111 research outputs found

    Preparation Issues in Educational Leadership

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    Educational leaders have chosen to belong to one of the most important and influential professions. Not only do educators have an important impact on others, but there is a need to have a practical understanding of instruction, curriculum, and psychology. Leaders in all disciplines often relate to previous educational relationships in discussions about important moments in their lives. These relationships matter, and they provide foundational experiences for each of us

    Evaluation Change: Building Rural Teacher Capacity through International Partnerships

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    Teachers for a Better Belize (TFABB) is a partnership of educators from North America and Belize who volunteer their time to improve the training of teachers and the education of children in the rural Toledo district of Belize. TFABB aids Toledo\u27s primary-school teachers and principals with training, supplies, and facilities required to help their students achieve academic success and escape poverty. Toledo, in southernmost Belize, is the least populated and most remote area in Belize. In the 2007 midyear population estimate, Toledo had a population of 29,700 which included at least five distinct ethnic groups who have settled in Southern Belize. Punta Gorda, the largest town in the area, consists of many cultures, however, 64% of the population in the Toledo District is made up of the Mopan and Kekchi Mayas living in over 30 different villages (Statistical Institute of Belize, 2008). According to findings from the September 2007 Labour Force Survey, the unemployment rate in Toledo was 16.4%. This was the highest unemployment rate in the country. The rate among women in Toledo was even higher with one third (33.8%) of females in the labor force unemployed. Almost one fourth of youth were unemployed (24%) (Statistical Institute of Belize, 2008)

    Preparation Issues in Educational Leadership

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    Educational leaders have chosen to belong to one of the most important and influential professions. Not only do educators have an important impact on others, but there is a need to have a practical understanding of instruction, curriculum, and psychology. Leaders in all disciplines often relate to previous educational relationships in discussions about important moments in their lives. These relationships matter, and they provide foundational experiences for each of us

    The impact of initial field experience on preservice teachers’ attitude toward inclusion.

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    In the United States, up to 50% of new teachers leave the profession within 5 years (Smith & Ingersoll, 2004). This unacceptable level of sustainability of the profession is of concern to both teacher preparation institutions and the local education agencies. This paper looks at one factor that may impact the sustainability of current teacher preparation models: attitudes toward inclusion of students with disabilities in the mainstream classroom. Participants in the study were currently enrolled in 3 different phases of a teacher preparation programmes at a regional university in the United States. A survey was administered at the beginning and at the end of the semester. Results indicate that students become progressively more negative toward inclusion of students with disabilities in the general education classroom yet continue to support the social value of having all students in a general education setting. Results from the survey are presented and implications for practice are discussed

    Separation of Church and State: Fact or Fiction?

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    Court cases over the past several decades have been consistent in following the constitutional mandates separating religious issues and public education, thus eroding government sponsored activities associated with faith (Irons, 2007). This has created concern in some segments of society that values religious beliefs, and there are political groups that believe public school decline is due in part to a lack of religious instruction (Bergel, 1988). But how separate is church and state in our public schools? Are the legal precedents followed? The purpose of this paper is to look at the public schools\u27 requirements in separating issues of church and state, and measuring whether this is the reality in schools in one area of the southern United States

    Effective School Research: Teachers\u27 and Administrators Perceptions of Its Existence on Campus

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    Effective school research focuses school improvement on the variables that are within the control of educators and have the greatest potential to impact student achievement: 1) instructional leadership, 2) instructional personnel, 3) instructional environment, and 4) instructional programming. In an era of high accountability with many initiatives being proposed for school reform, effective school research continues to provide valuable research-based information to the school principal, superintendent and larger educational community. By examining the school in relation to this research-based information, educational leaders are informed about factors that promote student achievement. This study surveyed teachers and administrators on eight middle school campuses in East Texas public schools serving students in grades 6-8. Surveying teachers and administrators about the perceived presence or absence of effective school research indicators serve as an impetus to engage in dialogue about school improvement as results suggest teachers and administrators who perceived effective school research variables on their campuses were more likely to receive Exemplary or Recognized ratings from the Texas Education Agency

    Personality, preferred leadership style and principal preparation

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    This study identifies the preferred leadership styles of students enrolled in principal preparation programs and compares the styles identified by traditional public school teachers and charter school teachers who seek principal certification. Participative leadership and Goal Oriented leadership were identified as the predominant styles. Seventy-five per cent of teachers of traditional public schools identified one of these styles and 81% of teachers from charter schools identified one of these styles indicating both groups have similar preferred styles. Surprisingly, few of the participants in either group of the study were aligned with Visionary Leadership or Change Leadership. Although people have a preferred leadership style based on personality traits, it is possible to learn the skills needed for other leadership styles. The results of this study indicate emphasis should be placed on developing visionary leadership skills and change leadership skills. Hoyle (2007) emphasized the importance of understanding why some of our educational leadership program graduates fail to be successful in the field. While it is important to realize that school leaders must have good managerial skills as well as good leadership skills this research indicates students come to leadership preparation programs with a predisposition to learn management skills. Based on this research, it may be that educational leadership programs are not recognizing the need to provide specific learning approaches that lead to the development of transformational leader

    Educational computer use in the schools of southern Belize

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    Developing countries are defined by their lack of wealth (The World Bank, 2011). This means that many of the educational innovations that developed countries take for granted, such as computer availability, may naot be as accessible for educational use in developing countries. This use of technology has become an important educational tool in most nations, as increasing comfort with and knowledge of its use plays an important role in the academic development of students. In the United States, greater access to technology based instruction has increased along with more access to computer-based technology (Russell, Damian, O’Dwyer, & O’Conner, 2003). Although technology can make learning more engaging for students (Ljungdahl, 2001), lack of resources are likely to limit the ability of schools within economically challenged countries to provide these opportunities. This is true in southern Belize due to this region’s economic challenges. What is the state of technology in the schools of this area? The purpose of this study is to report on a technology survey given to the principals of the Toledo district of Belize in a meeting held in October 2010. The survey suggests that the schools lack basic resources to provide an academic foundation in technology to the students of this district

    None of Us Are as Smart as All of Us: Site Based Decision Making

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    In recent years, the educational system in the United States has been evolving from a largely centralized decision-making structure to a more decentralized one. This shift to school-based management requires fundamental changes to the organizational structure of the district as well as the roles within the organization. From administrators to parents, school based management demands a change in the status quo (Cotton, 1991). It involves shifting decision making from the central office administrators to that of local schools (Henkin, Cistone and Dee, 1999)

    Soup du Jour and So Much More: A Model for School Leader Preparation

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    Where to go in principal preparation programs is the question that has surfaced and resurfaced for over 20 years. This question paired with the current political climate that demands strong educational accountability has created a powerful impetus to change, modify, or redesign principal preparation programs
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