455 research outputs found

    The distribution of fluid forces on model arterial endothelium using computational fluid dynamics,

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    Numerical calculations are used in conjunction with linear perturbation theory to analyze the problem of laminar flow of an incompressible fluid over a wavy surface which approximates a monolayer of vascular endothelial cells. These calculations model flow conditions in an artery very near the vessel wall at any instant in time, providing a description of the velocity field with detail that would be difficult to identify experimentally. The surface pressure and shear stress distributions are qualitatively similar for linear theory and numerical computations. However, the results diverge as the amplitude of surface undulation is increased. The shear stress gradient along the cell model surface is reduced for geometries which correspond to aligned endothelial cells (versus nonaligned geometries). I Introduction The vascular endothelium is the simple epithelium that lines the cardiovascular system. It consists of a cellular monolayer which rests on a complicated matrix of cells and intercellular material. Intact endothelium provides a selectively permeable barrier to the passage of macromolecules from the bloodspace to the extravascular space. Moreover, the vascular endothelium bears the shear stress imparted by blood flow. The structure and function of the monolayer is affected by these mechanical factors (see A detailed description of the flow is needed. An endothelial cell in vivo witnesses flow which passes in rhythmic waves. The cells are only 1-2 fim thick and 20-50 ]x,m in the circumferential and axial dimensions. They are primarily affected by detailed flow behavior very near the wall. In this region, the fluid velocity profile is nearly linear, although the magnitude of the average velocity may vary by a factor of four or more from systole to diastole, and from point to point on the microscopically rough surface. Because of the small size of endothelial cells, flow at any instant may be considered quasisteady near the wall, as described by the local linear shear flow. One of the most difficult problems in fluid mechanics is studying flow details near a rough surface. The disturbed wall region is typically buried inside a boundary layer or is difficult to access in experiments. Additional complications include: [Davics et al. PNAS X3:2114 tiny dimensions (typically microns), wall probe interference effects, and the intrinsic difficulty of accurately measuring wall shear stress. Previous studies demonstrate that numerical solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations yield accurate predictions of flow characteristics in such circumstances β€’ there is increased ATP utilization in cells exposed to shear stress, presumably in part due to contracting stress fibers 9 the permeability of a monolayer with no previous exposure to shear stress is transiently and acutely increased in response to flow DNA synthesis is altered in cells by exposure to flow affecting gene expression, and apparently producing a different phenotype. Few (if any) other cells in the body experience shearing forces of similar magnitude on only one side. Thus, it is difficult to identify analogous cellular models for comparison. An unrelated phenotypic modulation has been observed in microvessel endothelial cells in response to chemical factors In order to understand how shear stress produces such profound effects in endothelial cells, the detailed distribution of forces on a cell and monolayer of cells must first be known. In early studies, investigators did not consider cell shape. The average shearing force imparted by bulk fluid flow was considered determinant: high shear stress caused direct desquamation, and low shear stress caused concentration polarization effects at the wall The wavy wall problem has been studied in two dimensions by others Recent studies include numerical treatments of low Re flows over objects in shear flows. In one study, finite elements are used to estimate forces acting on a thrombus II Computational Methods A model surface was chosen which represents the cell monolayer (see Re Vw = 0 (2) The unknowns are the vector velocity u and the pressure/?. The single parameter appearing is the Reynold's number, Re = vr\ 2 /v, where a is the shear rate in the linear shear flow far from the surface, and rj is the surface undulation amplitude (characteristic length scale of the problem). The kinematic viscosity of the fluid is v = /x/p, where p is the fluid density and ix is the fluid viscosity. The equations are parabolic so velocity boundary conditions must be provided on all sides of the computational domain. The complete theoretical solution is included in the Appendix Our calculations simulate conditions in large arteries (such as the aorta) very near the vessel wall at any instant in time. The upper boundary can be represented as a shear flow at infinite distance from the surface. However, the computational code did not explicitly provide for boundary conditions at infinity. Instead we specified the upper boundary to be a rigid surface which is moved far enough away (at least 4 times the cell surface modulation amplitude) so that wall effects are no longer important. The velocity at the upper surface is fixed at the value corresponding to a linear shear flow field. The cell surface is the lower boundary of the domain. It is rigid and extends infinitely in x and z. Thus, the solution is determined by solving for one full period of the cell model surface in the relevant directions {x and z). Boundary conditions are expressed below: \u\ y^a> = ay (shear flow at large distance) \u\y= y =0 (zero velocity at wall) where a is the undisturbed shear rate far away from the wall. A shear rate of a = 800 s~' was specified for all calculations. Unsteady motion dynamics for physiologic frequencies are such that a quasi-steady approximation can be made (a = hsfcJv = 0.1 to 0.001). The computational code NEKTON was used for numerical solution of the problem 310/Vol. 114, AUGUST 1992 Transactions of the ASME surface as the lower boundary of the computational domain. NEKTON has powerful pre-and post-processing packages for mesh generation and visualization of results. The code runs on a wide variety of computers (from workstations to supercomputers). Thus, computational experiments can be performed on smaller machines, while production runs can be directed to the most efficient computers available The spectral element method for partial differential equations is the basis for spatial discretization. The method is summarized briefly in what follows. For an extensive description, one should see references 29 and 31. Spectral elements combine high-order (spectral) accuracy with the geometrical flexibility of low order finite-element methods. The computational domain is divided into K nondegenerate macro-quadrangles (spectral elements). In our problem, three-dimensional domains were broken up into "bricks," in which the two horizontal parallel faces are nondegenerate quadrangles The data, geometry, and solution, are approximated by high order polynomial expansions within each macro-element. A local Cartesian mesh is constructed within each element which corresponds to N x N x N tensor-product Gauss-Lobatto Legendre collocation points. The Gauss-Lobatto points are clustered near elemental boundaries; an arrangement which gives accurate approximation, and favorable interpolation and quadrature properties. Dependent variables are expanded in terms of (N -l) th order polynomial Lagrangian interpolants (through the Gauss-Lobatto Legendre collocation points) Spatially discrete equations are generated by inserting assumed forms of dependent variables into the governing equations, and requiring that the residual vanish in some integral and weighted sense. The computed numerical variables correspond to values occurring at the collocation points of the mesh. Convergence is obtained by increasing the number of macro-elements (K) or the order of the interpolants (TV) in the elements. The error decreases algebraically (like K~N) as K is increased; and exponentially for smooth solutions (like e~a N ) as N is increased Ill Results An analytical solution for linearized flow over a wavy wall is given in the Appendix Ty X is the normalized surface shear stress in the x-direction; and r yz is the normalized surface shear stress in the z-direction. The term jxa is the mean wall shear stress imposed by flow far (i.e., many times the cell height) from the endothelial surface. The solution predicts: 1. The surface shear stress in the x-direction consists of the sum of the average shear stress imposed by flow and a spatially varying stress perturbation due to cell shape. The magnitude of the shear stress perturbation depends on q and TJ/X X . AS T)/\ X (dimensionless surface amplitude) increases, the perturbation increases linearly. For q Β» 1 it is proportional to q. T yx is in phase with surface variations in x and z-it is maximum at the highest point on the cell surface, and minimum at the lowest point on the surface. 2. The presence of surface waviness introduces a lateral shear stress perturbation which is linear with rj/\ x . It is caused by the transverse flow away from surface peaks and toward surface valleys. As q becomes large (Β» 1), there is no dependence on q. T yz is 7r/2 out of phase with the surface waviness in the streamwise and transverse directions. It is maximum or minimum at points of maximum surface slope. 3. The pressure perturbation is linear with ^A*, but does not depend on q. It is asymmetric along the cell longitudinal axis, tending to increase the pressure on the proximal side and reduce it on the distal side. The pressure is 7r/2 out of phase with the surface variations in the direction of flow. Pressure is maximum or minimum at points of maximum slope in the cos(ax)cos(/3z) (5) fi ow direction. Numerical and analytical computations were compared for For a limited range, numerical results and linear theory predictions agree (not illustrated). Both numerical and theoretical methods predict that the wall shear stress r yx is maximum at the highest points of the coordinate surface, and minimum at the lowest points. The pressure distribution is 7r/2 out of phase in the direction of flow, and the wall shear stress and pressure distributions are periodic. Numerical magnitudes no longer agree with linear theory after the onset of separated flow. Maximum (r yXimax ) and minimum (r yx , m i n ) shear stress magnitudes for both numerical and analytical solutions are plotted in Figs. 5(a) and 6(a) for a range of parameter values. Groups of points corresponding to a particular geometry (fixed length/ width value) fall along the same line when shear stress and pressure are plotted vs. surface amplitude We did not resolve the exact amplitude where recirculation begins; however, the range which contains the critical amplitude is recorded in the table in β€’Transverse ribs **Vortices do not appear: streamwise ribs The analytical solution for surface pressure predicts a linear dependence on ?)/X x , and no dependence on q. The numerical result exhibits dependence on q\ namely, the slope increases with q IV Discussion The flow fields predicted by the numerical and analytical solutions are qualitatively similar. The wall shear stress and pressure distributions vary periodically at the wavy wall surface. However, the results from the two methods diverge as the amplitude of the surface waviness increases. ear theory predictions can be observed by comparing surface pressure distributions β€’ a departure from linear growth of peak-to-peak pressure. β€’ variation in the phase of pressure distribution. β€’ contributions from higher harmonics of the pressure distribution. 9 dependence on the length/width ratio (parameter q). Others have obtained similar predictions At the highest surface points, the wall shear stress grows almost linearly with increasing surface amplitude as predicted by linear theory. Flow acceleration occurs along streamlines toward the peaks due to the constraint provided by the continuity equation. These processes are different than those producing flow separation in the lower surface regions. Nonuniform shear stress gradients of significant magnitude across a cell surface could be of potential importance for explaining flow induced morphological changes. The forces which result from a cell-to-cell variation on the order of the perturbation shear stress are sufficient to disturb protein-protein interactions. Bell [1] has determined that a noncovalent interaction is disrupted by a critical force of 10~5 dyne. The difference in shear force on 2 adjacent cells in laminar flow can be of order 10~4dyne, which corresponds to 10 protein-protein interactions. Experimental studies of others indicate that a force of ~ 1 dyne (10 5 protein-protein interactions) can detach a cell from a monolayer The predicted forces acting on the aligned monolayer are reduced in comparison to nonaligned endothelium. For a surface approximating a nonaligned monolayer, the perturbation shear stress can be as large as 34 percent of the average shear stress imposed by the primary flow. This decreases to 20 percent for aligned monolayers since the height/length ratio is reduced (essentially, the surface is less "bumpy"). Perhaps the monolayer is able to achieve stability by reconfiguring the actin filament system so that stress fibers attach to the apical membrane. Nonaligned cells do not have stress fibers in the proper arrangement to experience this stabilizing effect. Modeling the distribution of forces on cells also aids in understanding the role of shear stress in the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis. Endothelium exposed to large shear stress gradients displays dramatic changes in cell shape, density, and rate of division Acknowledgments We thank Prof. A. T. Patera of M.I.T. and Dr. Einar Ronquist of Nektonics for assistance with the computational program

    Novel Characterization of Lymphatic Valve Formation during Corneal Inflammation

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    Lymphatic research has progressed rapidly in recent years. Though lymphatic dysfunction has been found in a wide array of disorders from transplant rejection to cancer metastasis, to date, there is still little effective treatment for lymphatic diseases. The cornea offers an optimal site for lymphatic research due to its accessible location, transparent nature, and lymphatic-free but inducible features. However, it still remains unknown whether lymphatic valves exist in newly formed lymphatic vessels in the cornea, and how this relates to an inflammatory response. In this study, we provide the first evidence showing that lymphatic valves were formed in mouse cornea during suture-induced inflammation with the up-regulation of integrin alpha 9. The number of corneal valves increased with the progression of inflammatory lymphangiogenesis. Moreover, we have detected lymphatic valves at various developmental stages, from incomplete to more developed ones. In addition to defining the average diameter of lymphatic vessels equipped with lymphatic valves, we also report that lymphatic valves were more often located near the branching points. Taken together, these novel findings not only provide new insights into corneal lymphatic formation and maturation, but also identify a new model for future investigation on lymphatic valve formation and possibly therapeutic intervention

    A Novel Xenogeneic Co-Culture System to Examine Neuronal Differentiation Capability of Various Adult Human Stem Cells

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    Background: Targeted differentiation of stem cells is mainly achieved by the sequential administration of defined growth factors and cytokines, although these approaches are quite artificial, cost-intensive and time-consuming. We now present a simple xenogeneic rat brain co-culture system which supports neuronal differentiation of adult human stem cells under more in vivo-like conditions. Methods and Findings: This system was applied to well-characterized stem cell populations isolated from human skin, parotid gland and pancreas. In addition to general multi-lineage differentiation potential, these cells tend to differentiate spontaneously into neuronal cell types in vitro and are thus ideal candidates for the introduced co-culture system. Consequently, after two days of co-culture up to 12% of the cells showed neuronal morphology and expressed corresponding markers on the mRNA and protein level. Additionally, growth factors with the ability to induce neuronal different iation in stem cells could be found in the media supernatants of the co-cultures. Conclusions: The co-culture system described here is suitable for testing neuronal differentiation capability of numerous types of stem cells. Especially in the case of human cells, it may be of clinical relevance for future cell-based therapeutic applications

    Vascular density and phenotype around ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) of the breast

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    Up to 50% of recurrences of ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast are associated with invasive carcinoma but no pathological or molecular features have yet been found to predict for the development of invasive disease. For a tumour to invade, it requires the formation of new blood vessels. Previous studies have described a vascular rim around ducts involved by ductal carcinoma in situ, raising the possibility that the characteristics of periductal vascularisation may be important in determining transformation from in situ to invasive disease. Periductal vascular density and phenotype were determined using morphometry and a panel of anti-endothelial antibodies (von Willebrand factor, CD31, CD141 and CD34) and related to the presence of invasive carcinoma and other histological features. Compared to normal lobules, pure ductal carcinoma in situ exhibited a greater density of CD34+ and CD31+ vessels but a decrease in those that were immunopositive for vWF, indicating a difference in phenotype and in density. Ductal carcinoma in situ associated with invasive carcinoma showed a profile of vascular immunostaining similar to that of pure ductal carcinoma in situ but there were significantly greater numbers of CD34+ and CD141+ vessels and fewer staining for vWF. There was a significant negative correlation between vascular density and both the cross-sectional areas of the ducts involved and the extent of the necrosis of the tumour they contained. A correlation between vascular density and nuclear grade was also noted, being highest in the intermediate grade. The greater density of CD34+ and CD141+ vessels around ductal carcinoma in situ associated with invasive carcinoma could reflect a greater predisposition to invade but a direct effect of co-existent invasive carcinoma cannot entirely be ruled out in the present study. The relationship between vascular density, grade, duct size and nuclear grade suggests that periductal angiogenesis increases with tumour growth rate but is unable to keep pace with the most rapidly growing lesions

    Endothelial Cells Obtained from Patients Affected by Chronic Venous Disease Exhibit a Pro-Inflammatory Phenotype

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    The inflammatory properties of vein endothelium in relation to chronic venous disease (CVD) have been poorly investigated. Therefore, new insights on the characteristics of large vein endothelium would increase our knowledge of large vessel physiopathology. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Surgical specimens of veins were obtained from the tertiary venous network (R3) and/or saphenous vein (SF) of patients affected by CVD and from control individuals. Highly purified venous endothelial cell (VEC) cultures obtained from CVD patients were characterized for morphological, phenotypic and functional properties compared to control VEC. An increase of CD31/PECAM-1, CD146 and ICAM-1 surface levels was documented at flow cytometry in pathological VEC with respect to normal controls. Of note, the strongest expression of these pro-inflammatory markers was observed in VEC obtained from patients with more advanced disease. Similarly, spontaneous cell proliferation and resistance to starvation was higher in pathological than in normal VEC, while the migratory response of VEC showed an opposite trend, being significantly lower in VEC obtained from pathological specimens. In addition, in keeping with a higher baseline transcriptional activity of NF-kB, the release of the pro-inflammatory cytokines osteoprotegerin (OPG) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) was higher in pathological VEC cultures with respect to control VEC. Interestingly, there was a systemic correlation to these in vitro data, as demonstrated by higher serum OPG and VEGF levels in CVD patients with respect to normal healthy controls. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Taken together, these data indicate that large vein endothelial cells obtained from CVD patients exhibit a pro-inflammatory phenotype, which might significantly contribute to systemic inflammation in CVD patients

    Cigarette smoke but not electronic cigarette aerosol activates a stress response in human coronary artery endothelial cells in culture

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    Background It is generally acknowledged that e-cigarettes are unlikely to be as harmful as conventional cigarettes, but there is little data that quantifies their relative harms. We investigated the biological response to e-cigarette aerosol exposure (versus conventional cigarette smoke exposure) at the cellular level, by exposing human coronary artery endothelial cells (HCAEC) to aqueous filtered extracts of e-cigarette aerosol or cigarette smoke and looking at gene expression changes consistent with a stress response. This included genes controlled by the oxidant-stress sensing transcription factor NFR2 (NFE2L2), and cytochrome P450 family members. Methods Cigarette smoke extract (CSE) was created using mainstream smoke from a single cigarette drawn through 10β€…ml of endothelial cell growth media MV2. Electronic cigarette aerosol extract (eCAE) was created using the same apparatus, using a constant power output of 10.8β€…w (4.2β€…V) and 18β€…mg/ml nicotine solution. eCAE was generated using 5 cycles of 5β€…s heat with at least 10β€…s in between each puff to allow the coil to cool, air being drawn through the device at 70β€…ml/minute. Results HCAEC responded to the noxious components in CSE, resulting in activation of NRF2 and upregulation of cytochrome p450. However, eCAE did not induce NRF2 nuclear localisation, upregulation of NRF2-activated genes, or the upregulation of cytochrome p450. Conclusions The use of e-cigarettes as a substitute for conventional cigarettes is likely to reduce immediate tobacco-related harm, at least with respect to cardiovascular harms

    Vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A) mRNA expression levels decrease after menopause in normal breast tissue but not in breast cancer lesions

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    We hypothesized that the regulation of microvascular functions and angiogenesis in breast tissue, a well known target of ovarian steroid action, is dependent on the hormonal exposure of the breast. Relative expression levels of VEGF-A (vascular endothelial growth factor A), a putative key regulator of angiogenesis in breast cancer, were analysed in the tumour and the adjacent non-neoplastic breast tissue of 19 breast cancer patients by quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. In non-neoplastic breast specimens the expression levels of all detected VEGF-A-isoforms (189, 165, 121) were significantly higher in premenopausal compared to post-menopausal women (P = 0.02) and were inversely correlated with the patient's age (P = 0.006). In contrast, in cancerous tissues menopausal status had no influence on VEGF-A-expression levels. Benign and malignant tissues exhibited a similar expression pattern of VEGF-A-isoforms relative to each other. Thus, the regulation of the vasculature in normal breast tissue, as opposed to breast cancer tissue, appears to be hormonally dependent. Endogenous and therapeutically used hormonal steroids might, therefore, cause clinically relevant changes of the angiogenic phenotype of the human breast. Β© 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Future research directions in acute lung injury: Summary of a National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Working Group

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    Acute lung injury (ALI) and its more severe form, the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), are syndromes of acute respiratory failure that result from acute pulmonary edema and inflammation. The development of ALI/ARDS is associated with several clinical disorders including direct pulmonary injury from pneumonia and aspiration as well as indirect pulmonary injury from trauma, sepsis, and other disorders such as acute pancreatitis and drug overdose. Although mortality from ALI/ARDS has decreased in the last decade, it remains high. Despite two major advances in treatment, low VT ventilation for ALI/ARDS and activated protein C for severe sepsis (the leading cause of ALI/ARDS), additional research is needed to develop specific treatments and improve understanding of the pathogenesis of these syndromes. The NHLBI convened a working group to develop specific recommendations for future ALI/ARDS research. Improved understanding of disease heterogeneity through use of evolving biologic, genomic, and genetic approaches should provide major new insights into pathogenesis of ALI. Cellular and molecular methods combined with animal and clinical studies should lead to further progress in the detection and treatment of this complex disease

    A Novel Non-Lens Ξ²Ξ³βˆ’Crystallin and Trefoil Factor Complex from Amphibian Skin and Its Functional Implications

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    In vertebrates, non-lens betagamma-crystallins are widely expressed in various tissues, but their functions are unknown. The molecular mechanisms of trefoil factors, initiators of mucosal healing and being greatly involved in tumorigenesis, have remained elusive.A naturally existing 72-kDa complex of non-lens betagamma-crystallin (alpha-subunit) and trefoil factor (beta-subunit), named betagamma-CAT, was identified from frog Bombina maxima skin secretions. Its alpha-subunit and beta-subunit (containing three trefoil factor domains), with a non-covalently linked form of alphabeta(2), show significant sequence homology to ep37 proteins, a group of non-lens betagamma-crystallins identified in newt Cynops pyrrhogaster and mammalian trefoil factors, respectively. betagamma-CAT showed potent hemolytic activity on mammalian erythrocytes. The specific antiserum against each subunit was able to neutralize its hemolytic activity, indicating that the two subunits are functionally associated. betagamma-CAT formed membrane pores with a functional diameter about 2.0 nm, leading to K(+) efflux and colloid-osmotic hemolysis. High molecular weight SDS-stable oligomers (>240-kDa) were detected by antibodies against the alpha-subunit with Western blotting. Furthermore, betagamma-CAT showed multiple cellular effects on human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Low dosages of betagamma-CAT (25-50 pM) were able to stimulate cell migration and wound healing. At high concentrations, it induced cell detachment (EC(50) 10 nM) and apoptosis. betagamma-CAT was rapidly endocytosed via intracellular vacuole formation. Under confocal microscope, some of the vacuoles were translocated to nucleus and partially fused with nuclear membrane. Bafilomycin A1 (a specific inhibitor of the vacuolar-type ATPase) and nocodazole (an agent of microtuble depolymerizing), while inhibited betagamma-CAT induced vacuole formation, significantly inhibited betagamma-CAT induced cell detachment, suggesting that betagamma-CAT endocytosis is important for its activities.These findings illustrate novel cellular functions of non-lens betagamma-cyrstallins and action mechanism via association with trefoil factors, serving as clues for investigating the possible occurrence of similar molecules and action mechanisms in mammals
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