213 research outputs found

    Reorganization in the public sector :

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    Effets des racines, des vers de terre et du compost sur les propriétés physiques de technosols construits

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    Les technosols construits sont une alternative au prélèvement de terre végétale en milieu naturel. La gestion durable de ces technosols suppose de comprendre l'évolution de leurs propriétés hydriques. Nous avons analysé les courbes de retrait de technosols dont la teneur en compost varie de 0 à 50%, en présence ou non de plantes et/ou de vers de terre. Les résultats montrent que ces organismes expliquent plus la variance (19%) des propriétés hydriques du sol que la dose de compost (14%). Le compost et les plantes jouent un rôle positif sur l'eau disponible présente à la fois dans la macroporosité et dans la microporosité, les vers de terre jouant un rôle positif uniquement sur cette dernière. L'effet conjoint des organismes et du compost explique davantage la variance ( 40%) que les effets simples de ces facteurs. En règle générale, l'effet simple du compost est inférieur à celui des plantes et des vers

    Physiological and Pathophysiological Roles of Metabolic Pathways for NET Formation and Other Neutrophil Functions.

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    Neutrophils are the most numerous cells in the leukocyte population and essential for innate immunity. To limit their effector functions, neutrophils are able to modulate glycolysis and other cellular metabolic pathways. These metabolic pathways are essential not only for energy usage, but also for specialized effector actions, such as the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), chemotaxis, phagocytosis, degranulation, and the formation of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs). It has been demonstrated that activated viable neutrophils can produce NETs, which consists of a DNA scaffold able to bind granule proteins and microorganisms. The formation of NETs requires the availability of increased amounts of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) as it is an active cellular and therefore energy-dependent process. In this article, we discuss the glycolytic and other metabolic routes in association with neutrophil functions focusing on their role for building up NETs in the extracellular space. A better understanding of the requirements of metabolic pathways for neutrophil functions may lead to the discovery of molecular targets suitable to develop novel anti-infectious and/or anti-inflammatory drugs

    Metabolomic Response of Calotropis procera Growing in the Desert to Changes in Water Availability

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    Water availability is a major limitation for agricultural productivity. Plants growing in severe arid climates such as deserts provide tools for studying plant growth and performance under extreme drought conditions. The perennial species Calotropis procera used in this study is a shrub growing in many arid areas which has an exceptional ability to adapt and be productive in severe arid conditions. We describe the results of studying the metabolomic response of wild C procera plants growing in the desert to a one time water supply. Leaves of C. procera plants were taken at three time points before and 1 hour, 6 hours and 12 hours after watering and subjected to a metabolomics and lipidomics analysis. Analysis of the data reveals that within one hour after watering C. procera has already responded on the metabolic level to the sudden water availability as evidenced by major changes such as increased levels of most amino acids, a decrease in sucrose, raffinose and maltitol, a decrease in storage lipids (triacylglycerols) and an increase in membrane lipids including photosynthetic membranes. These changes still prevail at the 6 hour time point after watering however 12 hours after watering the metabolomics data are essentially indistinguishable from the prewatering state thus demonstrating not only a rapid response to water availability but also a rapid response to loss of water. Taken together these data suggest that the ability of C. procera to survive under the very harsh drought conditions prevailing in the desert might be associated with its rapid adjustments to water availability and losses

    Acromegaly and gigantism in the medical literature. Case descriptions in the era before and the early years after the initial publication of Pierre Marie (1886)

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    In 1886 Pierre Marie used the term “acromegaly” for the first time and gave a full description of the characteristic clinical picture. However several others had already given clear clinical descriptions before him and sometimes had given the disease other names. After 1886, it gradually became clear that pituitary enlargement (caused by a pituitary adenoma) was the cause and not the consequence of acromegaly, as initially thought. Pituitary adenomas could be found in the great majority of cases. It also became clear that acromegaly and gigantism were the same disease but occurring at different stages of life and not different diseases as initially thought. At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century most information was derived from case descriptions and post-mortem examinations of patients with acromegaly or (famous) patients with gigantism. The stage was set for further research into the pathogenesis, diagnosis and therapy of acromegaly and gigantism

    Human physiologically based pharmacokinetic model for propofol

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    BACKGROUND: Propofol is widely used for both short-term anesthesia and long-term sedation. It has unusual pharmacokinetics because of its high lipid solubility. The standard approach to describing the pharmacokinetics is by a multi-compartmental model. This paper presents the first detailed human physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model for propofol. METHODS: PKQuest, a freely distributed software routine , was used for all the calculations. The "standard human" PBPK parameters developed in previous applications is used. It is assumed that the blood and tissue binding is determined by simple partition into the tissue lipid, which is characterized by two previously determined set of parameters: 1) the value of the propofol oil/water partition coefficient; 2) the lipid fraction in the blood and tissues. The model was fit to the individual experimental data of Schnider et. al., Anesthesiology, 1998; 88:1170 in which an initial bolus dose was followed 60 minutes later by a one hour constant infusion. RESULTS: The PBPK model provides a good description of the experimental data over a large range of input dosage, subject age and fat fraction. Only one adjustable parameter (the liver clearance) is required to describe the constant infusion phase for each individual subject. In order to fit the bolus injection phase, for 10 or the 24 subjects it was necessary to assume that a fraction of the bolus dose was sequestered and then slowly released from the lungs (characterized by two additional parameters). The average weighted residual error (WRE) of the PBPK model fit to the both the bolus and infusion phases was 15%; similar to the WRE for just the constant infusion phase obtained by Schnider et. al. using a 6-parameter NONMEM compartmental model. CONCLUSION: A PBPK model using standard human parameters and a simple description of tissue binding provides a good description of human propofol kinetics. The major advantage of a PBPK model is that it can be used to predict the changes in kinetics produced by variations in physiological parameters. As one example, the model simulation of the changes in pharmacokinetics for morbidly obese subjects is discussed

    Expressão gênica induzida por estresses abióticos em nódulos de feijão-caupi

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito isolado ou simultâneo dos estresses hídrico e térmico na expressão gênica em nódulos de feijão-caupi. A bactéria Bradyrhizobium japonicum (estirpe BR 3267) foi inoculada em sementes de feijão-caupi da cultivar IPA 206 e, 35 dias após a germinação, as plantas foram submetidas a diferentes regimes de disponibilidade hídrica e a estresse térmico, em casa de vegetação. Para a identificação dos genes diferencialmente expressos, foi utilizada a técnica de cDNA-AFLP, tendo-se isolado 67 fragmentos derivados de transcritos (FDTs) diferencialmente expressos. Após o sequenciamento dos FDTs e das análises de similaridade, com uso do programa Blastx, foram identificados 14 genes diferencialmente expressos envolvidos em diferentes processos metabólicos. O padrão de expressão de seis genes sob estresse abiótico foi confirmado por RT-qPCR, e observou-se indução de genes pertencentes a diferentes categorias funcionais, como biossíntese de ácido abscísico, sinalização celular, transportador de prolina e biossíntese de lipídeos de membranas. A expressão desses genes indica sua participação em processos relacionados à proteção dos nódulos ao estresse abiótico