10,757 research outputs found

    Unexpected Formation of 10-Iodo- and 10-Chlorocamphor under Halosulfonylation Conditions, and Convenient Routes to 10-Chloro- and 10-Bromocamphor

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    The generation of camphor-10-sulfonyl iodide in situ under halosulfonylation conditions or exposure of camphor-10-sulfonyl chloride to copper(II) chloride under Asscher–Vofsi conditions leads unexpectedly to the formation of 10-iodocamphor or 10-chlorocamphor, respectively. Additionally, convenient syntheses of 10-bromocamphor and 10-chlorocamphor have been achieved by extension of a previously reported methodology

    Language, Employment and Earnings in the United States: Spanish-English Differentials from 1970 to 1990

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    This paper analyzes employment and earnings differentials between Spanish speakers and English speakers in the United States, using data from the 1970, 1980, and 1990 U.S. censuses. The results show that Spanish speakers, both men and women, do not perform as well in the labor market as English speakers. The results also reveal that Spanish-English earnings and unemployment differentials increased slightly in the 1970s, most likely because of rapid growth in the number of Spanish speakers. By contrast, these differentials increased sharply in the 1980s, also a period of rapidly increasing supply. However, there is no evidence that the widening of differentials in the 1980s reflects an increase in the labor market rewards to English language proficiency. Rather, they appear to be the result of Spanish speakers having relatively little of those labor market characteristics, most notably education, whose market value increased dramatically during the 1980s.

    Models of Firm Behavior Under Minimum Wage Legislation

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    This paper sets out three simple models of firm behavior under minimum wage legislation. The key feature of these models is that they account for important aspects of the government's mechanism for monitoring and enforcing compliance with the minimum wage law. The major results of the paper are (1) that minimum wage legislation does not generally lead to upward movements along labor demand curves but rather, that it often leads to movements off, and to the left, of the labor demand curve; (2) that minimum wage legislation is likely to have a positive effect on the distribution of wages paid to workers who would earn less than the minimum in the absence of the legislation, but is not likely to bring all of those workers up to the minimum; and (3) that imposing additional penalties on second offenders promotes compliance by firms with no previous violations. The paper considers the implications of these results for empirical work on the adverse employment effects of minimum wage legislation andfor the design of government compliance mechanisms.

    Nécessité et efficacité d’une approche intégrée dans le traitement de l’inceste

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    David, se fondant sur une expérience de trois ans au Bureau de services sociaux Laval, soutient la nécessité et l'efficacité d'une approche intégrée dans le traitement de l'inceste. Après une définition de la problématique et de différents modèles de prise en charge des familles incestueuses, il décrit le modèle appliqué dans son milieu en faisant ressortir quatre niveaux d'intégration d'éléments habituellement séparés : le judiciaire et le thérapeutique, les professionnels et les bénéficiaires, les trois approches classiques en service social ainsi que différents cadres de référence théoriques

    Aménager, canaliser, encadrer juridiquement les rivières du Québec : le poids de l’histoire ?

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    L’analyse historique du cadre juridique gouvernant le droit de l’eau est naturellement induite par l’histoire législative et oblige à retourner aux sources pour cristalliser la logique juridique qui gouverne les cours d’eau du Québec. Depuis la période de la colonie, un écheveau de normes, aux visées éparses, s’est constitué autour des rivières et des incidences juridiques de leur préservation et de leur exploitation. Pourtant, au cours de l’histoire juridique du droit de l’eau, des solutions innovantes et efficaces, comme la médiation ou l’arbitrage environnemental, ont été imaginées dès les débuts de la colonie. Malheureusement, ni le législateur ni les juges ne sont parvenus à insérer suffisamment de cohérence dans cet ensemble pour le rendre à la fois pérenne et lisible pour le justiciable. Il appartient donc au législateur québécois de se dégager des règles éparses et de faire du Québec davantage qu’un système hydrique exceptionnel exploité, soit de la transformer en une véritable ressource naturelle à la gestion intégrée.An historic analysis of any set of rules regulating hydrological rights must find its roots in law and thus requires a return to sources in order to bring together the legal reasoning governing, in this case, Québec’s waterways. Since colonial times its rivers have become the subject of a maze of overlapping regulations with differing purposes, all bearing legally recognized consequences regarding hydrological uses and conservation. Yet from the outset of colonization to the present, the legal history of water rights and obligations has been a vibrant subject of innovative and effective solutions such as mediation or environmental arbitration that were conceived in the very early days of the colony. Unfortunately, neither legislators nor judges have succeeded in endowing this body of regulations with adequate coherence thereby making it long-lasting and understandable for ordinary citizens. It is therefore up to Québec legislators to breathe new life into currently scattered rules and shape them into more than just a well-run hydrologic system, but rather a true Québec natural resource with integrated management

    The Changing Labor Market Position of Canadian Immigrants

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    This paper uses pooled 1971, 1981, and 1986 Canadian census data to evaluate the extent to which (1) the earnings of Canadian immigrants at the time of immigration fall short of the earnings of comparable Canadian-born individuals, and (2) immigrants' earnings grow more rapidly over time than those of the Canadian-born. Variations in the labor market assimilation of immigrants according to their gender and country of origin are also analyzed. The results suggest that recent immigrant cohorts have had more difficulty being assimilated into the Canadian labor market than earlier ones, an apparent consequence of recent changes in Canadian immigration policy, labor market discrimination against visible minorities, and the prolonged recession of the early 1980s.

    Facile and rapid synthesis of highly luminescent nanoparticles via Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquid

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    This paper demonstrates the usefulness of pulsed laser ablation in liquids as a fast screening synthesis method able to prepare even complex compositions at the nanoscale. Nanoparticles of Y2O3:Eu3+, Lu2O2S: Eu3+, Gd2SiO5:Ce3+ and Lu3TaO7:Gd3+,Tb3+ are successfully synthesized by pulsed laser ablation in liquids. The phase and stoichiometries of the original materials are preserved while the sizes are reduced down to 5-10 nm. The optical properties of the materials are also preserved but show some small variations and some additional structures which are attributed to the specificities of the nanoscale (internal pressure, inhomogeneous broadening, surface states...
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