19 research outputs found

    The effects of manipulating levels of replication initiation factors on origin firing efficiency in yeast.

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    Chromosome replication in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is initiated from ~300 origins that are regulated by DNA sequence and by the limited abundance of six trans-acting initiation proteins (Sld2, Sld3, Dpb11, Dbf4, Sld7 and Cdc45). We set out to determine how the levels of individual factors contribute to time of origin activation and/or origin efficiency using induced depletion of single factors and overexpression of sets of multiple factors. Depletion of Sld2 or Sld3 slows growth and S phase progression, decreases origin efficiency across the genome and impairs viability as a result of incomplete replication of the rDNA. We find that the most efficient early origins are relatively unaffected by depletion of either Sld2 or Sld3. However, Sld3 levels, and to a lesser extent Sld2 levels, are critical for firing of the less efficient early origins. Overexpression of Sld3 simultaneously with Sld2, Dpb11 and Dbf4 preserves the relative efficiency of origins. Only when Cdc45 and Sld7 are also overexpressed is origin efficiency equalized between early- and late-firing origins. Our data support a model in which Sld3 together with Cdc45 (and/or Sld7) is responsible for the differential efficiencies of origins across the yeast genome

    Replication in Hydroxyurea: It's a Matter of Time▿ †

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    Hydroxyurea (HU) is a DNA replication inhibitor that negatively affects both the elongation and initiation phases of replication and triggers the “intra-S phase checkpoint.” Previous work with budding yeast has shown that, during a short exposure to HU, MEC1/RAD53 prevent initiation at some late S phase origins. In this study, we have performed microarray experiments to follow the fate of all origins over an extended exposure to HU. We show that the genome-wide progression of DNA synthesis, including origin activation, follows the same pattern in the presence of HU as in its absence, although the time frames are very different. We find no evidence for a specific effect that excludes initiation from late origins. Rather, HU causes S phase to proceed in slow motion; all temporal classes of origins are affected, but the order in which they become active is maintained. We propose a revised model for the checkpoint response to HU that accounts for the continued but slowed pace of the temporal program of origin activation

    The Temporal Program of Chromosome Replication: Genomewide Replication in clb5Δ Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Temporal regulation of origin activation is widely thought to explain the pattern of early- and late-replicating domains in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome. Recently, single-molecule analysis of replication suggested that stochastic processes acting on origins with different probabilities of activation could generate the observed kinetics of replication without requiring an underlying temporal order. To distinguish between these possibilities, we examined a clb5Δ strain, where origin firing is largely limited to the first half of S phase, to ask whether all origins nonspecifically show decreased firing (as expected for disordered firing) or if only some origins (“late” origins) are affected. Approximately half the origins in the mutant genome show delayed replication while the remainder replicate largely on time. The delayed regions can encompass hundreds of kilobases and generally correspond to regions that replicate late in wild-type cells. Kinetic analysis of replication in wild-type cells reveals broad windows of origin firing for both early and late origins. Our results are consistent with a temporal model in which origins can show some heterogeneity in both time and probability of origin firing, but clustering of temporally like origins nevertheless yields a genome that is organized into blocks showing different replication times

    Template switching between the leading and lagging strands at replication forks generates inverted copy number variants through hairpin-capped extrachromosomal DNA.

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    Inherited and germ-line de novo copy number variants (CNVs) are increasingly found to be correlated with human developmental and cancerous phenotypes. Several models for template switching during replication have been proposed to explain the generation of these gross chromosomal rearrangements. We proposed a model of template switching (ODIRA-origin dependent inverted repeat amplification) in which simultaneous ligation of the leading and lagging strands at diverging replication forks could generate segmental inverted triplications through an extrachromosomal inverted circular intermediate. Here, we created a genetic assay using split-ura3 cassettes to trap the proposed inverted intermediate. However, instead of recovering circular inverted intermediates, we found inverted linear chromosomal fragments ending in native telomeres-suggesting that a template switch had occurred at the centromere-proximal fork of a replication bubble. As telomeric inverted hairpin fragments can also be created through double strand breaks we tested whether replication errors or repair of double stranded DNA breaks were the most likely initiating event. The results from CRISPR/Cas9 cleavage experiments and growth in the replication inhibitor hydroxyurea indicate that it is a replication error, not a double stranded break that creates the inverted junctions. Since inverted amplicons of the SUL1 gene occur during long-term growth in sulfate-limited chemostats, we sequenced evolved populations to look for evidence of linear intermediates formed by an error in replication. All of the data are compatible with a two-step version of the ODIRA model in which sequential template switching at short inverted repeats between the leading and lagging strands at a replication fork, followed by integration via homologous recombination, generates inverted interstitial triplications

    A Natural Polymorphism in rDNA Replication Origins Links Origin Activation with Calorie Restriction and Lifespan

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    <div><p>Aging and longevity are complex traits influenced by genetic and environmental factors. To identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that control replicative lifespan, we employed an outbred <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i> model, generated by crossing a vineyard and a laboratory strain. The predominant QTL mapped to the rDNA, with the vineyard rDNA conferring a lifespan increase of 41%. The lifespan extension was independent of Sir2 and Fob1, but depended on a polymorphism in the rDNA origin of replication from the vineyard strain that reduced origin activation relative to the laboratory origin. Strains carrying vineyard rDNA origins have increased capacity for replication initiation at weak plasmid and genomic origins, suggesting that inability to complete genome replication presents a major impediment to replicative lifespan. Calorie restriction, a conserved mediator of lifespan extension that is also independent of Sir2 and Fob1, reduces rDNA origin firing in both laboratory and vineyard rDNA. Our results are consistent with the possibility that calorie restriction, similarly to the vineyard rDNA polymorphism, modulates replicative lifespan through control of rDNA origin activation, which in turn affects genome replication dynamics.</p> </div

    rDNA inheritance regulates lifespan independently of Sir2 and Fob1.

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    <p>(A and D) Mean RLS distribution of 28 segregants with <i>SIR2</i> deleted (A) or 9 segregants overexpressing <i>SIR2</i> (D). Segregants with the RM rDNA locus were longer-lived than those inheriting the BY rDNA locus even in the absence of <i>SIR2</i> (17.0±2.1 vs. 10.8±1.7, <i>P</i> = 6.1×10<sup>−9</sup>, ν = 2) or with <i>SIR2</i> overexpression (35.4±3.4 vs. 28.1±3.0, <i>P</i> = 2.0×10<sup>−2</sup>, ν = 2). (B, C, E and F) Lifespan measurements (n = 40 cells) for the backcrossed BY and RM strains containing BY or RM rDNA and <i>sir2Δ</i> or <i>fob1Δ.</i> Mean lifespans for each strain are given in parentheses.</p