9 research outputs found

    Non-minimally coupled tachyon field with Noether symmetry under the Palatini approach

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    A model for a homogeneous, isotropic, flat Universe composed by dark energy and matter is investigated. Dark energy is considered to behave as a tachyon field, which is non-minimally coupled to gravity. The connection is treated as metric independent when varying the action, providing an extra term to the Lagrangian density. The self-interaction potential and coupling are naturally found by imposing a Noether symmetry to the system. We analyze the evolution of the density parameters and we compare the results obtained for the deceleration parameter, luminosity distance and Hubble parameter with those found in literature from observational data.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures to be published in the AIP Conference Proceeding

    Espalhamento de luz em uma mistura binaria de gases monoatomicos e poliatomicos

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    Orientador:Gilberto Medeiros KremerDissertacao(mestrado)-Universidade Federal do Parana, Setor de Ciencias ExatasResumo: A distribuição espectral da luz espalhada por flutuações térmicas microscópicas próximas do equilíbrio e calculada para uma mistura binaria de gases monoatômicos e poliatômicos a partir de um modelo hidrodinâmico estendido. Neste modelo, as equações hidrodinâmicas linearizadas da teoria termodinâmica irreversível são suplementadas com uma equação de relaxação para a pressão dinâmica do gás poliatômico. As moléculas do gás monoatômico são consideradas como esferas perfeitamente rígidas, elásticas e lisas, enquanto que as moléculas do gás poliatômico como esferas perfeitamente rígidas, elásticas e rugosas. Os resultados mostram que a equação de relaxação exerce grande influencia nas misturas em que a massa da partícula monoatômica e menor que a massa da molécula poliatômica, quando a concentração do gás poliatômico e muito maior que a do gás monoatômico. Como uma aplicação são analisados os espectros da luz espalhada para misturas de He - CH4, Xe - CH4 e Ne - CD4.Abstract: The spectral distribution of light scattered by microscopic thermal fluctuations about equilibrium is calculated for a binary mixture of monoatomic and poliatomic gases. The linearized hydrodynamic equations of irreversible thermodynamic theory of mixtures are supplemented with a relaxation equation for the dynamic pressure of the polyatomic gas. The molecules of the monoatomic gas are characterized by perfectly smooth, elastic and rigid spheres, while the molecules of the polyatomic gas by perfectly rough, elastic and rigid spheres. The results show that the relaxation equation has great influence for mixtures in which the mass of the monoatomic particle is lighter than the mass of the polyatomic molecule providing that the concentration of the polyatomic gas is greater than the monoatomic one. As an application the spectra of light scattered from mixtures of He - CH4, Xe - CH4 and Ne - CD4 are analysed

    Reaction rates and transport in neutron stars

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    Understanding signals from neutron stars requires knowledge about the transport inside the star. We review the transport properties and the underlying reaction rates of dense hadronic and quark matter in the crust and the core of neutron stars and point out open problems and future directions.Comment: 74 pages; commissioned for the book "Physics and Astrophysics of Neutron Stars", NewCompStar COST Action MP1304; version 3: minor changes, references updated, overview graphic added in the introduction, improvements in Sec IV.A.

    Post-Newtonian Jeans Equation for Stationary and Spherically Symmetrical Self-Gravitating Systems

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    The post-Newtonian Jeans equation for stationary self-gravitating systems is derived from the post-Newtonian Boltzmann equation in spherical coordinates. The Jeans equation is coupled with the three Poisson equations from the post-Newtonian theory. The Poisson equations are functions of the energy-momentum tensor components which are determined from the post-Newtonian Maxwell–Jüttner distribution function. As an application, the effect of a central massive black hole on the velocity dispersion profile of the host galaxy is investigated and the influence of the post-Newtonian corrections are determined

    The relativistic boltzmann equation theory and applications

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