758 research outputs found

    Notes on the combined use of V-VIP and DAB peroxidase substrates for the detection of colocalising antigens

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    The purpose of the present report was to investigate to what extent the new peroxidase substrate Vector VIP (V-VIP) can be used in combination with DAB chromogen for the unequivocal and permanent detection of colocalising antigens within a single neurone, according to a two-colour paradigm. With this aim, retrograde tract-tracing with cholera toxin B subunit (CTB) or fluoro-gold (FG) was performed to disclose individual, identified subpopulations of neurones in the primate substantia nigra projecting to the caudate nucleus or to the putamen, respectively. Each tracer was detected by means of a PAP procedure and finally stained brown using DAB as a chromogen. Subsequently, both series of sections were processed for the immunocytochemical detection of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). TH-immunoreactive neurones were stained purple with the peroxidase substrate V-VIP. As a result of the present procedure, several cell bodies of projection neurones, stained brown, can easily be identified within the primate substantia nigra. Some of these neurones additionally displayed purple TH immunoreaction product located in the neuronal dendrites. By contrast, CTB- or FG-unlabelled neurones only show the typical purple precipitate that belongs to V-VIP substrate, both in the cell body as well as in the dendrites

    New educative methods in the usage of audiovisual content in mobiles

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    [EN] The paper proposes new paradigms in education regarding usage of audiovisual contents adapted to mobile devices, under the perspective of changes in the conventional learning process through the web from student side. The knowledge of the educational design processes by professors, a concept known as m-learning, will allow to demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages under the student¿s perspective. These constraints are focused, firstly on adapting contents and, more specifically, on the real technical implementation of audiovisual contents and the mechanism and interaction processes. On the other hand, it is important to emphasize advances in new digital formats relating to the new generation mobile phones, which allow to integrate contents in the learning process, ubiquitous learning. Finally, considerations and conclusions addressed to the educators who would like to adapt traditional contents to the new tools and formats will be established.Magal Royo, T.; Tortajada Montañana, I.; Giménez López, JL.; Giménez Alcalde, F. (2010). New educative methods in the usage of audiovisual content in mobiles. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciencies. 2(2):4492-4496. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.03.718S449244962

    Relationships between thalamostriatal neurons and pedunculopontine projections to the thalamus: a neuroanatomical tract-tracing study in the rat

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    The present study aimed to investigate whether the pedunculopontine projection to the thalamus overlaps with identified thalamostriatal neurons. These projections were studied using a dual tract-tracing procedure combining anterogradely transported biotinylated dextran amine (pedunculopontine projections) and retrogradely transported Fluoro-Gold (thalamostriatal projections). Overlapping thalamic territories between thalamostriatal neurons and the axon terminals arising from the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus were observed in the midline (paraventricular) and in the intralaminar (centrolateral, central medial, paracentral and parafascicular) thalamic nuclei. Other thalamic nuclei, such as the ethmoid, intermediodorsal, mediodorsal, paratenial, posteromedian, ventromedian, ventrolateral and rhomboid thalamic nuclei, displayed a lesser degree of overlap. These observations suggest the existence of presumptive contacts between thalamostriatal neurons and axons emerging from the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus, therefore supporting the possible existence of feedback circuits in the rat basal ganglia in which the tegmento-thalamic projection would play a major role

    Re-examination of the thalamostriatal projections in the rat with retrograde tracers

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    Topographical arrangements of thalamostriatal projection neurons was examined in the rat by the retrograde tract-tracing method. After injecting Fluoro-Gold (FG) and/or cholera toxin beta-subunit (CTB) in different regions of the caudate-putamen (CPu), distribution of retrogradely labeled neurons was observed in the thalamus. The main findings were as follows: (1) Retrogradely labeled neurons were seen in the midline-intralaminar thalamic nuclei in all rats examined in the present study. Neurons in the ventral lateral and posterior thalamic nuclear groups were also labeled in the rats which were injected with the tracer into the dorsal part of Cpu, but not in the rats which were injected with the tracer into the nucleus accumbens (Acb) and its adjavent regions in the ventromedial part of the Cpu. (2) Topographical organization was observed in the projections from the midline-intralaminar thalamic nuclei to the CPu. After the tracer injection into the dorsal part of the CPu or the ventral part of the CPu (including the Acb), labeled neurons in the midline-intralaminar thalamic nuclei were distributed predominantly in the lateral part of the intralaminar nuclei or the midline nuclei, respectively. On the other hand, after the tracer injection into the medial or the lateral part of the CPu, labeled neurons in the midline-intralaminar nuclei were distributed mainly in the dorsal or the ventral part of these nuclei, respectively. (3) Topographical organization was also observed in the thalamostriatal projections from the ventral and Pos. After the tracer injection into the rostral part of the CPu, labeled neurons were distributed mainly in the rostral part of the ventral nuclear group. On the other hand, after the tracer injection into the caudal part of the CPu, labeled neurons were distributed mainly in the caudal part of the ventral nuclear group, as well as in the posterior nuclear group

    Multimodal interaction on english testing academic assessment

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    [EN] Multimodal interaction methods applied to learning environments of the English language will be a line for future research from the use of adapted mobile phones or PDAs. Today's mobile devices allow access and data entry in a synchronized manner through different channels. At the academic level we made the first analysis of English language learning on a multimodal experimental platform. The research will evaluate the impact of college students use for future online applications aimed at improving language skills through self-learning. (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of Prof. Dr. Huseyin UzunboyluThis work was carried out through research conducted in the project: "Analysis and verification of adaptation and accessible multimodal interaction for language examinations on mobile devices". It has been funded by the Universitat Politècnica de València as part of the program: "Projects for new lines in multidisciplinary research PID-05-10".Magal Royo, T.; Giménez López, JL.; García Laborda, J. (2012). Multimodal interaction on english testing academic assessment. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences. 46:5824-5827. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.06.522S582458274

    Multiple neuroanatomical tracing in primates

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    The present report deals with a multiple tract-tracing procedure in non-human primates enabling the simultaneous visualization of retrogradely transported Fluoro-Gold (FG) and cholera toxin B subunit (CTB) in combination with anterogradely transported biotinylated dextran amine (BDA). Two issues have played key roles on the achievement of this reliable procedure: first, the recent development of a commercial antiserum against FG that allows us to convert the original fluorescent signal of this dye in a permanent precipitate via standard peroxidase-anti-peroxidase methods; second, the introduction of the novel peroxidase substrate Vector(R) VIP (V-VIP), resulting in a purple precipitate. The combination of these neuroanatomical tracers in one and the same histological section opens a possibility for the permanent visualization of the convergence of inputs from a particular brain area onto identified, two different subsets of projection cells of another area. Furthermore, this combination of three tracers emerges as a powerful technical tool for obtaining broad amounts of complementary data regarding the monkey brain connectivity, thus significantly reducing the number of animals needed to complete a particular study

    Striatal input from the ventrobasal complex of the rat thalamus

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    We have analyzed whether caudal regions of the caudate putamen receive direct projections from thalamic sensory relay nuclei such as the ventrobasal complex. To this aim, the delivery of the retrograde neuroanatomical tracer Fluoro-Gold into the caudal caudate putamen resulted in the appearance of retrogradely labeled neurons in the ventral posteromedial and ventral posterolateral thalamic nuclei. These projections were further confirmed with injections of the anterograde tracers biotinylated dextran amine or Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin into these thalamic nuclei, by showing the existence of axonal terminal fields located in the caudal striatum. These results support the existence of direct projections linking the thalamic ventrobasal complex and the caudal striatum in the rat, probably via collateralization of thalamocortical axons when passing through the caudate putamen, and therefore supporting the putative involvement of the caudal striatum in sensory-related functions

    Multiple axonal tracing: simultaneous detection of three tracers in the same section

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    Multiple neuroanatomical tract-tracing methods are important tools for elucidating the connectivity between different populations of neurons. Evaluation of the question as to whether two specific fiber inputs converge on a particular, identified population of projection neurons requires the application of a triple-staining procedure that allows the unequivocal detection of three markers in a single section. The present report deals with a combination of tracing methods using anterogradely transported Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin and biotinylated dextran amine in conjunction with retrogradely transported Fluoro-Gold. These tracers were simultaneously detected according to a three-color paradigm, which includes the use of three different peroxidase substrates (nickel-enhanced diaminobenzidine, diaminobenzidine, and Vector VIP), thus resulting in three distinct precipitates: black, brown, and purple. We illustrate this method by showing convergence of projections arising from neurons located in two separate basal ganglia-related nuclei onto identified thalamostriatal projection neurons

    Thalamic interaction between the input and the output systems of the basal ganglia

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    The striatal return through the thalamus is largely neglected in current studies dealing with basal ganglia function, and its role within this circuitry remains obscure. In this contribution the thalamus is regarded as an important place of interaction between the input and the output organization of the basal ganglia. In support of this idea, a brief overview is provided of some of the most recent findings concerning the thalamus in relation to the basal ganglia circuitry. In particular, we have focused on the thalamostriatal projections themselves, on the output of the basal ganglia to the thalamus and also on the overlapping territories between the thalamic projection of the output nuclei and the thalamostriatal neurons. These data support the existence of several thalamic feedback circuits within the basal ganglia neural system. Finally, some considerations are provided upon the functional significance of these thalamic feedback circuits in the overall organization of the basal ganglia
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