3,330 research outputs found

    Model-driven Engineering IDE for Quality Assessment of Data-intensive Applications

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    This article introduces a model-driven engineering (MDE) integrated development environment (IDE) for Data-Intensive Cloud Applications (DIA) with iterative quality enhancements. As part of the H2020 DICE project (ICT-9-2014, id 644869), a framework is being constructed and it is composed of a set of tools developed to support a new MDE methodology. One of these tools is the IDE which acts as the front-end of the methodology and plays a pivotal role in integrating the other tools of the framework. The IDE enables designers to produce from the architectural structure of the general application along with their properties and QoS/QoD annotations up to the deployment model. Administrators, quality assurance engineers or software architects may also run and examine the output of the design and analysis tools in addition to the designer in order to assess the DIA quality in an iterative process

    Sagnac interference in Carbon nanotube loops

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    In this paper we study electron interference in nanotube loops. The conductance as a function of the applied voltage is shown to oscillate due to interference between electron beams traversing the loop in two opposite directions, with slightly different velocities. The period of these oscillations with respect to the gate voltage, as well as the temperatures required for the effect to appear, are shown to be much larger than those of the related Fabry-Perot interference. This effect is analogous to the Sagnac effect in light interferometers. We calculate the effect of interactions on the period of the oscillations, and show that even though interactions destroy much of the near-degeneracy of velocities in the symmetric spin channel, the slow interference effects survive.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    People in DH&S: Jack H. Vaughan

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    Client Profile: Hughes Tool Company

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    Creation and Business Plan of the project UniRealidad

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    Treballs Finals del Grau de d'Administració i Direcció d'Empreses, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2017-2018 , Tutor: Yuliya Kasperskaya(eng) This essay includes the Business Plan for the non-profit association UniRealidad. UniRealidad is a project, which aims to improve the transparency and information access within the educational sector. The project describes the new audiovisual platform of getting informed about educational opportunities. It is differentiated from the existing approaches by goodquality and user-friendly service.(cat) Aquest assaig inclou el Pla d'empresa per a l'associació sense ànim de lucre UniRealidad. UniRealidad és un projecte que té com a objectiu millorar l'accés a la transparència i la informació dins del sector educatiu. El projecte descriu la nova plataforma audiovisual per informar-se sobre les oportunitats educatives. Es diferencia dels enfocaments existents per un servei de bona qualitat i fàcil d'utilitzar

    Sagnac interference in Carbon nanotubes

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    The Sagnac interference mode arises when two interfering counterpropogating beams traverse a loop, but with their velocities detuned by a small amount 2u2u, with vR/L=vF±uv_{R/L}=v_F\pm u. In this paper we perform a perturbative non-equilibrium calculation of Sagnac interference in single channel wires as well as armchair nanotube loops. We study the dependence of the Sagnac conductance oscillations on temperature and interactions. We find that the Sagnac interference is not destroyed by strong interactions, but becomes weakly dependent on the velocity detuning uu. In armchairs nanotubes with typical interaction strength, 0.25≤g≤0.50.25 \leq g \leq 0.5, we find that the necessary temperature for observing the interference effect, TSAGT_{SAG} is also only weakly dependent on the interaction, and is enhanced by a factor of 8 relative to the temperature necessary for observing Fabry-Perot interference in the same system, TFPT_{FP}.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Les femmes dans les métiers d’art des Pays-Bas bourguignons au xve siècle

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    Les études récentes ont montré que les femmes ont participé, tout au long du Moyen Age, à l’activité économique. Pourtant, leur place dans la production artistique médiévale est généralement ignorée des historiens de l’art, alors même que l’étude de la production d’un artiste ou d’un milieu montre clairement, par les sources et les œuvres, qu’elles ont été présentes à chaque étape du processus de création. La confrontation de la norme à la pratique, par l’analyse de la réglementation de la gilde de Saint-Luc de quatorze villes (Nord, Flandre, Hainaut et Brabant) et des registres d’inscription à la gilde des métiers du livre brugeois, a permis de mettre en perspective les activités des femmes dans les métiers d’art. Elles apparaissent comme maîtresses, ayant passé la maîtrise du métier – et pas seulement de métiers dits féminins –, dirigeant l’atelier, aux côtés du mari ou seules (célibataires ou veuves) apprenties, formant parfois des garçons ou des filles au métier. Elles sont aussi les premières victimes des crises économiques.Recent studies have shown that women took an active part in economic activity throughout the Middle Ages. Art historians have ignored, however, the role they played in the artistic production of the time even though the study of an artist's or a milieu's production clearly shows, thanks to the sources and works involved, that they were present at every stage of the process. This article highlight their activities in artistic trades through an analysis of the Saint-Luc guild rules from fourteen cities of Northern France, Flanders, Hainaut and Brabant and the registers of the book trade guild of Bruges. Women appear as ‘maîtresses’, persons having passed a master's degree in this craft, and were not restricted to jobs devoted to their sex. As a result, they ran workshops, either with their husbands or on their own (single or widowed), and occasionally trained young boys and girls in the trade. They were also the first victims of economic crises
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