3 research outputs found

    Permukiman emplasemen pabrik gula Purwerejo (1910-1933)

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    One of the sugar industries in Java is PG Purworejo, which was built in 1910. Near the PG Purworejo emplacement, there are settlements for factory employees. Although there have been many archeological studies about sugar mills, but deeper study of the existence of employee settlements still few. This study aims to reconstruct the PG Purworejo emplacement settlement from 1910 to 1930. The data used in this research is in the form of all material objects or physical data left from PG Purworejo and other related data such as old archives and photos. Data that has been collected and selected, then will be decrypted, processed to be identified and then interpreted based on the theoretical framework. Altough the remains of PG Purworejo's emplacement settlements is low, but the settlement layout can still be traced based on old photo data. The results of this study show that the emplacement settlement of PG Purworejo uses the concept of industrial settlements, where employee settlements are built near industrial sites. In addition to the concept of industrial cities, the concept of colonial settlements was also applied which was marked by the separation between European workers' settlement blocks and indigenous workers


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    One of the remains of the colonial period in Indonesia is the Dutch cemetery. The Dutch cemetery have splendid tombs, western-style decorations and gravestone written in Dutch. Dutch cemeteries can be find in cities such as Surabaya. During colonial period, Surabaya had four Dutch cemeteries in Jembatan Merah, Krembangan, Peneleh and Kembang Kuning. The aim of this study is to determine factors behind the displacement of the Dutch cemetery in Surabaya. The data in this study are including not only historical data (maps of Surabaya in 1787, 1825, 1866, and 1934), but also archives. The remaining observable cemeteries are in Peneleh and Kembang Kuning, because the Dutch cemeteries at Jembatan Merah and Krembangan have been demolished. Data from the observation are then sorted and analyzed to determine the displacement pattern and the factors behind them. The results show that there have been three Dutch cemetery displacements in Surabaya, triggered by three factors: health, unstable ground condition, and land conversion into settlement

    Berkala arkeologi vol. 39 no. 2 November 2019

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    Berkala Arkeologi Vol. 39 No. 2 Edisi November 2019 kali ini menampilkan delapan artikel dengan berbagai kajian baik arkeologi prasejarah, arkeologi klasik Hindu-Buddha, maupun arkeologi Islam-Kolonial. Sebagian besar artikel yang ditampilkan edisi November kali ini adalah artikel arkeologi Islam-Kolonial sebanyak 6 artikel, sedangkan artikel dari bidang arkeologi prasejarah dan Klasik Hindu-Buddha masing-masing sebuah artike