Educational computer use in the schools of southern Belize


Developing countries are defined by their lack of wealth (The World Bank, 2011). This means that many of the educational innovations that developed countries take for granted, such as computer availability, may naot be as accessible for educational use in developing countries. This use of technology has become an important educational tool in most nations, as increasing comfort with and knowledge of its use plays an important role in the academic development of students. In the United States, greater access to technology based instruction has increased along with more access to computer-based technology (Russell, Damian, O’Dwyer, & O’Conner, 2003). Although technology can make learning more engaging for students (Ljungdahl, 2001), lack of resources are likely to limit the ability of schools within economically challenged countries to provide these opportunities. This is true in southern Belize due to this region’s economic challenges. What is the state of technology in the schools of this area? The purpose of this study is to report on a technology survey given to the principals of the Toledo district of Belize in a meeting held in October 2010. The survey suggests that the schools lack basic resources to provide an academic foundation in technology to the students of this district

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