31 research outputs found

    Best Practice Guidelines for Health Monitoring and Disease Control in Great Ape Populations

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    First paragraph: Due to their phylogenetic relatedness, great apes and humans share susceptibility to many infectious diseases, and the potential for new diseases to be transmitted to wild great apes is of particular concern (Calvignac-Spencer et al. 2012). As great ape tourism becomes more popular, great ape research more imperative, and landscape conversion more rampant, the risk that human pathogens will be introduced to immunologically naïve wild populations becomes greater, and this could result in catastrophic losses of great apes. Therefore, it is critical that tourism and research projects involving close proximity1 between great apes and people assess the risks entailed, and establish and implement disease prevention and control measures. Disease prevention should be regarded as a top priority, recognising that it is easier and more economical to prevent the introduction of an infectious agent into a great ape population, than to attempt to treat, control or eradicate a health problem once introduced. Disease prevention programmes should be centred on monitoring health parameters, and modifying human activities accordingly, in order to reduce the risk of disease transmission to great apes. By design, such programmes will also minimise the risk of disease transfer from great apes to humans, and even from humans to other humans. Continual monitoring of the health of great apes forms the basis for establishing what is normal and abnormal and thus improves our understanding of great ape population health, allows us to determine the effectiveness of disease prevention and health management strategies, and provides a basis for conducting responsible and reasonable health interventions when needed.  To access this book go to: https://portals.iucn.org/library/node/4579

    Lignes directrices pour de meilleures pratiques en matière de suivi de la santé et de contrôle des maladies des populations de grands singes

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    Ces lignes directrices ont pour objectif de fournir aux gouvernements, aux décideurs politiques, aux acteurs de la conservation, aux chercheurs, aux professionnels du tourisme de vision des grands singes et aux bailleurs de fonds des recommandations en terme de meilleures pratiques pour le suivi sanitaire des grands singes et la prévention des maladies. Ces recommandations reprennent et mettent à jour, le cas échéant, les normes antérieures de protection sanitaire recommandées par Homsy (1999). Tout en reconnaissant que le risque zéro de maladie n’existe pas et que les mesures de prévention ou de contrôle de la propagation des maladies n’élimineront jamais le risque, ces recommandations visent principalement à minimiser, plutôt qu’à tenter d’éliminer la menace de transmission de maladies des hommes aux grands singes. L’application des meilleures pratiques présentées ici devrait réduire substantiellement les risques que les activités humaines peuvent poser à la santé des grands singes, et ce faisant, envoyer un signal clair d’engagement vis-à-vis de la conservation des grands singes

    Best Practice Guidelines for Health Monitoring and Disease Control in Great Ape Populations

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    First paragraph: Due to their phylogenetic relatedness, great apes and humans share susceptibility to many infectious diseases, and the potential for new diseases to be transmitted to wild great apes is of particular concern (Calvignac-Spencer et al. 2012). As great ape tourism becomes more popular, great ape research more imperative, and landscape conversion more rampant, the risk that human pathogens will be introduced to immunologically naïve wild populations becomes greater, and this could result in catastrophic losses of great apes. Therefore, it is critical that tourism and research projects involving close proximity1 between great apes and people assess the risks entailed, and establish and implement disease prevention and control measures. Disease prevention should be regarded as a top priority, recognising that it is easier and more economical to prevent the introduction of an infectious agent into a great ape population, than to attempt to treat, control or eradicate a health problem once introduced. Disease prevention programmes should be centred on monitoring health parameters, and modifying human activities accordingly, in order to reduce the risk of disease transmission to great apes. By design, such programmes will also minimise the risk of disease transfer from great apes to humans, and even from humans to other humans. Continual monitoring of the health of great apes forms the basis for establishing what is normal and abnormal and thus improves our understanding of great ape population health, allows us to determine the effectiveness of disease prevention and health management strategies, and provides a basis for conducting responsible and reasonable health interventions when needed.  To access this book go to: https://portals.iucn.org/library/node/4579

    Confirmation of Skywalker Hoolock Gibbon (Hoolock tianxing) in Myanmar extends known geographic range of an endangered primate

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    Characterizing genetically distinct populations of primates is important for protecting biodiversity and effectively allocating conservation resources. Skywalker gibbons (Hoolock tianxing) were first described in 2017, with the only confirmed population consisting of 150 individuals in Mt. Gaoligong, Yunnan Province, China. Based on river geography, the distribution of the skywalker gibbon has been hypothesized to extend into Myanmar between the N’Mai Kha and Ayeyarwaddy Rivers to the west, and the Salween River (named the Thanlwin River in Myanmar and Nujiang River in China) to the east. We conducted acoustic point-count sampling surveys, collected noninvasive samples for molecular mitochondrial cytochrome b gene identification, and took photographs for morphological identification at six sites in Kachin State and three sites in Shan State to determine the presence of skywalker gibbons in predicted suitable forest areas in Myanmar. We also conducted 50 semistructured interviews with members of communities surrounding gibbon range forests to understand potential threats. In Kachin State, we audio-recorded 23 gibbon groups with group densities ranging between 0.57 and 3.6 group/km2. In Shan State, we audio-recorded 21 gibbon groups with group densities ranging between 0.134 and 1.0 group/km2. Based on genetic data obtained from skin and saliva samples, the gibbons were identified as skywalker gibbons (99.54–100% identity). Although these findings increase the species’ known population size and confirmed distribution, skywalker gibbons in Myanmar are threatened by local habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation. Most of the skywalker gibbon population in Myanmar exists outside protected areas. Therefore, the IUCN Red List status of the skywalker gibbon should remain as Endangered

    Panduan Pengawasan Kesehatan dan Pengendalian Penyakit pada Populasi Kera Besar

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    First paragraph: Disebabkan oleh kedekatan filogenetisnya, kera besar dan manusia berbagi kerentanan terhadap banyak penyakit menular, dan potensi penyakit baru ditransmisikan ke kera besar liar adalah sebuah keprihatian khusus (CalvignacSpencer et al. 2012). Dengan wisata kera besar yang semakin populer, penelitian kera besar semakin penting, dan perubahan tutupan lahan yang semakin menjadi-jadi, resiko patogen manusia akan masuk ke populasi liar yang naif secara imunologis menjadi semakin besar pula, dan ini dapat berakibat pada kehilangan jumlah populasi kera besar yang katastropik. Maka dari itu, sangat penting bahwa proyek-proyek konservasi yang melibatkan kedekatan erat1 antara kera besar dan manusia menilai resiko yang terkandung, dan menetapkan serta mengimplementasikan langkah-langkah pencegahan dan pengendalian penyakit. Pengendalian dan pencegahan penyakit harus dianggap sebagai prioritas utama, mengakui bahwa lebih mudah dan lebih ekonomis untuk mencegah masuknya sebuah agen infeksius ke sebuah populasi kera besar daripada berusaha mengobati, mengendalikan atau memusnahkan sebuah masalah kesehatan setelah hal tersebut masuk. Program pencegahan penyakit harus terpusat pada pengawasan parameter kesehatan dan memodifikasi aktifitas manusia sesuai dengan parameter-parameter tersebut untuk mengurangi resiko penyebaran penyakit ke kera besar. Dalam rancangannya, program demikian juga akan mengurangi resiko penyebaran penyakit dari kera besar ke manusia, dan bahkan dari manusia ke manusia lain. Pengawasan terus menerus atas kesehatan kera besar membentuk dasar untuk menetapkan apa yang normal dan abnormal; dan dengan demikian meningkatkan pemahaman kita mengenai kesehatan populasi kera besar, memungkinkan kita untuk menentukan efektifitas strategi pencegahan penyakit dan manajemen kesehatan, dan menyediakan dasar untuk melakukan intervensi kesehatan yang bertanggung jawab dan masuk akal ketika diperlukan