11 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Smart Energy Meter Berbasis UNO dan Raspberry Pi

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    Smart energy meter (SEM) is developed to the transparency goal of energy consumption by consumers for tariff strategy. The tariff strategy is designed based on the type of consumer load that per-kWh energy price difference for linear and nonlinear loads. Energy conscious awareness is built by displaying all load power consumption information from consumer loads such as voltage, current, power factor, load properties, load type, power, volt-ampere distortion, power factor distortion, THD, current and voltage waveforms, and harmonic frequency spectrum. The SEM is designed using ZMCT103C and ZMPT101B for current and voltage sensors, respectively. The SEM security function uses the SW420 vibrating sensor, open/close bolt sensor on the chasing and electronic lock. The results show that error measurement of the voltage sensor, current sensor, and power factor are 0.8%, 1.5%, and 1.0% respectively. The SEM security works well as the information on maintenance and criminal actions are informed on screen and buzzer sound for criminal acts. The tariff strategy for linear and nonlinear loads is used to calculate the energy cost per-kWh. The details of load energy consumption are stored in a database

    Desain Power System Stabilizer Berbasis Fuzzy Tipe-2 untuk Perbaikan Stabilitas Mesin Tunggal

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    The growth of type-2 fuzzy logic system is penetrating electric power system field, especially on electric power system control sub-field in order to simplify the design of power system stabilizer (PSS). Traditionally, the function of conventional PSS is to damp rotor oscillation when a disturbance occurred due to transmission configuration or/and loading changes. However, the response of conventional PSS is slow with long settling time and high peak overshoot. To cover this problem, PSS based on type-2 fuzzy logic system (PFT2) is proposed. Simulation results show that the PFT2 is able to improve the stability of a single machine with 3 scenarios on transmission configuration and loading variation. The PFT2 gives shorter settling time for all scenarios and loading variation than the settling time of conventional PSS. Also, the peak overshoot of the PFT2 is smaller than the peak overshoot of the other competing PSS

    Bauran Pemasaran Lobster Air Tawar pada Kelompok Petani Agro Crayfish di Denpasar

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    Marketing Mix of Crayfish on Agro Crayfish Farmers Group in Denpasar The purpose of this study was to determine the application of the marketing mix of crayfish, the obstacles faced, and the strategies in the implementation. This research is descriptive qualitative. Based on the result of research on Agro Crayfish Farmers Group found that the application of the marketing mix in terms of products which is products marketed crayfish includes crayfish for consumption, breeding and nursery transplant. Pricing method is a fixed price. Distribution is defined direct and indirect distribution. The promotion is done by personal selling. The obstacle in product is that many crayfish dies due to cannibalism which could be resolved by feeding regularly. The obstacle in price is when the feed price goes up while the company can't raise the determined price, and to cope with it the company has to get the consumers understanding. The obstacle in distribution is that during delivery there are some crayfish without claws or even dead, and to resolve it the company needs to limit the amount of crayfish per box. The obstacle in promotion is that the promotion done to market the product is not yet maximum, and to overcome it the promotion should be adjusted to the targeted market. Keyword: Marketing Mix, Crayfish, Farmers Grou

    Coordination of Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) and Type-2 Fuzzy Logic System-Power System Stabilizer (T2FLS-PSS) to Improve a Large-scale Power System Stability

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    Intelligent control included ANFIS and type-2 fuzzy (T2FLS) controllers grown-up rapidly and these controllers are applied successfully in power system control. Meanwhile, small signal stability problem appear in a large-scale power system (LSPS) due to load fluctuation. If this problem persists, and can not be solved, it will develop blackout on the LSPS. How to improve the LSPS stability due to load fluctuation is done in this research by coordinating of PSS based on ANFIS and T2FLS. The ANFIS parameters are obtained automatically by training process. Meanwhile, the T2FLS parameters are determined based on the knowledge that obtained from the ANFIS parameters. Input membership function (MF) of the ANFIS is 5 Gaussian MFs. On the other hand, input MF of the T2FLS is 3 Gaussian MFs. Results show that the T2FLS-PSS is able to maintain the stability by decreasing peak overshoot for rotor speed and angle. The T2FLS-PSS makes the settling time is shorter for rotor speed and angle on local mode oscillation as well as on inter-area oscillation than conventional/ ANFIS-PSS. Also, the T2FLS-PSS gives better performance than the other PSS when tested on single disturbance and multiple disturbances

    Perkiraan Kestabilan Tegangan Secara Dinamis Menggunakan Eksponen Lyapunov Maksimum

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    Disturbances in the operation of the power system may cause disturbance in voltage stability. Therefore, dynamic voltage stability analysis before and after disturbance needs to be performed. This paper proposes dynamic voltage stability prediction using maximum Lyapunov exponent with Lampung’s electrical system as case study. Voltage stability simulation is performed with various types of disturbances that occur at line between of Baturaja substation and Bukit Kemuning substation. Time-series data of voltage measurement of simulation results at GI Baturaja is applied for voltage stability prediction analysis using maximum Lyapunov exponent. With the same number of data samples and the same time for circuit breakers to interrupt disturbances, the simulation results using maximum Lyapunov exponent show that the voltage can be stabilized at 1.7 seconds after the occurrence of the three-phase disturbance, at 1.2 seconds after the occurrence of the phase-to-ground disturbance, at 0,9 second after the occurrence of the disturbance between phase, at 1.2 seconds after the occurrence of the loss of line disturbance and 1.4 seconds after the occurrence of the loss of load disturbance. The amount of data samples used in analysis affect the time for the voltage reaches stability

    Aplikasi Mobile Augmented Reality Cerita Bali: Lubdaka AR

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    Cerita rakyat didefinisikan sebagai cerita dari masa lalu yang diceritakan kembali di masa sekarang. Kurangnya popularitas cerita rakyat dibandingkan dengan cerita dari luar negeri disebabkan oleh orang tua yang jarang meluangkan waktu untuk menceritakan kembali cerita rakyat anak mereka. Selain itu, cerita rakyat tidak disajikan menarik dibandingkan dengan cerita dari luar negeri yang didukung oleh media digital. Di sini, Augmented Reality teknologi dapat digunakan sebagai media pendidikan. Tujuan utama dari Augmented Reality adalah menciptakan lingkungan yang baru dengan cara mengkombinasikan inter aktivitas nyata dengan lingkungan virtual dengan real-time, sehingga bagi pengguna lingkungan yang diciptakan akan terasa nyata. Lingkungan maya dapat dilaksanakan untuk pendidikan karakter dari daerah kearifan dalam cerita rakyat Bali yang berjudul Lubdaka. Kemudian, realitas virtual diterapkan menjadi Augmented Reality dari Cerita Bali: Lubdaka AR. Aplikasi Bahasa Bali Story Lubdaka AR dapat membantu pengguna untuk mendapatkan informasi dan pendidikan tentang pendidikan karakter yang mengandung cerita lubdak

    Identifikasi dan Pengolahan Kandungan Harmonisa Sinyal Arus pada Beban Listrik Mobile Berbasis Arduino UNO

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    Kemajuan dan gaya hidup praktis membawa dampak pemakaian charger untuk beban-beban listrik mobile semakin banyak. Charger adalah beban non-linear yang memberikan dampak distorsi sinyal arus yang cukup tinggi pada sistem tenaga. Kandungan harmonisa sinyal arus pada beban-beban listrik mobile perlu dikaji untuk mendapatkan Total Harmonic Distortion current (THDi) dan Distortion Factor (DF). Penelitian ini adalah mendesain sebuah sistem untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengolah kandungan harmonsa sinyal arus berbasis Arduino UNO pada beban listrik mobile. Sensor arus yang digunakan adalah Current Transfromer (CT) koil. Hasil pembacaan sensor diteruskan ke komputer melalui port serial dan ditampilkan dalam bentuk GUI pada MATLAB. Diperoleh hasil kandungan harmonisa yang tinggi pada frekuensi harmonisa kelipatan ganjil dari frekuensi dasar 50 Hz berturut-turut, yaitu: 87,44%, 72,62%, 53,12%, 38,06%, 28,02%, 22,54%, 18,33%, 14,59%, dengan rerata THDi sebesar 142,69% dan rerata DF sebesar 0,57

    Perkiraan Kestabilan Tegangan Secara Dinamis Menggunakan Eksponen Lyapunov Maksimum (Studi Kasus Sistem Kelistrikan Wilayah Lampung)

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    Disturbances in the operation of the power system may cause disturbance in voltage stability. Therefore, dynamic voltage stability analysis before and after disturbance needs to be performed. This paper proposes dynamic voltage stability prediction using maximum Lyapunov exponent with Lampung’s electrical system as case study. Voltage stability simulation is performed with various types of disturbances that occur at line between of Baturaja substation and Bukit Kemuning substation. Time-series data of voltage measurement of simulation results at GI Baturaja is applied for voltage stability prediction analysis using maximum Lyapunov exponent. With the same number of data samples and the same time for circuit breakers to interrupt disturbances, the simulation results using maximum Lyapunov exponent show that the voltage can be stabilized at 1.7 seconds after the occurrence of the three-phase disturbance, at 1.2 seconds after the occurrence of the phase-to-ground disturbance, at 0,9 second after the occurrence of the disturbance between phase, at 1.2 seconds after the occurrence of the loss of line disturbance and 1.4 seconds after the occurrence of the loss of load disturbance. The amount of data samples used in analysis affect the time for the voltage reaches stability

    Program Pipanisasi Air Tawar untuk Penduduk Daerah Pesisir Pantai di Desa Batu Nampar

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    Pengelolaan air untuk rumah tangga khusus kebutuhan mandi, cuci, dan kakus  , pada daerah yang krisis air sangat sulit karena sarana dan prasara belum ada. Salah satu program pipanisasi dilaksanakan untuk menyalurkan air bersih di Desa Batu Nampar, pelaksanaan ini bersamaan dengan KKN Tematik Universitas Mataram tahun 2019. Pipanisasi dilaksanaakan untuk penyaluran air dari tendon penanpungan ke tempat mck tersebut. Jarak untuk mengambil air (tempat pengambilan air bersama tidak lebih dari 10 meter jarak antara tiap rumah penduduk. Hasil masyarakat mendapat kemudahan dalam pengambilan air