1,560 research outputs found

    Apache Hadoop, platform for the collection, processing and analysis of large data sets

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    The article presents the possibilities of using Hadoop platform to manage large data sets. The development of application performance has been shown based on available sources. Additionally, the article describes the organizations that have been successful in the Internet thanks to the implemented software

    New Objective Refraction Metric Based on Sphere Fitting to the Wavefront

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    Purpose. To develop an objective refraction formula based on the ocular wavefront error (WFE) expressed in terms of Zernike coefficients and pupil radius, which would be an accurate predictor of subjective spherical equivalent (SE) for different pupil sizes. Methods. A sphere is fitted to the ocular wavefront at the center and at a variable distance, t. The optimal fitting distance, topt, is obtained empirically from a dataset of 308 eyes as a function of objective refraction pupil radius, r0, and used to define the formula of a new wavefront refraction metric (MTR). The metric is tested in another, independent dataset of 200 eyes. Results. For pupil radii r0≤2 mm, the new metric predicts the equivalent sphere with similar accuracy (2 mm, the mean error of traditional metrics can increase beyond 0.25D, and the MTR remains accurate. The proposed metric allows clinicians to obtain an accurate clinical spherical equivalent value without rescaling/refitting of the wavefront coefficients. It has the potential to be developed into a metric which will be able to predict full spherocylindrical refraction for the desired illumination conditions and corresponding pupil size


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    Przezskórna embolizacja tętnicy nerkowej (PRAE, percutaneous renal artery embolisation) jest zabiegiem wykonywanym od ponad 40 lat [1] obarczonym niskim odsetkiem powikłań [2]. Trzeba jednak pamiętać, iż przy sporej atrakcyjności tego zabiegu dla chorego, niestety, nie ma dowodów potwierdzających korzystny wpływ PRAE na rokowanie odległe u chorych z rakiem nerki

    Analysis of Distributed Systems Dynamics with Erlang Performance Lab

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    Modern, highly concurrent and large-scale systems require new methods for design, testing and monitoring. Their dynamics and scale require real-time tools, providing a holistic view of the whole system and the ability of showing a more detailed view when needed. Such tools can help identifying the causes of unwanted states, which is hardly possible with static analysis or metrics-based approach. In this paper a new tool for analysis of distributed systems in Erlang is presented. It provides real-time monitoring of system dynamics on different levels of abstraction. The tool has been used for analyzing a large-scale urban traffic simulation system running on a cluster of 20 computing nodes

    Comparison of the Efficiency of Williamson and Anderson Turn Manoeuvre

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    The paper presents comparison of the ‘Person over board’ manoeuvres. The article was based on research con-ducted on a group of students of the Faculty of Navigation of Gdynia Maritime University. People involved in studies previously conducted on board training on school training ships: "Dar M?odzie?y" and "Horyzont II", but did not have experience as an officers. Research was carried on the Polaris Ships Bridge Simulator, located at the faculty of Navigation, of Gdynia Maritime University

    Modyfikacja metody „T and protrusion” z wykorzystaniem stentu BiOSS LimC oraz klasycznego stentu lekowego w terapii bifurkacji pnia lewej tętnicy wieńcowej u pacjenta z zawałem serca z uniesieniem odcinka ST

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    The following case report concerns 61 year old male with a history of hipertension, type 2 diabetes, admitted because of antero-lateral STEMI with typical chest pain of 6 hours duration and orthopnoe. He was given loading dose of ASA and ticagrelor ,unfractioned heparin, also intravenous morphine and furosemide and has been transferred directly to the cath-lab. Coronary angio via femoral approach revealed critical, ostial Medina 0,1,1 type lesions in Left Anterior Descending (LAD) and Circumflex Artery (Cx), 70 % stenosis in marginal branch, fairly normal recessive right coronary artery (RCA), with TIMI 1 flow in LAD and TIMI 3 Cx and RCA. Taking into consideration lesions morphology and TIMI 1 flow in LAD, 2 stent strategy was chosen using bifurcation dedicated stent (BiossLimC , Balton, PL) and T-and protrusion (TAP) with successful result and immediate regression of chest pain and dyspnoea. Small, stable distal edge dissection was noted, however because of severe lumbar pain patient asked for ending the procedure as fast as possible and eventually IVUS evaluation was not performed. During next 5 days of hospitalization, patient was free of any sympthoms, quickly mobilized and dicharged, his blood tests were with typical troponin dynamics. His echocardiographic assessment revealed LVEF of 38%, akinesis of inferior wall and antero-lateral hypokinesis. He was discharged on ASA, ticagrelor, atorvastatin, eplerenon, ramipril, nebivolol, pantoprazole, metformin, insuline and scheduled for further evaluation in the context of indications for an ICD.Opis przypadku dotyczy 61-letniego pacjenta z nadciśnieniemtętniczym i cukrzycą typu 2, przyjętego z rozpoznaniem zawałuz uniesieniem odcinka ST (STEMI, ST-elevation myocardialinfarction) ściany przednio-bocznej. W wywiadzie dławicawysiłkowa od kilku miesięcy poprzedzających hospitalizację,w dniu przyjęcia silny, spoczynkowy ból dławicowy, trwającyokoło 6 godzin. Chory został przyjęty bezpośrednio do pracownihemodynamiki, wymagał podaży morfiny ze względu na silnedolegliwości bólowe oraz dożylnie furosemidu ze względu naobjawy zastoju w krążeniu małym. W koronarografii z dostępuprzez tętnicę udową wykazano krytyczne zwężenia ze zwapnieniamiw początkowych odcinkach gałęzi przedniej zstępującej(GPZ) i gałęzi okalającej (GO) (Medina 0,1,1) oraz około70-procentowe zwężenie w gałęzi marginalnej (GM) 1, przyrecesywnej prawej tętnicy wieńcowej (PTW), z przepływemTIMI 1 w GPZ i TIMI 3 w GO. Ze względu na morfologię zmianyzadecydowano o dwustentowej metodzie leczenia, z zastosowaniemstentu dedykowanego do leczenia bifurkacji-BIOSSLimC (Balton). Angioplastykę z implantacją 2 stentów pokrytychcytostatykim wykonano metodą zmodyfikowanego TAP(T and Protrusion), uzyskując przepływ TIMI (thrombolysis inmyocardial infarction) 3 w GPZ i GO. W kontrolnych projekcjachwykazano brzeżną, stabilną dyssekcję przy dystalnym brzegustentu w GPZ. Ze względu na brak zgody chorego na kontynuacjęzabiegu ostatecznie nie wykonano oceny ultrasonografii wewnątrznaczyniowej(IVUS, intravascular ultrasound). W trakciedalszej obserwacji pacjent bez dolegliwości dławicowych, bezobjawów niewydolności serca. W badaniach laboratoryjnychodnotowano wysokie wartości markerów martwiczych. W badaniuechokardiograficznym uwidoczniono akinezę ściany dolneji przegrody, hipokinezę ściany przedniej i bocznej z frakcjąwyrzutową 38%. Po 5 dobach hospitalizacji, pacjenta wypisanodobrym stanie ogólnym, z zaleceniem przyjmowania kwasuacetylosalicylowego, tikagreloru, atorwastatyny, eplerenonu,ramiprilu, nebiwololu, pantoprazolu, metforminy i insuliny

    Identification of CD34+/PGDFRΑ+ valve interstitial cells (vics) in human aortic valves : association of their abundance, morphology and spatial organization with early calcific remodeling

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    Aortic valve interstitial cells (VICs) constitute a heterogeneous population involved in the maintenance of unique valvular architecture, ensuring proper hemodynamic function but also engaged in valve degeneration. Recently, cells similar to telocytes/interstitial Cajal-like cells described in various organs were found in heart valves. The aim of this study was to examine the density, distribution, and spatial organization of a VIC subset co-expressing CD34 and PDGFRα in normal aortic valves and to investigate if these cells are associated with the occurrence of early signs of valve calcific remodeling. We examined 28 human aortic valves obtained upon autopsy. General valve morphology and the early signs of degeneration were assessed histochemically. The studied VICs were identified by immunofluorescence (CD34, PDGFRα, vimentin), and their number in standardized parts and layers of the valves was evaluated. In order to show the complex three-dimensional structure of CD34+/PDGFRα+ VICs, whole-mount specimens were imaged by confocal microscopy, and subsequently rendered using the Imaris (Bitplane AG, Zürich, Switzerland) software. CD34+/PDGFRα+ VICs were found in all examined valves, showing significant differences in the number, distribution within valve tissue, spatial organization, and morphology (spherical/oval without projections; numerous short projections; long, branching, occasionally moniliform projections). Such a complex morphology was associated with the younger age of the subjects, and these VICs were more frequent in the spongiosa layer of the valve. Both the number and percentage of CD34+/PDGFRα+ VICs were inversely correlated with the age of the subjects. Valves with histochemical signs of early calcification contained a lower number of CD34+/PDGFRα+ cells. They were less numerous in proximal parts of the cusps, i.e., areas prone to calcification. The results suggest that normal aortic valves contain a subpopulation of CD34+/PDGFRα+ VICs, which might be involved in the maintenance of local microenvironment resisting to pathologic remodeling. Their reduced number in older age could limit the self-regenerative properties of the valve stroma

    Serum concentrations of angiopoietin-2 and soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 (sFlt-1) are associated with coagulopathy among patients with acute pancreatitis

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    In severe acute pancreatitis (SAP), systemic inflammation leads to endothelial dysfunction and activation of coagulation. Thrombotic disorders in acute pancreatitis (AP) include disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). Recently, angiopoietin-2 and soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 (sFlt-1) were proposed as markers of endothelial dysfunction in acute states. Our aim was to assess the frequency of coagulation abnormalities in the early phase of AP and evaluate the relationships between serum angiopoietin-2 and sFlt-1 and severity of coagulopathy. Sixty-nine adult patients with AP were recruited: five with SAP, 15 with moderately severe AP (MSAP) and 49 with mild AP. Six patients were diagnosed with DIC according to International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) score. All patients had at least one abnormal result of routine tests of hemostasis (low platelet count, prolonged clotting times, decreased fibrinogen, and increased D-dimer). The severity of coagulopathy correlated with AP severity according to 2012 Atlanta criteria, bedside index of severity in AP and duration of hospital stay. D-dimers correlated independently with C-reactive protein and studied markers of endothelial dysfunction. Angiopoietin-2, D-dimer, and ISTH score were best predictors of SAP, while sFlt-1 was good predictor of MSAP plus SAP. In clinical practice, routine tests of hemostasis may assist prognosis of AP

    The CAMOMILE Collaborative Annotation Platform for Multi-modal, Multi-lingual and Multi-media Documents

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    International audienceIn this paper, we describe the organization and the implementation of the CAMOMILE collaborative annotation framework for multimodal, multimedia, multilingual (3M) data. Given the versatile nature of the analysis which can be performed on 3M data, the structure of the server was kept intentionally simple in order to preserve its genericity, relying on standard Web technologies. Layers of annotations, defined as data associated to a media fragment from the corpus, are stored in a database and can be managed through standard interfaces with authentication. Interfaces tailored specifically to the needed task can then be developed in an agile way, relying on simple but reliable services for the management of the centralized annotations. We then present our implementation of an active learning scenario for person annotation in video, relying on the CAMOMILE server; during a dry run experiment, the manual annotation of 716 speech segments was thus propagated to 3504 labeled tracks. The code of the CAMOMILE framework is distributed in open source