108 research outputs found

    Farm diversification decision-making stages

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    Ūkio diversifikacijos sprendimo priėmimo modeliavimas yra aktuali mokslinė problema, nes ūkio diversifikacijos sprendimo realizavimo tyrimai nėra dažni. Straipsnio tikslas – pateikti pagrindinius ūkio diversifikacijos sprendimo priėmimo etapus. Teoriniam ūkio diversifikacijos sprendimo priėmimo modeliui patikrinti naudota ekspertų apklausa. Buvo apklausta 14 ekspertų. Nustatyta, kad ūkio diversifikacijos tikslų susiejimas su identifikuotų galimybių išorinėje aplinkoje ar ūkininko ūkyje išnaudojimu, sukuria ūkio vystymo prielaidas. Identifikuoti nauji ūkio diversifikacijos sprendimo alternatyvų formulavimo būdai. Patvirtiti šie ūkio diversifikacijos sprendimo alternatyvų vertinimo kriterijai: sprendimo išorinės įgyvendinamumo galimybės, vidinės įgyvendinamumo galimybės, sinerginiai ryšiai, rizikingumas. Mokymasis turėtų tapti permanentiniu procesu, jis aktualus visuose ūkio diversifikacijos sprendimo priėmimo etapuose.That the farmer's decision to diversify the farm will achieve its objectives, it must be properly designed. Modeling of farm diversification decision–making is a scientific problem, because tests of the farm diversification decision realization are not common in the scientific literature. It is achieved article aim – identified the main farm’s diversification decision–making stages. The expert survey was used to check the theoretical diversification farmer’s decision–making model. 14 experts were interviewed. The study found that the farm diversification objectives connection with identified opportunities in external environment or with farm exploitation creates preconditions for farm development. Expert interviews helped identify new formulation methods of farm diversification solution alternatives. The farm diversification decision alternatives are important to assess according to following criteria: decision outside feasibility, internal feasibility, synergies, riskiness. Learning should become a permanent process

    Building enterprise surrouding and its quantitative evaluation/Statybos įmonės aplinka ir jos kiekybinis įvertinimas

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    The situation of any enterprise depends on several various factors. From the wholeness the organization theory defines and analyses only the essential ones. One of them is the surrounding, which can be described by three dimensions which reflect its completeness, dynamics and the dependence of the organization on it. The first one evaluates the exterior factors, which are necessary to be reconsidered while taking decisions, the number; the differences between these factors, and also their distribution among seperate surrounding regulations. The second one evaluates the organizational important surrounding factors' frequency of changes, intensity and regularity. The third is—the number of partners providing the production supply and also their degree of interrelation. Evaluating all these dimensions quantitively, it is necessary to pay attention to the specific of building production. First Published Online: 26 Jul 201

    Role of stakeholders leading to development of higher education services

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    In this article, a higher education institution (HEI) is analysed as an organisation performing under change conditions. In this context, needs and expectations of a wide range of university stakeholders are analysed. The aim of this article is to indicate the roles of stakeholders leading to the development of an HEI. Although Ishikawa’s cause-and-effect diagram is used when identifying possible causes of a problem, it can also be seen as a method that allows splitting the subject into separate parts, which are causally interrelated. During the research of the activity fields of the HEI and the boundaries related to its surrounding groups, the connections between different groups, their interests and expectations towards the activities of the HEI were determined. The article is prepared using the theoretical-analytical approach. It contains the analysis of the literature on HEI stakeholders, quality management systems and issues concerning the organisational development. The conclusions include insights and suggestions for further research on the ways an HEI can correspond to the needs of stakeholders