-pretation, or the decision to submit the work for publication.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Filling-induced Mott transition and pseudogap physics in the triangular lattice Hubbard model

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    It has been reported that upon doping a Mott insulator, there can be a crossover to a strongly correlated metallic phase followed by a first-order transition to another thermodynamically stable metallic phase. We call this first-order metal-metal transition the Sordi transition. To show theoretically that this transition is observable, it is important to provide calculations in situations where magnetic phase transitions do not hide the Sordi transition. It is also important to show that it can be found on large clusters and with different approaches. Here, we use the dynamical cluster approximation to reveal the Sordi transition on a triangular lattice at finite temperature in situations where there is no long-range magnetic correlations. This is relevant for experiments on candidate spin-liquid organics. We also show that the metallic phase closest to the insulator is a distinct pseudogap phase that occurs because of strong interactions and short-range correlations

    Mott transition, Widom line and pseudogap in the half-filled triangular lattice Hubbard model

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    The Mott transition is observed experimentally in materials that are magnetically frustrated so that long-range order does not hide the Mott transition at finite temperature. The Hubbard model on the triangular lattice at half-filling is a paradigmatic model to study the interplay of interactions and frustration on the normal-state phase diagram. We use the dynamical cluster approximation with continuous time auxiliary field quantum Monte Carlo to solve this model for 1, 4, 6, 12, and 16 site clusters with detailed analysis performed for the 6 site cluster. We show that a) for every cluster there is an inflection point in the double occupancy as a function of interaction, defining a Widom line that extends above the critical point of the first-order Mott transition; b) the presence of this line and the cluster size dependence argue for the observability of the Mott transition at finite temperature in the thermodynamic limit; c) the loss of spectral weight in the metal to Mott insulator transition as a function of temperature and for strong interactions is momentum dependent, the hallmark of a pseudogap. That pseudogap spans a large region of the phase diagram near the Mott transition.Comment: Open source version of the published paper. 16 pages, 8 figures, LaTe

    Artificial Kagome Arrays of Nanomagnets: A Frozen Dipolar Spin Ice

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    Magnetic frustration effects in artificial kagome arrays of nanomagnets are investigated using x-ray photoemission electron microscopy and Monte Carlo simulations. Spin configurations of demagnetized networks reveal unambiguous signatures of long range, dipolar interaction between the nanomagnets. As soon as the system enters the spin ice manifold, the kagome dipolar spin ice model captures the observed physics, while the short range kagome spin ice model fails.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Quantum spin fluctuations in the dipolar Heisenberg-like rare earth pyrochlores

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    The magnetic pyrochlore oxide materials of general chemical formula R2Ti2O7 and R2Sn2O7 (R = rare earth) display a host of interesting physical behaviours depending on the flavour of rare earth ion. These properties depend on the value of the total magnetic moment, the crystal field interactions at each rare earth site and the complex interplay between magnetic exchange and long-range dipole-dipole interactions. This work focuses on the low temperature physics of the dipolar isotropic frustrated antiferromagnetic pyrochlore materials. Candidate magnetic ground states are numerically determined at zero temperature and the role of quantum spin fluctuations around these states are studied using a Holstein-Primakoff spin wave expansion to order 1/S. The results indicate the strong stability of the proposed classical ground states against quantum fluctuations. The inclusion of long range dipole interactions causes a restoration of symmetry and a suppression of the observed anisotropy gap leading to an increase in quantum fluctuations in the ground state when compared to a model with truncated dipole interactions. The system retains most of its classical character and there is little deviation from the fully ordered moment at zero temperature.Comment: Latex2e, 18 pages, 4 figures, IOP forma

    Evaluation of mTOR-regulated mRNA translation.

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    mTOR, the mammalian target of rapamycin, regulates protein synthesis (mRNA translation) by affecting the phosphorylation or activity of several translation factors. Here, we describe methods for studying the impact of mTOR signalling on protein synthesis, using inhibitors of mTOR such as rapamycin (which impairs some of its functions) or mTOR kinase inhibitors (which probably block all functions).To assess effects of mTOR inhibition on general protein synthesis in cells, the incorporation of radiolabelled amino acids into protein is measured. This does not yield information on the effects of mTOR on the synthesis of specific proteins. To do this, two methods are described. In one, stable-isotope labelled amino acids are used, and their incorporation into new proteins is determined using mass spectrometric methods. The proportions of labelled vs. unlabeled versions of each peptide from a given protein provide quantitative information about the rate of that protein's synthesis under different conditions. Actively translated mRNAs are associated with ribosomes in polyribosomes (polysomes); thus, examining which mRNAs are found in polysomes under different conditions provides information on the translation of specific mRNAs under different conditions. A method for the separation of polysomes from non-polysomal mRNAs is describe