33 research outputs found

    The Asymmetric Rotor. IX. The Heavy Water Bands at 2787 cm^–1 and 5373 cm^–1

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    The combination band (110) of the two stretching fundamentals of D2O is reported and analyzed to yield nu0=5373.2 cm^–1 and the excited state moments of inertia 1.910, 3.931, and 5.929×10^–40 g cm^2. The same method of analysis applied to the unsymmetrical fundamental band (100) envelope gives nu0=2787.5 cm^–1 and the excited state moments 1.881, 3.876, and 5.843×10^–40 g cm^2

    The infra-red spectrum of hydrogen peroxide

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    The absorption spectrum of hydrogen peroxide vapor was examined under low dispersion in the range 2–15”. Four bands were observed at 3590, 2630, 1255, and 877 cm^–1. The spectrum of the liquid also was measured between 2 and 21”; it showed five bands at about 3400, 2780, 1350, 880, and 550 cm^–1. The last one, which seems very diffuse, is presumably the torsional oscillation of the OH groups; as such it corresponds to a potential energy barrier of the order of 4 kcal./mole. New assignments are proposed in agreement with the model of Penney and Sutherland. Under high dispersion the second harmonic O--H frequency was found to consist of two identical hybrid bands at 7036.6 and 7041.8 cm^–1, of which the rotational constant for the ground state is in perfect agreement with that already found for the third harmonic band. The explanation given previously for the doublet character of the vibrational levels of hydrogen peroxide is further substantiated by the present results. From both vibrational and rotational data the O--H distance in hydrogen peroxide appears to be slightly greater than that in water

    The Infra-Red Bands of Hydrogen Peroxide at lambda9720 and the Structure and Torsional Oscillation of Hydrogen Peroxide

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    A high dispersion study of the OH bands of hydrogen peroxide in the photographic infra-red is described. The rotational structure of the two hybrid bands at 10,283.68 cm^—1 and 10,291.08 cm^—1 is analyzed. The small moment of inertia of hydrogen peroxide is found to be 2.786 × 10^—40 g cm^2 while the harmonic mean of the two larger moments of inertia is found to be approximately 33.9 × 10^—40 g cm^2. The planar cis-configuration is ruled out spectroscopically and it is concluded that hydrogen peroxide exists in a non-planar form. It is tentatively decided that the vibrational levels of hydrogen peroxide are doubled and that the double minimum potential associated with the internal rotation of the OH groups has a high and a low barrie

    A Vacuum Spectrograph for the Infra-Red

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    A description is given of a 1-meter focus vacuum grating spectrometer for the infra-red which is distinguished by its versatility and compactness of design. The vacuum container is tubular in form and all optical parts are mounted on a carriage which is readily retractable from the case for adjustment. A novel feature is the use of a sine screw drive which gives a linear wave-length scale. A representative spectrum tracing is given

    Immediate versus sustained effects: interrupted time series analysis of a tailored intervention

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    Background: Detailed intervention descriptions and robust evaluations that test intervention impact—and explore reasons for impact—are an essential part of progressing implementation science. Time series designs enable the impact and sustainability of intervention effects to be tested. When combined with time series designs, qualitative methods can provide insight into intervention effectiveness and help identify areas for improvement for future interventions. This paper describes the development, delivery, and evaluation of a tailored intervention designed to increase primary health care professionals’ adoption of a national recommendation that women with mild to moderate postnatal depression (PND) are referred for psychological therapy as a first stage treatment. Methods: Three factors influencing referral for psychological treatment were targeted using three related intervention components: a tailored educational meeting, a tailored educational leaflet, and changes to an electronic system data template used by health professionals during consultations for PND. Evaluation comprised time series analysis of monthly audit data on percentage referral rates and monthly first prescription rates for anti-depressants. Interviews were conducted with a sample of health professionals to explore their perceptions of the intervention components and to identify possible factors influencing intervention effectiveness. Results: The intervention was associated with a significant, immediate, positive effect upon percentage referral rates for psychological treatments. This effect was not sustained over the ten month follow-on period. Monthly rates of anti-depressant prescriptions remained consistently high after the intervention. Qualitative interview findings suggest key messages received from the intervention concerned what appropriate antidepressant prescribing is, suggesting this to underlie the lack of impact upon prescribing rates. However, an understanding that psychological treatment can have long-term benefits was also cited. Barriers to referral identified before intervention were cited again after the intervention, suggesting the intervention had not successfully tackled the barriers targeted. Conclusion: A time series design allowed the initial and sustained impact of our intervention to be tested. Combined with qualitative interviews, this provided insight into intervention effectiveness. Future research should test factors influencing intervention sustainability, and promote adoption of the targeted behavior and dis-adoption of competing behaviors where appropriate

    N° 100. — Polymorphisme du cyano-2 Ă©thanol

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    Une Ă©tude des spectres infrarouges du cyano-2 Ă©thanol CNCH2CH2OH Ă  l’état solide a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© l’existence de deux phases cristallines distinctes. Le cristal II, (point de fusion: — 45 °C) s'obtient normalement par devitrification vers — 90° du solide amorphe rĂ©sultant soit de la surfusion du liquide, soit de la condensation de la vapeur Ă  trĂšs basse tempĂ©rature. Quant au cristal I (point de fusion: —40 °C), on peut l’obtenir en fondant le cristal II et en refroidissant aussitĂŽt le liquide avant que sa tempĂ©rature ne dĂ©passe — 35°. Les effets de surface sont importants dans la prĂ©paration Ăźle ce cristal mĂ©tastable. Il est constituĂ© de molĂ©cules isomĂšres trans et gauches en proportions fixes tandis que le cristal II ne contient que l’isomĂšre gauche, le plus stable

    Étude spectroscopique d'un isomùre du peroxyde d'hydrogùne

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    An Electron Diffraction Study of Hydrogen Peroxide and Hydrazine

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    We undertook the investigation of the hydrogen peroxide and hydrazine molecules in order to determine the lengths of the oxygen-oxygen and nitrogen-nitrogen covalent single bonds which they contain, and so directly to fix the values of the corresponding single-bond covalent radii which had previously been estimated only by indirect methods. Because of the relatively low scattering power of hydrogen atoms nothing could be learned about the other interatomic distances in hydrogen peroxide, and only rough values were found for hydrazine. We wanted also to study hydroxylamine, but its instability was even more troublesome than that of hydrogen peroxide and we gave up our efforts to photograph it after a few unsuccessful attempts